
Chapter Fifty-Five: Hopes With just a single sentence, He Huan's mind was nearly scattered, why would someone lack any sense of romance at all! Witnessing her faintly glowing eyes, He Huan couldn't help but smile gently, her gaze gradually becoming more serious, slowly closing in, but hesitated midway under her distinctive gaze. "When kissing, don't keep your eyes open." He Huan raised her hand to cover her eyes, too clear and piercing, almost making her attempted kiss look awkward. "Okay." Jing Dan obediently closed her eyes, her long eyelashes gently brushing against He Huan's palm. He Huan's throat moved slowly, feeling an increasing itch in her heart. Retracting her hand, she approached slowly once more. The closer she got, the tighter her heart squeezed, even her nerves were at a tense state. Finally, her lips met another soft pair, carrying the fragrance of green bamboo that made her want to indulge, but reason told her she couldn't. Just as she was about to pull back, the soft touch of the lips suddenly disappeared, followed by a fast and light fuzzy brush, quickly vanishing into thin air. He Huan: "…" She lowered her head, looking at the little one lying dazed on the blanket, feeling confused herself. Jing Dan lowered her head, looking at the white blanket and her black claws on it, "..." Why did she suddenly transform back again! He Huan fell silent, witnessing the little one, not knowing how to speak at that moment. Facing Jing Dan like this, she seemed unable to ask herself what she felt when she had just kissed her… Jing Dan was completely bewildered. Usually, when she felt comfortable, she subconsciously wanted to revert to her true form, but just now, she only felt nervous. Why did nervousness make her change back! "You've already cured your partial soul symptoms, haven't you?" He Huan couldn't help but ask. If it was cured, why was this happening? Jing Dan raised her head, her disheveled fur shaking, how would she know? She even soaked in a medicinal bath for five days to cure this! Her ears were pinched by He Huan's mother for five days! He Huan rubbed her temples, looking at the clueless little one. She decided to lie down without saying anything. Well, it seemed like there would be no conclusion today. Seeing He Huan lying down, Jing Dan approached and rubbed her face, innocently asking, "What's wrong?" "Don't speak," He Huan was completely helpless now. Ignoring He Huan, Jing Dan moved to kiss He Huan's lips, whispering as she licked, "Your lips taste good!" He Huan: "…" Watching the little one kissing and nibbling on her lips made her lose all romantic thoughts. She lifted the little one and pressed her down, saying, "Is it just the lips that taste good, nothing else?" The suppressed Jing Dan's fur twitched, looking puzzled, "Do you need something else?" As she spoke, Jing Dan remembered He Huan wanted to ask if she liked her and added, "I also don’t want to strip naked and sleep with you!" She only found He Huan's lips delicious but didn't want to sleep naked. Was that love? He Huan, observing her line of thought, fell silent for a moment and then asked, "Do you not mind me kissing you?" If she didn't mind being kissed by herself, it might be a good sign. If not, she would be hopeless. Jing Dan shook her head. Why should she mind? He Huan's kisses were lovely and her lips were very soft. He Huan took a deep breath. Fine, this could be considered a good thing. She still had a chance, and Jing Dan was inherently innocent. These things couldn't be rushed, she could only wait for Jing Dan to understand it herself in the future. After realizing this, she smiled gently while looking at the little one she was holding. She hugged her and said, "Do you know you have a trace of your soul on me?" Jing Dan raised her head in surprise, looking at He Huan. Seeing her reaction, it confirmed she was unaware of this. He Huan sighed and said, "Do you want to retract your soul, so you don't transform involuntarily?" Would all this resolve if she withdrew it? Jing Dan: "…But I don't know how to retract it?" He Huan adjusted her disheveled fur and asked, "If you don't turn back into your human form, are you going to sleep like this?" It was fortunate she had already covered the cameras and such; otherwise, it would have been shocking news. "Okay." Jing Dan nodded and promptly transformed back into her human form. Seeing her shift, He Huan held her hand with their fingers interlaced and said, "Try using your spiritual power to call that trace of soul out." After much effort, Jing Dan eventually felt a response on He Huan's body. Attempting to draw it out, at first, the soul resisted, but the temptation of the source of their bond was too strong. A strand of soul gradually emerged from He Huan's head. As Jing Dan persisted, the soul became clearer, and she finally managed to retrieve it entirely. Jing Dan regarded the soul curiously, while He Huan fell silent. She had never imagined the soul would emerge from her head... Gazing into the mirror opposite the bed, she observed a little panda cub resting on her head. This life-like soul, fostered by herself, seemed almost solid, vibrant, and vivid, with only a slight difference in size compared to Jing Dan's actual self. He Huan: "…" The little one leaped down, snuggled directly into He Huan's arms, grunting softly and burrowing into her embrace, as if expressing discontent with her previous neglect. It seemed she understood what she was implying, reproaching herself for neglecting her for so many years, causing her to lose weight… He Huan was dumbfounded, feeling the soul's remarkable acuity. Observing the little one snuggling into He Huan's embrace, Jing Dan's brow furrowed into a small mound. Wasn't it time for her to return to her body? Regaining her senses, she embraced the little one and then looked at the real little one next to her, unable to speak. Initially daunting with just one little one, now she added another? "Retrieve it." He Huan, feeling helpless, signaled toward Jing Dan. She was truly altering He Huan's understanding. When she saw others' souls, they were merely vague, but here, one that solidified into reality. Might it be due to her excellent pampering lately? "Okay." Jing Dan nodded and then addressed the little one, "Come back!" The little one didn't even want to glance at her, extending its paw to ask He Huan to hold it, refusing to leave her side. Jing Dan: "…" Feeling wronged, she said, "She won't listen to me!" He Huan chuckled, watching Jing Dan's aggrieved demeanor, lifting the little one into her arms. She shook her head and sighed, "Even your own soul doesn't obey you." Jing Dan felt even more aggrieved. Snugly nestled in He Huan's embrace, the little one didn't seem willing to depart from her. He Huan couldn't help but feel she understood the little one's sentiments, condemning herself for mistreating her for so many years, resulting in her losing weight... He Huan was stunned, witnessing the soul's evident intelligence. As He Huan noticed the little one leaning into her, she wondered if it had sincerely developed feelings. Given Jing Dan's current anger, He Huan lightly chuckled, “How would I know? I've heard before that these practices are common for lovers." Did it imply that they were lovers in their previous life? Listening to He Huan, the little one glanced at her, then at Jing Dan, seeming to express disbelief through its dark eyes. He Huan took note: "…” Did she say something wrong? Why was the little one acting like this? Jing Dan earnestly corrected her, "It could also mean we are eternal enemies!" Her aunt had mentioned that lovers might leave a trace of their soul to be together in the next life, while bitter enemies could also leave a soul fragment. He Huan: "…" But did our current situation resemble eternal enemies? Listening to Jing Dan, the little one seemed even more disdainful. It pounced on He Huan, then vanished promptly. He Huan, Jing Dan: "…" "It seems like she really doesn't want to go with you," He Huan murmured. Jing Dan frowned, "She's mine, why wouldn't she go with me!" He Huan shook her head, helplessly remarking, "It appears she remembers something." When she said this, she glanced at Jing Dan. The little one's evident disdain made He Huan reluctant to acknowledge Jing Dan. She chose not to voice that sentiment; otherwise, Jing Dan might end up in tears. "Let's sleep." After today's commotion, He Huan was truly exhausted. "Okay." This time, Jing Dan checked her expression, obediently refraining from further comments. She even took the initiative to switch off the light and cover He Huan with the blanket. He Huan: "..." She was beginning to feel slightly uncomfortable. With a sigh, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. The day had come to a close. Little did she know that Jing Dan, who had also fallen asleep beside her prematurely, seemed trapped in a nightmare. Her furrowed brows and tense body exhibited an incredible level of discomfort, with a pale face beaded with cold sweat, yet she made no sound or movement. --- Early the next morning, before the two on the bed had woken up, the production team knocked on their door, reminding them to uncover the camera lens as they needed to film them waking up. Rubbing her slightly sore head, He Huan nodded, closed the door, and observed Jing Dan still deeply asleep in bed, feeling somewhat puzzled. Was Jing Dan sleeping too heavily today? Even the voices knocking on the door failed to rouse her. Considering it was still early, He Huan decided not to disturb Jing Dan. After freshening up in the bathroom, she tied her hair up in a high ponytail, planning to go for a run in the small town later to adjust her mood. As she stepped out, she coincidentally bumped into Bian Fengyu coming down from the third floor. Seeing her attire, Bian Fengyu was surprised and asked, "Is Teacher He going for a morning run?" "Yes," He Huan replied calmly, showing no intention of engaging in further conversation. Seeing He Huan's aloof demeanor, Bian Fengyu merely smiled and said, "Then wait for me, Teacher He. I also plan to go for a run. Now that you're going, we can be company for each other." "Sorry, I prefer running alone. You can find someone else to accompany you." He Huan nodded slightly and then jogged downstairs and out the door. Watching He Huan's departing figure, Bian Fengyu smiled wryly at the camera, "Perhaps Teacher He is a bit shy and that's why she didn't want to run together." When that episode aired, He Huan was bombarded by criticisms from Bian Fengyu's fans, accusing her of being ungrateful for rejecting their "brother." Of course, He Huan's supporters, who appreciated her with Bian Cheng and Jing Ming, weren't passive either, engaging in a fierce battle, which gave He Huan a headache. ---