Chapter 225 - The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

Hunger brings sorrow. This is a truth I’ve painfully realized while surviving as a destitute outcast in this world for over a year. One meal skipped turns into two, then three. When was the last time I truly ate? I’m starving. So hungry that I’d swallow anything I could get my hands on. Starvation eats away at one’s sanity. Had I not been able to fortify my body and train my mind using the techniques I learned after falling into this world, I’d have likely strayed down a dark path long ago. “Has everyone had lunch?” It was cleanup time after closing. I gathered everyone and stood before the employees. “……” No answer. The ones struggling to get by and skipping meals are avoiding my gaze. “It’s come to my attention that some of you are missing your lunch breaks, even though we’ve specifically set aside time for this.” Starting with the problem at hand, I lowered my gaze in disappointment. “Are you calling us in to take away our lunch breaks for not eating?” “As if! Of course we’d like to have lunch too.” A sense of unease spread among the staff. Given that there's no actual rest period during work in this world, it’s understandable. In many places, even those working in menial jobs who get fed thrice a day might only gnaw on an onion during lunch. I get the unease, but I didn’t gather them to revoke their lunch breaks. “I understand why you’re skipping lunch.” Their unease was, in a way, concern. And with my statement addressing the issue, I managed to capture their full attention. Payday is still far off. And even if it arrives, they can’t afford to buy lunch. I get your situation. Now, they must be curious about what I’m going to say next. What will come out of my mouth? “I’ve made arrangements with a nearby inn for your lunches. Just mention that you’re from Daseogak and give your name, and you’ll be served a meal.” Of course, this is good news. “You’re providing our meals...?” “Really?!” “Even well-off escort agency staff have to buy their meals.” “Is this some sort of work-study benefit?” They asked with wide eyes, unable to believe it. “It’s all out of my own pocket. How can you work effectively on an empty stomach? Have your meals at the nearby inn.” I took care of Im Hayeon’s meals before, so this is no big deal. 一 Here's dinner. Take it. 一 I don’t need any help. 一 It’s a boss's duty to look after their staff. 一 Ugh! She’d refuse help as a sworn sister but accept it as an employee. Always finding new reasons, despite it all being the same. How nice would it be if she could just be purely happy like the others? “Not only are we getting paid, but now we’re being provided lunch too.” Yes, the salary comes from the Muninhwe. I even negotiated a group discount for lunches. “Is it because the manager came from abroad that he doesn’t know better?” “Being provided lunch during lunch break? Am I in Daseogak or some management office?” “Even managers miss lunch or buy it due to work.” “Goodness.” The employees smiled with genuine relief. But it’s too soon to be surprised. “There’s one more thing I’m providing.” I cut through their joyful atmosphere to announce another employee benefit. “Another one?!” “What could it be this time?!” This is the main point. I surveyed the surprised faces of the staff and retrieved an item from the bag I had behind me. “From now on, you’ll be provided with work uniforms.” As Daseogak employees, you should wear uniforms. “You’re providing clothes now too?” “When I initially asked you to come dressed appropriately, it created a bit of a different problem.” I spoke with a tinge of bitterness, looking at the stained parts of the employees' clothes, even though they appeared decently dressed when they arrived at Daseogak. They mistook that decent attire for being able to eat lunch, but it was more like how I used to dress in my best as a street peddler. “Haha...” “I’ll provide simple and neat work clothes for the male employees. Please wear them during work.” “Will the female employees wear something different?” Good observation. The real reason I gathered everyone today was to introduce something significant. “From now on, female employees on the second floor will wear this outfit.” I pulled out a set of luxurious black fabric clothing in front of the staff. “What’s that?” The identity of the black garment I held up. A treasure of Zhongyuan. The greatest invention of Chinese civilization. An outfit that encapsulates everything in this world. Its name is... “A cheongsam.” ————— The cheongsam. Also known as the qipao in some contexts. Whether in any genre, if there’s a Chinese character, it’s an attire they’re bound to wear, often with the iconic buns in their hair. A garment emphasizing beauty through bold cuts, sleeveless design, and a provocative slit revealing an alluring thigh. The snug fit accentuates a beautiful, curvy silhouette. An American First Lady once commented that seeing a cheongsam explained why China’s birth rate was high—it’s an outfit designed to captivate the male gaze. Daseogak is in Zhongyuan. What should the uniform for Daseogak be? Naturally, it should be the cheongsam. My reasoning shot through the sky with a triple booster of logic. ‘But it’s absurdly expensive.’ Having it made from fine silk turned out to be astronomically pricey. Moreover, the cheongsams I ordered were modern adaptations. Ordering them specially made increased the cost even more. My soaring logic almost exploded mid-air. Had the second-floor staff not been uniformly beautiful, I might have given up. It’s an investment-worthy attire with undeniable impact. After much deliberation, I decided to contract and secure some sample outfits. “Cheongsam?” “Never seen such an outfit before.” “Is it perhaps foreign clothing?” The cheongsam is a Manchu garment. Since I modernized it, it’s bound to look exotic. "It's true that this is a foreign garment, but it's also worn in the northern regions." I quickly corrected the misconception to avoid any bias. It may not be familiar due to its silk make, but in this wuxia romance world, it's something the wealthy might wear. "Isn't that a barbarian's outfit?" "A barbarian's outfit?!" I could see the hesitation among the employees. The mere mention of barbarians makes everyone here frown with disdain. It seems the prejudice against barbarians in this world is unavoidable. In the past, I might have apologized and given up, saying it was barbarian clothing. But I’m not backing down now. "Are you saying you dislike it because it’s considered barbarian attire?" I looked at the employees with a blatant expression of disappointment. Here’s a juicy bait. Let's see which fish will bite. "Isn't it obvious? How could a woman from Zhongyuan wear barbarian clothes…" "Watch your mouth!" Too late. I'm reeling in the line now. "You dislike it because it's barbarian clothing? Then, you must despise following the orders of a barbarian even more." Where do you think the manager of Daseogak is from? Hating barbarians means hating me too, right? "That's not what…" Time to ramp this up. Without waiting for a response, I started pouring out my resentment towards the barbarian prejudice. "I hired you regardless of your hair color to give hope to those struggling! I’m providing lunch and even clothing! And yet, you refuse merely because it's something barbarians also wear? I don’t need such people. Leave immediately. I’ll pay you for the work you’ve done so far." I pointed firmly to the main gate of Daseogak. "I'm sorry!!! That wasn’t my intention at all!!!" The employee who had slighted barbarians was so shocked that he bowed down, almost touching his face to the ground in apology. Other employees, realizing the gravity of the situation, closed their mouths and observed in silence. A good demonstration of discipline. "This is the only warning. If I hear anyone slandering barbarians again, I won't let it go." Just be aware that such a statement won’t fly here. Got it? "It won't happen again!" "Does anyone else have something to say?" I glanced around at the other employees, giving them a warning look. "Yes, I do." One of the female employees from the second floor raised her hand. "Go ahead." I hope she’s not going to complain about the barbarian attire. That would hurt me. Fortunately, the second-floor employee brought up a different concern. "The sleeveless design, the high slit—doesn't it reveal too much of the body? This outfit looks like something lowly courtesans would wear to seduce men." She pointed to the cheongsam with a frown. True, it is an alluring outfit meant to attract customers. How should I counter this? While I was quickly thinking of a rebuttal, I heard a quiet, muttering voice that only I could catch. "That’s not true... Courtesans' attire is much bolder." It seemed Im Hayeon was displeased by the courtesan comment and muttered this while glaring at the female employee. Unaware of Im Hayeon’s displeasure, the female employee continued. "I’m an educated lady, not a courtesan. And such revealing clothes would only draw undue attention to less shapely staff." She glanced at Im Hayeon as she said this. Less shapely, she says. It’s called having a full figure. So, she despises it because she's a refined scholar. Well, I have a response to that. "Lowly courtesans? In the northern regions, only high-born ladies wear such clothes. Do the rest of you share her opinion?" Do you know how much it costs to make these clothes? "I want to wear silk clothes!" Ha So-so exclaimed energetically, her eyes sparkling at the silk-made cheongsam. Great, that's the reaction I was hoping for. One vote secured. "Miss Hayeon, what about you? Do you think the cheongsam is a lowly courtesan’s barbarian dress?" Subtly shifting from “lowly courtesan” to “barbarian” draws a parallel between her and me, helping to coax a vote in my favor. I asked Im Hayeon, who had been watching the exchange with a displeased expression. Im Hayeon, choose your words wisely. After all I've done for you. After contemplating, Im Hayeon alternated her gaze between me and the female employee before decisively speaking. "Don't speak so lightly about things you don't know. If courtesans intended to seduce, they’d wear something much bolder than this. This is just a pretty dress. Humph! Of course, it's not for those who lack confidence in their figure." It seemed the courtesan comment really got under her skin. Im Hayeon spoke in a huffy voice, making sure the female employee heard her clearly. "Sigh. If everyone insists, I’ll wear it. And manager, I never meant to call you a barbarian." In the end, the female employee lowered her head in a gesture of surrender. Great. From now on, the uniform of Daseogak is the cheongsam! "Why are you going to such lengths, even spending your own money on this?" Just as I was inwardly rejoicing, an employee raised their hand and asked. Why, you ask? "Because you’re my employees." The reputation of Daseogak is my reputation. By wearing these uniforms and dining at inns, word will spread that the manager of Daseogak even provides lunch to working students. My fame will extend beyond the Muninhwe to Yi Clan. Daseogak and its employees will all contribute to my reputation. Plus, it’s good to do kind deeds. Smiling at the employees who were staring at me in awe, I concluded. "I will ensure rewards and penalties are clear. And starting tomorrow, we’re cutting the entrance fee to the second floor in half and offering discounts on inventory books. Let’s work hard together." "Yes! We’ll work hard!" ——-- Barbarian attire. The cheongsam. But beauty knows no borders. "Oh my gosh. Is this... a whole new world?" Even though it was my decision, the impact of the cheongsam was overwhelmingly powerful. "I don't know where to look!" "Isn't it obvious? At the books, perhaps?" "How can you say something so harsh?!" The female employees dressed in black cheongsams were all inexplicably captivating, like magnets drawing in customers. "Manager Kang, I have a serious dilemma." "Mr. Son, if you ask me to find you another matchmaker, I’ll throw you out." "No, that’s not it. The thing is, while the cheongsams look great on their own, I find myself strangely drawn to them when they wear those white aprons." Cheongsams are expensive silk garments, and cleaning them costs a fortune. After much deliberation, I decided to have the employees wear frilled white aprons over the cheongsams when performing tasks that might dirty them. When the employees wore white aprons over their black cheongsams, it evoked a certain aesthetic appeal that catered to specific tastes. I replied to Mr. Son with a smile. "The 'maid look' indeed has a certain charm." "Maid look?" "It’s an attire associated with foreign women doing household chores, thus referred to as the maid look. The beauty of a woman is not only in her appearance but also seen when she’s engaged in domestic tasks. I understand your point." Seeing both looks in the contrast of black cheongsams and white aprons is delightful. Whoever thought of this idea deserves praise. "Hmpf. Foreign cultures indeed have some excellent traditions." With the reduced entrance fee, book discounts, improved employee morale due to the new benefits, and the introduction of cheongsams, customers began flocking back to Daseogak in droves. ————— "Miss Hayeon? What brings you to the first floor? Dinner supplies are in the cabinet under the tea counter." As I was giving instructions to the first-floor staff, Im Hayeon, clad in her black cheongsam, approached me. "It's not about that. Here, someone left this." Im Hayeon handed me a box. So that's where it went. "I forgot to take this to the printing room." "Looks like you’re busy; I’ll take it there for you." "No, I'll do it." I stopped her and took the box. "It's no big deal going to the printing room." "No, it’s a very, very important task. Please, go back." "Why on earth can't I go to the printing room?" Why? There’s a very significant reason. Daseogak has sparked interest, and it’s almost time to soar to new heights. "The third volume of 'Tang House's Winds' is currently being printed."