Chapter 57

I was not inept at wielding a spear, and neither was Kaila, who had been a knight. Athena was somewhat awkward, but she compensated for this gap with her user’s unique sense of mana and by predicting the opponents' movements before they could act. After all, the task was just to thrust a spear from atop the walls. Even with a lack of proficiency, Athena was more than capable of covering this. Though the armor was comprehensive, it had its vulnerabilities. Particularly, if the shoulder joints were damaged, defense would inevitably weaken, making them troublesome opponents. As some began to falter in their defense due to injuries, the mercenaries were exposed to attack. Crack! Boom! “Argh!” “AAAh!” Spears penetrated the bodies avoiding the armor, and stones chiseled at the helmets making it impossible for them to regain their senses. Some seemed to have fainted on the spot, collapsing to the ground, onto whom, considerately, heavy stones were thrown. “Cough!” With casualties mounting, progress on their part was impossible. Our side could ensure not even a scratch on our barricades, and I ordered Athena to reinforce another area. Glancing towards the gate, there stood the mercenary captain, swinging a hammer with a mad laugh. “Just like the losers you are! Pathetic!” He seemed to prefer being in the forefront. “Grr…” Pipis and Venter tried their best to stop him, but the surrounding foes were quite skilled in defense, making it difficult to hinder them significantly. “Pour the water!” It was the right moment. Immediately, those waiting behind brought hot water, dousing the mercenaries with it. Naturally, avoiding the poured water was no easy feat. Even as they protected themselves with densely held shields, hot water inevitably splashed onto some of the mercenaries, especially those relying on their comrades to hack and hammer away, causing many to suffer burns. “Don’t panic! Didn’t we anticipate this! Their supplies are not infinite! Slow but steady, continue to break the walls!” The leader of another mercenary group shouted from behind, making a point that held some merit. “Grr... Hot!” The big man leading the assault didn’t even scream when the hot water hit him. However, it seemed difficult to continue the onslaught in that state, as he slowly began to retreat. Eventually, as some in better condition caused more damage to our barricades, they all started to gradually pull back. It was ten days. The time the city gate had held. A shorter span than anticipated. It was not the lord’s fault. Mutr was called to reinforce the inside, and at Kumahn’s request, even his bodyguard Balyur and slaves under training were conscripted for defense. Balyur, once a disciple of Kaila, was fairly competent. They had indeed played a significant role, but their limit was clear. Above all... ‘That’s a mana user.’ It was puzzling why such information had not been disclosed. A lord who had directly fought would have known. ‘Did they think I would flee?’ Certainly, with such a disparity in equipment and the presence of knights and mana users, there might seem no chance of victory. A closer look revealed even a faint aura being utilized. ‘Not of the highest caliber...’ Not at the level of top mercenaries. But too strong to be middle-ranked. Given a bit more time, they could reach top-tier mercenary status. Barely hanging on, you might say. ‘Madank... was it?’ The mercenary leader who had been loud with the lord. He was a mana user, and his closest followers, Grimnk and Abinas, though novices, appeared to use mana as well. Consequently, the gate had held for merely ten days, and until Madank broke through, Langbink could not even participate in the battle. And right after the gate was destroyed... “Hahaha!” Venter and Pipis, who had attempted to stop him, were struck down. “At least there’s someone decent! Hadn’t expected anyone of worth remained!” While Balyur was desperately holding him back, Grimnk and Abinas trampled the remaining Venter mercenary group and slaves. After the gate was breached, the townsfolk trembled in fear, and the lord was desperately trying to calm them. “...Kaila.” “That Madank, can you kill him?” Obviously, it would be child’s play for Kaila if she used full force. What I meant was whether she could win while acting as a cripple, having one foot sealed. Yet, Kaila replied as if I had said something strange. “Easily.” Glancing at Balyur engaging with Madank, she commented. “He has grown significantly, but seeing him struggle against the likes of that tells me he is far off. Frankly, even I before receiving your aid could defeat him.” Not as effortlessly, but it was possible. Moreover, now, excluding her foot, her senses and physical abilities had greatly improved through bodily reconstruction. With mana heart and aura levels increased, losing would be odd. “Then, we should descend.” On Athena’s words, I pointed out Grimnk. “You take that side, I’ll handle this Abinas.” It was advantageous for Athena to face Grimnk based on compatibility. I moved towards the breached city gate I was in charge of. By then, the slaves under Balyur's instruction and our remaining mercenaries were all down, with Balyur desperately resisting the surround of three. “Athena.” Following my command, Athena swiftly moved in. She targeted Grimnk as instructed. Witnessing Athena's unparalleled speed compared to his previous opponents, Grimnk was in shock. Clang! “...A woman?” Grimnk, surprised, managed to block Athena's sneak attack. “First time seeing a woman?” “Hardly. There were no women in the previous battles!” Grimnk repelled Athena’s dagger and counterattacked. I wasn’t idle either. As I had promised, I delivered a sword strike to Abinas. “...Fascinating. Where do they keep finding these sorts from? You too, I haven’t seen in the previous battle.” “Kekeke. So they were hiding you lot to fight us, huh?” “Don’t get too excited, captain. If you rampage…” Puck. “...Too late?” Abinas, my opponent, frowned as if annoyed. Balyur was struck in the chest by his weapon and rolled on the ground. Intent on making mashed meat, he repeatedly swung his hammer towards Balyur. Thud thud thud! Balyur rolled on the ground, struggling to survive. Then. Thump, clang! “For the first time, Madank hesitates. "...A cripple? You are…” Seemingly sensing something, Madank swiftly jumped back. Kaila’s sword strike missed the spot where he had been just a moment ago. “Dodged?” Kaila remarked with a surprised tone. “You, what are you? How could someone like you…” “My name is Kaila. I am Jimnis’s slave and his sword.” “...A slave? Wait, Jimnis as in... Monster hunter Jimnis. The one who offered dozens of orc slaves to Kumahn... I see. It wouldn’t be impossible to keep someone like you as a slave.” Surprisingly, he was also aware of me. Hearing Madank’s words, Abinas looked at me and spoke. “Then, you must be Jimnis.” “That’s right.” “Tch. We were told to coax you if we found you. How about it? Joining us? You know the situation, don’t you? We’re not mere bandits.” “I know. Mercenaries hired by the Count Siglen's Merchant Alliance.” “Exactly. If you surrender to us, we promise better treatment than before.” “Well, considering the magnitude of crimes you’ve committed, isn't it straight to the guillotine?” “The information control is perfect. The history of the Merchant Alliance is long. There are strong ties even within Count Siglen’s territory. This matter will be buried in darkness forever.” “...You plan to kill all the territory's folk?” “No. Someone close to us will gain Siglen’s approval to take over as the new lord.” ‘...They’ve even worked that out?’ It seems the Merchant Alliance has deeper roots than expected. ‘Siglen has been played.’ With an organization this size, it’s likely Siglen also views them as a headache. This could be an opportunity to wipe them out altogether. Although the price was the dwarves, perhaps from their perspective, it was a steal. ‘I'll make good use of it.’ “Sorry, but I decline.” “...Why?” “I just think you’re bound to fail. And…” I charged at him as I replied. “Being under someone isn’t exactly to my taste.” Clash! Our swords collided, sparking. “Ck. No choice then. Die.” He indeed pressed on, utilizing his superior physical abilities typical of a mana user. Clang, boom! However, I quickly adapted to his speed. Though I wasn’t using magic, my body was considerably enhanced, and my close combat skills were acknowledged even by Kaila. At least to the level of a mid-tier mercenary. On top of that, my experience was not modest, having scraped through years from the bottom. Despite pushing me, Abinas’s expression gradually hardened. “...Why…” Seemingly about to fall, yet not, I kept deflecting and blocking his attacks while maintaining my composure. This was not a one-sided defense. Whenever an opening appeared, I disrupted his rhythm, ensuring he couldn’t bring me down despite his advantages. No, at times, he even looked rattled by my counterattacks. ‘...Is this my limit, after all.’ I realized anew. I lacked the talent of a warrior. I was only holding out this far because of last iteration's experience and the heightened physical and cognitive abilities awakening my magic afforded me, not because I was a warrior of Kaila or Athena's caliber. And while I was biding time. “Aaaah!” Athena was the first to cut down Grimnk. “Damn... Damn! How did this happen! To be bested by a mere cripple!” Madank’s dominant figure against the others vanished as he became increasingly cornered. Athena charged at such a Madank, blocking his retreat path. Had it not been for the act of a injured leg, his head would have been gone by now. Even though his superior mobility had kept him alive thus far, as soon as Athena blocked his path, he was practically done. Kaila’s words about him being nothing special were true. Seeing his comrades fall one by one, Abinas’s face grew increasingly anxious.

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