Chapter 235 - The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

The Sa Cheon Dang family abducted Kang Yoon-ho, the bookstore owner who had published *Dang Ga Pung Woon*. What kind of novel is *Dang Ga Pung Woon* exactly? Why did the Dang family take him away? The sales of *Dang Ga Pung Woon* may be halted. We should read it as soon as possible. The journey from Uichang to Sa Cheon and back took several months. Looking back, it was a trip where I narrowly escaped death countless times, but the unexpected, tremendous promotional impact once I returned made it all worthwhile. There wasn’t a single person in Uichang who hadn’t heard of the novel *Dang Ga Pung Woon*, but even those who had initially turned away were now surrendering, waving the white flag, and clamoring to get their hands on it. Not only that, but the reputation of *Dang Ga Pung Woon* began to spread to cities over ten days’ journey from Uichang. Those who read *Dang Ga Pung Woon* consistently gave rave reviews and wished for the next volume to be safely released. While those few months were life-threatening for me, for some, it was a period of agony waiting for one book. Now, volume 3 of *Dang Ga Pung Woon* has come out. And it's escorted by the Sa Cheon Dang family themselves. "Don't cut in line!" The cry of the Sa Cheon Dang warrior echoed loudly in front of Daseo-gak. "Purple hair and green eyes! The Sa Cheon Dang warriors are really guarding Daseo-gak?" "Seriously!" "So the rumor that the Sa Cheon Dang family wept and praised *Dang Ga Pung Woon* after reading it is true?!" "My friend is a member of Daseo-hwe, and he says he heard the Sa Cheon Dang people talking about how much they loved *Dang Ga Pung Woon* at Daseo-gak!" "My word!" "If the Sa Cheon Dang family is personally guarding *Dang Ga Pung Woon*, just how entertaining must it be?" "Exactly. I can't wait to read it! Why isn't this line moving faster!" On the second day of selling volume 3 of *Dang Ga Pung Woon*, the line that had seemingly no end yesterday still stretched beyond sight today. "Salt-baked squid! Butter-grilled corn! We also have puffed rice snacks!" "Should we get something to eat? Hey, do you have popcorn instead of puffed rice?" "We've got consomme, onion, and caramel flavors. What would you like?" "Consomme flavor! You have taste! I'll take that one!" "Here you go!" Ever since the rumors spread about the long lines for volumes 1 and 2, there have been many peddlers. It's a complete blue ocean market. "I’m here to buy volume 3 of *Dang Ga Pung Woon*!" As I mused over whether to charge a stall fee or jump into the business myself when volume 4 comes out, more customers flooded in. "Those here to buy *Dang Ga Pung Woon*, please proceed directly to the stand!" There’s no time to be sentimental in front of *Dang Ga Pung Woon*. Like a cafeteria that serves only one dish to keep service quick, I guided customers straight to the counter to buy *Dang Ga Pung Woon* swiftly. "Manager! The books are selling faster than the print shop can produce them!" "I’ll send extra hands to the print shop. Rotate the lunch breaks. The printing mustn’t stop." "Yes, sir!" I wish I could buy more printers and set up another print shop, but printers are high-value assets, so expensive that it turns my head just considering buying one. In the end, the old printer that has been with Bak Ga Bookstore is working hard, almost complaining for not being treated like an elder. I need to earn a lot to retire the old printer grandpa. "Manager Kang!" "Are you from Daseo-hwe?" Members of Daseo-hwe approached me with sorrowful faces. What's the matter? Didn’t they all buy yesterday? "Are you ready this time?" "What do you mean?" "Volume 4! When will it be released?" "Haha. Volume 3 was just released yesterday." "Ugh! We waited so long, why didn’t Author Hopil write volume 4 in advance?" How lamentable. Daseo-hwe members sighed deeply. Try scrambling to survive while the Mad Scientist of the Demonic Cult hallucinates about creating poison, and the Sa Cheon Dang family targets you. When returning, it’s like receiving training in the full martial arts curriculum of the Dang family. How would he find the time to write volume 4? "Does volume 3 need to sell well for volume 4 to come out?" "Of course." "Sigh! How long will I have to wait to see the treacherous trap set for Dang Jeong by the Demonic Cult unfold?" "Why does volume 3 have to be even more exciting than expected?!" "Author Hopil’s skill at leaving us hanging will become a divine art at this rate!" "It feels like Hopil’s writing is cutting into my heart!" Daseo-hwe members let out a mix of joy and lament. The response is better than expected. "Haha. Volume 4 will come out only if volume 3 sells well." If entertained, buy again. That helps reduce Kang Yoon-ho's debt. "Ugh! Give me one more copy. I’ll take another." In the end, each Daseo-hwe member bought another copy of *Dang Ga Pung Woon*. That’s why dedicated readers are important. They don’t just read twice or thrice but buy extra copies for collection, viewing, and recommending to others. After taking a look at the chaotic first floor, I went up to the second floor to catch my breath. While the first floor was a battlefield, the second floor resembled a calm dictatorship, with one person darting back and forth like a swooping shadow. "*Dang Ga Pung Woon*, this time Dang Jeong—" "Quiet!!!" Whoa. Is that the D-Rank hand edge technique? A pink breeze stopped a loose mouth. "Gasp! Miss Ha-yeon! Why are you doing this?" "Look at the warning at the entrance to the second floor." [For three days after the release of *Dang Ga Pung Woon*, discussion about it is prohibited on the second floor.] "Why can't we talk about *Dang Ga Pung Woon* in its own main hub!?" "Many people up here haven’t bought it yet and are enjoying their reading quietly," said Im Ha-yeon, pointing to the people reading peacefully on the second floor. "But suppressing speech about *Dang Ga Pung Woon* at Daseo-gak! What nonsense is this!" "You'll. Keep. It. Though, right?" Wow. She’s smiling while looking ready to kill with her eyes. "Ugh... I get it." The wrath of a martial artist and a beauty was formidable. "Keep it up. You're doing well." I offered a small smile of praise to Im Ha-yeon, who had returned to the counter. I do have an eye for talent. While I had assigned some management tasks to a few others just in case, the all-rounder five-tool player was indeed Im Ha-yeon. “I don’t want to hear about *Dang Ga Pung Woon* from someone else before I get to read it myself.” So that’s why. Like a hero determined to break bones but not take lives in the face of crime, Im Ha-yeon watched over the second floor with blazing eyes. “In volume 3, there’s…” “Quiet! Behave!” There’s no need to worry about spoilers for *Dang Ga Pung Woon* in Daseo-gak. ------ “Thank you all for your hard work.” On the third day of extended hours, I greeted the staff, who were still sweating despite the lingering chilly weather. “““Thank you.””” The employees grouped up in clusters according to their routes home and departed. Next month, I should consider giving bonuses as a reward for their hard work. “Aren’t you going home?” I said to Im Ha-yeon, who looked as if she was glued to the ground, staring intensely at *Dang Ga Pung Woon*. “From tomorrow, Daseo-hwe will also be discussing volume 3 of *Dang Ga Pung Woon*, right?” Im Ha-yeon spoke in a conflicted voice, without meeting my gaze. “It’ll get even busier from tomorrow. I’m counting on you.” “...” Im Ha-yeon hung her head low at my words. It’s not payday yet. Although volume 3 of *Dang Ga Pung Woon* isn’t overly expensive, it’s not cheap enough for someone relying on my charity for dinner to afford it. Just as an employee at a cinema finds it unbearable to hear spoilers for a movie they love, Im Ha-yeon would have to endure hearing about *Dang Ga Pung Woon* from others tomorrow. For someone anticipating volume 3, there’s no greater frustration. A look of both anger and internal struggle flickered briefly across Ha-yeon’s face. She’s something else. Just one word would have sufficed. “Take it.” I picked out the cleanest book from the pile and handed it to Ha-yeon. “What’s this?” “Volume 3 of *Dang Ga Pung Woon*. It’s a gift.” “A gift?” Ha-yeon’s eyes widened as she glanced back and forth between me and the book. “Why are you so shocked? It’s like it’s the first gift you’ve ever received.” You’ve worked hard in management. Take it and read. “I, I’ve received gifts before! From my geisha sisters!” If you’ve received something before, why are you reacting like I hit a sore spot? “Read it and don’t be late for work.” When I handed Ha-yeon *Dang Ga Pung Woon* volume 3, she looked at me again, then at the book, and finally hugged it tightly. “T-Thank you.” Ha-yeon bowed deeply and dashed out of Daseo-gak as if escaping. ------ The day people could finally chat about volume 3 of *Dang Ga Pung Woon*. “Ohhh, this is nothing short of amazing!” “Is Author Hopil out of his mind? How can a person write something like this?” “Is Author Hopil your friend? Watch your mouth!” “Stop fighting and calm down by looking at this inscription.” “Ugh! It’s blinding!” “My eyes, I think I'm going blind!” “To finally see volume 3! I could die happy now.” “Are you saying volume 4 isn’t important?” “Just joking, just joking!” Daseo-gak was packed to the brim. “I’ve read countless books in my life, but I’ve never seen anyone who tells a story like Author Hopil!” “You’re right. Every crisis is resolved so thrillingly, and he rescues others with such flair that even men find him admirable!” “What about the women? Though I was worried when two new female characters were introduced, they turned out to be fantastic allies and beautiful potential partners!” “You're right, especially that... uh, the scenes where they share a bed, well…” “Ahem. No words are needed.” -------- “Dang-jeong is just too cool…” Ha-yeon murmured dreamily, staring into space as if she were walking through a garden of flowers. “Save your dreams for at home.” “Guh!” Ha-yeon grimaced and glared at me as if she had been yanked out of a dreamy world back into reality, like Kang Mo-ssi seeing his foolishly grinning reflection on a game’s loading screen. “Did you sleep?” Dark circles were heavily marked under Ha-yeon’s eyes. “*Dang Ga Pung Woon* is not something you concede to sleep.” So, you didn’t sleep then. “Really! Hah... how does Author Hopil write like this…” She’s drifting back to dreamland again. “If you can’t concentrate on your work, I’ll give you demerits.” “Ugh! That’s unfair! ...Fine, I’ll focus.” As I barely brought Ha-yeon back from the world of *Dang Ga Pung Woon*, a commotion came from the direction of Daseo-hwe. “Isn’t Dang-jeong too much! Despite being blatantly seduced by women, he only thinks of the one in his heart.” “And that’s what makes Dang-jeong amazing! Loving both Gu Suk-jeong and Do Eung-hyang!” “Loving two women equally, it's even more admirable.” “Hmph.” Ha-yeon scoffed at their words as if finding them ridiculous. “What’s wrong?” “They’re mistaken.” Ha-yeon answered with a smirk. “What do you mean?” “In volume 3, Dang-jeong mentions Do Eung-hyang one more time than Sa Cheon’s greatest beauty. This means he thinks of Do Eung-hyang more than Sa Cheon’s beauty!” Did she really stay up counting such details? She’s a diehard fan. “What is happening here?!” While I admired Ha-yeon’s dedication, another outcry came from Daseo-hwe. “We were just offering kind advice.” “You’re making excuses till the end!” Why the fuss? Both Ha-yeon and I hurried towards Daseo-hwe. “What’s going on? Volume 3 has just come out.” “Listen, Manager Kang. This guy said right here at the Sa Cheon’s Greatest Beauty club meeting that Lim Mi-reung, who helped Dang-jeong, is more attractive than Sa Cheon’s greatest beauty.” “Have your people been doing the same? We’ve just uncovered someone who said Im Min, who helped Dang-jeong, is more attractive than Ho Buk’s greatest beauty, right from within our own ranks.” “Trying to steal people away so sneakily! Just what are you guys up to?!” The uproar drew testimonies from the Ho Buk Jeilginyudan's location. “Caught, I see.” “We could have pulled a few more.” “What is this?” Daseo-hwe looked on in astonishment as a new faction emerged from both of the established groups. “We’ve been quietly waiting for the right moment.” They rose from Ho Buk Jeilginyudan and Sa Cheon Jeilmi-dan, coming together with ominous smiles. “What now?” “It’s clear, two beating one is inevitable. The die is already cast.” “Surely not!” “That’s right. We are the Cheonghongdan, pushing Cheonghongihwa as the legitimate wife! Join us now.” The heat in Uichang, fueled by *Dang Ga Pung Woon*, burned even hotter. With the emergence of Cheonghongdan, Daseo-hwe split into a tripod-like formation.