146 - Blue Dragon Rain Dance Society (16) - The Heaven-Slaying Sword

The waiting room for the martial contest was raucous. "Really, that person is quite unique, don't you think, Mok Brother? To be a clan leader and yet prioritize martial contests over missions, isn't that funny?" Jegal San chuckled as he talked about Kang Chan, his opponent for today's match. However, Mok Riwon couldn't agree. "You don't understand, Jegal Hyung! It's precisely because he is so passionate about martial arts and competition that he could become a clan leader!" Clutching his fist tightly as he spoke, Jegal San initially looked puzzled but soon burst into laughter. "You're right! My thinking was too shallow. Speaking of which…” Jegal San asked Mok Riwon with a sly, somewhat provocative demeanor. "Do you think you can win against the clan leader?" It seemed like an attempt to motivate him. Mok Riwon grinned and said, "I'm quite confident about this martial contest." "Are you talking about that triple strike?" "Exactly! I myself think that this set of techniques turned out exceptionally well." It wasn't an overstatement; the technique was indeed nearing perfection and its potential seemed to grow with each exploration. A certainty filled him that this martial art could evolve further. "Mok Xiaohe, it's time." Dang Hwa-seo entered the waiting room and informed him. Today, due to the other members being on missions, Jegal San and Dang Hwa-seo were the only ones who came to support him. Mok Riwon understood the situation; he wasn't the type to feel upset over things like this. "Ah, I'll be going now!" Mok Riwon said as he picked up his sword and bid farewell to Jegal San. "Jegal Hyung! I'll be back then!" "Alright! Go and come back as a victor!" Mok Riwon smiled at Jegal San's vigorous wave. Stepping out into the corridor and heading towards the martial contest stage, Mok Riwon said, "Lady! I'm grateful you came to support me today! Despite how busy you must be, you still made time." "It's Mok Xiaohe's contest, who else would come if not me?" Dang Hwa-seo smiled warmly, causing Mok Riwon to feel inexplicably happy and laugh sheepishly. When did it start? Perhaps it was after the incident in Sichuan when he was discovered to possess the Heavenly Killing Star. For some reason, he found himself pondering over every word Dang Hwa-seo said, and occasionally, his heart would flutter without reason. Not to mention, when she would casually tap on his shoulder or hold his hand, his mind would go blank. Initially, he was too flustered to even meet her eyes, but now he had gotten used to concealing his feelings, managing to converse with her as if nothing was amiss. "We're here." "Already... I mean, yes, we are!" Mok Riwon was startled before quickly correcting himself, his face reddening at Dang Hwa-seo's soft laugh. "I'll be back then!" "Yes, I'll be cheering you on from the spectator seats." Dang Hwa-seo waved, and Mok Riwon, with a broad smile, ascended the martial contest stage. Standing on the stage, he saw Kang Chan, the opposing clan leader, smirking with his arms crossed. "So, it has come to this martial contest!" Kang Chan said excitedly. He was a broad-shouldered man with striking muscles and an adventurous disposition. His aura matched his rugged appearance, feeling straightforward and expansive. Mok Riwon assumed a martial arts stance and said, "I haven't had the opportunity until now! Please, teach me a move!" "Asking for a lesson from the Ink Dragon himself! That puts quite the pressure on me!" Kang Chan drew his large, savage-looking sword, which had to be held with both hands. Despite its brute appearance, Mok Riwon recognized that his opponent wasn't a practitioner of clumsy martial arts. 'His title is the Asura Sword!' This nickname was given due to his swordplay, reminiscent of an Asura, tearing through everything in its path. While Ki Taewoon, the Blue Dragon clan leader, may scoff at such nicknames as being too flamboyant, Mok Riwon found Kang Chan's title quite fitting. "Prepare!" The judge, a martial artist from the Blue Dragon clan, signaled the beginning. Mok Riwon focused and drew his sword, releasing a darkly gleaming energy. His gaze locked onto the location of Kang Chan's sword. A formidable opponent. Therefore, Mok Riwon intended to push him from the start. The tension rose. Not just between the two of them but across the entire martial contest arena, enveloped in a tense quietude before the storm. Breaking the precarious silence, the judge gestured and shouted, "Begin!" With that, Mok Riwon lunged forward. Kang Chan grinned as a crimson energy swirled around him. Mok Riwon quickly discerned the flow of this energy. 'This isn't about compromise or restraint but rather unrestrained, assertive...' Tyrant Blade. Kang Chan's swordplay was about overwhelming and overpowering his opponent as he pleased—worthy of being called the Tyrant Blade. Suddenly, Kang Chan's sword sliced through the air, making it feel as though a sharp wind was cutting through space. Mok Riwon deepened his smile and resonated his sword energy. "Been waiting for this!" Kang Chan shouted. "I've reflected on our duel with Fire Sword countless times! And I've realized something!" Kang Chan tilted his sword, reveling in the expanse of its blade. Although one might perceive it as a defensive move due to its wide surface area, Mok Riwon knew better. Kang Chan wasn't one to favor defense. "Your swordwork negates the power of your opponent's sword by following its trajectory!" Indeed, that was the case. However, nothing had changed. Mok Riwon continued to lower his sword. There was something Mok Riwon had long pondered. What was paramount to gaining the upper hand in swordsmanship? "Understanding your opponent's sword." Merely by knowing the enemy, the direction in which one should swing their sword becomes clear. By knowing the enemy's sword, one can realize its weaknesses. But consider this. How vast is this central land? And think of how many warriors live throughout this expanse. Masters are like grains of sand scattered in all directions. Each employs different sword techniques and emits unique energy. Is there any way to know them all? Is it possible to study every single one? It's impossible. Even Mok Riwon, deemed a prodigy in the martial world's history, found it an impossible task. Thus, he resorts to becoming a mimic. "Observing the trajectory in which an opponent swings their sword." During an event at the Dragon Phoenix Assembly, Mok Riwon had mastered a sword technique that changes its path and nature endlessly, even while being drawn in an instant. This was merely an application of that principle. Within fleeting moments, he watches how the opponent's sword changes. Predicting the sword's intended path, its forthcoming changes, and pinpointing the moment it aims to strike allows one to analyze and eventually disassemble the opponent's sword technique. Through observation, not study, one gains an understanding of the enemy's sword and secures an advantage with a tailored technique. This is called Cheonrimantong (Thousand-Mile Insight). A technique that follows the sword with eyes that can see a thousand miles, piercing through ten thousand sword paths—this was the essence of the Wanlian Reasoning Sword’s third form. "I can see it." Mok Riwon watched, dissecting the countless changes in Kang Chan’s movements in a split second. Though Kang Chan made it seem like a blunt weapon swinging wildly by revealing his sword plane, it was a feint. Kang Chan knew his strengths very well—his unyielding muscles and the power they unleashed. By increasing resistance and slowing his sword, he would eventually tilt his sword to reduce its resistance area. Then, due to Kang Chan's strength, the sword would surge forward with lightning speed, creating a gap in velocity that makes it hard to react accurately. Now, there was only one thing to consider. Having understood his sword, it was time to find a way to counter it. "Block it before it changes." While it's still facing resistance, strike the sword and immediately target the neck. That would end the match. Mok Riwon's eyes gleamed. He quickly altered his sword path and deflected Kang Chan’s sword. Then, "...Smiling?" Kang Chan grinned. Soon, Mok Riwon realized why. Kang Chan had released his sword. His posture changed as strength flowed into his arms and legs, clearly assuming a stance for unarmed combat. "Ah!" It was a mistake. He had naively thought that Kang Chan would only wield his sword. Mok Riwon's gaze darted. Positioned well, he was ready to thrust his fist, powered by a solid stance. The punch was faster than the sword already in motion. But to drop the sword meant losing any advantage in unarmed combat against Kang Chan. The tension was palpable. Then, Mok Riwon conjured a plan. He extended his unarmed left hand towards his waist and grabbed the sheath, swinging it forward. Clang! An imperfect stance, but Kang Chan's punch was effectively blocked. And Mok Riwon still held his sword. Tensing his muscles, he reversed the sword's direction. The sword, once aimed high, defied physics and dropped straight down, halting beside Kang Chan's neck. Click! Both fighters came to a standstill. * "Ah..." Amid the silent martial contest arena, an elder exhaled in awe. He was a martial artist who had been eliminated in the round of 128. Having attained his peak prowess at an advanced age, he was still astounded by what unfolded in that fleeting duel—such intense tactical engagement. "Incredible." The immense clan leader. And a talent challenging the legends of old. Youth, vigor, and talent sparkling chaotically, moving the elder to tears. "The world opens up." The world one perceives depends on what their eyes have seen. And today, the elder saw beyond the world he knew—an indescribable wonder. Yet, to define this contest right away would be an underestimation of talent. How much longer would he need to dwell in reflection, revisiting this martial art to comprehend fully? Yet, he wasn't overwhelmed by the thought. "I saw it." A path forward emerged from the foggy mist, solidifying his convictions. With a faint smile, the elder felt reassured. And there were others like the elder scattered throughout the martial contest arena. Some expressed astonishment, others shock, and yet others disbelief. A whirlwind of emotions swirled, eventually shattering the silence. "Ink Dragon wins!" Again, it was the judge. Only after his declaration did cheers erupt throughout the entire arena. "Waaahhhhh!!!" It was a cauldron of frenzy. Those who understood Mok Riwon's techniques were astonished by its mystery, while those who didn’t grasp it reveled in its incomprehensibility. The profound unfathomability, beyond comprehension, stirred emotions in its own unique way. The last match of the Blue Dragon Martial Contest’s top 64. The contest between Jukwoon clan leader Kang Chan and the Ink Dragon Mok Riwon thus concluded amidst fervent excitement.