169 - Starry Night - The Heaven-Slaying Sword

"-'Become a star. Not a sun that shines alone in glory, but a star that illuminates the darkness, guiding the weak.' With that voice, Mok Seon-o opened his eyes in a humble room where only the chirping of birds pierced the silence. 'Ugh...' Mok Seon-o let out a soft groan as he rose from his bed. 'It's been a while since I've had such a dream.' A faint smile lingered on Mok Seon-o's lips. Perhaps due to the recent increase in worries and concerns, he found himself revisiting past events in his dreams more frequently. Having transcended to a realm beyond enlightenment, a legendary status in the martial world, it seemed he had not yet attained perfect detachment. 'This too must be an attachment.' Despite knowing it's something he should embrace as a human, why does it feel so shameful? Long ago, the monk Won Myung said that trying to control attachments is futile, but Mok Seon-o, a martial artist and not a monk, couldn't fully grasp that concept. 'Well, let's get up.' Mok Seon-o tidied his bed and left the room, greeted by the sight of a thatched house in the middle of a forest dense with trees – a view he had been accustomed to since retreating from the martial world. It felt lonely. -'Master! Did you cough?' He still remembered how Mok Riwon would greet him with a bright smile upon awakening. And how Ma Il-seok, waking up later, would grumble, 'Don't I even get a morning greeting?' The absence of those who were always by his side was profoundly felt only after they were gone, highlighting the foolish nature of humans. Mok Seon-o closed his eyes and took a deep breath. 'Phew...' As he exhaled, his internal energy was purified – an effect of transcending beyond enlightenment. Now, the distinctions of realms and the total amount of internal energy were trivial matters to Mok Seon-o. If he wished, he could generate any amount of internal energy or replicate any realm's power perfectly, truly validating those words. In fact, he could even reverse his physical age. He had the ability to undergo a complete transformation, living a much longer life. The reason he chose not to do so was that Mok Seon-o already understood the importance of following the natural order. What meaning would there be in clinging to a forcibly prolonged life? Born from the earth and returning to it, Mok Seon-o was content to submit to this natural cycle. If possible, achieving enlightenment to become an immortal would be ideal. Ascension wasn't a difficult task for Mok Seon-o. 'If only Woni has fully grown up.' When he can stand on his own and walk his path independently, ascension might also be a suitable choice. Mok Seon-o smiled softly as he drew his sword, a companion throughout his life. 'Today, I ask for your cooperation again.' Humming, the sword resonated. Mok Seon-o, without showing off, infused his natural flow into the sword, creating a surge of energy. Then, he slowly began his sword dance, a routine morning activity. After finishing the sword dance, the sun had fully risen. Without Mok Riwon or Ma Il-seok, he had to prepare his meals alone. Fortunately, the pantry was well-stocked, so he simply cooked some available food. He ate just enough wild vegetables and rice, sharing his meal with nearby forest animals. 'You guys should at least pretend to be scared.' Mok Seon-o laughed heartily, but the animals climbed onto him and even started to nap. With a gentle sigh, Mok Seon-o assumed a meditative pose. This meditation, becoming one with nature and breathing as part of the world, had become his way to alleviate boredom. -'Seon-o.' As he deepened his focus, scenes from the past emerged. Mok Seon-o paid closer attention to these visions. In a clearing within a mountain forest, there was an elderly man who, despite looking like a bandit, acted as if he had become an immortal. 'Seon-o.' It was Woo Rim, the 9th master of the Star Connection Sect and Mok Seon-o's mentor. 'He's quite talented, but...' With a sly smile, Woo Rim picked up a stick and whacked Mok Seon-o on the head. 'Ouch!' 'Don't resort to tricks, you rascal.' This incident happened when Mok Seon-o was in his twenties. 'Didn't I tell you? Substance is more important than advancing through realms. A deep root prevents falling. Yet here you are, already showing off at a young age, which worries me as your master.' At that time, Mok Seon-o had just reached the peak of his late twenties, full of youthful vigor and ambition as a martial artist. It was natural for him to feel that way. Being at the pinnacle of his martial prowess in his twenties, Mok Seon-o knew instinctively about his high level and brilliant talent, despite always being secluded in the mountains. He achieved such a remarkable feat but had no one to share or boast about it with, which inevitably led to some resentment. "Master, when can I make my debut in the martial world?" "It's still far off, you rascal." "But at my age, reaching the pinnacle of the martial realm..." "Pinnacle? The martial realm is littered with hundreds at the pinnacle. It's not that remarkable." Woo Rim always emphasized this. Being at the pinnacle didn't mean much in the grand scheme of things—it was just a phase prone to arrogance. So, he warned Mok Seon-o not to venture into the martial world and tarnish the name of the Star Connection Sect. "I can become stronger. I can elevate the Star Connection Sect to be the most revered in this land! I have the talent, don't I?" Mok Seon-o truly believed in his capabilities. It wasn't just confidence; looking back, his claims were accurate, considering he eventually reached a realm beyond transcendence. "Is that so?" Whack! Woo Rim hit him on the head again, scoffing as he did so. "The Star Connection Sect doesn't need fame. We are fools chasing righteousness, not glory." "But wouldn't it be better to gain some renown while we're at it?" "No." "Why not?" "Because glory is like a parasite that feeds on righteousness. It's like the shadow that grows as the sun rises higher. It's easy to be engulfed by it. Therefore, we must remain humble to avoid being consumed by it." "Why should we?" That day, Mok Seon-o asked in defiance. What was wrong with pursuing greatness and honor? Why was it considered misguided? The energetic young man couldn't comprehend his master's words, prompting Woo Rim to provide an answer that Mok Seon-o would never forget. "Because we are stars." "Stars...?" Woo Rim smiled, a smile Mok Seon-o thought was the most magnificent and yet something he couldn't emulate. "Yes, stars. Those small specks that illuminate the night sky." He pointed upward. "Do you understand? Pursuing honor is like becoming the sun, shining alone, leaving a shadow in the bright world. It's not bad, but it's not our role." He gently placed his hand on Mok Seon-o's head. "We are the Star Connection. We are the stars that light up the coldest nights. Even if our light isn't the brightest, if we can illuminate the path for someone lost, isn't that enough? Isn't that what being righteous is about?" Perhaps that's why Mok Seon-o still clings to the path of righteousness, influenced by Woo Rim's words. "Seon-o." "Yes." "Become a star. Not a sun that shines alone in glory, but a star that lights up the darkness, guiding the weak." Now, Mok Seon-o wanted to ask: 'Master.' Having reached such an exalted state, yet still finding the world so full of unknowns, yearning for his master's wisdom, 'Have I become a star?' He pondered in longing. Mok Seon-o awoke from his meditation. The sun had set. "Oh, I've spent the entire day." It seemed the saying that old age brings a focus on the past was true. Mok Seon-o poked the belly of a sleeping squirrel, which scurried away in surprise. "It's time for you to go. Predators roam at night." The squirrel darted off. Mok Seon-o took a deep breath to purify his internal energy and stood up. After preparing and eating his dinner and cleaning up, he picked up his sword again. "I hope the stars are bright tonight." The feeling was good. With the sky clear of clouds, the night was bound to be brightly lit. His expectations were met. As the twilight faded, the stars shone brilliantly in the sky, filling his vision. "It's a full moon tonight." The moon seemed eager to share its light. "Let's..." He began his sword dance under the starry sky. Twenty years have passed since Mok Seon-o ventured into the martial world, eighteen since he left it, thirteen since he began teaching Mok Riwon, and six months since he bid farewell to his student. The martial artist Mok Seon-o had indeed concluded a tumultuous journey. Now, as an old man reflecting on his life as part of this world, he wished for a peaceful existence. But the currents of life rarely fulfill such desires. 'Again...' Mok Seon-o felt disheartened. Amidst his usual meditation, he sensed a disturbing energy pricking at his senses. He couldn't ignore it. The energy, so ferociously malevolent, was clearly focused on him, transmitting its intent unmistakably. "Sigh..." Opening his eyes, Mok Seon-o turned westward, toward Hubei's Wuhan, toward Sichuan, Qinghai, and beyond them, to Xinjiang and the vastness of the Tianshan mountains – the direction from which the disturbing energy emanated. Though retired from the martial world, how could he be oblivious? He was well aware of the current events in the martial realm, courtesy of Ma Il-seok's detailed updates before his departure. 'The Heavenly Demon Cult...' The last time they stirred was centuries ago. Now, they were on the move again, not even two decades after the Blood Demon Crisis had settled. "Why do you test me so?" He asked the heavens, but no answer came back, only the persistent energy gnawing at his senses. Distance mattered little. Having transcended the physical, Mok Seon-o knew all too well that with will alone, any physical barrier could become a mere thin wall to overcome. Reluctantly, Mok Seon-o engaged with the intrusive force, not so much joining it as trying to repel it. This was akin to a verbal debate, a duel of energy and will, where each side's qi intertwined, arguing whose intent was more righteous. The standoff lasted long before finally ceasing. By then, Mok Seon-o felt a deep exhaustion. 'Their ferocity increases by the day.' He also started sensing a deep craving in that force. Instinctively, he knew who the master of this energy was and what they truly desired. His primary concern was Mok Riwon, not just him but all the countless lives in the Central Plains. With a heavy heart, Mok Seon-o gazed into the distance, his mind heavy with thoughts. 'Oh, martial world.' Oh, Jianghu, are you calling me back to your tumultuous lands? It was a question that echoed back to him, morphing into a nagging worry. 'Sigh...' Once again, Mok Seon-o exhaled deeply, facing the west where countless lives were possibly at stake due to the Heavenly Demon Cult's resurgence. Although he had hoped to avoid re-entering the fray, it seemed destiny had other plans. 'And again...' He sighed, feeling the weight of the world's expectations on his shoulders. Despite his desire for peace, it appeared the martial world, and perhaps destiny itself, had not yet finished with the legendary swordsman Mok Seon-o. Mok Seon-o's contemplation deepened as he felt the burden of the martial world's impending crisis. Despite his wish for seclusion, the urgent call from the Jianghu was too strong to ignore. The increasing turmoil within the Heavenly Demon Cult signaled a threat not just to him but to the entire Central Plains. With the weight of this realization, Mok Seon-o couldn't help but reflect on his responsibilities. He had always seen himself as a guiding star, not seeking the blinding light of the sun but offering a guiding light in the darkness. Now, with the shadows of conflict looming over the martial world, his role as a guide, a protector, became ever more critical. As night fell and the stars began to shimmer, Mok Seon-o stood up, his resolve solidifying. He knew that the path ahead might lead him back into the very world he had left behind, into the heart of conflict and strife. Yet, he stood ready, a steadfast star in the ever-darkening night of the Jianghu. With the celestial tapestry above as his witness, Mok Seon-o made a silent vow. No matter the challenges ahead, he would remain true to his path, guiding those lost in the night, and confronting the rising darkness with the unwavering light of his spirit. The journey ahead was uncertain, but his purpose was clear: to be the guiding star the martial world needed in its darkest hour. In the serene silence of the night, Mok Seon-o, the martial artist known as the Sword Star, found himself at a crossroads of destiny. Years had passed since he had stepped away from the tumultuous life of the Jianghu, seeking solace in the quietude of nature. Yet, the echoes of his past and the whispers of the present converged, beckoning him to a path he thought he had left behind. The martial world he once knew was now on the brink of upheaval, with the Heavenly Demon Cult stirring once again, threatening the delicate balance of power. Mok Seon-o, who had once shone brightly as a beacon of strength and honor, felt the inevitable pull of duty calling him back to the fray. With the stars as his silent companions, he reflected on his journey, the trials he had faced, and the choices that had led him to this moment of solitude. Yet, the tranquility of his retreat could not quell the storm brewing within his heart—a storm born of an unyielding sense of responsibility to the world he had once vowed to protect. As the night deepened, Mok Seon-o's resolve crystallized. He knew that the time had come to once again wield his sword, not for glory or recognition, but as a guardian of peace, a defender of the weak. The path ahead was fraught with uncertainty and danger, but the Sword Star was no stranger to adversity. Rising from his meditative stance, Mok Seon-o gazed up at the celestial canvas, finding guidance in the unwavering light of the stars. With a deep breath, he embraced his destiny, ready to step into the unknown, to face whatever challenges lay ahead, for the sake of the martial world and the ideals he held dear. The journey of the Sword Star was about to begin anew, a journey not of conquest, but of courage, not of solitude, but of solidarity. In the heart of the Jianghu, where shadows lurked and danger awaited, Mok Seon-o would shine once again, a steadfast star guiding the way through the darkest night.