124 - Sichuan, China (15)

Spiritual power is tingling. The killing intent is even sharper, causing the insides to seethe even when standing still. Yet, Mok Riwon could not foresee losing to Dang Sageuk. Even though the latter was a martial artist who had transcended realms. “What has broken you to this extent?” In martial arts, maintaining an unshakable mind is critical. Ascending to a higher realm means adding depth to one's inner self. Surely, Dang Sageuk must have experienced the same. He would have relentlessly pushed himself, aiming to stand at a place where he could discuss the world, eventually grasping the fruits of transcendence. However, that depth was not felt in him now. Neither the steadfastness that led him to transcendence nor the majestic aura of his spiritual power was perceivable. There was only one thing discernible. “You now resemble an overweight tiger that can’t even handle its own bulk.” Dull and even more so, like a fat tiger that cannot properly raise its claws. An attack borne of ignorance, knowing nothing but to crush under its weight. Mok Riwon boldly concluded, This was not transcendence. Dang Sageuk ground his teeth. “Shut up.” “Are you so shaken? Has sin broken you this thoroughly?” “SHUT UP!!!” Boom!!! Spiritual power hurled towards Mok Riwon. Yet, Mok Riwon felt no threat whatsoever. Merely three steps. Just by utilizing footwork, he could easily evade the attack. “You cannot even hide your killing intent.” The intention behind the attack was perceptible even before it was launched. “You cannot defeat me. Furthermore, you can no longer speak of transcendence.” The truth was, Before the fight, Mok Riwon had approached this encounter with a readiness to put his life on the line. But how do the current circumstances stand? It's too easy. In comparison, the Demon Marquis Oh Kang-ak or the Sword Demon Yeon Ri-gun were tougher opponents. At least they concealed strategies within their martial arts. No, they could transform their emotions into spiritual power even when they lost their wit. Because they were demon cultivators. They wielded demonic arts. “Had you wielded demonic arts, perhaps you would have been stronger.” “YOUUUUU!!!” Dang Sageuk’s attempt to rise was thwarted as he tumbled down. “Cough!” Blood gushed out. His broken body couldn't withstand the power of transcendence. Perhaps, this phenomenon was something others before him had experienced. Dang Sageuk glared at Mok Riwon while lying prone. “Dare you, mere filth...!” Tears of blood streamed down from his hollowed eyes, contorting his face hideously. “Would trash like you try to lecture...!” “Not trash. I do not revel in killing.” “CRAAAAARRGH!!!” Dang Sageuk propped himself up from the ground using his arms. “Not revel in killing, you say? With the Massacre Star upon you?” He sneered mockingly. “Don’t be ridiculous. Or rather, even without the Massacre Star, your logic is full of flaws.” “Where exactly?" “Martial arts are ultimately techniques for killing!!!” Thud! Dang Sageuk punched the ground. “This basis is ultimately about harming others! How can you say you do not think of killing while learning such arts! How can you claim righteousness! Know this, it’s a vile excuse! All the same villains, merely cloaked in pretentious morality.” “...Demon cultivator logic.” “Then, are demon cultivators correct?” Mok Riwon shuddered. He widened his eyes in disbelief. “…You dare utter such words?” How could one who claims to be a hero of justice, Replying to such intent, Dang Sageuk said, “What’s the difference between you, the Sword Saint, this Central Plains martial world, and them?" “What’s different… Of course…!” “For a cause, we kill. We distinguish friend from foe; we spare our allies and kill our enemies. Everything follows the logic of power! The supposed nobilities constructed beneath it are nothing but laughable! What is essentially different in the roots?” Toxic substances oozed from Dang Sageuk’s body. “Did you know? From long before any distinction between right and wrong existed, the martial world has grown from a forest nourished by blood.” He raised a hand, placing it above his heart. “I…!” Blood burst from his bitten lips. In that moment, Mok Riwon sensed an indescribable menace. “I was not wrong.” Crack- Dang Sageuk plunged his fingers into his own heart. And then he exploded. ‘…Demonic Qi.’ A vicious demonic Qi surged. * In the distant past, Dang Sageuk remembered words he heard from his father, Dang Jin Beok, back when he was the young head of the family. “Sageuk, what moves the world?” These were the words veiled in regret from a man who ultimately failed to achieve transcendence and faded into the annals of time. “Power.” Yet, those were from someone who never gave up. “The thing that moves the world is ultimately power. The martial world is, from the beginning, a forest that has grown from blood.” “Yes, Head of the family.” “But Sageuk.” These were the words from someone who aspired to righteousness. "Though nourished on blood, we dare to pursue righteousness; this is the essence of martial valor and heroism, the reality of our current martial world. Never forget this truth." The legacy of the past Dang family had declined to the point where it produced no more than a single supreme martial artist, due in part to the cessation of research into the antidote for the Thousand Poisons since the generation of Dang Jin Beok's grandfather. With the perfection of poisons and their antidotes having been halted, it was inevitable for the Dang family to decline. Among the Five Great Families of the martial world of Baekdo, Despite such a title, Dang Sageuk's family was in a disadvantaged state, leaving him often solitary in public affairs. Moreover, at such a time, the complacent martial world of Central Plains was busy inflating its own belly, busy biting each other. The words that came during such times were of a nature that dug into him. "The lord of Sa Cheon has disappeared." "Pffft, was there ever a lord to begin with? Even considering only those within that place..." "Hey there! Speaking of such truths can sometimes be an offence!" "Are you wishing to do so after declaring the lord of Sa Cheon has vanished?" "Eh? Ah, it’s none of my business!" The legacy of the past Dang family was no longer the lord of Sa Cheon. The Dang family had become a parasite in the martial world, clinging to the glory of its past, which now only served as an additional burden. The Head of the family, Dang Sageuk's father, Dang Jin Beok, was a man who cut his path through such a martial world. "Yet, Sageuk, we are the Dang family. The lords of Sa Cheon, the masters of poisons and hidden weapons. And the guardians of the secret passages, we are the Dang family." There was a time he believed in those words. "Chogun, we must act. We must make the Dang family great again." "Yes, Young Master!" Fortunately, talent was not lacking. Dang Sageuk possessed the talent that neither his father nor the previous generations had shown. A talent sufficient to restore the Sa Cheon Dang family to its former glory as the premier sect of Sa Cheon. However, it wasn't enough to discuss matters of the whole world. [Victory! Sword Lord Mok Seon-o!] The stars were dazzlingly bright. Not just that star, but everything that adorned the sky was radiant. The golden age of the martial world of Baekdo. Dang Sageuk was a ripple from that era. Yet, he could not give up. "It's transcendence. If we aim for the next realm, there's a chance to win!" He aimed for transcendence. He dared to aspire to the realm of the great transcendents. Otherwise, he would have been doomed to repeat the downfall, doomed to be overshadowed by the dazzling stars. But where was transcendence an easily attainable state? It took a long time. Meanwhile, Dang Jin Beok passed away. It might be ironically noted that even amidst such times, the number of visitors to the Dang family increased. Having barely reached the supreme realm, the martial world began to show a warmer side that hadn't been seen before. "We express deep regret at the passing of the Head of the family." "He was a righteous man. We will not forget him." The double standards were appalling. How much could change with just power. This duplicity peaked even further on the day Dang Sageuk reached the transcendental realm. "Behold the lord of Sa Cheon!" "The fortune and happiness of the martial world!" The martial world could no longer ignore the Dang family. Precisely, they could not ignore Dang Sageuk. Everyone lowered their eyes. And they competed, even a little, to be seen favorably. The disrespect Dang Sageuk had experienced vanished from the Central Plains martial world after that day. Dang Sageuk remained in the martial world, trembling at its duplicity. He couldn’t leave. Just as he had done, future generations needed to be great. Only then could they navigate through this martial world. "Head of the family! War has erupted!" The blood feud found him amidst this. Dang Sageuk intended to end everything with this blood feud. He hoped to leave behind only his glories for the future generations. …If only Mok Seon-o hadn’t been there, it would have been so. "You intend to save it?" "That's right." "Sword Saint, do you understand the implications of what you're saying? The martial world will plunge into chaos once again! Because of your misguided conscience!" "I’ll renounce my name. This merit, too, I’ll attribute to you all." "That's exactly the problem!" Let it be said again, it was the golden age of the martial world of Baekdo. The blood feud that erupted was a last chance to make the Dang family great again. Had it ended there, it would have been so. He aimed to be the best in the world, but sadly he only made it among the ten strongest. But even that was satisfying enough. At least, Dang Sageuk could proudly say he worked harder than anyone in this blood feud. It would've been considered among the top three merits, simply speaking. But see. What would happen if the merits were divided as it stood? The glory of the Dang family would be diminished. The achievements won by Mok Seon-o were vastly different from those of Dang Sageuk. Truly, an era of unprecedented excellence. With his achievements divided among nine, the not-yet-fully-restored Dang family would struggle to digest the merits and would eventually be pushed to the margins of the era. "...Nonetheless, I believe this to be right and cannot give up." The prediction came true. The merits of Mok Seon-o were shredded to pieces. Ironically, not the Six Kings who were at the frontlines in slaying the blood demon, but those seated at the back divvied it up according to their estates. The third generation could’ve been glorified, but now, once again, the Dang family stands on the brink of decline. If he died, the future generations would suffer the same humiliation he did in his youth. Dang Sageuk could not allow that. "Chogun, we will resume the research on the antidote for the Thousand Poisons." "Head of the family...!" "For the future generations." For the lasting glory that will persist through the ages. To navigate through this repugnant world of martial arts. The research on the antidote was recommenced. In the process, he killed his son and tormented his granddaughter, but it was unavoidable. Eventually, they too would understand his intentions. They would come to know the merciless nature of the martial world. Yet, despite this, he was troubled. It was because time was running short. Even amidst transcendence, the toxins continuously consumed him, making it seem like his life would end before completing the Dang Fire Sutra. Therefore, Dang Sageuk resorted to the demonic art he had stumbled upon during the day of the blood feud. Reverse Heaven Blood Qi Technique. A demonic art that converts all one's internal energy into demonic Qi. With this, he could possibly extend his life in case of an emergency. Even if his wisdom becomes clouded, what of it? The fleeting image that crossed his mind was that of Dang Jin Beok. Dang Sageuk had once asked his father, "Father. What remains at the end of striving for righteousness?" At least, as far as Dang Sageuk knew, there wasn't anything. It was his talent that rode the wave of the era that illuminated his father's death. It was his brilliant talent that had raised the Dang family. "Father. This martial world has long regarded only strength as its doctrine, since the day it was born." The martial world was as cold as the chill of a blade. It was a world where one had to douse oneself in hot blood to drive away the piercing cold. The essence that couldn't be hidden by the pretense of chivalry was just that. Thus, Dang Sageuk would dare to defy Dang Jin Beok's intentions. "Righteousness alone cannot win the world." It cannot erase the shame of the Dang family. "It cannot protect the future generations." It only passes down humiliation to the children. "So, Father." Adding a few more drops of blood onto a history already written in blood—how would that change anything? Our ancestors were right. "In the end..." The world of martial arts, the Jianghu, is a forest that feeds on blood.