
She faced the production team and opened her mouth slowly, saying, "What do you think, should we have any expectations, or should we consider each other as our fated partners?" As soon as these words were spoken, the members of the production team immediately knelt down. "No, no, it's just a casual question, it doesn't matter if you answer or not!" The director wiped his sweat, feeling immense pressure talking to the boss with such a cold demeanor! On the other side, Hu Tu thought, "... You're quite good at pretending!" He Xian pursed her lips and smiled lightly. Jing Dan's cold expression really did give off that impression; she seemed like someone not to be trifled with. Later, the two of them got into the production team's car and smoothly arrived at a tourist town in the neighboring city. The production team had rented a large inn here, accommodating everyone there. He Xian got off the car, looking at the inn decorated with a somewhat rustic charm, and was quite satisfied. Judging from Jing Dan's expression, it seemed like she could accept it too. Situated by the mountains and waters, the environment was truly pleasant. For beings like them, naturally they would appreciate such a place that offered a sense of comfort. After getting off the car, the two pairs of CPs who arrived earlier came out to greet them. When they looked at the two of them, there was still some restraint. Despite being artists from the same company, the other two, given Qingzhu Entertainment's current status in the industry, were not to be trifled with either. Seeing Jing Dan's cold expression, He Xian knew she wouldn't want to deal with such a situation. So, she stepped forward to ease the atmosphere, "Since everyone is here to participate in this program, we are just guests of this show. Everyone relax a bit, don't act as if you're waiting to be scolded by the boss. The boss won't scold you." With her words, the atmosphere immediately relaxed, and some even felt like laughing. —Haha, I have to say, it did feel a bit like a conference earlier, with employees waiting below to be scolded! —Brothers, straighten up! Show Qingzhu Boss your best, and then have her recruit you to Qingzhu! —Wow, is this like an interview scene? After symbolic self-introductions, the director came out to speak. "We've mentioned before that we will collect some CP behaviors selected by fans through voting, and you all need to act according to the fans' wishes. Now, I will announce some CP behaviors suitable for this stage." "Firstly, they want to see the main characters of their chosen CP sleeping in the same room, lying on the same bed!" The director suppressed a smile. They didn't expect the fans this time to be so wild and daring in their voting. "Of course, this only applies to same-sex CPs. Opposite-sex CPs are not included at the moment." Upon hearing this, the opposite-sex CP pair breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the production team really had no shame in making them share a bed! He Xian glanced at Jing Dan, surprised that they were going to participate in a show where they could sleep openly together... —Ahaha, the production team is bold for using the votes! —Oh my, my CP is sleeping on the same bed! I declare, they're real! However, before the fans could indulge in their happiness for too long, the live broadcast was immediately cut off after announcing some instructions for the show. —...Irritating. —...Annoying! At this moment, the director had a smile on his face. Truly living up to the recent popular CP, the hype of the just-ended live broadcast was astonishing to see! Today wasn't the official start of shooting yet, but the production team would follow and film some materials that could be uploaded online. Jing Dan and He Xian pushed their luggage inside. Now that everyone was present, the first thing to do was to assign rooms. It was better for them to choose first. They picked the one facing the lake on the second floor. Stepping onto the balcony, they could see the glistening lake, a truly beautiful view. He Xian watched Jing Dan earnestly selecting her clothes and couldn't help but smile gently, asking her, "Do you want to take a stroll in this town later?" Jing Dan raised her head and nodded seriously. Later, after they had packed their luggage, they came down. Perhaps everyone else was busy, as apart from some staff in the lobby, there were no other guests. This convenience saved them from the need to exchange pleasantries before heading out. He Xian took Jing Dan out, and although this town was a tourist spot, the number of visitors wasn't high. Selecting this location for the show was probably aimed at giving this small town some publicity. The two of them found a shared electric car and strolled around the town, feeling the cool breeze. He Xian found her mind becoming clearer. Jing Dan sat behind her, watching her hair flutter in the wind brushing past her face. She squinted slightly, suddenly recalling the scene of kissing He Xian last night... ! She kissed He Xian?! Jing Dan was dumbfounded, trying to recall; it seemed she kissed her true form? Her true form?! She furrowed her brows, finding it unlikely. It must have been a dream, right? Who kisses someone with their true form? But the sensation felt so real. Weird, if she really kissed He Xian like that, she should have woken up long ago! She discreetly glanced at He Xian, thinking she was behaving normally today. So, it must have been a dream after all? Feeling relieved, she looked at the roadside, feeling the scenery of this town growing even more beautiful. It seemed she needed to find a chance to really eat jelly! When it was evening, they needed to consider dinner. He Xian's culinary skills were well-known, unlike the others who were used to being pampered and didn't know how to cook. He Xian: "..." She never expected that none of them knew how to cook. Seeing this situation, Jing Dan slightly frowned and calmly said, "Let's just order takeout." If He Xian had to cook for so many people, when would she finish? And why should they have the privilege of eating the food she cooked? Others: "..." However, once Jing Dan spoke up, no one dared to question. He Xian sighed internally, realizing the motivation to continue with this show lay in those takeout meals? "Everyone, make sure to rest well tonight because the show will officially start tomorrow!" After they finished eating, the director came out to announce. He Xian: "...definitely up to something mischievous." Returning upstairs to their room, He Xian checked the indoor cameras and sighed deeply. Being surrounded by cameras felt uneasy; her whole being felt uncomfortable. She wasn't comfortable, but Jing Dan was even more uncomfortable. Being someone who always had to maintain her image, even in their room, she couldn't relax at all. She held her composure, afraid that any lapse would be exposed to the national audience. She still remembered the last time she embarrassed herself in front of a national audience and didn't dare to see her aunt for a long time. When it got a bit late, He Xian got up to cover all the cameras, and then urged Jing Dan to take a shower. Jing Dan hesitated, reminding her seriously, "Two bottles of milk!" He Xian couldn't help but smile wryly. Was the motivation that kept her going in this show really those two bottles of milk? "Alright, you'll find them when you come out." She replied helplessly. Satisfied, Jing Dan took her pajamas and went into the bathroom, while He Xian went downstairs to prepare the milk for her. "He Lao Shi." One of the female artists from the company spotted He Xian and immediately straightened up, giving her a lovely smile. He Xian glanced at her, vaguely remembering her, perhaps she was called Zheng Weiyi. She might have been in one of her classes on deportment. She nodded in return, considering it a greeting. However, Zheng Weiyi didn't leave immediately, observing He Xian as she went to the kitchen to make milk. Curious, she asked, "He Lao Shi, do you also like drinking milk?" “Yes, milk helps me sleep. It's good to have a cup before bedtime.” He Xian replied with a faint smile. "Oh," she replied, and seeing that He Xian didn't show much interest in chatting, she left quite tactfully. However, soon after she left, a man entered the kitchen, one of the male members from the male-male CP pair. From the self-introductions earlier, he seemed to be called Bian Fengyu, tall and handsome, often referred to by their CP fans as the 'dominant' one. "He Lao Shi." The man's voice was deep, and when he called out to He Xian, it sounded even more magnetic. "Hmm." He Xian responded lightly, not paying much attention to him. Most of her focus was on the milk she was preparing. "Drinking a glass of milk before bed is a very good habit. I personally love it too. Can He Lao Shi please help me make an extra cup while you're at it?" The man's voice contained a light laugh as he deliberately approached, leaning against the counter, showcasing a pose. Confident in himself, his fans particularly loved this posing style, finding it very manly and stylish. He Xian gave him a brief glance, then directly refused, "Sorry, I'm done, and Jing Dan is waiting for me upstairs. I won't keep you company." With that, she picked up the two cups of milk, and without looking back, walked away. The man's expression darkened as he watched He Xian's retreating figure, lightly chuckling to himself. He felt that she was using Jing Dan to dismiss him. He had done his research; Jing Dan was cold and distant, appearing unapproachable to everyone. He refused to believe that He Xian could get close to her. She must be trying to climb up by staying close to Jing Dan! At that moment, another man walked in, glancing at Bian Fengyu's expression. He smiled faintly, "You don't stand a chance." Bian Fengyu just gave him a cold look and sneered, "Mind your own business. What do you care? Don't forget your place!" The man, seeing his reaction, turned and left without a word. After all this time of creating hype around this CP pair, he knew exactly what kind of person Bian Fengyu was. But seeing him like this now, he felt the need to consider his own future. He didn't want to be dragged down by this fool in the future. Smart people who observed Jing Dan and He Xian together wouldn't think they were faking it, but this person seemed to act as if blind, going about with his presumptuous ways. --- He Xian carried the milk upstairs. Due to the slight delay downstairs, when she entered the room, Jing Dan had just come out of the bathroom, her wet hair dripping water, soaking her pajamas. Looking at Jing Dan in that state, He Xian said softly, "Either dry your hair or tie it up, otherwise, no milk for you." Although it wasn't winter anymore, it was still early spring, and didn't she feel uncomfortable like this? Observing the two cups of milk in He Xian's hands, Jing Dan obediently went back to the bathroom to dry her hair until it was no longer dripping. While drying her hair, she couldn't help but wonder. Previously, when He Xian saw her in this situation, wouldn't she have come over to help her dry her hair? Why was it different today? After blow-drying her hair, she looked at He Xian's expression, a bit puzzled, and asked, "What's wrong with you? You seem a little unhappy?" He Xian glanced at her quietly, thinking back to the disgusting attitude of the man towards her earlier. It seemed like he was flirting with her, but in reality, he was just testing her and Jing Dan's relationship. Being on her own in the entertainment industry, with limited influence and benefits to offer, she understood that Jing Dan was different. Jing Dan could provide much more to others compared to herself. She was slightly irritated that others were targeting Jing Dan. Although she knew that such things and intentions were inevitable in this circle, it made her uncomfortable to see others openly target Jing Dan while she didn't have a solid position to push back against them. She admitted feeling uneasy. She wanted to stand before Jing Dan with a legitimate identity, pushing back all those who coveted Jing Dan. However, her current identity was only that of a CP object created by fans for online content. "Jing Dan, let me ask you again. Do you remember what happened last night?" (End of this chapter)