
Seeing her silent, Jingdan stood up, her steps appearing somewhat unsteady as she made her way to Hexiong's side, her body going limp and directly falling towards Hexiong's direction! Hexiong was afraid she might fall, so she quickly held her in her arms, noticing how unsteady she looked even standing. At that moment, Hexiong felt a strong urge to support her. However, Jingdan had no idea what she was thinking. She looked at the glass of wine beside her and drank it all in one go! After finishing it, she still seemed somewhat dissatisfied, frowned slightly, and grumbled, "I want more!" Hexiong: "...What more do you want when you're already like this?" "I want more!" Jingdan's voice raised a bit. Hexiong took the glass from her hand, saying softly, "Let's be good and not drink anymore, alright?" Jingdan pouted, raised her gaze to Hexiong, looking at her as if her words were the most heartbreaking thing, casting a very aggrieved look at her. Hexiong's heart tightened. The person she liked was leaning on her, with such a look in her eyes. It was impossible for her not to have any thoughts. She closed her eyes, trying not to look at Jingdan, not wanting to be swayed by her and do something inappropriate. At the same time, she also wanted to help her up, but Jingdan seemed to be sticking to her, making it harder for Hexiong to push her away. "Let's be good and not drink anymore. How about we take a bath and go to sleep later?" Hexiong tried to make her voice softer, attempting to make the already intoxicated person better able to listen to her. "No!" Jingdan grumbled, wrinkling her nose, then leaning towards Hexiong's neck, finding comfort in the scent and burying her head on Hexiong's neck. Hexiong: "..." The warm breath on her skin quickly caused a tingling sensation, making her ears gradually heat up. Her hands that were supporting Jingdan felt somewhat unsure. "Hexiong—" Jingdan called out. Hexiong's heart skipped a beat; her defenses completely collapsed as she was addressed. Her tone softened even more, "What is it?" "I want more to drink!" Hexiong: "...How frustrating." "But we really can't drink anymore. You are already drunk." However, reasoning with a drunk person was the least wise thing to do. Jingdan raised her head and looked at Hexiong with accusing eyes, then tried hard to stand up. Seeing her struggle, Hexiong kindly reached out a hand to help her. Perhaps the alcohol was kicking in, and now Jingdan seemed even more unsteady than before. She tried to steady herself, but then unexpectedly grabbed the bottle and poured some into Hexiong's glass. Hexiong was startled and quickly stopped her, smiling and sighing, "Let's not drink anymore, okay? Let's go to sleep." She couldn't believe this person was actually a heavy drinker. Ignoring Hexiong, Jingdan turned and gulped down the drink in her glass! Hexiong: "..." Unable to control the situation, whenever Jingdan looked at her with those aggrieved eyes, Hexiong couldn't resist doing anything else. "Tasty!" Jingdan muttered after finishing the drink. Hexiong couldn't help but smile wryly. Was this person really a potential alcoholic? Helplessly, she pulled Jingdan back to her seat, made her sit down, pressed her shoulders to prevent her from getting up, and then pulled her chair close to sit beside her, feeding her with food. After drinking so much without eating much, she was concerned about Jingdan's stomach later. Jingdan ate the food fed by Hexiong, but her gaze was still fixed on the bottle of wine across the table, showing that she was still interested in it. Hexiong: "..." After feeding her a bit, Hexiong couldn’t help but smile lightly. Who would have thought that letting her have some wine would lead to this situation? Seeing Hexiong stop feeding her, Jingdan thought of getting up to get more wine. "You really can't drink anymore!" Hexiong quickly held her back, trying to persuade her kindly. However, a person who had been drinking wasn't likely to listen to reason. Jingdan looked at Hexiong with a challenging look, then struggled to get up. Feeling rejected by Hexiong, she felt wronged and mumbled, "I still want to drink, I really want to drink!" It was like a child denied candy, feeling utterly disappointed. Taking a deep breath, Hexiong felt her patience wearing thin. She knew she wouldn't be able to resist her for long. Eventually, she had to half-carry, half-hold Jingdan up, gently saying, "No more drinking. Let's go back to sleep." With that, she led her back to the bedroom. Seeing Jingdan in such a state, it seemed there was no chance she could bathe herself. They laid her on the bed, and Hexiong went to the bathroom to prepare to clean her up. As the scene moved forward, when she came out of the bathroom with water, on the light grey bed linens, besides the slight wrinkles indicating someone had slept there, there was no one else present. Feeling anxious, she hurried to the living room and found Jingdan standing next to the dining table, drinking directly from a bottle of wine... She gasped in shock, quickly approached and took the wine bottle from her hand, looking at Jingdan's flushed face, and could only think of two words. It's over. "Hexiong!" Seeing her, Jingdan smiled but appeared extremely silly. Normally, when smiling, she maintained a certain level of dignity, but now she just seemed silly. Hexiong was both exasperated and amused. She quickly stabilized Jingdan, placed the bottle of wine a bit further away, and bit her lip gently, scolding, "I told you to sleep, yet you sneak out to drink!" However, Jingdan didn't care if Hexiong was upset. Suddenly, her gaze fixed on Hexiong, and her silly smile disappeared. Hexiong felt a bit puzzled by her gaze. Even though she knew Jingdan's current words were due to intoxication, she couldn't help but feel her heart pounding when hearing her say there was only one Hexiong in the world. There was only one Hexiong in the world, she was unique. She chuckled softly. What should she do? This person in front of her was so charming that she made her heart race, but at the same time, she was so pure, she didn't even realize she was being alluring. Feeling helpless yet amused, and her heart softening at her words, Hexiong lifted her gently and whispered in her ear, "There is only one Jingdan in the world." She was one of a kind, unique. The only Jingdan she liked and loved. Jingdan relaxed in Hexiong's embrace, feeling strange about her words. Of course, there was only one Jingdan in the world, just like there was only one Hexiong in the world. They were both one and only! There was no second or third! Watching Jingdan rest so obediently in her embrace, Hexiong's heart grew warmer. What should she do? It seemed her patience was running thin. When would she become aware of her feelings, and when would she become more self-aware? However, no one could answer that question. The only possible answer, who was a bit beyond consciousness due to intoxication, was currently seeing things in duplicates. Helplessly, Hexiong carried Jingdan back into the room, laid her on the bed, and after she settled down, she softly tapped her cheek, slightly gritting her teeth, "With your low tolerance for alcohol, are you still saying you're a demon?" Jingdan frowned and hummed, moving away from Hexiong's hand. Hexiong chuckled, went to the bathroom, prepared another basin of water, and this time, the person on the bed seemed to lie still without moving around. If she had gone out to sneak drinks again, Hexiong would have been tempted to bring her back and give her a few spanks. It was clear she couldn't handle alcohol well, so why was she drinking so recklessly? She helped Jingdan remove her coat, careful not to touch her inner shirt, and gently wiped her face, neck, and hands. Jingdan seemed to find the cleaning comforting, as her previously furrowed brows slightly relaxed. Watching her with her eyes closed, Hexiong couldn't help but reach out and gently trace her features from her brows to her eyes, down her straight nose, and finally landing softly on her slightly pursed lips. A hint of darkness flashed in Hexiong's eyes. The lips that were slightly pursed seemed to carry some wine stains, releasing a faint scent of alcohol mixed with Jingdan's unique fragrance. It felt as if she could smell a hint of Chinese liquor. She couldn't help but chuckle softly, finding Jingdan's unique scent quite pleasant. Maybe she had been surrounded by bamboo for too long. Retracting her hand, Hexiong suppressed the fluttering of her heart, picked up the basin of water and poured it out in the bathroom, preparing to bathe herself. She wasn't like that person outside, completely ignorant of cleanliness, not knowing to take a bath before going to bed! Suppressing a soft laugh at her own sarcasm, she couldn't think back to that person without a mix of joy, helplessness, and a tinge of contentment. Perhaps the current state of their relationship was already quite good. Who else, besides her, could have the key to Jingdan's home, freely enter her room, and share a bed with her day in and day out? She should be content. Hexiong took a deep breath, often rationalizing with herself in such moments. However, when emotions were intertwined with desire, it always felt like a bottomless pit. The desire she had for Jingdan made her truly wish that Jingdan could also come to like her sooner. After taking a bath, since the person in the room had already fallen asleep from intoxication, she no longer needed to hide anything. She simply raised her hand and used her spiritual power to dry her hair. Coming out, the tall woman who had rested on the large bed was nowhere to be seen. Instead, there was a black and white distinctly marked baby panda cub lying peacefully on the bed. Hexiong: "..." With her limited abilities, she actually wanted to keep it a secret that she was a demon. She shook her head helplessly. Despite having treated the instability caused by the lost soul, she still changed back to her original form. The only possible reason was that she found it more comfortable to be in her original form now. She lifted the baby panda and placed her on another pillow beside her head. Watching her, she couldn't help but chuckle, tidying up her fluffy fur before closing her eyes and falling asleep. In a daze, she felt something moving beside her. Then, she sensed something soft brushing against her face. Gradually, her lips touched something soft and furry. She immediately opened her eyes, only to see the baby panda climbing up and accidentally falling into her arms, but... Was she kissing her? Hexiong: "..." (End of this chapter)