Chapter 247 - The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

“What... what do you mean by that?” A bastard child of the Tang family’s head? Im Han-yeon’s voice trembled as she asked the branch manager, doubting her own ears. “Some courtesans overheard a conversation among the Sichuan Escort Agency’s leaders.” A golden rope descended into the window. After twenty years, the Tang family’s head’s illegitimate child has appeared. Be sure to support him well. The branch manager of the Sichuan Escort Agency strongly advised the escort leaders. The fact that Kang Yoon-ho was the child of the Tang family head was a secret that couldn’t be openly talked about. However, it was better for the escort leaders to know this rather than make a costly mistake with Kang Yoon-ho later. Although the escort leaders kept their mouths shut, they couldn't control what slipped out when they were drunk. “The leaders of the Sichuan Escort Agency said that?” “Not long ago, Kang Yoon-ho was taken to the Tang family. He revealed the truth back then.” “Are you sure it wasn’t just drunken nonsense they were spouting?” Information coming into Hao Moon was usually not that reliable. While it was true that many members of Hao Moon sold information they heard, a lot of it was just boasting, drunken rambling, or unconfirmed rumors. Han-yeon wanted to believe that this unbelievable news was just another false rumor. “It happens sometimes, doesn’t it? A child born from a youthful fling with a courtesan, only for the grown son to show up one day claiming to be the father’s child.” “But the Tang family head is known for his chivalry. Are we to believe he had a child with a Joseon courtesan? It just doesn't make sense.” Han-yeon had heard of the strong reputation of the Tang family head. Moreover, he was known to be a devoted husband who did not remarry after his wife passed away. How could such a chivalrous figure have a bastard child with a courtesan? Additionally, black hair was despised in this world. If someone spread the rumor that the head of the Tang family, the dominant force in Sichuan Province, fathered a child with a lowly black-haired barbarian, he might be quietly whisked away to the Tang family’s lab for expungement. “The Tang family head is still a man, after all. It’s common for men to spout nonsense when they’re drunk. But I guess it’s true. I had another piece of information, which I initially thought was nonsense, but it seems to support this.” The branch manager shrugged and placed another report in front of Han-yeon. “Information?” “Before Kang Yoon-ho went to the Tang family, he supposedly ate an entire pineapple pizza in front of them.” “That poison? And Kang Yoon-ho has black hair?” “That’s why I thought it was madman’s nonsense or just false information for money.” “It’s unbelievable...” Han-yeon could not close her gaping mouth in shock. “But it makes sense. If he has the strong bloodline of the Tang family, he could withstand it. Initially, I was skeptical, but after hearing the testimony from people working for the Sichuan Escort Agency...” Information reaching Hao Moon was generally unreliable. However, once processed through Hao Moon, the output was trustworthy. Seemingly fantastical information was cross-referenced and analyzed to reach a final conclusion. The branch manager confidently overlapped the various reports about Kang Yoon-ho. Han-yeon couldn’t hide her astonishment. “It felt strange. It's well known that the arrogant Tang family people dragged the shopkeeper like a dog. But when he returned, they treated him with unusual courtesy?” “Not out of guilt from a misunderstanding, but because it was revealed he was a bastard child?” “Right. According to the escort leaders, he was able to resolve the issue that arose because he himself was the solution.” “So by revealing that he was the Tang family head’s bastard, he was able to live?” “Exactly.” The branch manager of Hao Moon nodded in satisfaction, seeing that Han-yeon had arrived at the same conclusion. The conclusion wasn’t perfect, but it was inevitable. The only story the Sichuan Escort Agency leaders heard was about Kang Yoon-ho's lineage for the mission. The details involving Ho-pil, the affairs of the Tang family, and the Intruder were still classified by the Tang family. The branch manager had deliberately fed false information about Ho-pil to the escort leaders, which had then reached Hao Moon. Hao Moon’s strength lay in cross-referencing numerous sources to arrive at one conclusion. However, if there was insufficient or false information, even Hao Moon’s process could lead to incorrect conclusions. Regardless, for Han-yeon, the critical fact was that Kang Yoon-ho was a bastard child born of the Tang family head and a courtesan. ‘Kang Yoon-ho, the son of the Tang family head?’ Come to think of it, it was strange. The mighty martial artists of Sichuan and the Tang family always acted respectfully around Kang Yoon-ho. Ho-pil wrote Tang Family Storm, but shopkeeper Kang Yoon-ho was just a mere shopkeeper. Yet, they treated him differently. ‘Then, was it a lie that he was from Joseon?’ He claimed to have lived in Joseon before coming to the central plains of China. He said he struggled as a wanderer before achieving success here. If he were the bastard child of the Tang family head, did he lie to her? ‘No. It was revealed when he was taken to the Tang family, so his words must be true.’ His hardships wandering around were likely true. Han-yeon shook her head slightly. He wasn’t the kind of person to lie about such things. Han-yeon, perhaps unknowingly, had developed a trust in Kang Yoon-ho that made her dismiss the possibility of him lying. ‘A bastard child born to a Joseon courtesan.’ Han-yeon pictured Kang Yoon-ho’s face with his tightly tied black hair. Had the Tang family head been to Joseon? There was no way to know what happened in the past. However, one thing was clear. ‘He was born into a lowly status, just like me.’ As the daughter of a courtesan herself, Han-yeon could understand better than anyone what kind of life he might have lived. It was a common story. A courtesan granting favors to a visiting man and then being abandoned. Her belly swells, and she gives birth to a child who receives no one's blessing. If it was a daughter, it was manageable. She could become a courtesan too. But for a son, it was different. He wouldn’t grow up in proper conditions or have any chance for a good education. If he wasn’t abandoned by his mother, it would be a slight blessing. Bastards born to courtesans rot away near the courtesan quarters, being forced to either become blood-sucking hoodlums or vagrants. Most choose the former. In a flash, Im Han-yeon recalled her recent conversation with Kang Yoon-ho. “If you don’t want to become a courtesan or a thief, why not run away?” “Running away? But all I’ve ever learned is how to be a thief or a courtesan. What would I do?” ‘He didn’t say that out of ignorance.’ Reflecting on her naive thoughts, Han-yeon bit her lip in frustration. Why did he leave a comfortable life in Joseon to come to the central plains? She hadn’t asked him directly, but now she could guess. He had refused to accept his cursed fate. He left everything behind, willing to roam the streets as a beggar, to forge his own destiny. She had misunderstood him entirely. Born into a lowly status, he neither chose the dirty path like others nor succumbed to decadence and self-destructive behaviors. Despite wandering and suffering, he fought against his fate and became an inspiring figure in a foreign land. Moreover, he was not just a self-centered individual; he was someone who extended his hand to others in need. “This might turn into top-secret information if we dig deeper. We could sell it for a fortune...” “I have to go.” “Where do you think you're going? We just had a batch of carrier pigeons hatch. You’re supposed to— Hey, Im Han-yeon!” Who had she misunderstood? Her head spun with confusion. What did he think of her? Growing up happily under the care of her parents, contemplating choices in a far more advantageous environment compared to his. The emotions she had suppressed in the attic now weighed twice as heavily on her chest. Ignoring the branch manager’s voice, Han-yeon headed back into the night. *************************** Some days, unexpected visitors might arrive at night, while on other days, one must prepare for departing guests who have stayed long. “The printing of Tang Family Storm for the Sichuan Tang family is complete.” The day after the unexpected visitor, I spoke to Tang Pae, a martial artist from the Sichuan Tang family, as I looked at the stacks of over a hundred copies in the printshop. “It’s finally done. We will stamp the invoice with the official seal of the Sichuan Tang family for the payment.” The amount Tang Pae mentioned was exceedingly generous for the number of books they were taking. “You only need three copies, but isn't this a bit too much baggage for your return?” Normally, they would just take three copies and produce more using their own printing facilities back home. “Books printed at Da Seo Gak, the place where Tang Family Storm originated, have more value. Besides, many within the Tang family insisted on having books printed here, so don't worry about it.” “Haha! Well, I don’t mind since higher profits are welcome.” I laughed and nodded at the reasonable explanation. There was, of course, another reason—they might be trying to boost the sales of the shop run by the Tang family head's illegitimate child—but there was no reason to refuse. “Now that the books are printed, we plan to depart for Sichuan as soon as we finish our preparations.” The Tang family’s martial artists had been staying in Yichang for nearly two months now. Using the three volumes of Tang Family Storm as an excuse for hospitality, even the Tang family people who had been indulging would soon need to leave. “I feel quite regretful thinking of how few days we have left together.” I spoke with a facade of regret, like bidding farewell to a colleague leaving the company, knowing we wouldn’t keep in touch. “If you are that reluctant, would you like to accompany us back to the main family?” “Haha, I have many things left to accomplish here in Yichang, so I must decline.” I wasn’t crazy enough to crawl back into a lion’s den. My refusal was light yet firm. “Who am I to change a resolve even the Tang family head couldn’t alter? By the way, we've placed some gifts we brought from the Tang family in the inner quarters of the printshop. Let me explain them to you.” So they moved the items they hadn’t unpacked, using the excuse of space at Da Seo Gak. Well, they couldn't leave them indefinitely at Sichuan Escort Agency’s storage. Tang Pae led me to the inner quarters and began explaining each gift they had brought. “I’m not sure if I’ll ever have a use for these." Even as a writer, concealed weapons disguised as brushes seemed far too dangerous. “I'm sure you will find them useful at some point. By the way, have you considered moving your residence to the inner quarters of the printshop?” “The inner quarters?” The building had ample space, even with the printshop and Sichuan Escort Agency’s storage, for people to live in. Especially the inner quarters, previously used by the branch manager, seemed much more comfortable than my attic room. “The printshop is always guarded by the Sichuan Escort Agency. If you move your residence here, they will hire extra personnel for your convenience.” “I’m inherently lazy, so I prefer staying close to Da Seo Gak.” Being able to get to work just by walking down the stairs, regardless of any weather conditions, seemed too convenient to give up. “I've seen how you never took a day off since arriving in Yichang. You’re too modest.” “To live without shame, one must work hard.” Tang Pae nodded, seemingly satisfied without pressing the suggestion. “If you need any other assistance before our departure, do let me know.” Lend me some money to buy my freedom. The thought arose instantly but was just as quickly suppressed. ‘Asking the Sichuan Tang family for help must be carefully considered.’ The Tang family head’s child facing life-threatening situations had been saved. They purchased books published by the head's illegitimate child in bulk. They attended the business opening of the same child, enhancing the occasion with their presence. Up to now, everything was within acceptable boundaries. These acts could be considered typical acts of goodwill. When the Tang family martial artists returned and spoke of their experiences, they would be praised, and I wouldn’t be blamed. However, this time would be different. Seeking help for my situation would be akin to a rich heir using company money to buy a luxury building. Using Tang family resources as a bastard, holding onto lingering attachments to the Tang family. Given that the heir has awakened from his coma, this could be seen as a challenge to the power structure within the Tang family. If I cross this line, who knows if I might suddenly die from poisoning while working, without any clear reason. Even if the mighty Tang family doesn’t mind paying a fortune, there’s a bigger issue. “What? Yoon-ho spent a fortune to buy a courtesan?” “Right, he purchased a beautiful courtesan as soon as he arrived in Yichang?” “Kaang Yoo-Yoo-Yoo-Yoo-Yoo-Yoo-YOON-HOOOOOO!” Hwarin-ah. You said it was okay to date someone if I felt lonely, right? I didn’t expect to feel lonely upon arriving, but here we are. In a little over a month in Yichang, not even half a year, not even a year, I paid for a courtesan in one go. You’ll understand, right? Just thinking about it is dreadful. I can already picture the news of a furious Hwarin escaping from the Tang family, advancing towards Yichang with the moniker “Poison Empress.” ‘Even if it’s something that will eventually happen, it's best to delay it.’ Besides Im Han-yeon, I’ve already formed connections with three other women. To postpone my potential beheading as long as possible, it’s best not to let them learn about one another just yet. “Kang Gongja?” As I fiddled with the gifts and became lost in thought, Tang Pae called out to me. “These are quite rare items, so I was distracted while admiring them.” “Is there anything else you need assistance with?” Assistance, huh. I have been pondering this throughout the night. Even if asking directly for money is out of the question, it would be smart to devise multiple strategies to resolve Im Han-yeon’s predicament. The challenge is that these strategies are indirect at best and rely on obtaining Im Han-yeon's consent. There’s no time to hesitate; the Tang family is leaving soon. “In that case, could you do me a small favor?” Let’s prepare whatever means we can in advance.