120 - Sichuan, China (11)

The sound of sharp intakes of breath echoed in response to Dang Hwa-seo's words. Dang Seonjung's expression twisted grotesquely. "…Drop the pretense of conspiracy." "Why would I fabricate stories out of thin air?" Dang Hwa-seo remembered clearly. The words exchanged between Dang Seonjung and Dang Yeoran on the day of her parents' funeral. And the fact that they had become intimately involved that day. How could one be so recklessly indiscreet and thoughtless? Dang Hwa-seo remarked, "So, since I've melted my right hand, you suggest I should melt your left in return?" "Head of the Sect!" "Not your head of the sect." Dang Seonjung's body quivered. With eyes sharpened to a point, Dang Hwa-seo declared, "I am here in the capacity of Poison Phoenix, the leader of the Martial Alliance." It was not a matter of revenge. Dang Hwa-seo was not so frivolously emotional to engage in such acts. Her reason for being so harsh was singular. "I am here to punish acts that contravene the principles of the martial world in the name of the alliance." The principle of humanity. Dang Clan had not adhered to it. Before being pillars of the martial world, they were martial artists who should not engage in such acts. Randomly capturing civilians for experiments and killing one's own kin, such acts against the heavenly principles were impermissible. "I will say no more." A dark green snake flicked its tongue, and immediately after, Dang Hwa-seo made her move. Her form blurred. Whoosh—! She appeared right in front of Dang Seonjung. As Dang Hwa-seo reached out, Dang Seonjung recoiled in surprise and raised his arm to block his face. His attempt at poison was futile against her. To her, his poison technique was nothing more than a feeble struggle, less significant than a mountain breeze. The poison that Dang Seonjung released was swept over by Dang Hwa-seo and turned into her qi. Sizz— The arm he had used in his attempt began to melt. "AAAAGGGHHH!!!" "The result of neglecting your training after becoming a martial artist. Only reaching the early stages of peak cultivation despite being an elder of the Dang Clan?" Other elders and key personnel had reached the pinnacle stages. Only Dang Seonjung, intoxicated with his status and neglecting his training, was so insufficient. Thump. Dang Seonjung's left arm fell off. Exhausted from expending all his power in a desperate struggle, his body slumped to the ground. Dang Hwa-seo coldly stated, "I will not kill you. Punishing you is the duty of the alliance." To kill him would be a luxury. Moreover, revenge achieved through brute force was ultimately empty. Knowing that those who violate humanity should be judged by humanity, Dang Hwa-seo moved past him. "Make way." The Dang Clan's retainers hesitated. Dang Hwa-seo sighed. "…I will not hold those who are innocent accountable." Did she despise these people? Of course, she did. How could she not resent them, who had merely turned a blind eye despite her difficult childhood? But is killing out of hatred a fitting act for a human? Violence based on emotion rather than clear guilt is a vile sin itself, so Dang Hwa-seo restrained her feelings. To avoid becoming like them. The hesitating retainers eventually stepped aside. The path to the inner sanctum of the Dang Clan opened up. Dang Hwa-seo walked forward, followed by her members. Upon reaching the Dang Clan's main hall, she was met with detestable faces. 'Elders, Head, Leaders…' All of the Dang Clan's power was gathered here. Dang Hwa-seo chuckled. "Where has the Head gone?" Surely, they must have heard the news. Or even if not, they should have sensed the commotion through their qi. Yet they did not show. Choosing silence, perhaps? To those blocking the path to the Head’s quarters, Dang Hwa-seo said, "My business is with the Head. Step aside." Included in Dang Sageuk's daily record were only the names of Dang Seonjung, the first elder by the Head's side, the Head's guard, and Pyosan, already a crippled man from the past. They were unaware. They only knew that producing an antidote was the Dang Clan's long-cherished wish and that Dang Hwa-seo was the sole subject of their experiments. But, it seemed this ignorance was itself a problem. "You cannot enter the Head’s quarters. Enough of this ruckus." Dang Woonjung spoke. His large physique and simple-minded loyalty made him the de facto force of the Dang Clan. Dang Hwa-seo locked eyes with him. -The Head has his reasons. You must endure. You'll understand when you're older. He had always held her back with such words. When asked about the supposed great purpose that justified such pain, he would firmly shut his mouth. "Do you know? I detested you deeply." "…." "I loathed your stupidity, not thinking for yourself, just treasuring loyalty as virtue. And I hated the times I suffered because of that." "…." Dang Woonjung, like that day, remained silent, his fists clenched tightly. To Dang Hwa-seo, it seemed to speak of his frustration. As always, he had no logical response to her words. "But still, as much as I detest you, that is not reason enough to punish you. So, step aside." "…It's not possible." "If the Head is innocent, I will take the consequences. If not, it will be the Head who pays. It’s about administering justice according to the law. And you’re saying even that is not possible? What exactly is the Second Elder trying to do?" "My role is to block this path." As expected, words made no headway. Dang Hwa-seo ceased her attempts at persuasion and put more strength into her fists. 'The opponent is at the pinnacle.' In terms of cultivation level, she was far behind. However, compatibility existed. To all martial artists who utilized poison, even those who had reached transcendent realms, they were powerless against Dang Hwa-seo. The supreme constitution of being immune to all poisons was achieved only at the end of a bloody history. 'We fight.' She resolved to break through head-on. Just as she set her resolve, "I will handle this." Namgung Jincheon stepped forward. Dang Hwa-seo was taken aback and pursed her lips. "Wai…" "This is a matter of the alliance, not just a clan issue." Namgung Jincheon said as he looked at Dang Hwa-seo. "That was the agreement." Swoosh— His sword was drawn. Namgung Jincheon's gaze was steadfast ahead. "As a martial artist of the Martial Alliance's Poison Phoenix Sect, I am here in that capacity. There is sufficient reason to draw my sword." From behind, Dang Hwa-seo couldn't read Namgung Jincheon's expression. What thoughts led him to say such, or what emotions motivated him to block the Second Elder, were unknown to her, prompting Dang Hwa-seo to ask, "…Are you sure you're alright?" "It’s a good opportunity for some real combat." Whoosh— Blue qi surged from Namgung Jincheon, dominating the space around. The oppressive qi, becoming denser as it climbed towards the pinnacle, was even palpable to Dang Hwa-seo as a tingling sensation. "A worthy opponent is before me." Dang Woonjung glared with wide eyes. Dang Hwa-seo could hear Namgung Jincheon’s light laugh. "Sister, let’s proceed." Jegal San said. Looking back, she saw the members who had quietly moved closer. Hyewoon, with a grin, said, "Come to think of it, we're part of the alliance, right? Didn’t we find evidence in the secret chamber? We don’t have to hold back now." How frustrating it had been. Hyewoon drew her sword, and Ilwoon smiled, too. Mok Riwon chuckled softly, awaiting Dang Hwa-seo's response. Dang Hwa-seo pursed her lips, then finally gave a powerless laugh. It dawned on her anew. 'I am…' No longer had to fight alone. The readiness to tackle everything solo made her chide her own impulsiveness. Dang Hwa-seo took a deep breath, then exhaling, she declared, "Alright, let’s go. As martial artists of the alliance." "Head of the Sect!" "Are you hard of hearing because you're old? I said, as martial artists of the alliance, we need to see the Head." Rage flashed in Dang Woonjung’s eyes. Deadly poison emanated from his body. Thump! Dang Woonjung lunged towards Dang Hwa-seo. Ssshhhh— Namgung Jincheon parried with his sword. "Am I not a worthy opponent? That cannot be." Provocative was his tone. Dang Woonjung ground his teeth, gazing fiercely at Namgung Jincheon, and drew a secret blade, swinging at him first. "Go!" At Namgung Jincheon's command, Dang Hwa-seo and her members headed towards the Head’s residence. * Namgung Jincheon held his breath against the overpowering poison. He reinforced his sword, then with all his strength, he pushed Dang Woonjung back. Boom— A deafening explosion occurred. He had created a shockwave by bursting qi. By now, the members had already left for the Head’s residence. 'I just need to buy time...' His temperament couldn't be satisfied with just that. He wanted to win. Dang Woonjung's cultivation level was above his own. There were different ranks even among the pinnacles, so the odds were slim. 'But that doesn't matter.' Namgung Jincheon had no memory of training with a sword meant for defeat. "…Sword Dragon, do you think this action will be forgivable?" "That's a ridiculous question." "Ridiculous?" "Forgiveness is not mine to give. It's for you to seek. Have you not disregarded the pillars of the martial world and committed atrocities?" Namgung Jincheon replied as he reached into his robe. What he took out was a yellow pearl. Rather, it was a stone that resembled a pearl. Where it came from, or what it was, required delving into forbidden tales. …In truth, Namgung Jincheon hadn't searched for the mechanism when they scattered to open the entrance to the secret chamber. He simply thought someone else would find it, so he focused solely on capturing spiritual beasts, securing four more in two hours. This stone was acquired then, retrieved from a two-headed snake spiritual beast. Its poison was particularly lethal, remembered for having heads of different colors. When he split both heads, one yielded a poison gland, and from the other, this stone emerged. Its purpose, once observed in stillness, became clear. Accidentally dropping the stone onto the poison gland showed it absorbing the poison. Yes. It was a Blood Poison Pearl. It was indeed a Blood Poison Pearl, crafted directly from the body of a spiritual beast, rendering its value almost incalculable in monetary terms. 'I'll just need to bite down and fight.' Namgung Jincheon placed the Blood Poison Pearl between his lips. He was worried he might accidentally crush it, but fortunately, it felt hard enough that he doubted even his own biting force could damage it. "Evil deeds, evil deeds indeed..." In the meantime, Dang Woonjung murmured. He questioned with bloodshot eyes, "On what grounds do you judge this? How does an outsider have any right to judge our clan’s actions? Do you even have a basis for your actions now?" His voice, filled with heightened emotions, pressed on, "Tell me. What evidence do you have to obstruct our clan's matters? If it's not convincing enough..." "I don't know." Dang Woonjung's body froze. Namgung Jincheon, steadying his breathing, said, "I don't know what they found. I didn't ask." Indeed, that was the case. When Dang Hwa-seo emerged from the secret chamber, she was already surrounded by his half-brother and their forces, and without clear instructions at hand, there was no opportunity to inquire. "But." Despite that, Namgung Jincheon knew something. "I know what kind of person Poison Phoenix is." He knew her character, the way she spoke, how much she pondered over council matters. "She is not someone who acts without reason." Namgung Jincheon pointed his sword at Dang Woonjung. "Unlike you lot." Namgung Jincheon provoked, drawing upon his past experiences.