127 - Sichuan, China (18)

When she opened her eyes, she found herself lying at the entrance of the forbidden zone. However, she was in such a perfect posture as if someone had laid her down, not sprawled. There was no pain from the impact that must have occurred upon falling. Thus, she understood. Someone had caught her mid-air and laid her here. Most likely, it was Mok Riwon. Her subsequent actions were swift. The fact that Mok Riwon was not here meant that he had gone ahead as part of the vanguard to confront the enemy. With the thought that he might be in danger, she hurriedly moved her feet, leading her to the situation at hand. The collapsed vanguard lay before her. Puddles of melted flesh were scattered in front. And there was Mok Riwon, crouched down and sobbing. "…Mok Sohyeop." As she spoke, Mok Riwon turned his head. His revealed irises were entirely crimson. And she knew that Mok Riwon's eyes were originally all brown. For a moment, a deep silence fell. Mok Riwon's expression was filled with shock, as if he had revealed an unspeakable secret, and it was so quiet around that even the sound of his breathing could be heard. In that brief moment, what came to her mind and the subsequent action were none other. She immediately ran towards Mok Riwon. Holding his head tightly, she whispered, "Pretend to be unconscious." Mok Riwon's body jolted in surprise. She continued, "People are coming. Hurry." This eye should not be seen by anyone. She only had that thought. Soon, people gathered. "Milady! Mok Riwon!" First was Jegal San, followed by Ilwoon and Hyewoon, and lastly Namgung Jincheon, who bore wounds all over his body. She pressed a finger to her lips. "Hush, he's unconscious. Let's quickly check on Mok Sohyeop's condition." "Oh, I see. But this is…." Jegal San's gaze turned towards the puddle of flesh. She replied with a bitter expression, "The vanguard. Seems like he perished in self-destruction due to poison." She revealed no sorrow for the fallen vanguard. The news of the vanguard's death spread throughout the entire camp without delay. However, no one had expected that the members would be captivated by it. This was because Dang Hwa-seo revealed all the previously unknown secrets to the members. Furthermore, the fact that the vanguard had reached a transcendent state and perished due to poison was evidenced by his body. Even if not for these reasons, the situation was such that there was no one to lead the camp except Dang Hwa-seo. If things continued like this, the entire Sangcheon of Sacheondang, which was gaining recognition in the Five Gates, would be at risk of ruin. Therefore, they had no choice but to rely on Dang Hwa-seo. Several chaotic days passed. Mok Riwon had remained feigning unconsciousness in the healer's quarters until then. The only interaction he had with outsiders was with Sohyang, Dang Hwa-seo's advocate, who visited sporadically. No, even that meeting was not a true one as they only faced each other through the tent walls. His irises regained their original color upon waking up. Although the brown shade was stronger than before, it was not noticeable enough for those around him. However, that was not what was important to Mok Riwon. '…I've been caught.' He had been caught by Dang Hwa-seo. His red eyes and the star in his palm. There was too much evidence to assume she would not notice. Above all, the whispering words he uttered, as if unwilling to show his eyes to others. It was the most certain evidence that pressed his heart. His heart thudded. Thoughts of endless possibilities invaded his mind. What if Dang Hwa-seo changed her mind after saving him for over a day? What if she regretted hiding him? A sense of impending despair, as if the world was crumbling, and a feeling of uncertainty clouded his mind. Thud― The door opened. Mok Riwon was startled for a moment but quickly composed himself. It was time for his medication, so he assumed Sohyang had entered. "…You're here?" In response to his cautious question, the voice that answered was not Sohyang's. "How are you feeling?" It was Dang Hwa-seo's voice. Mok Riwon's body stiffened. "Mok Sohyeop?" He tried to speak, but something clogged his throat, stifling him. The anxiety intensified. Silence fell. Puzzled and frozen, his lips barely moved as he stared, and Dang Hwa-seo removed the tent. "Are you injured?" Her concerned expression was exposed. "Well…" "Come here." Before Mok Riwon could react, Dang Hwa-seo approached. She touched his forehead, clasped his cheek, and checked his eyelids. "Since you faced the poison directly, we need to monitor your condition closely. Some poisons may lie dormant in the body, manifesting later." As she explained, Mok Riwon could only stare blankly. Her demeanor seemed as if everything from the previous day was disregarded. There was something on the tip of her tongue. "…Soldier." "Speak." "You have no questions at all?" Mok Riwon could feel her hand trembling on his face. Even amidst this, Dang Hwa-seo remained calm. As she checked his pulse and eventually made eye contact with Mok Riwon. Mok Riwon tensed. He was fearful of what she might say once she opened her lips, yet there was also a glimmer of hope in his anticipation. Knowing it was shameless, Mok Riwon still harbored expectations. Thus, her response delved deeper. "You've returned to a lovely brown now." She smiled faintly. "Indeed, the brown eyes suit Mok Sohyeop well. They are so clear and transparent, almost as if they can see into Mok Sohyeop's heart." She wiped beneath his eyes. "Alright then? Hurry and take the medicine. It's been carefully crafted with rare ingredients best suited for your recovery. You won't find it easily anywhere else." Her closing words were light-hearted, as if indifferent to whatever outcome. Initially, a surge of emotions welled up within Mok Riwon. His face contorted with trembling, yet when asked to express himself… Mok Riwon found himself unable to. The moisture that surged within led to a freezing paralysis, constricting his breath and mind almost to a standstill. Surely Dang Hwa-seo must know. She knows what the red irises signify, the situation, and what kind of person he truly is. Then why does she continue to exhibit the same calm demeanor as always? -My child, it should be hidden. Was it a lesson that prompted such thoughts? Mok Riwon's fist clenched tightly. As Dang Hwa-seo poured the medicine into his mouth, it felt like he would vomit it all back up. The rising moisture from within pushed the medicine away, causing a sensation of expulsion. "This single bowl costs a considerable amount for its medicinal value." Mok Riwon could barely swallow the medicine. The bowl emptied. Dang Hwa-seo smiled in satisfaction and then moved to sit beside Mok Riwon. Tap. Dang Hwa-seo's hand overlapped with Mok Riwon's tightly clenched fist. He still couldn't bring himself to utter a different word. The room, now quieter, carried a stronger scent of medicine. Outside the window, the autumn leaves rustled in the wind, with occasional sounds of rustling leaves. The overlapped hands felt gentle. Tap, tap. The gentle tapping on the back of his hand filled him with an urge to cry. "I was seventeen." Dang Hwa-seo spoke. "That day, I killed a person for the first time. It was a poisoning. I jammed my fist into the throat, filling it with acid poison." Mok Riwon trembled in shock. Dang Hwa-seo continued, "I was a black marketeer operating in the frontier village, and when I disguised my identity, wouldn't they try to catch me to sell me off? That angered me. So, I killed him." "…" "I didn't find any special thrill in my first murder. It just felt like erasing an annoying task. Everyone would feel the same. We're all living lives close to death." Dang Hwa-seo tightened her grip. "Look at me." Mok Riwon cautiously turned his head. Dang Hwa-seo had a warm expression. "Do I look like a murderer in Mok Sohyeop's eyes?" Mok Riwon was startled and shook his head vigorously. A murderer—Dang Hwa-seo was the last person he could associate with such a term. "Absolutely not! Absolutely not!" "Are you sure about that?" "Absolutely! The soldier I know would never be associated with something as brutal as murder!" "Then the answer is clear." "…What answer?" "I also know a Sohyeop who doesn't fit the image of a murderer. Instead of a murderer…." Dang Hwa-seo hesitated, showing a frail smile. "…A cute little brother." What should he say? In that moment, Mok Riwon felt a peculiar sensation. Even if it may be a misconception, Dang Hwa-seo's words seemed to convey such meaning. Why couldn't he calm his mind? His emotions spiraled out of control to an extent suggesting the intrusion of inner demons. Hidden within the words he uttered next was an undertone of weeping. "But…." "But what? If it's not, then it isn't." Dang Hwa-seo reached out to wipe the corners of Mok Riwon's eyes. Then she hugged him, patting his back. "A man should not cry so easily. Hold back your tears." "No, it's not sad." "Yes, why do you say that?" "I'm going to die." "Who says that?" "…Everyone." "Then it's no longer the case." Dang Hwa-seo's voice now carried a hint of laughter. "I believe Mok Sohyeop will bring peace, not death. That's why now we can no longer use the term 'everyone.'" Dang Hwa-seo spoke distinctly. "Mok Sohyeop is not a person deserving of death. In fact, he should receive more praise than anyone else in this world." "Soldier…." "It is easy for those with wealth to give out money. It is easy for those with spare rooms to offer accommodation. However, it's challenging for the hungry to feed others, and for the scantily clad to share clothes. Mok Sohyeop is no different." Dang Hwa-seo gently embraced Mok Riwon. "He carries kindness within but does not expose it. He knows it is much easier to kill, yet he strives to save. Mok Sohyeop is just as said, a person who walks the difficult path willingly. He is a peacemaker." With a soothing tone and a praising manner, Dang Hwa-seo patted Mok Riwon on the back. "In the code I know, there is no mention of a peacemaker deserving death." Mok Riwon's teeth gnashed. "So, I will praise Mok Sohyeop very much. And I will assure you that a thousand deaths will not be a concern. I understand. Even stars, despite their appearance, are not strong. Look over there at the Black Dragon." Dang Hwa-seo jokingly remarked. "Doesn't he suit being an emperor? Quite absurd. He's simply someone suited to be a swordsman." Mok Riwon chuckled softly and tears streamed down his face. As his tears dampened Dang Hwa-seo's garment, she tightened her grip when he tried to pull away. "Therefore, I choose not to believe in destiny tied to the stars." Gradually, Mok Riwon ceased his resistance. The words of comfort were so gentle, it was as if he envisioned the form he truly wished for. "Well, is it okay now?" It was fine to act childish just for today. Mok Riwon nodded slightly. As he closed his eyes, focusing on the warmth of her embrace, his heart was tightly constricted, warmer than ever before.