Chapter 223 - The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

"It's time! Everyone, as you know, today marks the start of business." Finally, it was the first official business day of Daseogak. I stood before the student employees to relay some important messages before they began their work. "Yesterday, I explained to each of you where you'll be working." Standing there, addressing the gathered employees, I truly felt like the boss. The old Daseogak had this vibe of two young, energetic individuals continuing the family business alongside elderly employees. “Those on the first floor are responsible for the counters, organizing, and the printing room. Just follow what you've been instructed. Those assigned to the second floor, follow me for additional explanations.” Im Hayun, especially you. As I was about to lead the employees upstairs, a first-floor employee called out to me. "Manager! Are there any penalties if we make mistakes?" Well, yes. They might lose points in the selection for the excellent student employee award, or if the mistake is significant, it could lead to a pay cut or even termination. Should I tell them this? No, it's not the right time to say that. Better to discuss it separately later. “Mistakes are inevitable in the beginning. If a problem arises, report it quickly without hesitation, and we’ll work on reducing errors from there." I looked at the visibly tense employees with a reassuring expression. They're all new employees anyway. It’s better to learn the job properly, even if it means making mistakes, rather than moving cautiously and not doing much. “We’ll do our best!” Evidently relieved, the employees relaxed and greeted me all at once. It’s going to be incredibly busy for a while. Until Daseogak runs smoothly, I’ll need countless hands to cover everything. After instructing the first-floor staff to start preparing for business, I immediately went upstairs and called out Im Hayun. “Hayun, you’ll be in charge of the counters and organizing.” To be precise, you're in charge of the visuals. If the services are identical, customers are naturally drawn to a place where the employees are better looking. With Im Hayun, who has a beauty befitting a character from a martial arts dating simulation, she’s essentially a cheat code as the face of Daseogak. “The counters? I thought I’d be brewing tea.” Hayun responded, looking genuinely surprised. “Ha So So will handle the tea.” You are the face. “I’ll do my best!” It's nice to see her so enthusiastic. Bright-faced, Ha So So responded with a raised hand despite her still baby-like chubby cheeks. On the other hand, Im Hayun looked at me discontentedly, her face full of complaints. “Hayun, don’t look at the customers with the same grumpy face you’re giving me. Always serve them with a smile.” “When have I ever looked at you with a grumpy face?” “Then, give me a smile.” “……” Come on, smile. Look at her with that pouty face! “Save the face that looks like you're ready to bite someone off for people causing trouble on the second floor. That’s within your organizing duties.” We always need someone to clean up the mess in Daseogak. Knowing that Im Hayun had trained in martial arts, I informed the other employees to report to her first if problems arose and I wasn’t around. “Wow! Is it true you’ve trained in martial arts, Hayun?” “A member of the martial arts world! I can’t believe Hayun is one too!” “Can’t I be in charge of the tea? I’m really good at it.” Im Hayun, seemingly unsatisfied with her duties, attempted to negotiate with me. It makes sense. Brewing tea is part of a courtesan’s skills, so she must be quite confident. “Ha So So is more suited for it.” Nope, not changing it. I have no intentions of switching roles. Better drop it. I firmly shook my head. “That's right, Sis! I can brew tea really well!” Ha So So said brightly to the displeased Im Hayun. “We assigned tasks based on what each of you does best.” “Brewing tea scores higher in the selection for the excellent student employee, doesn’t it?” Hayun looked at me anxiously and asked. Ah, so it's about the excellent student employee award. Like a barista who needs skills to brew good coffee, making tea isn't just about putting a teabag into water. From Hayun’s perspective, brewing tea seemed like skilled culinary work, while her assigned task felt more like manual labor. “There's no discrimination based on that. We’ve just placed people where they perform best.” “Then obviously I should be...” I said there's no discrimination. She just won't let it go. Take a look in the mirror. Is it more beneficial for Daseogak to have you facing a wall brewing tea, or standing at the counter with a smiling face? “Since you seem unconvinced, both of you, brew some tea.” I gestured towards the equipment inside the counter. “… Alright.” “Sis, I’m genuinely good at this. Watch me.” Both of them stepped into the tea-brewing area and swiftly began selecting tea leaves. “Why are the tea leaves like this?” Im Hayun frowned as she peeked into the tea leaves Daseogak had stocked. These are cost-effective tea leaves, not the high-end kind. Daseogak isn’t a premium teahouse, so this will do just fine. “Hmmm.” In contrast, Ha So So hummed a tune as she started brewing tea. “Here it is.” “Here's mine!” They both presented their tea almost simultaneously. Both passed in terms of speed. Now, the important thing is the taste. “Wow…” “Same tea, but it tastes different?” “Ha So So’s tea tastes better.” Anyone would agree that Ha So So’s tea tasted better. “No way? I brewed it perfectly according to the proper method!” Eyes wide with disbelief, Hayun protested vehemently. “Wanna taste it yourself?” “Give it to me. … This can't be.” After tasting Ha So So’s tea, Hayun’s voice turned troubled, as if she fell into an unexpected trap. “Hehe. My late mother ran a small tea house in Ichan.” That's why I assigned Ha So So to tea duties. “The leaves weren’t even that good.” “The tea leaves aren’t at fault. High-quality leaves just need proper brewing, but for these leaves, you need to brew them meticulously considering their condition.” “Ugh…” “Any more complaints?” “So, did you understand the difference between following protocol and improvisation?” I asked Hayun, who looked like she had just received a critical blow. “Yes. I lost.” With a reluctant expression, Im Hayun lowered her head and admitted defeat. “Ha So So is in charge of the tea. Im Hayun, you’ll handle the counter and organizing. Everyone else, follow the instructions you were given yesterday.” I stressed to the other employees the importance of their second-floor duties, which set Daseogak apart from other bookstores. “Losing at tea... After all these years of practice...” The shock seemed significant. Im Hayun muttered to herself in a voice so low that only someone trained in martial arts could hear. “Hayun.” Cheer up. You have a knack for a different kind of work—like theft. Tea-making just wasn’t your forte. I held back from saying something that might make her want to quit immediately and instead called her name. “Why... are you calling me?” Did she expect a scolding? Hayun looked up at me nervously. “I liked your tea as well. When we get some high-quality tea, I’ll ask you to brew it.” I encouraged her with a reassuring expression, trying to convey that it wasn’t a big deal. “Ugh! ...Alright. I’ll brew the high-quality tea even better!” Perhaps realizing from my expression that I was trying to encourage her, Hayun covered her face with one hand and, with newfound determination, headed back to the counter. “Haha. I’m counting on you then.” Here I was, already attending to the staff’s mental state. At this rate, I might as well receive an award for the model boss. --- “Daseogak is reopening!” People flocked in as we opened the doors in the morning. “A smell that stands among the trees of books. This is truly Daseogak!” “It feels like coming home!” “Members of the Daseo Association! Please, come in.” I hadn’t expected familiar faces of regulars to make me feel like I had returned home. I warmly welcomed the first customers of the newly reopened Daseogak at the main entrance. “Manager Kang! I’m so glad you’re safe!” “Are you hurt anywhere?” “You seem fine, no broken limbs, but you’re not going to suddenly cough up blood or start shaking, right?” “Hahaha. I’m fine. Please, head on up to the second floor.” “There are new faces here.” The Daseo Association members pointed discreetly at the employees and asked me. “These are the new Daseogak employees. The former staff retired.” “Is that so? They did seem quite old. Did you hire with the thought of putting new wine in new wineskins?” “Haha. I wanted to bring back the old hands, but it seems Daseogak became too busy for them, and they felt burdened.” “I see. That can happen... Oh! Manager Kang, are those young ladies also employees here?” “Welcome!” “Hahaha. Yes, they are our new hires.” The Daseo Association members were astonished by the employees greeting them on the second floor. It’s no wonder. Even I find these ladies strikingly beautiful. “A flower has bloomed in Daseogak.” “Such beauties usually only work in high-class teahouses.” “High-class teahouses? Look at that young lady at the counter; she’s on another level.” “What do you mean by that? Gasp!” The members’ gazes fixated on a young lady. “Haha. She truly stands out, doesn’t she?” “Hayun, you say?” “Excuse me, I need to go home quickly.” “Why?” “I left in such a hurry this morning that I didn’t wash my hair.” “I must place an order with Hayun!” “You fool! Wait your turn!” Members of the Daseo Association flocked to the counter to catch a closer glimpse of Im Hayun. Indeed, a good reaction. This is why it’s advantageous to hire attractive employees. When I had part-time jobs in the service industry, I was given tasks like carrying goods or cooking—anything that didn’t require showing my face. “Mr. Sohn, aren’t you going?” Lost in the bitter memories of the past, I looked to my side and saw Mr. Sohn standing there, clutching his chest. Why is he like this? I expected him to be his usual dramatic self but instead he seemed troubled. “Manager Kang.” Mr. Sohn clutched his heart and looked at me with a pained expression. Is he unwell? “Are you alright?” “I... I think I’ve fallen in love.” Oh, for crying out loud. “If you start flirting on the job, I’ll have to ban you from entering.” I declared sternly with a cold face. “Ugh. So, our friendship ends here? I need to get married too, you know.” “You should talk to a matchmaker or your parents about finding a bride.” “Aren't we close friends? From today, you can be my matchmaker.” “Close friends? Me?” The only close friend I trust is Dang Giyang, who’s always joking around. “Ugh. I prayed every day for your safe return.” That makes me feel a bit guilty. “I didn’t see you in front of Daseogak, though.” “Ahem! I did it at home!” Mr. Sohn argued, embarrassed. Of course, he did. “I warned you.” Yes, be cautious because I will enforce that ban. With a small sigh, Mr. Sohn opened his mouth and said, “Sigh. Such a heartless friend. It seems my way to get a close friend and a bride is long.” No, your way isn’t long at all. --- Was Daseogak eagerly awaited by so many? From the first day, Daseogak began to return to normal rapidly. “Of course, the first wife should be the number one beauty of Sichuan!” “Are you crazy? Hu Bei’s top courtesan, Du Eunghyang, is the rightful first wife!” I hadn’t hoped for such trivial debates to resume so quickly. “Manager Kang, who does the Sichuan branch say is the rightful first wife?” “Who knows? Given that they’re from Sichuan, the top beauty of Sichuan is indeed popular.” I replied calmly, helping out at the busy second-floor counter, to a Daseo Association member. “What did you say?” Now, why is Im Hayun suddenly so shocked? She turned to me with an expression as if she had just heard news of a coup. “Exactly! That’s right! The people from the Sichuan branch claim the top beauty of Sichuan should be the first wife!” “The people from Sichuan don’t know anything!” “How could a lowly courtesan become the first wife?” “The Sichuan branch considers her the first wife! It seems the debate over the rightful first wife is settled then?” “What did you just say? Manager Kang only gave his personal opinion! It’s not the official position, is it?” “I can’t hear you. The top beauty of Sichuan is the rightful first wife.” “You…!” Eventually, the situation escalated, and the two men grabbed each other by the collar. I missed Daseogak, but not scenes like this. “It’s getting too heated since it’s been a while. Hayun, could you calm them down?” “……” “Hayun?” Why did she suddenly look so dark? “Yes?!” “Please go and calm them down.” “Alright.” With a determined expression, Im Hayun nodded and left the counter, approaching the two men who were fighting. “Say it one more time! Who is the rightful first wife?!” “The top beauty of Sichuan is the rightful one!” “Why are you all fighting?” Oh wow, that must be the intimidating presence of a martial artist. Im Hayun interjected herself between the two men, lowering her voice as if she were facing a life-or-death opponent. “Well, uh, you see... miss.” The new trouble-disposal effect is working well. Hiring her was worth the effort. The Daseo Association members cowered under Im Hayun’s intense aura. I know everyone’s overexcited because it’s been a while. Let’s keep it down. Daseogak isn’t just for one person. Hayun’s warning should settle things nicely once she’s done. However, what came out of her mouth was not a warning. “Of course, the rightful first wife of Dang Gapungun is Hu Bei’s top courtesan, Du Eunghyang!” What?