Chapter 241 - The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

Who would have thought that I could buy a printing press from the governmental office at half price? The people at Mankeum Bookstore did a tremendous amount of work for me. Jeon Gil-san bribed officials and used Mankeum Bookstore's influence to drive away competitors with threats and violence, thinking he could bid an absurdly low price. Indeed, the printing press being sold by the government was a blind asset. Though printing presses are high-cost assets, even if sold at a good price, the funds would only go to the government's budget and benefit no individual official. In the end, the most critical thing for any official is to line their own pockets. Whether the press is sold at half price or 30% of its value, what does it matter? When told to stay quiet, they'd better comply and keep their mouths shut. From my perspective, acquiring the Eui-chang printing press was a perfect achievement to become Mankeum Traders' successor. Even a successful bookstore owner would have to brace for a severe financial hit to buy a printing press like this. It would have been a significant achievement to purchase a high-quality, almost new printing press at half price. The problem was that there was another bidder who had placed a slightly higher bid than mine. 'I expected him to be angry, but to issue death threats?' It wasn't wholly unexpected. If a regular office worker like Mr. Kang had failed in a bid, they would have gotten an earful from their boss and been told to do better next time. They would have apologized, but inwardly thought, "What do you want me to do? I'm clocking out anyway. It's the company's problem tomorrow, not mine. I've done my best," and that would have been the end of it. But Jeon Gil-san is a grandson of a conglomerate family. Moreover, this incident was a significant defeat, manipulated by the barbarian with black hair. The spoiled scion would feel his honor and opportunity had been damaged, so he wouldn't let it go easily. That's why I had arranged for some safety measures. “I asked, what did you just say?” When a dog relies on its family's petty prestige, encountering a tiger means the game is over. Dangpa approached Jeon Gil-san menacingly, frowning deeply. “Do you know who I am?” Still clinging to his delusion of grandeur, the dog barked, trying to cling to his tiger pelt despite his shrinking demeanor. “Great warrior! Master Jeon Gil-san is the grandson of Mankeum Trader's owner.” Jeon Gil-san's aide quickly shouted out his master's status towards the threatening Dangpa. “That’s right. If you back off now, I'll consider this matter closed!” Bolstered by his aide's support, Jeon Gil-san nodded and forced a defiant laugh. Sure, he's at least the grandson of a successful bank chairman, even if he's not the youngest child of a conglomerate family. Even if Jeon Gil-san is not the direct successor, Mankeum Traders isn’t a family that Sichuan’s Tang family can easily disregard. Even with Dangpa's high-standing as a member of the Tang family of Sichuan, hesitating to act recklessly is understandable if the situation were ordinary. If it were an ordinary situation, that is. “What does that matter?” The person Dangpa is protecting is an illegitimate child acknowledged by the Tang family head. Despite Jeon Gil-san's bravado, Dangpa approached him without hesitation. “What?” It wasn't going as Jeon Gil-san expected, and his forced bravado began to crumble. “How dare you threaten the life of someone recognized by the head of the Tang family of Sichuan?” “A mere black-haired barbarian is a guest of the Sichuan Tang family?” Jeon Gil-san retorted incredulously at Dangpa. Does this guy have no filter between his brain and tongue? Did his privileged upbringing leave no room for a filter to develop? Dangpa couldn't tolerate the contempt in Jeon Gil-san's words towards me. “You wretch!” Insulting someone acknowledged by the Tang family head is the same as insulting the Tang family itself. With a furious expression, Dangpa grabbed Jeon Gil-san by the collar, lifting him effortlessly with one hand. Incredible strength! “Urk!” “Master Jeon!” “What are you fools doing?” As Dangpa lifted Jeon Gil-san with one hand, the warriors from Mankeum Bookstore panicked and reached for their swords. “Anyone who touches their sword will become prey for the vultures!” At the tiger's roar, the warriors instantly lost their will to fight. Dangpa wasn't the only one observing the situation. As the Tang family’s warriors appeared, the Mankeum Bookstore’s warriors could only look at Jeon Gil-san in distress. “An unruly brat running a mere bookstore dares to insult the great Sichuan Tang family? Do you have a death wish?” “S-s-spare me…” “I should slit your throat and inform Mankeum Trader’s owner of your obituary! I'll tell them that their snot-nosed grandson dared to insult and threaten the life of a Tang family guest and paid with his life!” Is Dangpa really angry? I can even feel his murderous intent directed towards me. Although it sounds like a threat, it isn’t implausible. The Tang family is the overlord of Sichuan. Even the formidable Nine Vai-File sects in the central plains defer to the Tang family in Sichuan. “Urk! Urk!” Jeon Gil-san’s face turned from red to blue under the pressure of Dangpa’s murderous aura. The people from Mankeum Bookstore were at a loss, unable to figure out how to handle the situation and just stared helplessly. What should I do? “Please put him down.” After the bad cop has done his job of instilling fear, it’s time for the good cop to coax and placate. At my single word, Dangpa loosened his grip. “Brother Jeon.” I called out to the scum catching his breath on the ground with a friendly smile of a benevolent cop. Crushing him completely right now would be one way. However, it’s necessary to avoid making enemies for future business endeavors. I started speaking to show my strength. “You already tried to kill me once.” “What?” At my words, the warriors of the Tang family murmured. “Such a thing! Step aside, Master Kang. We’ll handle it right here!” “Eeek! Spare me!” “It’s fine, Master Jeon. I didn’t step into this bid with personal resentment despite your prior actions.” In truth, you don’t know, but I had power. I was not someone you could easily look down on. I continued speaking after firmly making my point. “You might have thought of me as a rabbit you could devour anytime, but I merely saw you as a competitor in my business. There were no personal feelings involved. That’s why I never mentioned this to the Tang family.” I'm not someone to be underestimated. In fact, I showed mercy without you even realizing it. The street thug, who had assumed his opponent was easy prey, was in reality facing a vastly superior competitor. I just upped my status in one move. “Although I won this time, I didn’t seek your life, nor did I take anything from you. I merely won in fair competition.” “Yes, you did not target me.” Suddenly, this guy became very deferential. “But if you insist on confronting me out of personal grudges, I will have to show personal feelings as well.” As I slowly lowered my hand, the Tang family’s warriors moved towards me in unison. “Master Jeon!” “That’s unacceptable!” “Eeek!” The people from Mankeum Bookstore turned pale with fear, but no one was willing to lay down their life for the spoiled brat. I observed the situation and then looked at Jeon Gil-san again, wearing a relaxed smile. “Master Jeon, I can let you go peacefully this time. But it will be the only time.” Power must be met with power. Prestige must be met with prestige. The best way to deal with a thug who doesn’t know their place is to show them a gap so wide that they can’t even dream of revenge. I dusted off Jeon Gil-san’s clothes and helped him stand up. You saw how the people of the Tang family moved at my gesture, right? I am showing you mercy this time, but there won’t be a next time. Understood? “I will leave quietly…” Realizing he was not a tiger but a mere dog, the scoundrel backed away with a fearful face, tail tucked between his legs, and soon disappeared. --- That evening, I heard that the people from Mankeum Bookstore had hurriedly boarded a ship to Wuxi. In the Baek family residence, now the headquarters of the Sichuan Escort Agency, we had a drinking session with the Tang family members and the branch chief of the Sichuan Escort Agency. Although I was the guest of honor today, they placed me at the highest seat, which was a bit overwhelming. “I’m disappointed, Master Kang.” Dangpa poured me a drink, his voice thick with a sense of dejection. “I apologize for causing trouble.” Holding the full cup with both hands, I offered a bow to everyone. Seeing me bow, Dangpa opened his mouth, waving his hands emphatically. “Trouble? How could clearing out trash be considered trouble? The only disappointment we have is that you faced such significant danger without considering us.” “It’s a bad habit for a business operator to rely on their family’s backing. Especially someone with the surname Kang, not Tang.” The Tang family of Sichuan should always be the final card. I am a member of the Kang family, not the Tang family. “Sigh. I know even the head of the Tang family couldn’t break your will. But regardless of using the Kang surname or the Tang surname, the blood that flows inside doesn’t change. Whenever you need, the Tang family will surely assist. We will also send a separate warning to Mankeum Traders on this matter.” That’s the issue. Having been acknowledged and confirmed by the head of the Tang family, they consider me as a stubborn bastard in denial. Sure, I need to be careful about my political position and the twisted relationship with my father, but there’s no reason to ignore my requests once the Tang family head recognized me. Pouring drinks for the Tang family members to mark the end of the ordeal, I spoke up. “Once I receive the printing press, I will start printing the complete collection of Tang Family Chronicles to send to the Tang family.” The original purpose of the Tang family’s guards accompanying me was to ensure my safe return and to bring back the next volume of Tang Family Chronicles. The time for parting with the Tang family members was approaching. “How do you plan to live from now on?” “As a man born into this world, I must spread my name widely.” Striking a grand pose, I held my cup in one hand and gazed out at the distant sky beyond the window. “What do you mean?” “I plan to expand my business.” I began to explain my business plans to the Tang family members and the people of the Sichuan Escort Agency. Beginning with a printing workshop, I would open branches of the Dasheou Pavilion along the Yangtze River and publish numerous novels, including the Tang Family Chronicles. I would make a name for myself both as a businessman named Kang Yunho and as an author called Hopil. I unfolded my grand ambitions. “Just hearing it sounds impressive. Indeed, a tiger’s blood cannot be anything but a tiger’s.” The Tang family’s warriors looked at me with satisfied smiles. Their expressions seemed to say, “Our great young master is a man of stature. We have no worries for the next generation.” Sorry, but I’m actually a son of the Kang family. This was an undeniable truth that I couldn’t possibly voice. The heartwarming atmosphere was almost burdensome. To lighten the mood, I looked away from the Tang family members and joked. “And if I work hard, in the future, I won’t be known as someone’s man, but Hwarin will be known as Kang Yunho’s woman.” Pretending to be embarrassed, I touched my nose with one finger. “Haha!” “I didn’t realize Master Kang had such concerns!” “Indeed! It’s a very important issue!” “Master Kang, you’ll have to live diligently for sure!” At my personal dilemma, laughter erupted among them. With the softened atmosphere, the drinking party became even more harmonious. Compared to business booze-ups riddled with schemes and plots, I shared drinks with a lighter heart. “Are you planning to prepare the printing workshop building first?” When the gathering reached its peak, the Sichuan Escort Agency’s Eui-chang branch chief asked loudly enough for everyone to hear. “I don’t have a lot of money right now. We might be cramped, but I plan to place the printing press in the Dasheou Pavilion’s printing room first, and once we earn more money, I’ll purchase a building and set up a full-fledged printing workshop.” Setting up a printing workshop would require a foundry to cast the type, and if things went well, even a papermaking room. With two new printing presses, if managed properly, we could operate three presses including the old one. “If you’re setting up a printing workshop, you’re probably considering the Eui-chang port area, right?” “Of course, considering the location, the port area is the best choice.” If you're going to print hundreds of books, it makes sense to transport them using the river. Opening bookstores along the Yangtze River is for the same reason. “A building near the Eui-chang harbor, even if small, would be costly—though not as expensive as in the main street where the Dasheou Pavilion is.” “While it would be ideal for the printing workshop to be near the port, it’s not necessary right from the start. There’s no need to be too ambitious initially.” I’m not some magnate with hundreds of branches. For now, it’s best to look for a building within our current means. “But if you plan to expand your business in the future, isn’t it better to have the printing workshop by the Yangtze River?” “Well, that’s true, but…” Easier said than done. Who wouldn’t want a riverside apartment if they could afford it? As I hesitated, expressing my reluctance, the branch chief of the Sichuan Escort Agency seemed to have something in mind, and spoke determinedly. “What if you could buy a building by the river at a cheap price?” “A building by the Yangtze River? Wouldn’t that still be difficult, no matter how cheap?” Even if bought cheaply, the expenditure on the printing press is already a burden, adding a building purchase on top of that seems unrealistic. It’s like buying a 25-ton commercial truck and then being asked, "Hey, there’s a cheap riverside apartment available; why not buy that too?" Seems impossible, right? However, the branch chief then brought up an unexpected option. “What about the building that the Sichuan Escort Agency used before moving to the Baek family residence? Would you be interested in purchasing it at a low price?”