Chapter 239 - The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

"The owner of Daseokak is the young lady from the Tang family, isn't she?" The two of us from Mankeum Bookstore moved to a teahouse to continue our conversation. "I have an understanding with Hwarin about our future together. While she's recuperating at the Tang household, I'm managing Daseokak in her stead." "I see." "What?! Are you saying that the black-haired guy is the fiancée of the Bai family's only granddaughter?" Jeon Gilsan, the delinquent, looked at me in disbelief, giving me a once-over with an incredulous expression. That's the problem with racists. A person with black hair can very well be the fiancée of the Bai family's sole granddaughter, the inheritor of the Tang family, and a woman with the stature to command the world beyond. "You're asking to arrange a meeting with the author Hophil? What are you talking about?" Hiding my inner thoughts, I glared at Jeon Gilsan with a blank expression as I spoke. Jeon Gilsan must have thought I wasn’t lying based on my demeanor; he clicked his tongue and confessed the reason for coming to Daseokak. "Tsk. Let me get straight to the point. I want to recruit the author Hophil for Mankeum Bookstore." "Recruit the author Hophil to Mankeum Bookstore?" "Yes. Are you aware that books published by Bai Jia Bookstore can't be printed in Wuxia without Mankeum Bookstore's permission?" Another person, who seemed to be assisting Jeon Gilsan, took over the conversation with an awkward smile. He looked and acted just like a conniving official aiding a corrupt governor. "I have heard a lot about Mankeum Bookstore, but this is new to me." "Elder Jang Noya from Mankeum has been protecting the rights of his friend, the Master of Bai Jia, for decades through this arrangement." "Ah, I see." The publishing rights of Tang Family’s Elegy by Daseokak were a well-known story in Yichang. However, when it came to printing it in other cities, I couldn't do anything about it. Bai Jia had been supporting authors for decades, so it seems Mankeum Bookstore had been assisting them likewise from a business standpoint. "Mankeum Bookstore was aware that the granddaughter of the Bai family was managing Daseokak, but a truly remarkable book recently emerged from Daseokak." The man, who looked like a petty official, took out a very familiar book from his garment. "It seems Tang Family’s Elegy has reached Wuxia as well." "Indeed, it’s an extraordinary novel. Even the seasoned clerks who've worked at the Wuxia bookstores for decades praised it as the first of its kind they’ve ever seen." "So that's why you wish to recruit author Hophil." They were proposing headhunting. Given the reputation of Mankeum Bookstore, they could have ignored business ethics and published Tang Family’s Elegy themselves. However, since it's a book from Daseokak, bound by Bai Jia’s influence, they couldn't disregard the relationship with Elder Jang Noya and the Master of Bai Jia. "I understand this isn't welcome news for Daseokak. However, author Hophil is too talented to be confined to the limited market of Yichang." I am aware that Hophil needs a broader stage nationwide. "Hophil is an author I have supported in every way possible." I’ve given all of Daseokak’s earnings to author Hophil, even sharing delicious food when he was hungry, and now they want to take him away? I thought Jeon Gilsan and his lot were just troublemakers, but they’re outright bandits. "We understand. That’s why we’re offering this amount to Daseokak in exchange for author Hophil." The man, resembling a petty official, showed me a promissory note with an enormous figure written on it. "Hmm." What is this? I almost lost my composure for a second. Is the amount I saw correct? Am I not seeing this wrong? The amount in the note was enough to combine multiple printing presses into one giant robot, which then could fuse with another printing press robot for additional might and still have money left over. At this rate, I might need to learn shadow replication. I thought they were bandits, but maybe they're just respectable merchants who understand business ethics. No. Snap out of it. It’s money I can’t have anyway. I can't work under such trashy hoodlums. "We will also provide a commission just for arranging a meeting with author Hophil." "How much would that be?" "Would this suffice?" That's quite a bit. Since replication technique is too much, maybe I can wear a mask for the meeting? "Hmm. I understand your purpose for visiting. But before moving forward with our discussions, isn’t there something we need to settle between us first?" Barely suppressing my urge to pull off a reconnaissance mission on masked author Hophil, I looked at Jeon Gilsan with a vengeful stare. We'll need to resolve our emotions first if we're to discuss a contract. How dare you pretend nothing happened after trying to hit me? "Ha!" Jeon Gilsan crossed his arms and looked away, amused by my glare. "Hoho. The young master may lack some tact in matters like this. But to achieve great things, one must set aside personal grievances, wouldn’t you agree?" If this is what lacking tact means, giving up on males altogether might be easier. What kind of nonsense is he spouting? "You’re right. However, assessing the character of a companion is also essential before embarking together on significant endeavors." "You have a point, but…" The man cautiously glanced at the troublemaker Jeon Gilsan, with a troubled expression. "I’ve acted on behalf of Mankeum Bookstore. Now, are you saying I should apologize to the one who interfered with Mankeum’s interests?" Jeon Gilsan, displaying an offensive attitude, scolded his subordinate. "Master, you must think of the future." The man, flustered, turned to Jeon Gilsan and pleaded with him earnestly. Jeon Gilsan, with a reluctant look, finally gazed at me and spoke. "Tch. ...Fine. I’ll apolo-..." "Let's leave it here for now." I stood up, interrupting Jeon Gilsan’s forced apology. "What?" "It doesn't seem like we can resolve our thoughts and feelings immediately. This matter isn’t something that can be settled in a day, so let's meet again another time. I’ll send word separately." You don't seem intent on apologizing, and I'm not in the mood to receive one either. I need some time now. Let’s meet again later. I left the two bewildered individuals behind and exited the teahouse. “You want to know more about Mankeum Bookstore and Jeon Gilsan?” After leaving the teahouse, I headed to a bookstore operated by the head of the bookstores in Yichang. “Since Daseokak has surfaced, I figured it's something I should be informed about.” “Nothing much beyond what I said earlier. Mankeum Junjoo started as a moneylender and became a well-known wealthy man in Zhongyuan. Mankeum Bookstore is run by Mankeum Junjang, and Jeon Gilsan, as you might have noticed, is just a good-for-nothing loafer who enjoys eating and drinking.” “Why would a pleasure-seeking loafer crawl all the way to Yichang?” “That’s because there is an issue regarding the succession of Mankeum Junjang.” The bookstore head shared unexpected news. “What do you mean?” “Mankeum Junjoo’s only son died young without any children. Though he has many daughters, there was only one son, so who do you think will inherit that immense wealth?” “It will go to his grandchildren.” “That’s right. That’s why even a good-for-nothing like Jeon Gilsan is running around pretending to work.” Just like the pig up north who shoots missiles when laying out succession plans, it seems he came here to rack up some accomplishments. If he can buy necessary printing presses at a bargain and recruit the rising star author Hophil, he can indeed achieve significant accomplishments. “So, what did Jeon Gilsan say? Did he tell you not to bid on the printing presses?” “He said he wanted to recruit the author Hophil for Mankeum Bookstore.” I shrugged, speaking nonchalantly. “What! That’s a big deal!” “What’s the big deal? Hophil is my friend.” “You have no idea how many bookstore owners said the same thing as you. When Mankeum Bookstore uses its financial power, they grab whatever they want, be it money or women, to recruit authors. Do you think Hophil will keep his loyalty to you?” “He will.” I replied immediately. Hophil is a friend I've shared joy, sorrow, pain, and some of the most significant experiences with. “You must truly be close confidants. Not a shred of hesitation in your voice. Anyway, do your best. That’s all I can tell you.” The bookstore head clicked his tongue in admiration before taking a duster and disappearing into the bookstore. “A recruitment proposal for author Hophil?” I blatantly intend to decline it. To conquer the heroines, I need money and reputation, so I have no intention of giving up my business. The problematic issue is the printing press auction. While one might think their recruitment proposal for Hophil was just a feeler, given the threats they posed to surrounding merchants, they won't give up on the printing press auction. ‘I must avoid seeking help from the Tang family if possible.’ I don't want to get too entangled with Sichuan's Tang family. If I were injured by Mankeum Bookstore, that would be different, but it’s laughable to request Tang's help over mere threats. ‘I must control Hophil as well.’ Using Hophil for minor issues might weaken his effectiveness in crucial moments later. ‘Even if we manage to drive Mankeum Bookstore away using other methods, it will still be a problem.’ The other people aiming to bid for the printing press may flock together again to restart the bidding, and even if Jeon Gilsan backs off, someone from Mankeum Junjang could come and win the printing presses. ‘If I could create a situation where only Jeon Gilsan and I are in a direct bidding competition, it’ll be a massive opportunity.’ The sale is not by auction but by awarding the highest bid among the submitted bids. If we could just handle Mankeum Bookstore, I could get the printing presses at a really cheap price. Sichuan Tang's illegitimate child and author Hophil. Is there any way I can beat Mankeum Bookstore as Kang Yoon-ho without using these two identities? “There is indeed a way.” There was a method I could use as Kang Yoon-ho. ----------- “Why do you always insist on me coming along?” I took Im Hayeon along, heading to the teahouse to meet Mankeum Junjang's people again. “You're the only one I can trust.” You're the only reliable muscle I've got. “Ugh… Isn’t that a bit too shameless?” Im Hayeon wrinkled one eyebrow, grimacing. Is it so hard to admit it feels good when someone says they trust you? “Let’s go inside.” “...Is it really that man?” What else? Less talk, more following. “Have you finally decided to negotiate?” As I entered the teahouse, the duo from Mankeum Bookstore greeted me warmly. “There’s something we need to handle before discussing business.” “Hoho, what might that be… Young master?” “Tsk. Fine, I apo-...” “Not that.” “What?” “What’s the point of giving and receiving apologies among men? Can’t minor misunderstandings and hurt feelings be washed away with something else?” I deliberately exaggerated my gestures as I spoke. “Washed away with something else?” “I heard that young master Jeon Gilsan is quite well-versed in the arts of leisure. I am unfamiliar with these arts coming from another country, could you enlighten me?” Traditionally, emotions are not settled through words but through drinks. I deliberately mentioned something that playboys would like. Jeon Gilsan’s face momentarily stiffened at my words, then lit up with a broad smile. “Hahaha! That’s a good idea! It’s ridiculous for men to act like women, getting all red-faced over this.” “Yes. On further reflection, it seems I was too lacking in social grace.” “I understand. I understand! Shall we head out right away?” Doesn't even realize I just insulted him. “While enjoying leisure during the day is fine, isn’t it better to discuss the world under the moon?” “Fine. Let’s meet tonight! I’m looking forward to it.” “Yes. I’ll look forward to it as well.” As we left the teahouse, Im Hayeon looked at me aghast and spoke. “Are you really going to hand over author Hophil to Mankeum Bookstore?” “No way. Come on.” “Where to?” “To show that loafer just how harsh the world can be.” --- “You need information on the bidding price for Mankeum Bookstore's printing press?” I had gone to Hao Mun. “Yes. I need information on how low their bid might be.” “You think Hao Mun will just hand over the information if you ask? We have information on Jeon Gilsan! He’s a loafer. Loves drinking. Loves women. Incompetent. Hot-tempered. His parents aged ten years trying to clean up after the messes he made in Wuxia. We have plenty of miscellaneous information, but no bidding details.” “So, you don’t have any additional information?” “What do you think we are, the intelligence agency of Dongchang or envoys of Dongyeong? We rely on whispers caught by our agents scattered everywhere and reported back to us.” I was well aware of how Hao Mun operated. “Just like a gambler can’t fleece a sucker until the sucker is at the table?” “Exactly. You know it well. They won’t easily let slip crucial information.” I looked at the frustrated Hao Mun branch manager. Even without using my identity as an illegitimate child or leveraging Hophil’s status, there was a way. Kang Yoon-ho can make use of Hao Mun's network. “Then let’s put a sucker at the table.” Like a cab driver listening to a passenger or a waiter listening to a customer. “Excuse me?” Just cozy up a drunken sucker next to a courtesan and get them to spill the beans. “So, lend me some people, not information.” I’ll get the sucker to the table, and you lot can do the squeezing.