Chapter 254 - The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

"If Kang Yun-ho seer wishes to meet the owner of Mangum Palace, we will cease the seizure." Perhaps it was due to the undeniable influence of the Merchant Guild President. The envoy from Mangum Palace quickly conceded to the negotiation, as if he had been waiting for this outcome. While it was good that this unexpected situation had come to an end, it meant that I now had an unplanned trip to Wuhuan. They had not given me much time, so I would need to quickly pack and depart. Traveling to Wuhuan wasn't a significant issue. It is connected by the Yangtze River from Yichang. The bigger question was whether it was alright to sideline one problem to tackle another. "I know you're all in there!" "Hiding a runaway courtesan? Aren't you ashamed?" Upon returning to the house after stopping the seizure by Mangum Palace, a group was bawling loudly in front of the printing shop. "What is going on here?" "A black-haired man? You're Kang Yun-ho from Dasukak, aren't you? You bastard! You've hidden her, haven't you?" One of the martial artists, recognizing who I was, reached for my collar. Instinctively, I took a step back swiftly, evading the grasp, just like how I would dodge a stone thrown by Lim Ha-yeon. As the martial artist reached further out, I twisted my body quickly to avoid his hand. Then, I grabbed his wrist and pulled him forward. "Ugh!" It took just a moment for the unbalanced martial artist to tumble to the ground, tasting the dirt. "What do you think you're doing, assaulting me out of nowhere?" I felt a sense of satisfaction from my training with Lim Ha-yeon, but I masked it and asked nonchalantly. "A black-haired man? You practice martial arts?!" "Master Kang! Are you alright? They’re from Wuhuan's gambling den, demanding that we hand over the runaway courtesan." The escorts from Seocheon Brokerage appeared belatedly, squeezing through the surprised crowd. Earlier, it was Mangum Palace. Now, it's people from Hao Moon. Is today some special day? Despite the string of problems giving me a headache, I kept a composed face as I looked at the Hao Moon followers. Do they know Lim Ha-yeon is here? Or do they only have suspicions? "What kind of disturbance are you causing in front of someone's house? Leave at once." I decided to play dumb for now. With a stern expression, I warned the Hao Moon followers. One of them, projecting confidence, stepped forward. "Kang Yun-ho of Dasukak." What's with his face? It's covered in scars, giving off an intimidating vibe as he calls my name with a grimace. "What do you want?" "Are you going to hide her forever?" The martial artist snapped at me as if he knew everything. "I have no idea what you're talking about." "If you want to hide her, do it forever. Keep her locked in your house like a precious ornament and just watch her. But if not, remember that Hao Moon's eyes and ears are everywhere." "I can't speak for your eyes and ears, but all I see are some gangsters causing a scene in front of an innocent house." Smirking, I threw a mocking glance at the Hao Moon followers as I spoke. "Ha! Just what I've heard about you. Tell her it's not too late. If she returns now, she won't suffer. But if the patience of our clan leader runs out, it won't be pretty—for her and for you." "What's this punk saying?" One of the escorts twitched an eyebrow and put his hand on the hilt of his sword at the threat. "Tell her this! Can she handle it if everything protecting her suddenly turns to ashes? If the person protecting her looks at her with resentment?" "Are you threatening us in a place guarded by Seocheon Brokerage?" "We're retreating!" The scar-faced man, perhaps not eager for another sword fight, began to step back, disappearing with his group in haste. If you're going to threaten, do it properly. What a display of bravado. They look pitiful, retreating like that. "Should I sprinkle some salt?" Really, a variety of people come by. With incidents happening nonstop, it seems I need to hold a ritual. Maybe I should offer a smiling pig's head and see what happens. I suddenly craved pork soup. Sighing softly, I opened the door to the printing shop. "You're back?" "Gosh! Can you not startle me like that?" Lim Ha-yeon emerged from a corner, greeting me in a cautious tone as though she feared being overheard. "......" Were you eavesdropping from behind the door? She kept her head down, worried about what she had heard. The haughty demeanor of a cat was nowhere to be seen. "I don't intend to look at you with resentment." It's not your fault. Seeing her at a loss, with ink stains on her sleeves and face, I felt pity. "Hey..." "Let's talk inside." There’s a lot to discuss. ——————————— "The Dasukak is being taken over by Mangum Palace?" I summarized the day's events for Lim Ha-yeon. "It hasn't been taken over yet." "What’s your plan?" "I'm thinking of going to Mangum Palace in Wuhuan." Even if Mangum Palace had purchased the debt, today's sudden seizure was abnormal. Confronting them directly as a creditor and debtor seemed necessary to understand their intentions. "Are you going alone to Wuhuan?" "I asked Seocheon Brokerage. But guarding the printing shop and sending escorts at the same time is too much for them. Taking a boat there alone is doable, so I’ll just make a quick trip." Regardless of the Seocheon Brokerage's reputation, the Yichang branch's manpower isn't extensive yet. Taking a boat trip is no trouble, but Lim Ha-yeon’s wellbeing is my priority. Despite the branch manager’s insistence, I declined the escorts. "...." Did she sense my thoughtfulness? Furrowing her brows, she seemed deep in anguish. "Stay here at the printing shop for now and rest." "....I don’t want to." "What?" "Let's go together. To Wuhuan." ******************* Dasukak could vanish. In such a situation, how long could she remain under protection? Lim Ha-yeon looked at Kang Yun-ho with eyes filled with firm resolve. "You risk getting captured if you go to Wuhuan. Even with escorts, no one can predict what might happen. I'll go alone." "What if Jeon Gilsan causes trouble? It's entirely possible with him, isn't it?" "......" Kang Yun-ho couldn't easily deny it. "See? You're not the only one carrying a burden." Lim Ha-yeon sighed softly and carefully grasped his wrist with both hands. A form of physical contact, a subtle way a courtesan would show affection to a man she fancied. Her first time touching an unfamiliar man's wrist, her heart raced, but she calmed herself as she looked into his worried eyes. The so-called corrupt merchant, Kang Yun-ho. When I first encountered him in Wusan, I misunderstood him as a greedy merchant. But how had he behaved in Yichang? He provided lunch and rest times to his starving employees. He dressed them in luxurious silk garments they could never have afforded. He gave hope to an obscure writer to continue his life. He gave them dreams for the future. "If it's just a matter of meeting the Mangum Palace owner, then fine. But I can't take you along." "What if it's not just about meeting the Mangum Palace owner? You might need someone who can manage ledgers, move quickly, handle guests well, and assist with anything you need." "You don’t need to take risks because of me." "You don’t need to take risks because of me." Lim Ha-yeon echoed his words exactly. "..." "Just as you have your dreams, my dreams are tied to Dasukak as well." It had been a few dream-like months. I want to shed my courtesan status. I want to live like a normal woman. I want to do what I love, dream my own dreams. I want to make friends with ordinary women, chat, and laugh about trivial matters. And maybe, meet a strangely intriguing man along the way... Lim Ha-yeon smiled faintly at the thought and looked up at Kang Yun-ho silently. "I will protect that dream of yours. So please, stay here and wait." Lim Ha-yeon shook her head quietly at his words. "They've caught on to my location, the Hao Moon. If I keep hiding here, things will only get worse for both of us." He helps me when I'm struggling. He listens when I'm sad. I feel like he would help no matter what. But wanting more is just greed. If I stay here, everything he has might get burned down. Though his safe haven was comforting, it was time to step out of the shadows and walk forward holding his hand. "There's no need to give up." "Who said anything about giving up?" Lim Ha-yeon moved to the window, showing a radiant smile that left even Kang Yun-ho momentarily dazed. Her face turning inexplicably red, he just assumed the room was warm. "Then?" "I'm not giving up on my dreams either." Lim Ha-yeon opened the window and extended her hand. In her hand, a bird landed. It was a messenger pigeon from the Hao Moon branch in Yichang. ******************** "It seems the Do Moon folks are trying to take over the branch leader position in Wusan with their scheming." The Yichang branch leader of Hao Moon began to relay the information he had received from Wusan. "Do Moon's scheming?" "Chadosalinjigye. Since Do Moon's influence isn’t as strong in Wusan, they must have bribed others to undermine Gi Moon and take over everything." "Hao Moon conducts internal factional battles in such a manner?" Have the gamblers of Hao Moon in Wusan really put down the courtesan forces to rise to branch head? Is their operation named something like 'New Wusan'? "That's impossible! If we inform Wuhuan about this, wouldn’t that solve the problem?" Lim Ha-yeon raised her voice, disagreeing, and looked at the branch leader with anticipation. "The circumstantial and inferential evidence is solid. But the problem is, we lack decisive proof." The branch leader grabbed the paper in frustration. "Damn!" "The money we paid wasn’t enough to get us good information, it seems." Requesting information from Wusan had been my task. Lacking decisive information meant we wasted money. I glared at the branch leader like a contractor dissatisfied with a subcontractor who missed the deadline. "No refunds! But I've done additional investigations. Recently, quite a few Hao Moon branch leaders in Hubei province have changed under the radar. They all happen to be from Do Moon." So it’s not just Wusan? "That certainly is suspicious. But without decisive proof, nothing changes by going to Wuhuan." "No." The branch leader approached me with a serious expression. "What?" "Even without decisive proof, there's a way to change things." Slap! My gaze, which had been fixed on the branch leader, turned 90 degrees at once. "What?" Did this guy just slap me? While it’s probably every subcontractor's dream to slap an unruly client, I never expected to be slapped myself. I couldn't tolerate this. I channeled my inner energy into my right hand. My target was the branch leader’s cheek. I swung my palm with the intent of reaping a few of his pearly white teeth. "Ouch! Has he lost his mind!" Did he dodge? The branch leader quickly stepped back in a panic. "What do you think you're doing! Why did you slap me out of nowhere?" "Ha. Damn. Maybe that’s why I'd listen to a friend’s request. Here, take this." The branch leader looked at me with an exasperated expression, handing over something from his inner pocket. "What is this?" A coin shaped like a sword? "This is a token from Saimun. From today, Kang Yun-ho belongs to Hao Moon's Saimun division. You’re also appointed as the deputy head of Yichang's Hao Moon branch." Slapping as a form of initiation? Are you guys medieval knights or something? "Who decided to make me a Hao Moon member? Present your cheek! I’ll pay it back." "We had to involve someone from within the faction in internal matters. This is the only way to save your oath brother's daughter." The branch leader spoke with a serious expression, looking at me releasing my tension. "What are you talking about?" "It appears that Jeon Gilsan, who oversees the gamblers in Hubei Province, may be involved. Given that Lim Ha-yeon is associated with Gimon, it would be difficult to make a case with Gimon's leader. You need the support of another faction. Take the iron coin and the evidence to Wuhuan's Saimun leader." Was the Hao Moon's Yichang branch leader originally a low-ranking member? In Hao Moon, the leaders overseeing various regions are referred to as Hyangju. If we talk about Hubei Province's Gimon Hyangju, he is the leader overseeing all the courtesans in Hubei under Hao Moon. And the opponent is the Domun Hyangju. Voicing suspicions one-on-one would be challenging, so essentially, he’s advising us to mobilize the collective force of Saimun, the group of low-ranking members. "I'll handle this one task and then quit immediately." I muttered in discontent while rubbing my cheek. "You’re exaggerating. I didn't even hit you that hard. Do a good job and send my regards to Saimun's Hyangju." But my heart aches, not my cheek. ———————— "Are we all set?" "Let's board the boat." There was no point in wasting time on a direct confrontation. The day after Mangum Palace's visit, I entrusted Dasukak to the shopkeeper and managers and boarded a boat with Lim Ha-yeon. The boat quickly set sail, making Yi Chang seem like a tiny dot in the distance. "Let's resolve this together and come back together." "Certainly." I spoke with assurance to Lim Ha-yeon, who wore a worried expression. Could I save Lim Ha-yeon's fate? What does the owner of Mangum Palace want from me? All these questions could only be answered by going to Wuhuan. "Why did we stop by Dasukak before leaving?" Lim Ha-yeon asked, curious, as I stood soaking in the river breeze. "There was something I couldn't leave behind." [It's Ho-pil....] "It blew up again!!!! Damn it!!!!"