43.2 - The Panda Cub Bows For Love

She nodded in agreement, saying very seriously, "I am pretty!" When she said this sentence, she was extraordinarily serious, as if this sentence were more truthful than a diamond. Upon hearing this, even though He Yu understood that Jing Dan was a straightforward person, she was still momentarily stunned by Jing Dan's candid demeanor. Then, she chuckled and nodded with a smile, "You're right, you're very pretty." Jing Dan wasn't being conceited; she just had profound self-awareness. Jing Dan pursed her lips, but He Yu couldn't help but feel like she was trying to stifle a laugh, making her seem even more charming and adorable. "You are also very pretty!" Jing Dan looked at He Yu's face, so attractive that it was impossible for her to forget at first sight. Hearing Jing Dan's praise, He Yu smirked, "It's enough that you think so." She put away the mirror, thinking that she had tried putting makeup on Jing Dan this time, but there was no need to do it again in the future. Jing Dan looked even prettier without makeup and more comfortable, rather than feeling uncomfortable with a layer of foundation on her face. Watching He Yu put the mirror away, Jing Dan, who was still enjoying herself, lamented, "..." She wanted to keep looking a little longer! But the main point now wasn't here. She led He Yu to a room and told her seriously, "Open it and have a look." Seeing her do this, He Yu was a bit puzzled. She knew the layout of this room very well; it was meant to be a guest bedroom, but Jing Dan had never paid attention to this room, let alone decorated it. So why did she bring her here now? Was she planning to let her use this as her occasional accommodation room here? In Jing Dan's house, did she have a room of her own? She bit her lip and glanced at He Yu's face, which was so beautiful that it was impossible to forget with just one glance. Feeling assured by Jing Dan's confirmation, He Yu asked, "Shall I open it?" Jing Dan nodded, feeling a bit smug as she noticed the light smile on He Yu's face. If she was smiling so happily, she must like it! Jing Dan was eager to see He Yu jumping with joy like those women on TV. He Yu, filled with anticipation, carefully placed her hand on the doorknob and gently pushed it open. The door revealed rows and rows of wardrobes lined up as meticulously as if arranged by someone with OCD, forming parallel lines that would never intersect. He Yu, full of anticipation: "…" There was nothing. As He Yu's original smile faded and confusion filled her, Jing Dan's emotions also waned. Didn't she like it? But wasn't it commonly said that women typically appreciated such things? "You... turned this into a dressing room?" He Yu asked. All her excitement turned out to be in vain. Jing Dan nodded, her voice somewhat muffled, "Your dressing room." He Yu, as if she didn't quite hear correctly, widened her eyes slightly and repeated, "Whose dressing room did you say?" Jing Dan bit her lip, feeling even more awkward, but still answered her question, "Yours!" Wasn't she clear enough? Fully convinced, He Yu, seeing the slightly troubled look in Jing Dan’s eyes, suddenly burst into laughter. Then she put her hands around Jing Dan, laughed softly, "I really like it, especially like it." Taken aback by He Yu's sudden embrace, Jing Dan, smelling her pleasant fragrance and feeling her warm and comforting touch, froze in place. This, this was too intimate... However, He Yu only briefly hugged her before letting her go and turning into the room to inspect her newly acquired dressing room. The more she looked, the more astonished she became. Jing Dan had really gone all out; every item here was something people would fight over, including many limited edition pieces. She had certainly spared no expense for this dressing room. Yet He Yu couldn't understand Jing Dan's intentions in giving her this dressing room, especially such a high-value one. All the items inside added together could probably buy the entire building. Jing Dan, standing still after being released, thought, "…” She could only bask in the moment of being held briefly and then left again. Was that brief moment enough to be considered intimate? But seeing He Yu's genuine smile again, Jing Dan finally felt that all the effort she had put into researching brands and selecting items for her had not been in vain. "Why did you suddenly think of giving me such a dressing room?" He Yu turned to ask her. The preparation was so comprehensive, with clothing, shoes, hats for all seasons, scarves, even dance costumes, showing exceptional thoughtfulness. With such attention to detail, He Yu couldn't help but be surprised and even began to doubt if Jing Dan had actually arranged everything. Was her mind really so thorough? But those parallel lines that seemed like OCD made her believe that it was indeed Jing Dan's work. No one but her would have such meticulous attention to detail. Jing Dan scratched her pants' fabric beside her and softly said, "You made a lot of food for me." Since she couldn't make food to give back to her, this was the only way she could repay her. He Yu: "Just because of that?" She found it a bit hard to laugh or cry, watching Jing Dan's embarrassed expression, she shook her head and sighed, "Where did all that attitude of taking me for granted as your tool go?" Now that she was familiar, she felt awkward taking things for granted. Jing Dan: "…" She was also curious about that. "But now there's a problem, right?" He Yu sighed, raising her hands in resignation, and continued, "I don't live here, so why did you prepare such a big dressing room for me? I can't come here each time just to change clothes, can I?" Jing Dan: "…" Indeed, why hadn't she thought of that at the time and just placed the dressing room in her own house as if it were a given? Seeing Jing Dan's expression, He Yu realized that she hadn't thought of it either. She chuckled lightly, "I don't have enough space in my place to accommodate these things. So, I can't take them back with me." When she bought her current place, although it was a three-bedroom apartment, considering she lived alone, the rooms weren't actually that large. Unlike the large flat that Jing MeiYue had prepared for Jing Dan, the size of this guest bedroom alone was bigger than her living room, not to mention Jing Dan's master bedroom. Jing Dan, disheartened by the failed gift: "…" Why didn't she consider so many things when giving a gift? However, Jing Dan didn't know that most people didn't give gifts like she did. Instead of giving one or two items, she provided a dressing room equivalent. Could that ever be the same? Seeing Jing Dan visibly deflated, He Yu smiled gently, then blinked and said, "Isn't the other room still empty? Why not tidy that up and prepare it for me to stay? Are you going to be my landlord?" Jing Dan's voice was even more muffled, "The other room has been turned into a study." Just as she had arranged the dressing room, she had thought of tidying up the remaining room as well. He Yu: "…" Just because she hadn't been here for some time, it had changed drastically? With both at a loss for words, neither could suggest staying in one room together. Occasionally staying over was acceptable, but if they slept together daily, what would it mean? Helplessly, He Yu sighed, "With all these things in the dressing room, I'm sure I can't use them all. But I think many items in there would suit you well too. We can share them, can't we?" This way, when she occasionally stayed over at Jing Dan's place, she wouldn't have to worry about changing clothes. Was there any other way? No, Jing Dan could only accept He Yu's proposal. What started as a well-intentioned gift had led to this result, leaving the child sulking. "Well, receiving such a thoughtful gift, I'm really happy," He Yu stepped forward, gently rubbing Jing Dan's furrowed eyebrows and chuckled softly, "I'm delighted that you put so much thought into this." After all, each item in there seemed carefully selected, perfectly matching her taste, and suited her well. "Really?" Jing Dan looked at her. "Of course, when have I ever lied to you?" He Yu removed her hand from Jing Dan's eyebrows, then ruffled her hair, smiling, "I plan to go back home in a while. Would you like to come with me? The scenery is beautiful there, especially in winter. We can go ice skating on the lake." "Ice skating on the lake?" Jing Dan's eyes brightened slightly. "Yes, it’s very cold there. Every winter, the lake freezes over with thick ice layers, so when we skate on the ice, there's no need to worry about falling into the water." "But can I visit your home?" Jing Dan asked cautiously. If she went and met He Yu's family, what if they didn't like her? Would He Yu distance herself because of her family's disapproval? Wouldn't she then lose such a good friend? "You can definitely come to my home." He Yu smiled faintly, looking at Jing Dan and softly said, "I want to take you to see my home, to show you where I grew up." Seeing He Yu's earnest gaze, Jing Dan made a sound of agreement, considering it as a promise. She was also curious about where He Yu had grown up. After agreeing, they began to prepare the things they would need when going with He Yu. They also had to handle matters at work. Huto got wind of their plans to go home. Huto was furious! Were they not friends anymore? Were they planning to leave her behind to have their own private world together? She didn’t agree! "I'm going too!" Huto raised her head, announcing in a tone that she was coming along! In the dead of winter, how could they just leave her here alone? She was extremely bored! As for Su Yu, since winter started, she had been staying indoors all the time. Without Su Yu's company, she was starting to get rusty! He Yu: "…" Helplessly, in the end, He Yu took Huto along on their journey back home. (End of Chapter)