175 - Mission, Stealth (6) - The Heaven-Slaying Sword

Black Faction Leader, the embodiment of evil, Do Eungang. His life did not require a lengthy explanation. An orphan abandoned on the streets a day after being born. Raised by a faction within the Blackness, the purpose was to groom him into a spy for potential conflicts amongst the Blackness factions. It was a widely accepted notion within the Blackness that loyalty is easier to cultivate in children. Hence, for such reasons, he was taught martial arts and grew up to finally undertake a mission. He infiltrated the den of those who were in a territorial dispute with the Blackness faction that raised him. On that day, Do Eungang had a realization. 'These people are stronger.' If the opposing Blackness were stronger, what should be done? 'I should join them.' He lacked loyalty. Rather, he was devoid of any sentiments, including loyalty. He was a man who couldn't grasp the intangible assets others referred to as emotions. Thus, what mattered was efficiency. Tangible resources, power balance, victory and defeat—merely abandoning humanity for survival, emotionless as if it were second nature. "I am a spy." Immediately after making his decision, Do Eungang met with the faction’s leader and told him everything—why he was here, who sent him, and why he was disclosing this. "Please take me in." Do Eungang bowed. The faction leader asked, "How can you expect me to trust a spy?" "Because this is the Blackness." "Hmm?" "Isn’t the Blackness a land where people prioritize benefits above all? Why then, are you discussing loyalty beyond benefits?" The faction leader, or in other words, Gu Baeseon, who held considerable influence in the Blackness, was greatly impressed by Do Eungang’s audacity. "Splendid! Very well. You will be under my wing!" A desire for benefits and a cruel willingness to betray even parental figures in pursuit of that were the true essence of a Blackness warrior. Gu Baeseon, proclaiming such, decided not only to take Do Eungang in but also to become his mentor. "Why do you go to such lengths?" "Because you are going to become the best!" "And that justifies taking me in?" "Indeed!" Gu Baeseon offered no further explanations. Do Eungang did not inquire further. As time passed, just as Gu Baeseon claimed, Do Eungang became the strongest, to the extent of potentially leading the colossal group known as the Black Faction. And on that day, Do Eungang killed Gu Baeseon. "Khahaha…!" Gu Baeseon laughed. Do Eungang asked, "You are not surprised. Nor do you feel betrayed. Why is that?" "Because I knew this would happen." "Why didn’t you fight back?" "Because my blood has seeped into the throne of the Black Faction Leader." It was true. Gu Baeseon was dying while seated on the throne, and Do Eungang was standing before him. Amidst this, Gu Baeseon said, "It’s the Blackness. Darkness, as in a gathering of the vilest. But even within such a group, leadership matters. The best is still the best, and the supreme remains supreme. I am content for having sat even momentarily in the seat of supremacy." "That wasn’t your seat." "But I sat in it. Indeed, in a way that befits the Blackness." Do Eungang did not understand his words. Ambition and aspiration were forever alien to him. "May I dispose of you now?" "No, let me remain here until my last breath. The value for making you, who was no more than a mere spy at noon, into the owner of the Black Faction must be settled." That was the last remark Do Eungang comprehended. He willingly carried out the task, and Gu Baeseon met his end on the throne as he wished. The era of Do Eungang had begun. Yet, Do Eungang couldn't feel any satisfaction. Only the realization that he was in a somewhat more advantageous situation for survival. He gathered all the elixirs from throughout the Blackness lands. He encountered all the martial arts within the Black Faction and developed new ones based on them. That propelled Do Eungang towards transcendence. But Do Eungang remained unchanged. He continued to seek changes in the environment solely for survival and pursued benefits once his survival was secure. It was a known fact to himself. He was suitable for the Blackness, capable of survival only in this realm. Discontentment was also something he couldn’t feel, hence Do Eungang spent quite some time idle in the same spot. Which is why he couldn’t understand Mok Riwon. * "Why?" Do Eungang asked Mok Riwon. His answer defied logic. "Do you want more wealth? I can give it to you." "I do not need it." "Do you seek immeasurable honor? That too I can grant." "That too, I do not need. Precisely, I have no need for the honor of the Blackness." Do Eungang couldn’t understand Mok Riwon. His bright countenance and respectful tone seemed fitting of a White Faction warrior, yet his core was murderous. Mok Riwon was the most similar to Do Eungang among all the people he had met. Do Eungang was certain. This man suited the Blackness better, a man who could only show his true nature here. Do Eungang wasn’t worried that Mok Riwon would surpass him and strike from behind. Because he planned to discard him the moment a sprout showed itself. If it weren't for transcending, he was certain he could kill him, regardless of how formidable a killer he had been. 'Did he catch on?' It seemed not. Do Eungang asked again. "Why is that?" The answer he received was far beyond Do Eungang's comprehension. "It is because it doesn't align with the way of the righteous." The righteous ('협'). Do Eungang immediately dismissed the idea. "You're chasing after something that doesn't exist." "It certainly does exist." "No, it does not." "Why do you think so?" "Because it has no value." "There is definite value." "No, there isn’t. Value implies functionality in terms of benefits brought by something. However, the way of the righteous carries no benefits. It only encompasses personal and emotional satisfaction." "Is that a bad thing?" "If it results in loss, then yes, it is bad." Mok Riwon fell silent. Do Eungang saw a possibility for persuasion. Mok Riwon was a fine sword, better than just usable. Convincing was more beneficial than giving up. "I advise again. Become part of the Blackness." "I refuse again." "Why?" "The way of the righteous, again." Their conversation went in circles, returning to the starting point. Do Eungang narrowed his eyes. Perhaps this method of persuasion was wrong. Then, he needed to change his approach. "Then I must kill you." "You will not want to make an enemy of the transcendence of the White Path just to kill me." "Why would you think that?" "Because it would disturb your peace. Am I wrong?" "Correct." Threats were also not an option. Then, was there really no way? It was in this moment of thought that "Let's talk about the value of the way of the righteous. You claimed it holds no value. Yet, I am confident I can prove its value. How about we make a bet?" Do Eungang thought it was a decent proposal. "Fine. How will you prove it?" "By the results, isn’t that so?" Do Eungang recognized the flaw in an argument appealing to emotions. "Let's get one thing straight." "What would that be?" "What needs to be proven is the value as a benefit. Not emotional satisfaction, but tangible gain, or something equivalent, must be provided to acknowledge the existence of value in the way of the righteous." "Agreed." "Now, how will you prove it?" "Shouldn't we discuss the terms first?" "My condition remains - you become part of the Blackness." "I shall state my condition." Smiling slightly, Mok Riwon said, "On the day the value of the way of the righteous is acknowledged by you, fight once for righteousness." "Why only once?" "Because you seem to be someone who wouldn't keep a lifelong promise. It wouldn't be right by your calculations." "Correct." Insightful, isn’t he? Do Eungang placed even greater value on Mok Riwon. "So, what’s the content of the bet?" "Observe my actions. For 7 years." "That's too long. 5 years." "Let’s make it 6 years then." "By then, you might have transcended and be capable of challenging me. Then, this bet becomes meaningless, as you could just break the contract unilaterally." "I will not do that." "I cannot trust that." "Then let's present incontrovertible evidence of the contract." Mok Riwon cut off a handful of his tied-back hair with a sword, tied it with a strand, and then cut his finger to smear the hair with blood. "I offer this as evidence." "What significance does it have?" "The meaning is that I've gone to these lengths for a promise. If this isn’t satisfactory, let's draft a contract." "A contract is better. But I’ll take that as well for now." Do Eungang called a scribe to prepare a contract. After writing down the terms, he sealed it with his thumbprint. "Seal it." "Understood." Mok Riwon also sealed the contract with his thumbprint. Both parties used blood for their thumbprints. Do Eungang said, "The moment my blood flowed, you bristled with hostility. Truly, you are more suited for the Blackness." "That’s where you're wrong. I am suited for the White Path." "How obtuse." "It's called having convictions." "…The contract remains in effect until the last breath of both parties. Should you seek to break the contract by surpassing me, I will not hand this over. I will have eyes around you at all times, ready to spread these to the entirety of the White Path the moment you attempt to approach me." "Do as you please." "6 years. If you can't prove it, prepare to take your own life." "You’ve changed the terms." "In 6 years, you would have surpassed me." "That's high praise. Thank you." Do Eungang looked at Mok Riwon, who smoothly transitioned the conversation, for a long while. Mok Riwon happily met his gaze. It was a situation that raised questions. "Why?" "What do you mean?" "Why insist on proving this through a bet? It brings you no benefits. You took on an unnecessary risk. Fighting for the way of the righteous once doesn’t weigh more than survival." "It does weigh more. To me, even more so." Do Eungang could not understand Mok Riwon. Still untouched by emotions, his reason was naturally a caution against the unknown. "The way of the righteous. If it truly held no value, I would have no reason to live. I merely felt the need to prove it, for the sake of my life." It was an incomprehensible statement. However, Do Eungang did not think any deeper on it. "I'll offer my condolences in advance." "Let's meet again with a smile." Mok Riwon turned away. Do Eungang thought, '6 years is a long time.' Mok Riwon has value. If possible, he wanted to roll him around in the palm of his hand until he could be completely controlled. But the contract was now a done deal. 'If I can't have him, then killing him is the right course.' That was the eventual conclusion. 'I've suffered a loss.' Time was lost. A person was lost. Do Eungang poured himself a drink and drank it. The tea was bitter.