Chapter 34 - The Panda Cub Bows For Love

Chapter 34: Early Marriage in Youth It wasn't until they were about to leave that He Huan finally noticed the sleepwear Jing Dan was wearing, realizing she seemingly had no clothes to wear at the moment. He took her back to the room, opened the wardrobe, and searched for something Jing Dan could wear. Fortunately, their heights and builds were quite similar, so there wasn't an issue with clothes not fitting. He casually grabbed a set of clothes and tossed it into Jing Dan's arms, saying, "Wear this set, I haven't worn it much." The deep red suit was too formal for her taste. Holding the clothes, Jing Dan spoke in a soft voice, "What about the clothes inside?" Her aunt had mentioned that a girl must wear undergarments when outside. He Huan: "..." Only then did she realize, casting a fleeting glance at Jing Dan's chest area before silently picking out a plain-patterned item and saying, "I don't have a new one of these, you'll have to make do with this." "Oh, right, it might be a bit big for you, you can change into something else when you get back." "Oh, oh..." Jing Dan's face had turned so red she could hardly speak. Seeing her shy appearance, He Huan laughed, her earlier odd feeling instantly dispelled. This shy demeanor was indeed quite different from her usual self. Seeing her like this, He Huan didn't tease her and turned to leave the room to give her some privacy. After He Huan had left, Jing Dan let out a quiet sigh of relief. Yet, looking down at the pile of clothes she was holding, her face started to redden again. She somewhat regretted staying over last night! If she hadn't stayed over, she wouldn't have ended up with no clothes to wear, forced to wear He Huan's! After changing, she felt a bit uncomfortable, tugging at the clothes here and fiddling there, awkwardly opening the door. He Huan, sitting in the living room, looked up at the sound and a flash of astonishment crossed her eyes. She realized that this might be the first time she saw Jing Dan wearing such a striking color. Normally, she wore black and white, which, although beautiful, always seemed a bit bland. But today, she was like a red plum blossoming in the snow, adding a splendid touch to the pure world. Jing Dan let her look, standing there with a straight face, but her hands, hanging by her side, fidgeted awkwardly with her trouser legs. Look if you must, but was it necessary to stare that long? Noticing Jing Dan's discomfort, He Huan willingly shifted her gaze and said, "Do you want to go to the company first, or home? I'll take you." She wasn't as heartless as to make someone take a taxi. Jing Dan walked over to her, saying somewhat indifferently, "Let's go to the company first. Someone is coming over to discuss a collaboration." In order for the company to develop better, diversification was essential. They would continue to delve deep into variety shows, but they wouldn't neglect television dramas and movies. Hence, they were starting today to select good TV drama scripts for production. "Okay." He Huan nodded, stood, and walked to the entrance to change shoes. Perhaps because she was heading to the dance studio today, her outfit was very casual and loose, which lessened a bit of her seductive aura and added a few touches of laziness and relaxation. Jing Dan followed her to change shoes and left the house, watching her drive away. Suddenly, she realized that she seemed to have gotten quite close to He Huan. "Still looking? She's already gone, you can't even see the exhaust smoke!" came a voice, neither cold nor warm, from behind. Jing Dan turned around to see Hu Tu leaning against the company's main door in a white long dress, looking at her mockingly. Dressed like a pure white flower, but her expression and demeanor didn’t show even a hint of a white flower’s innocence. Jing Dan didn't respond, just walked past her. "Hey hey hey, why the long face?" Seeing her like this, Hu Tu quickly caught up, eyeing Jing Dan from top to bottom thoughtfully and said with a hand on her chin, "If I remember correctly, that set of clothes isn’t yours, is it? It looks like He Huan’s, right?" The more she looked, the more she was convinced, and Hu Tu, suddenly widening her eyes in excitement, grasped Jing Dan’s arm and almost shrieked, "What did you two do last night! How come you are wearing her clothes!" And it was He Huan who had dropped her off this morning. If they hadn't spent the night together, she wouldn't believe it even if she were beaten to death! Jing Dan held by her: "..." Stopping, she looked at Hu Tu's face filled with shock and furrowed her brows, "I simply stayed too late last night and slept over at her place. My clothes weren’t washed, so naturally, I wore hers." Was it really necessary to make that face? It was just a sleepover. They had already spent a whole month together before! Seeing Jing Dan’s righteous demeanor, Hu Tu was speechless, but deep down, she was really uneasy. She had visited He Huan’s house before and knew there was only one bed in her bedroom. If Jing Dan stayed over, she definitely couldn’t have slept on the sofa, which meant she would’ve ended up in He Huan’s bed, and that's where the problem lied. He Huan herself wouldn't even sit on her own bed due to her obsession with cleanliness, yet she was willing to share her bed with someone else?! Facing Jing Dan’s earnest gaze, Hu Tu felt at a loss for words. Even though she was internally panicking, she reminded herself that there was really nothing going on between them, even if there was, given Jing Dan’s straightforward nature, it probably wouldn’t develop into anything. "Why are you going on about me? But why are you wearing that dress?" Jing Dan, somewhat puzzled, tugged at the skirt Hu Tu was wearing. Pure and calm, like a quiet little white flower, but this was clearly not Hu Tu’s style. Hu Tu was like her own fur, a blazing fire, releasing her charm all the time, everywhere. Hu Tu: "..." Damn it, just thinking about it made her angry! Once again, she ran into that woman at the bar, and it seemed the woman also remembered her. Combining new grudges with old, Hu Tu naturally didn't intend to let her go easily. This time, she was determined to exhaust the woman completely, making her cry and beg for mercy! However, in the end, she was the one turned over, begging and crying... Thinking about it, Hu Tu felt humiliated! After many years of frolicking through the flowers, she fell for the same person again! And the condition for letting her go was to wear the clothes the woman picked out for her. Who knew that woman had such a perverted taste! What kind of freak wants her to play a little white flower! Seeing her face as if it were constipated, Jing Dan silently closed her mouth and offered a sympathetic look, then got up and went back to her own office to prepare for the upcoming work. Stung by Jing Dan’s sympathetic gaze, Hu Tu gnashed her teeth and spat out two words through clenched teeth, her eyes filled with defiance. She was determined to bring that woman down someday! Meanwhile, He Huan had already arrived at her dance studio, caught up with the person in charge to understand recent activities, and then checked on the dancers' practices, nodding in satisfaction. Her efforts were not in vain; the dance studio was developing in a good direction. "He Teacher, the studio's operation is going quite well now, you don’t need to work this hard anymore," the person in charge walked beside her, looking at the practicing dancers inside with a trace of pride, grateful that they hadn't let He Huan down. Watching those dancers strive to do better, a smile played on He Huan’s lips, "It's okay, if it can inspire them to create more freely, the effort is worth it." After going inside and giving some guidance, she found an empty dance studio to stretch her muscles and danced freely, following her heart. When she finally came back to herself, she noticed that it was already dark outside. Panic hit her as she checked the time, seeing it was already past seven. Thinking about Jing Dan inviting her over for the evening, was it too late now? After tidying up quickly, she rushed to Jing Dan's place. Although she hadn’t been there before, she knew where she lived, which wasn’t far from her office. Arriving at the bottom of Jing Dan's building, she looked up at the floor where Jing Dan lived. The lights were already on. Pulling out her phone, she sent Jing Dan a message while pressing the elevator button. This guy hadn’t come down herself, didn’t she even think to send a message? Reaching Jing Dan's floor, just as she stepped out of the elevator, her brow furrowed slightly, her nose twitching. She felt like she could smell something burnt. Given that it was one elevator per household here, if there was a burnt smell, it could only be coming from Jing Dan’s home, right? Her brows furrowed even more tightly as she pressed the doorbell of Jing Dan's house, and immediately, she heard a flurry of noises inside, heightening her unease. The door opened, revealing Jing Dan's head. He Huan: "..." Had she been coal mining? Why was her clean face now smeared in black? Looking past Jing Dan, she saw smoke still billowing inside the house... Without a chance to greet, she pushed Jing Dan aside, and upon entering, discovered the source of the smoke. Covering her nose, she hurried into the kitchen to turn off the stove and quickly opened the exhaust fan and windows before turning back to Jing Dan. At this moment, Jing Dan looked like a child who had done something wrong, hanging her head low and not daring to meet He Huan's gaze, her hands fidgeting nervously behind her back. He Huan: "..." In this state, what harsh words could she possibly speak? Sighing softly, she surveyed the chaotic kitchen, where pots, pans, and condiments were scattered all over the floor, likely the source of the noises she had heard before. She also wondered how Jing Dan managed to blacken a large patch of the wall and spread oil everywhere. Thankfully, the oil hadn't caught fire... Seeing the oil scattered everywhere made He Huan frown even more. She hurried over to Jing Dan to check for injuries. Indeed, there were several burns on her arms, strikingly conspicuous against her porcelain-like skin. He Huan pursed her lips, genuinely angry now. She coldly dragged Jing Dan to the bathroom and turned on the cold water to rinse her injuries, remaining silent. Yet, while silent, she didn’t forget to wet a towel to clean Jing Dan's coal-blackened face. The more He Huan remained silent, the lower Jing Dan hung her head, her lips slightly parted, feeling a sourness in her nose and a stinging in her eyes. He Huan had never shown her such a cold demeanor before. Jing Dan felt aggrieved. She had merely wanted to cook something for her. It wasn't her intention to make a mess. Why was she being given the cold shoulder? She let out a low huff, turning her head away from He Huan, like a child throwing a tantrum. He Huan gave her a glance and asked coldly, "Do you have any burn ointment?" Jing Dan bit her lip, feeling even more upset, and replied somewhat stiffly, "No!" She hadn't been living here long and didn't have many things prepared, not even a medicine box. He Huan sighed lightly. After rinsing the wound with cold water for a while, she said, "Stay here. I'll go buy some burn ointment." The wound wasn't severe enough to need a hospital visit, but it couldn't be left untreated. "Okay." Jing Dan responded softly. Her subdued tone made He Huan take another look at her. After He Huan left, Jing Dan looked down at her burnt arm, inhaled softly, and then buried her head in her knees, rubbing it gently. When He Huan returned, she found Jing Dan in this ostrich-like posture, freezing in place. What had gotten into her? Approaching, she touched Jing Dan’s head and asked gently, "What's wrong? Does it still hurt? I've brought the burn ointment. It'll be better once applied." Her tone was soft and coaxing, the epitome of patience. Hearing her tone, Jing Dan pursed her lips. She had just been giving her the cold shoulder, and now this, truly fickle! At the moment, she had forgotten how many cold shoulders she had given He Huan, instead focusing on this rare display of coldness from He Huan. Seeing Jing Dan ignore her, He Huan didn't press her to speak but began applying the ointment to her arm, even using her spiritual power to alleviate the burn pain, enveloping Jing Dan in a careful nurturing that made her feel cherished, like a flower tenderly watered and grown. A wound on her seemed all the more jarring. After applying the ointment, He Huan gently reminded her to avoid water. Then, seeing Jing Dan’s head still buried, she teased, "The mighty CEO has lost her composure, huh?" Why didn't she care about her image now? Who wouldn't say her persona had crumbled seeing this sulky behavior? Jing Dan shuffled, turning her back halfway towards He Huan. He Huan couldn't help but laugh but realized perhaps her earlier demeanor and tone were to blame. She softened her voice, "I was wrong earlier. I was just too worried seeing you hurt. I promise I won't do it again, alright?" As she spoke, she gently stroked Jing Dan's nape in a comforting manner. Perhaps it was the sincere and gentle tone that slightly melted Jing Dan’s attitude, as she slowly lifted her head to look at He Huan, her nose slightly red as if she had just been crying. He Huan paused, her heart involuntarily squeezing tight, as she found it hard to see Jing Dan like this. Directing her gaze elsewhere, she felt the silence between them growing awkward and said, "Hungry? What do you want to eat? Shall I cook?" Jing Dan shook her head, her voice a bit heavy, "The kitchen is a mess, let’s order takeout." She couldn’t let He Huan clean up the kitchen, planning to have someone take care of it tomorrow. Seeing Jing Dan willing to speak to her, albeit reluctantly, He Huan smiled and nodded in agreement. Jing Dan glanced at her arm treated with ointment. She no longer felt pain, just a cool sensation of spiritual power enveloping her arm. She stole a glance at He Huan, curious. Wasn't she afraid of revealing her true identity by recklessly using spiritual power? But while Jing Dan was lost in thought, He Huan had already ordered food and even attempted to tidy the kitchen in the meantime. "No need!" Jing Dan hurried to the kitchen, following He Huan, her voice urgent, "I'll have someone clean it tomorrow. Don't bother!" He Huan looked up at her, nonchalantly throwing a picked-up bottle into the trash, and laughed, "It's alright. I'm free anyway." Seeing her insistent, Jing Dan, feeling responsible for the mess, naturally couldn’t just stand by. She stepped forward to help clean. "You don't have to do anything. You're still injured," He Huan frowned, trying to pull her out of the kitchen. Didn’t she realize her arm was still being treated? Jing Dan stood firm, stubbornly insisting, "I made the mess. I can’t let you clean it alone!" He Huan: "..." This stubbornness was truly headache-inducing. In the end, He Huan gave up insisting on tackling the messy kitchen, opting instead to sit with Jing Dan in the living room waiting for the takeout. With a chance to talk, He Huan asked, "What made you suddenly want to cook?" By the looks of the kitchen, she hadn’t done much cooking before. Jing Dan looked somewhat dejected, replying softly, "I just wanted to cook for you." He Huan paused, her gaze settling seriously on Jing Dan. Seeing her honest, straightforward eyes, she couldn't help but smile, "Why the sudden thought of cooking for me? Feeling guilty for all the meals I've prepared?" Jing Dan pursed her lips, the answer obvious. He Huan’s smile deepened, finding it amusing that Jing Dan could feel embarrassed. Where had her assertiveness gone, treating her as a go-to solution before? "You don't need to feel embarrassed. I was happy to cook for you. Just accept it with peace of mind." Suddenly so polite, she wasn’t used to it. Jing Dan’s face turned sulky, what else could she do but accept? Considering the state of the kitchen, she wasn’t exactly a culinary genius. He Huan shook her head, about to speak further when she noticed something unusual. Her expression shifted subtly as she asked, "Why do I see animal fur here?" She didn't remember Jing Dan keeping any pets. Jing Dan stiffened, following He Huan’s gaze to see the sofa covered in a mix of white and black fur. Jing Dan: "..." How could she have forgotten about this! When she was at home, she loved to lounge on the couch in her true form, watching TV. "It's... it's my aunt's cat." Jing Dan spoke after a moment's pause, "She brought the cat over to see me a few days ago. It must have stuck to the couch then." He Huan watched her silently for a while before nodding slowly, "Really? Is it a pretty cat? When can I meet it?" Jing Dan's face grew even stiffer, "I'll bring it to you when I have time." He Huan simply responded and didn't press further, just when the doorbell rang. He Huan got up to answer, and Jing Dan breathed a sigh of relief. He Huan brought in the meal, telling the still daydreaming person on the couch, "Come, it’s time for dinner." Jing Dan: "Oh." Sitting down at the table, she noticed He Huan had ordered dishes she liked. She unconsciously smiled lightly. He Huan caught the subtle smile at the corners of Jing Dan’s lips, her eyes deepening, lost in thought. As they began to eat, Jing Dan’s smile slowly faded, even disappearing entirely. Even though these were her favorite dishes, they weren’t as delicious as those prepared by He Huan. He Huan didn’t react to the evident change in Jing Dan's expression, but she did fill her bowl with a lot of dishes. Jing Dan's brows slightly knitted, visibly a bit unhappy. He Huan pretended not to notice, focusing on her own meal. Seeing that He Huan was ignoring her, Jing Dan felt even more sullen, listlessly poking at the rice in her bowl. It just wasn’t as delicious as when He Huan made it! He Huan finally glanced up at her and couldn’t help but say, “You need to adapt. After all, I can’t possibly cook for you for the rest of your life.” What were they to each other, anyway? Nowadays, it was already outrageous enough that she frequently cooked and brought meals to the company for Jing Dan, let alone taking care of her meals for a lifetime. What ordinary friend would do such a thing? Jing Dan pursed her lips and silently continued to eat, but she didn't want to talk to He Huan anymore. She was still upset. Though she wasn’t exactly sure what she was upset about. Seeing her willing to eat, He Huan breathed a sigh of relief. But looking at Jing Dan’s arms lying on the table, the burns still seemed very bothersome to her. After the meal, He Huan cleaned up and went to the kitchen to fetch some cling film. She then knelt beside Jing Dan to wrap her arm, advising, “Be careful not to get your arm wet when you shower later.” Ultimately, she even placed a layer of spiritual power over her arm as a barrier, still feeling somewhat anxious. Jing Dan merely glanced at it and nodded without saying a word. Normally, this would have been the time for He Huan to leave, but seeing Jing Dan’s sullen face and thinking she couldn’t take care of herself, she said, "I’ll stay over tonight. Call me if you need anything." He Huan felt she was indeed worrying too much about Jing Dan. Whereas others were simply her friends, she was acting more like a mother. Shaking her head at her own thoughts, He Huan felt speechless. Although she was 203 years old, among her kind she was still considered young and beautiful. If she were to get married now, people would even say it was an early marriage. (End of Chapter)