
Chapter 48: Watch the Play with a Heavy Heart Upon hearing Hutu's words, Jingdan raised her eyes to look at her, not understanding what she meant. Seeing Jingdan looking so puzzled, Hutu felt somewhat disappointed. Where did the fierce jealousy that you displayed when He Xing wouldn't cook for you but got upset when she ate with someone else go?! She almost wanted to spell it out for her. Could she really not comprehend it? "I mean, Su Yu towards He Xing, it's not just the thoughts of a friend!" Hutu enunciated each word clearly for her to understand. Would she finally get it this time? However, after hearing Hutu's words, Jingdan just stood there in a daze, not saying anything. Hutu: "..." What's going on here? No reaction at all? "Hey, did you even hear what I said?" Hutu waved her hand in front of her. Jingdan snapped back to attention and looked at her. Hutu: "..." Oh no, is this person clueless? When He Xing returned, she saw Jingdan lost in thought, not responding to her calls. Eventually, she gently patted her shoulder to bring her back to reality. "What happened to her just now?" He Xing asked Hutu. However, Hutu just blinked her innocent eyes, refusing to say anything. How could she possibly tell He Xing what she had just talked about? It was one thing to say it for Jingdan to hear, but if she told He Xing, wouldn't she be aiding that woman's confession? Moreover, that woman might not appreciate her involvement in the confession; she might even want to harm her, making the intention clear. Seeing Hutu's reaction, He Xing felt that Hutu must have said something to cause Jingdan's behavior. She gave her a cold look, then took a small stool and sat beside Jingdan, asking softly, "What's wrong? You seemed lost in thought just now." When Jingdan came back to her senses, she shook her head, indicating that nothing was wrong. Seeing that neither of them spoke, He Xing felt a bit helpless. However, looking at Jingdan's demeanor, she didn't want to press her. She just said, "If it's nothing, let's eat first and then go for a stroll." Although Jingdan was initially intrigued by the hot pot, her mind was now preoccupied with Hutu's words. If Su Yu liked He Xing, did He Xing know about it? She glanced at He Xing, unable to clarify this question at the moment, but she felt a bit suffocated, as if everything she did was futile. Later, the three of them sat at the small stall eating hot pot. Naturally, photos of them dining were uploaded on the internet. Jingdan didn't care much about how she appeared in those photos. After buying New Year goods and loading up a car, they headed home. On the way, Jingdan turned to look at He Xing's profile as she drove, then withdrew her gaze, thinking about Su Yu and the gesture he made to feed He Xing. After learning the truth, she felt that Su Yu was truly cunning, gradually plotting while posing as a friend next to He Xing! At that moment, Jingdan seemed to forget her previous assumption of figuring out He Xing's intentions. Wasn't He Xing's intention, being by her side, trying to cultivate affection over time? As Jingdan gazed ahead, she let out a soft hum. She was eager to see how Su Yu expressed his intentions and how He Xing would react! After figuring it out, since she couldn't see Su Yu now, Jingdan decided not to dwell on it. She relaxed and even found He Xing more pleasing to the eye. Back home, He Xing's mother was sitting in the living room, drinking tea and reading a book. Upon their return, she glanced at them briefly and then returned to her reading. Hutu suddenly quietened down, behaving more subdued. Seeing her behaving like this, He Xing wanted to laugh. She said softly, "You don't have to be like this. My mom is nice. Just be yourself." Hutu: "…Really?" He Xing nodded. Although her mother seemed cold and distant, she wasn't too strict with others. Upon hearing He Xing's reassurance, Hutu put down her things and walked towards He Yan with a smile, offering, "Auntie, let me get you a glass of water!" Her fawning behavior left Jingdan stunned. What was she doing? He Xing: "…" He Yan looked at her for a while, then pointed to the teapot on the table, hinting for her to take notice. Hutu: "..." Misjudged. Unable to bear Hutu's foolish behavior, He Xing dragged Jingdan into the kitchen, deciding to ignore the situation. The two left in the living room felt awkward, or rather, Hutu felt awkward unilaterally. "Do you want some snacks, Auntie?" Hutu, feeling bolder, tried to shake off her previous timidity. "Shut up, little fox," He Yan remarked softly. Taken aback, Hutu looked at He Yan, almost in disbelief, and asked tentatively, "Did you just call me a fox?" When He Yan looked at her and confirmed, Hutu was stunned. Had she revealed her true nature so quickly? He Yan, upon seeing her reaction, asked in silence, "Are you also keeping it from them?" The relationships among these three seemed so complicated. Taking a deep breath, Hutu asked, "May I ask, what kind of demon are you?" "A white crane demon." As expected. Hutu continued, "Why did He Xing bring Jingdan here?" "For a medical checkup," He Yan replied patiently. Hutu: "..." Indeed, Jingxiao Dan was probably already figured out by others without her knowledge! Unconcerned whether He Yan had seen through her, Hutu glanced in the direction of the kitchen, observing the two figures inside with a complex and melancholic expression. Jingxiao Dan, oh Jingxiao Dan, with your simplistic mind, how will you compete with He Xing, who is as cunning as a fox and even cleverer than that fox! He Yan, with no interest in the relationships among the three, decided to focus on her own matters, taking her book and heading upstairs. Hutu: "…" For some reason, she felt a deep sense of disdain from her. Slumping on the sofa with a sigh, Hutu pondered whether He Xing's mother had discovered her identity. But what about He Xing? Had she also noticed but chose not to disclose it, just as she remained silent when facing Jingxiao Dan, quietly watching her performance? With these thoughts swirling in her mind, Hutu felt frustrated. If that was the case, it felt like He Xing was mocking her! Watching them perform! However, regardless of Hutu's wild thoughts, He Xing soon prepared dinner, and when it was ready, He Yan came down to eat a bit and then returned upstairs without saying a word. Hutu: "…" The way they interacted didn't seem like that of a mother and daughter at all. After dinner, the three of them gathered to play games. In the end, He Xing was losing badly, so Hutu immediately started mocking her mercilessly. "I never expected that some people are a black hole in games~" Her sardonic tone made her seem irritable. Mocked by Hutu, He Xing fell silent, unable to retort. "You're not good at it either," Jingdan told Hutu seriously, surprising her as she was laughing. Seeing Hutu suddenly at a loss, staring wide-eyed, she looked like she had been found out. This time, it was He Xing who laughed; she looked gently at Jingdan and said, "Go freshen up and sleep early. Shall we go ice skating on the lake tomorrow?" At the mention of ice skating the next day, Jingdan's eyes lit up a bit. She nodded and headed to her room. Initially waiting for her to suggest sleeping together again that night, He Xing said, "..." Didn't you say you weren't used to sleeping together yesterday? It had only been one night, and you were already okay with it? However, seeing Jingdan confidently close the door without any hesitation, He Xing sighed. Alright, wasn't she the same Jingxiao Dan, after all? What's there to be surprised about? Hutu teased, "Feeling lonely and cold without someone to sleep with?" He Xing glanced at her dismissively, then rose and went to her room. Hutu: "…" Damn it, just you wait. If I catch you two sharing a bed, I'll tear down your house! --- The next morning, Jingdan woke up feeling a bit dazed. She freshened up and came out to find He Xing half-leaning on the sofa, looking at her. "Good morning," He Xing chuckled. Jingdan opened her mouth to speak, but He Xing's phone rang at that moment. Hearing the ringtone, Jingdan remained silent, listening to the phone. The tiredness she felt a moment ago vanished instantly, and she became wide awake, attentively waiting for He Xing's reaction. She wanted to see if it was Su Yu calling again. He Xing picked up the phone and glanced at it. After a brief and serious conversation, she ended the call. Jingdan: "..." It doesn't seem like Su Yu. "What's wrong?" He Xing asked, finding Jingdan's behavior strange. Shaking her head, Jingdan couldn't say she was waiting for He Xing to answer Su Yu's call, so she pushed aside her jumbled thoughts and slowly climbed the stairs to the second floor. Arriving at He Yan's room, she found the door slightly ajar. Pushing it open, she entered, catching He Yan's gaze. Enjoying this translation? You can commission the translator for your personal or professional projects. "You can really sleep well." Jingdan: "…" What exactly does she mean by that?