
Chapter 59: Jing Li and He Yuan Jing Dan couldn't understand what He Xuan was feeling melancholic about. Currently, she was holding a small knife, meticulously peeling water chestnuts. These water chestnuts were sent over by the elderly, who had planted some in their own homes and, thinking it wasn't yet the end of the season, sent them over in gratitude for the meal they had prepared earlier. At this moment, these water chestnuts had all been washed clean. Others had lost interest after eating a few, but Jing Dan was different. She brought a bowl over, along with a small knife and a small stool, earnestly peeling the chestnuts. The peeled ones were put into the bowl, and soon the bowl was filled with glistening water chestnut flesh. She pushed the bowl towards He Xuan, indicating for her to eat, and resumed peeling diligently. He Xuan: "…" Watching Jing Dan like this, she found it both amusing and endearing. Softly, she said, "You don't have to peel anymore, I can't eat so much, it's enough." Watching her handling the knife, she was genuinely worried she might cut herself, especially when she wasn't proficient yet. Every time she made a cut, nearly half the fruit flesh would be lost. The knife was just inches away from where she held the water chestnut, almost making He Xuan jump in fear. If she didn't let her peel, she would be unhappy, sulking with a straight face, poking at the remaining half of the water chestnut in her hand with the knife, as if greatly aggrieved. Finally, He Xuan couldn't bear seeing her like that and taught her how to use the knife properly to protect herself while efficiently peeling the fruit flesh. He Xuan ate the peeled fruit flesh, the crispy and sweet water chestnut melting between her lips and teeth. Seeing Jing Dan's serious expression as she helped her peel and eat the fruit, she couldn't help but smile gently. -- Ah, I really adore this pair!! They look like they're living in peaceful times! -- I also adore this kind! Without many words, just a glance is enough to draw one in! -- Oh, I wish I had a partner like this too, no need for many words, just being together is the best. As the show slowly reached its conclusion, it was time to bid farewell. Perhaps due to the actions of Bian Fengyu during the show garnering too much criticism, causing the company to keep him in check, he no longer bothered Jing Dan after that. He spent his days locked in his room, only coming out for necessary CP game interactions. Initially, their company wanted to create a scenario where other guests would isolate and exclude him, but the audience was perceptive. They knew very well that Bian Fengyu had brought this upon himself, refusing to join the group activities. How could they isolate him if he isolated himself? Furthermore, his actions during the show did not endear him to anyone. This time, his popularity had truly plummeted. As the program ended, He Xuan stepped forward on behalf of Jing Dan to say to Jiang Ya, "I heard your contract with your previous company is ending soon. If you're interested by then, you can come to Qingzhu. We welcome someone like you." Jiang Ya's performance in the show had been outstanding. He was astute and observant, with good abilities, unfortunately overshadowed by the company in the past. Jing Dan's intention was to give him a chance, to see how far he could soar. Jiang Ya was momentarily stunned, then quickly responded, thanking He Xuan and bowing respectfully to Jing Dan, saying a solemn "Thank you." He had only participated in the show because he was paired with Bian Fengyu, having to comply unconditionally. But he never expected to receive an olive branch from Qingzhu. Jing Dan and He Xuan didn't say much more. After the show, they returned to Huqing City together. Jing Dan's mother was coming back tonight, so she definitely needed to go home. Upon hearing that Jing Dan's mother was returning, He Xuan, after a moment of hesitation, asked, "Do I need to go meet her?" Jing Dan looked at her strangely. "Why wouldn't you?" He Xuan: "…" She wondered in what capacity she was expected to go! But seeing Jing Dan's obliviousness, she sighed lightly. Well, if she wasn't going as her girlfriend, the other roles were trivial. Once they were back home, even if she wasn't going to meet Jing Dan's mother as her girlfriend, she couldn't afford to leave a bad impression. So, the first thing she did upon returning was take a shower and then choose suitable clothes to wear when meeting the parents. At that moment, she felt like a fool, realizing that when Jing Dan had come to her place, she never had to think about such impressions. She just went and returned happily. Now, all her focus was on presenting herself appropriately, not even thinking about the earlier idea of sleeping in separate rooms upon their return. By the time she was ready, it was already six o'clock in the afternoon. Sitting in the living room, Jing Dan saw her and was momentarily stunned as she emerged. Seeing Jing Dan's reaction, He Xuan also felt nervous. Was her attire fitting for meeting the parents? The coffee-colored dress, neither too fancy nor too plain, exuded a simple, fashionable vibe with a touch of maturity. Jing Dan's mother should be at ease seeing her; that's what He Xuan thought. "You look beautiful today," Jing Dan hesitantly said, feeling that there was something different about He Xuan today, yet it also seemed like the same old He Xuan, creating a strange feeling. Hearing her say that, He Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. If Jing Dan said so, then she must indeed look beautiful today. After all, she wouldn't give face if something was wrong. She would just say it outright. After this sentence, without giving her much mental preparation time, Jing Dan took her wrist and teleported them directly to Jing Shimoon's home. Standing in the yard, Jing Dan knocked on the door. The person who answered was a woman that He Xuan hadn't met before, young and pretty, with bright eyes that lit up upon seeing Jing Dan. She didn't even notice He Xuan standing next to her, enthusiastically hugging Jing Dan, exclaiming, "My baby, have you missed mommy?" Beside her, He Xuan was speechless. She hadn't expected Jing Dan's mother to be like this… Jing Dan nodded. Before she could speak, the woman held her tightly and urged her, "Quick, quick, quick, change back so mom can hug you. Mom hasn't hugged our baby in a long time." Helpless under the woman's continuous urging, Jing Dan had yet to say anything and could only transform back to her original form first to satisfy the woman's desire to hug her. In the woman's fussing, trying to pet and cuddle her, Jing Dan struggled to look at He Xuan. At this point, Jing Shimoon appeared at the door, pulling her somewhat embarrassed sister inside before inviting He Xuan in. Seeing Jing Dan being cuddled like a little koala in her mother's arms, while her mother behaved like she was petting a cat, burying her face into her daughter's belly, letting out a satisfied sigh, He Xuan: "…" It seemed Jing Dan was quite used to it. Ignoring the mother-daughter duo, Jing Shimoon poured a glass of water for He Xuan and said, "She's always like that, so excited every time they meet, don't mind it." At this point, Qiu Shuhuai also sat down beside Jing Shimoon. Watching Jing Dan's childlike behavior was making him itch to do the same. He Xuan nodded, taking a sip of water. Jing Dan had rarely mentioned her mother, always referring to her as "aunt." She had thought their mother-daughter relationship wasn't that good, but now it seemed otherwise. "Why is my baby so cute!" Jing Li exclaimed as she looked up, smiling contentedly. Leaning down to kiss her forehead and then hugging her close, unwilling to let go. Even if she were a little panda, her child was about to make her melt with adoration! Jing Shimoon turned away, not knowing how to face He Xuan, deeply feeling embarrassed by her sister's invaluable appearance! After the mother calmed down a bit, Jing Dan tried to point towards He Xuan, introducing her earnestly, "Mom, this is my friend, He Xuan. She's really good at dancing!" Listening to her daughter, Jing Li looked at He Xuan and belatedly realized He Xuan had seen everything earlier. There was a fleeting moment of embarrassment in her eyes, but realizing her sudden loss of composure, she shrugged it off. What face did she not have left after living for so many years, especially in front of a younger generation? She smiled at He Xuan. "I'm Jing Dan's mother, you can call me Jing Li. From now on, just like my baby, you can call me mom!" He Xuan's eyes widened in disbelief, looking at Jing Li. Jing Li didn't see anything wrong with what she said. By the time she came back, Jing Shimoon had briefed her on some details about Jing Dan. Anyone Jing Shimoon approved of was certainly worthy, and if Jing Dan was willing to bring He Xuan here, it meant she genuinely approved of He Xuan; otherwise, He Xuan wouldn't have been able to enter this door today. Seeing Jing Li wasn't going to retract her statement, He Xuan was momentarily at a loss for words. "Mom, she's not your biological daughter, why should she call you mom?" Jing Dan poked her head out, asking curiously. He Xuan: "…" Jing Shimoon, Qiu Shuhuai: "…" However, Jing Li was not the least bit astonished. She smiled and said, "Because she is your friend now." She silently added the word "daughter" in her mind. Due to her childlike nature, there were still things she didn't quite understand, and even if she explained, Jing Dan wouldn't grasp it, so she didn't bother elaborating further. Jing Dan was still a bit puzzled by her meaning. Did friends call each other mom? She hadn't seen her allowing Hu Tuo to call her mom. And from what she saw on TV, partners would address their in-laws as mom and dad after marriage, but she wasn't married to He Xuan, right? Fortunately, He Xuan was unaware of her thoughts; otherwise, she might have felt even more hopeless. Her emotional ordeal was of hellish difficulty level. "And where's dad?" Jing Dan asked, feeling curious. "Oh, he went back to our clan to take care of some matters. I missed you, so I came to see you first. I'll go back to the clan tomorrow." Jing Li generally made sure to answer all of Jing Dan's questions. She rarely ignored her daughter's queries. "Got it." Jing Dan nodded, then wriggled out of Jing Li's embrace and ran into He Xuan's arms. "My baby~" Seeing Jing Dan's action, a plaintive Jing Li called out. She had just held her for a while, and now the child was off to find her sweetheart! Jing Dan turned back, soothingly saying, "I'll let you hold me again later!" He Xuan: "…"