
Watching the two administrators bore each other with their competition, He Xiang fell silent. It was truly a miracle that the company could continue to prosper. She even started to wonder if the company was being protected by a mythical koi fish. Looking at the two clueless individuals, Hu Tu secretly took pleasure in their ignorance. However, she couldn't help but wonder if there would be any issues with He Xiang if the popularity of their "CP" was suddenly boosted. The main concern was actually Jing Yan; she wasn't sure if Jing Yan would be willing to participate. Jing Yan suddenly felt a chill run down her spine and looked up to see a twisted expression on Hu Tu's face, as if she wanted to laugh but was forcibly holding it back. On the other hand, He Xiang just silently gazed at Hu Tu, feeling as though she was hiding some mischief inside, waiting to give them a show... "Jing Xiaodan, do you want the company to continue to thrive?" Hu Tu asked cheerfully, though no matter how one looked at it, she seemed like the big bad wolf trying to entice a little bunny. He Xiang watched her and couldn't help but feel the urge to throw her out with the way she was behaving. Looking up at Hu Tu, Jing Yan replied, “Who wouldn't want the company to thrive?” It was a self-evident fact that as the company owner, she naturally wanted it to succeed. "Of course, everyone wants it to thrive, but we must do it through legitimate means," Jing Yan said sternly. Their company operated within the bounds of the law and must not resort to underhanded methods! If her aunt found out, she would surely scold them! Hu Tu responded, "... Rest assured, everything will be done according to the law, in compliance with all regulations in our country." With those words, Jing Yan was reassured. "Just wait, in a while, you will witness the company's continued success!" Hu Tu patted Jing Yan's shoulder, gave her a meaningful look, and then left. Jing Yan: "..." She didn't quite understand that look. He Xiang, watching from the side, was almost amused to death by their conversation. What kind of dialogue was this between supposedly law-abiding citizens? But as things progressed, she wasn't sure whether to laugh or not. Later on, she also learned about the company appearing on a new love variety show and selecting the top three most popular "CP" to participate. However, as she watched the overwhelming popularity of Chun and Jingming, she started to feel a bit uneasy. Were she and Jing Yan part of those "CP"s after all? But seeing their popularity soaring far ahead, if the company didn't invite them, wouldn't it violate their own rule of selecting "CP"s? But if she had to appear on the show, it would be a love variety show. She was in a dilemma. It was fine to be an observer of love as before, but being observed herself made her feel uneasy... But on second thought, if the partner on the show was Jing Yan... --- As of March 5th, the top three most popular "CP" had been announced. The female-female CP Chun and Jingming were miles ahead in first place. Following them in second place was the male and female CP from the recently popular fantasy drama, and third place belonged to a male-male CP that was also trending online. Oh, they've combined three different orientations in one show. This will definitely draw in viewers. What do you mean by three orientations? They're just CP, who knows their real orientations? I hope it doesn't end up in a big mess, I would really appreciate it... You have to trust Qingzhu Entertainment! Our productions have never let us down! I don't care! As long as Chun and Jingming stay together! If Chun and Jingming break up, I will go and tear down Qingzhu Entertainment! Xiao Qingzhu, are you listening! Don't play any tricks, or we will really come and tear you down! Seeing the comments from netizens, the director wiped the sweat from his forehead and turned to Hu Tu, "Director Hu, have you convinced Director Jing?" With the hype already at this level, if they were to say that Chun and Jingming couldn't participate, he feared that those fans would actually come and tear down Qingzhu Entertainment, and then he would have no job. However, Hu Tu remained calm, "Don't worry, Teacher He has already started working on Director Jing's mindset." Once He Xiang agreed, and then she could work on convincing Jing Yan, how far away could that be from getting her approval? Not far at all. Indeed, it wasn't far at all, just the distance of a couple of bottles of milk. After promising Jing Yan two extra bottles of milk during the show's filming, she finally agreed to appear on the company's love variety show with He Xiang. This news excited their CP fans, who flooded the company's official account with praises for the show's production team. They were immediately uplifted and decided to let the audience vote on the actions of some of the CP pairs in the show! This decision thrilled the CP fans. Already dedicated to shipping the CP, what could be more exciting than seeing their favorites sweet moments decided by vote! So, before the show started filming, the CP fans had already gathered in their small circles, collecting fan requests and compiling them into voting options! Watching the almost manic enthusiasm of the CP fans, He Xiang started to shiver. Handing over decision-making power to these people seemed like a very scary prospect! While feeling controlled by the netizens, she also found Jing Yan's recent behavior quite strange. And even Xu Yu. She started to suspect if these two had something going on behind her back? Why did they make her feel so strange and awkward, especially Jing Yan, who would frown or sigh whenever she saw her, as if she were a helpless girl in need of rescue. And Xu Yu, she used to invite her out for meals occasionally, but ever since Jing Yan joined them, she hadn't initiated any more meetings. Even if they were going to eat, she would insist on not including Jing Yan. Not include Jing Yan? But didn't she promise to bring Jing Yan along? So in all this time, she and Xu Yu hadn't shared a meal together. And she couldn't help but think Xu Yu seemed to have some kind of issue with Jing Yan, giving off an air of resentment whenever she saw Jing Yan. "What's going on between you and Xu Yu? Why do I sense something strange between you?" He Xiang cautiously asked Jing Yan as she awkwardly placed a piece of food into Jing Yan's bowl one evening. Were they really keeping something from her? And based on Xu Yu's carefree nature, could it be that she developed feelings for Jing Yan and got rejected? If that were the case, even if Jing Yan rejected her, He Xiang would still feel a bit uneasy. Jing Yan looked up at He Xiang, pondering whether to tell her the truth. But if she did, she would be indirectly supporting Xu Yu! No, she couldn't say anything. If she did, He Xiang might immediately go and kiss Xu Yu or something! "No! I just don't like her much!" Jing Yan answered. He Xiang quietly observed Jing Yan. While what she said might be true, she still felt Jing Yan wasn't telling her everything. However, she didn't want to push her to reveal more. She felt helpless; she couldn't force Jing Yan to speak about it, could she? But it was surprising to hear Jing Yan say she didn't like Xu Yu. She had heard her say she didn't like certain foods, but she had never heard her say she didn't like a person. Did Xu Yu really not appeal to Jing Yan? Disappointed, the topic ended there. However, later that night, a different strange occurrence awaited He Xiang. "What are you staring at?" He Xiang felt a bit embarrassed being stared at so seriously by Jing Yan. If it were someone else, she would have assumed they had other intentions, but with Jing Yan, she just felt she must have misunderstood. Jing Yan's gaze was so serious, almost like she was conducting some research, making He Xiang feel no tinge of romance. Jing Yan's eyes were fixed on He Xiang's lips. She furrowed her brows, admiring their lovely fullness, like a piece of jelly waiting to be devoured. If someone else ate that jelly, wouldn't that make her furious? She hadn't even had a taste yet! He Xiang: "..." She was becoming more and more fearful. Could you tone it down a bit? Could you at least act like a little kitten asking for milk? Giving a soft hum, Jing Yan lay back in bed, closed her eyes, thinking she must find a good opportunity to tell He Xiang to eat the jelly! When would be a good time to ask He Xiang without making her angry? She couldn't figure it out, so she fell asleep with this thought. However, in her dreams that night, she felt oddly powerful, commanding utmost respect from everyone. To maintain a sense of mystery, she was even wearing a mask on her face! Strangely, she even saw her aunt in the dream, treating her with the utmost respect. This puzzled her because her aunt was known to scold her; when did she become so respectful? Hmm, if she was this powerful, Jing Yan's lips curled into a smile, perhaps she could beat He Xiang if she wanted to? Jing Yan was awakened by her own laughter and, upon opening her eyes, saw He Xiang looking at her with a gentle gaze. Realizing she had been dreaming, Jing Yan said, "..." He Xiang looked at the lingering smile on Jing Yan's lips, a hint of confusion flashing in her eyes. What kind of dream was she having to be so happy? It was unusual for her to smile so joyfully even in her waking moments! "What pleasant dream were you having?" He Xiang inquired. Jing Yan: "..." Could she share the details of this dream? He Xiang raised her hand and lightly tapped the slightly curved corner of Jing Yan's lips with her fingertip, smiling as she said, "And you even woke yourself up from laughter?" Jing Yan: "..." It was indeed embarrassing to wake herself up laughing from a dream. He Xiang looked at Jing Yan, who had retreated under the covers, and chuckled softly. She reached over and tousled Jing Yan's head through the covers. "Alright, let's not dwell on this. Get up, you still have to go to work at the company later. You need to hand over your tasks to someone else, and don't forget you have the show to attend." Feeling a twinge of embarrassment hiding under the covers, Jing Yan hesitantly responded. He Xiang shook her head, got up to freshen up, then headed to the kitchen to prepare Jing Yan's usual morning glass of milk. While preparing it, she sneakily tasted a sip herself. It was just slightly different, perhaps with a bit more honey than usual. Was it really that special? Surprisingly, Jing Yan loved the milk she made so much. Even He Xiang herself couldn't believe that Jing Yan liked the milk she made so much. When Jing Yan emerged, she noticed the glass of milk on the table and couldn't help but smile faintly. Having a glass of milk she enjoyed every morning was truly wonderful. As she sipped her milk, she remembered her dream. When would she be as powerful as she was in her dream? Perhaps even more powerful than He Xiang? (End of this chapter)