
She didn't expect this brat to be displeased with her being close to Jing Dan but still willing to return to her inside... He Ting's gaze turned towards Jing Dan, who whimpered in grievance. She got up, stepping on the soft bed with her paws, swaying as she walked towards He Ting, wanting her to see her bitten ear, and the area that had been hit by the soul earlier. Seeing the little brat sulking and cuddling up to her, He Ting's heart completely softened. How could there be such a cute little brat? When can this little one be hers?— He Ting helped her massage her ear, watching her grievously whimpering appearance, finding it both funny and exasperating. Unable to resist, she pinched the other ear that wasn't bitten, saying, "What's so good about fighting with her?" And obviously, being slightly bigger than the soul, they ended up evenly matched. In the end, she even got her ear bitten, feeling a bit embarrassed. "She hit me first!" Jing Dan complained. It was clearly the soul that made the first move, so couldn't she fight back? He Ting wanted to laugh but seeing her so aggrieved, she feared Jing Dan would get even angrier if she laughed, so she held back, massaging her ear while saying, "It seems she's very angry that we're so close." "What's it to her if we're close?" Thinking about it, Jing Dan was still mad. She lost a whole bottle of milk just like that, and she didn't even get to eat much jelly! Watching He Ting, who didn't seem to understand her, sighed softly. She really wanted to know what the relationship between the two of them was in their previous lives? But now that they were in this life, neither of them had any memory. The only possibility of having some memories, the strand of soul, also refused to return to Jing Dan's body, which made it all futile. That strand of soul was quite intelligent, but unfortunately, it couldn't speak. Even if she wanted it to write, she didn't know if it wanted to, or when it would come out. After massaging Jing Dan's ear for a while and seeing her still in a childish state, she asked, "Aren't you changing back to your human form?" Jing Dan: "..." In a somewhat sulky tone, she said, "She absorbed my soul power. I need to brew it again." He Ting fell silent for a moment, then reached out to turn off the light, pulling the little one into her arms, saying, "Stop brewing. If you brew too long, soy sauce will come out. Just sleep like this." Jing Dan: "...Oh." She didn't object either. She actually found it more comfortable to sleep in her original form. By midnight, the little one in her arms subconsciously climbed onto her stomach to sleep, arching the blanket slightly, but He Ting was already very used to it and didn't even wake up. --- Early the next day, He Ting was once again awakened by the knocking of the program group at the door. She opened her eyes and looked at the bulging blanket on her stomach, smiling helplessly. She got up, went to the door, and told the staff outside, "You don't need to come to knock on the door to wake us up in the future. We'll wake up by ourselves." The staff, hearing He Ting's deliberately lowered voice, knew there was still someone inside not yet awake, and since that person was their top boss, they nodded quickly. Closing the door, He Ting turned back to see that the panda cub that was lying on the bed had disappeared, replaced by a tall, slim woman lying on her side, with her long hair scattered on her cheek, looking a bit dazed in her sleep. "Aren't you getting up?" He Ting asked. Jing Dan kept her eyes closed, furrowing her brows into a small hill, murmuring, "Don't want to get up." Why did she join a program where the wake-up time was earlier than her work schedule! Seeing Jing Dan so reluctant to get up, He Ting just smiled and didn't urge her to wake up. She went to freshen up first and then came back to the bed, saying to Jing Dan, "You just keep sleeping. I'll go out for a run. If you wake up, you can call me." "Mm." Jing Dan mumbled in response. "And..." He Ting leaned down to speak in a low voice near Jing Dan's ear, "The surveillance in the room is already on. Remember not to change back again." "!" Jing Dan, now more alert, opened her eyes and looked at He Ting. After a moment of contemplation, she finally said, "Wait for me, I'll go running with you!" He Ting: ...Sun is setting in the west. "Okay." She responded with a smile. If the person was willing to get up early and go for a run, that was the best. Watching Jing Dan finish dressing up after her morning routine, both of them wearing matching sportswear, He Ting in gray and Jing Dan in black, there was a hint of a couple outfit vibe. When they went downstairs, the other guests had also woken up, looking exhausted and hanging out in the lobby as if they were very tired. "Good morning, boss, He teacher!" Zheng Weiyi raised her head casually and waved. Perhaps due to being a bit familiar these past few days, she didn't address Jing Dan as "boss" anymore, but switched to simply calling her boss, with a playful tone. Jing Dan nodded lightly in response, while He Ting smiled and asked, "What's wrong? You all look so listless." At the words, Zheng Weiyi looked grumpy and glanced at them, feeling resentful. They had ended the game early yesterday and went back to rest, unlike them. One game nearly exhausted them, and they almost got recognized by Ning Yi Ming a step ahead of Bian Fengyu. Otherwise, their team would have really been out of the running. "He teacher, it's hard to feel energetic!" Jiang Ya smiled helplessly. Clearing mud all day yesterday, unable to watch the movie, and now having to help the villagers feed the cows, nothing seemed easy. He Ting smiled and didn't continue the conversation. That's when she felt someone's gaze on her. She turned to see Bian Fengyu's assessing gaze on her, then on Jing Dan. He stood up and asked, "Is Manager Jing going for a run? I'll accompany you." As soon as he finished speaking, the other three lying on the sofa exchanged glances, thinking that this person had a screw loose. What kind of show was this? This was a CP love variety show! It was about the love between you and the official partner, not about breaking a CP live and then going after someone else! They could somehow imagine that when this episode aired, Bian Fengyu would be heavily criticized. Jiang Ya shrunk his body, thinking it wasn't his business, so he'd avoid getting involved! And after the incident aired, Bian Fengyu indeed received severe criticism, not just from his own CP fans who couldn't accept his behavior, but even fans of Chun and Jing Ming CP joined in. After all, this man had his eyes on Jing Dan! That was inappropriate, trying to infiltrate Chun and Jing Ming! They wouldn't allow it! Despite being scolded later, at present, he still appeared very confident, with a smile on his face, as if a gentleman, waiting for Jing Dan's response. Jing Dan furrowed her brows, her tone slightly cold as she said, "No need, I have He Ting to accompany me." Saying that, without caring about Bian Fengyu's expression, she pulled He Ting out of the room. As He Ting was being pulled by Jing Dan, she glanced down at their intertwined hands, then at Jing Dan's slightly cold expression. She smiled slightly and said, "I'm out, not upset." While she assured Jing Dan she was not upset, in her heart, a shadow had already clouded her thoughts because of Bian Fengyu. She didn't want Jing Dan to associate with a person like Bian Fengyu; she considered him too dirty and was afraid his taint would affect Jing Dan. Even though their relationship was undefined, and Jing Dan's feelings towards her were unclear, she possessed a strong desire to possess her. No one should covet her! She didn't mind revealing her possessiveness to Jing Dan. "You stay away from Bian Fengyu in the future." She said this without avoiding the cameras or turning off her recording device. Jing Dan looked at her, utterly confused, saying, "I was already far away from him. His aura is just... unpleasant." He Ting found herself lightly laughing at that, saying, "I'll reward you with the milk you deducted last night." Jing Dan's eyes brightened, but even as she was happy, she was also pondering. Was He Ting rewarding her for staying away from Bian Fengyu? Would she get a reward every time she stayed away from someone with an unpleasant aura in the future? He Ting didn't know what Jing Dan was thinking, but she took her for a run around the little town, treating this show like a vacation. As they returned, the other guests had already finished breakfast, dispelling Jing Dan's worries. Today's breakfast was also prepared by He Ting, who fed her while they chatted. "Oh, they're so skilled and natural together!" "Curses, if they weren't a sour couple, this would be unbelievable!" "Ah, what kind of heavenly life is this? He Ting cooks, and Shen makes heartwarming gestures. Mom, why am I tearing up!" Unaware of how the airing of the show would increase the popularity of the Chun and Jing Ming CP and garner positive attitudes towards them from many passersby, the two sat enjoying breakfast and chatting. Unfortunately, someone with poor intuition approached, unwittingly disturbing their harmonious atmosphere, trying to engage Jing Dan in conversation to get a response. Jing Dan: "Aren't you supposed to be the loser? Haven't you gone to feed the cows yet?" She said it with extreme seriousness and genuine bewilderment. It wasn't early anymore, right? Upon hearing her words, He Ting couldn't help but chuckle softly. —Haha, I'm laughing so hard! Yes, why haven't you gone to feed the cows yet?! Do you think standing in this kitchen isn't annoying! —Go feed the cows already! Don't disturb the lovebirds with your presence! Bian Fengyu's face turned green, thinking about having to feed the cows later filled him with frustration. If it weren't for Jing Dan in this program, he would have left by now! He Ting just gave him a fleeting glance. It was the period of recording and airing of this program, and she didn't want Jing Dan's part in the show to be negatively affected. That's why she had been patient with Bian Fengyu until now, but she also held grudges. While Bian Fengyu hadn't done anything outrageous at the moment, she had already classified him as someone she disliked. She hoped he would show some sense, or she wouldn't mind playing the role of the antagonist again. (End of this chapter)