Chapter 258

In the world of martial arts novels, there is no job worse than being the owner of a guesthouse. When the protagonist wandering the martial arts world arrives in a new town, where do they head first? They would go to a guesthouse where they can solve both their meal and lodging needs. While the protagonist is eating, some oblivious novice picks a fight. The protagonist, pretending to be annoyed, demonstrates their prowess so decisively that it’s clear they won’t tolerate revenge. If a beautiful woman, typically with nicknames involving fire or phoenix, takes interest in the protagonist after witnessing this, a new martial arts story would kick off smoothly. Even if it's not the protagonist, it doesn’t matter. In Joseon, they say even a dog is not bothered while eating, but in the martial arts world, whether it’s a dog or a cow, everyone gets bothered during meals. During meals, anyone can be off guard, making them a target for attackers. Then there are the drunken brawls that break out in the guesthouses as well. No matter the outcome, guesthouses being wrecked is a frequent occurrence. It’s a blessing if the martial artists tearfully throw some repair money at the guesthouse owner, but most of them won’t bother with such consideration when they’ve damaged other people’s property. The remaining guesthouse owner has to continue running their business while fixing broken furniture. Despite this, guesthouses still thrive, and there’s a reason for that. They are that profitable. "Are you really planning to run this guesthouse?" "Are you worried despite having already stamped the contract?" I looked at the stamp on the guesthouse sales contract and said. "Ha. The guesthouse is in a residential area, so we can eke out a living. It was manageable before the martial artists caused a ruckus. But they are martial artists. If they keep coming here, what can we do?” Owner Ahn spoke with a guilty look, as though he had sold off a problematic secondhand item to someone else. "Ahn Tae-won hyung-nim, don't worry. I will manage it well." I've made my strategic calculations. "I trusted you since you said you’d expand your business in Yichang… Oh! I’ve completed the preparations you requested." "Thank you for accommodating my difficult request." "What thanks. I feel free now that I’ve cast off this burden." Ahn Tae-won smiled bitterly at me. His desire to extricate himself quickly surpassed any guilt about selling a defective property. I didn’t buy an obviously problematic guesthouse without a plan. To start a business in Wuchang, groundwork was necessary. The most important element was connections. In terms of connections, academic and blood ties are paramount. There’s a saying that bearing the surname Zhuge in Wuchang already gets you halfway there. What should a person without a prestigious surname like Zhuge do? Either become a secular disciple of the Wudang Sect, the most powerful faction in Hubei Province, or a disciple of a faction founded by a former secular disciple. It wasn’t for nothing that becoming a secular disciple of the Nine Great Schools required a large sum of money. For someone like me, who lacked both blood and academic ties, starting a business in Wuchang would inevitably face issues. Without either, there wouldn’t be any hesitation to attack me in business because there would be no losses involved. So, is there really no way for someone like me? No. In Wuchang, there was a viable option. "Hyung-nim, we’re here!" “What do you mean, opening? Didn’t you open long ago?” “Tae-won ahjussi! Give us some food!” A dozen or so Joseon people entered as the guesthouse door swung open. “I sold the guesthouse.” Ahn Tae-won bluntly informed the newcomers. "What?" "Hyung-nim! What do you mean?" The newly arrived Joseon people crowded around Ahn Tae-won in surprise. "Running the kitchen suits me better. I can’t manage the guesthouse. Business is too tough." "But, hyung-nim, you’re the leader of the Joseon Compatriots’ Association in Wuchang, aren’t you? What will happen if you don’t hold it together for the Joseon community?” “The new leader of the Joseon Compatriots’ Association will be this friend here.” “Hello. I am Kang Yun-ho.” Local connections were my chosen network. First, I earned the goodwill of the leading Joseon compatriot, Ahn Tae-won, saying we were from the same hometown. Then, I built trust by purchasing the problematic guesthouse that no one wanted and eventually took over his position. In no time, I became the central figure in the Joseon people’s network in Wuchang. "Who is this guy? Hyung-nim? Are you saying a youngster barely in his prime is now the leader?" "You’re making a complete stranger our leader? Did you start drinking early today, hyung-nim?" "He seems like some random punk. Does he see our tightly-knit Joseon Compatriots’ Association as a joke?" Of course, an unknown individual suddenly claiming leadership would sour their expressions. Most of these Joseon people in front of me were in their 30s and 40s, seasoned with rough experiences. In contrast, I, at 22, might seem bookish. But there’s a way to handle this too. Silent, I nodded towards Ahn Tae-won, then confidently puffed out my chest to be reintroduced. “Leader Kang Yun-ho has taken over this guesthouse. From now on, he is also my boss.” “Leader! We look forward to working with you!” “Yeah. I look forward to working with you.” Even if I wasn’t from Joseon, but one of those constantly changing village headmen from a ninja village in the East, they would believe it now. “At first glance, I could tell! He has the dignity fit for a leader!” "Leader Kang Yun-ho! Congratulations on your inauguration!" "Please guide us well from now on. I’m sorry I didn’t bring a gift for your opening…" “Seeing the faces of Joseon people in Wuchang is a gift to me. We have prepared banquet noodles and a meal. Enjoy." “Thank you!” Most of the Joseon people in Wuchang were low-tier laborers, no different from what I was merely two years ago. No one would object to someone willing to be their benefactor and take on the leadership role. Waiting in the guesthouse, more Joseon people in Wuchang appeared when summoned by Ahn Tae-won. “Wow. This broth is amazing! It’s genuine banquet noodle broth made with dried pollock!” “Brother Ahn is a good cook.” The words of the characters and the interactions in this passage showcase the importance of networks and connections in the world they live in. The protagonist strategically handles his situation through careful planning and alliances, displaying practical wisdom in a challenging environment. Gathering the Joseon people in Wuchang was quite easy. Given their tough living conditions, who would refuse a hearty meal just by showing up? “Kang dongsaeng! I mean, Leader Kang! Come over here! I have someone to introduce you to!” It’s customary to greet the owner after sharing banquet noodles. Besides, knowing that the leader is financially well-off and someone they could rely on, they all lined up in front of me, eager to make their acquaintance. At this rate, I might meet every Joseon person in Wuchang. “Leader Ahn!” Three hulking figures. In the midst of successfully announcing the inauguration of the new leader, three massive men, each seeming double the size of an average person, appeared. “You’re here. Introduce yourselves. This is Kang, our new leader of the Joseon Compatriots' Association. Leader Kang! These guys, the Choi brothers, are named Il-goo, Yi-goo, and Sam-goo. Their father used to say having them was like adding another mouth at home.” “Kang Yun-ho, nice to meet you.” “…Brother Ahn. It pains me to see you in such a state because of us. Truly, I apologize.” Are they ignoring me? The three brothers didn’t even glance my way. Instead, they bowed their heads deeply towards Ahn Tae-won, as if they didn’t know where to put themselves. Ahn Tae-won, looking troubled, started explaining the situation. “The three brothers work under Hei Gong sect and Red Ritual sect, who extort introduction fees at the harbor.” “Brother! We’re just helping them for a little cash. That’s all!” The three brothers protested the injustice vehemently. “It’s all the same! Anyway, these guys ended up bringing both sects here on the same day, and that’s how the fight broke out.” So that’s how the affair began. “Are the Hei Gong sect goons really causing such trouble in Wuchang, which is under the Wudang Sect’s and the Zhuge family’s jurisdiction?” “There are always areas untouched by influence. Their power isn’t that great. Nowadays, there are barely a dozen of them left. They're even killing each other for minor profits.” I thought I was caught up in a great conflict, but it was just a minor skirmish. Ahn Tae-won added bitterly. “If not for this incident, Brother Ahn wouldn’t have had to hand over the guesthouse and the association to you.” Choi Il-goo, the eldest, looked at me coldly as he spoke. “Il-goo!” “So, you’re finally looking at me. Allow me to introduce myself again. I’m Kang Yun-ho.” What’s the point of glaring? I extended my hand towards Choi Il-goo, maintaining my business smile. “Ha!” Choi Il-goo snatched my hand disdainfully with a grip the size of a pot lid. Seems like he trained in martial arts. His grip strength is no joke. Anyone else would have flushed red and begged for mercy under such pressure. However, the martial arts you’ve learned and the ones I’ve mastered are in a different league. “Arghhhh!” The one screaming was none other than Choi Il-goo. “Brother!” “Hyung-nim!” “…Have you trained in martial arts?” Choi Il-goo, holding his painfully reddened hand, barely managed to keep his composure as he asked me. “Just happened to pick up a few skills.” “It doesn’t seem ‘just a few.’” Look how quickly they become polite in the face of strength after hanging out with Hei Gong gang. “Do you now have faith in me as a leader?” “….” “Now that I’ve become the leader of the Joseon Compatriots' Association in Wuchang, I’d like to solve the problems our compatriots face. Do you have any requests?” “You mean you would resolve the Hei Gong gang’s issues for us?” “If you sincerely request it, I’ll step in.” I spoke lightly, as if it was no big deal. “…Please, we beg you. If you resolve this, we’ll serve you as our leader, no, our hyung-nim, for life!” “Do you know how much those gangsters torment the Joseon people? Please! We implore you!” All right. Time to exert some influence in celebration of my inauguration. ******************* “Where are those barbarian bastards these days?” The leader of the Hei Gong sect, a small branch of a larger black-market group operating in Wuchang’s harbor, asked his subordinate about the missing Joseon laborers. “They’re saying we’ve been taking too much of their introduction fee, so they’ve been heading to the Red Ritual Sect’s territory.” “Beastly black-haired barbarians! Even animals know to appreciate kindness, but if you treat them well, they get presumptuous.” “Animals are controlled with sticks. Next time, I’ll teach those barbarians a lesson with a beating!” “If they resist, it’s fine to kill a few.” “Understood.” The subordinate agreed with a sly smile. “Boss! The Red Ritual Sect guys are waiting for us at that guesthouse again.” “Even after the last thrashing, they’re still waiting there?” “That black-haired brute we hired said they’re determined to get their revenge this time, and they’ve gathered everyone.” “Really? Today it ends! Rally everyone!” Despite being small sects, no faction wanted to share even the smallest turf. The Hei Gong Sect leader, along with his gang, headed towards the barbarian-operated guesthouse for the final showdown. A guesthouse run by barbarians was the perfect battleground. There was no need to fight outside, avoiding attention, and no repercussions would follow if they fought inside either. Other guesthouses had backing from sects, shipping agencies, or at least merchant associations, but not the ones run by barbarians. The Hei Gong Sect leader thought it might be a good opportunity to not just wipe out the Red Ritual Sect but also take over the guesthouse operated by those barbarians. “You Red Ritual Sect bastards hiding here?” To avoid surprise attacks, the leader had his subordinate open the door before entering the guesthouse. Inside, aside from the Red Ritual Sect members, no one else was present. “When did we summon the Hei Gong Sect bastards? Were they too scared to respond?” “You summoned us?” "We came because we heard you were waiting for us?" Doubt flashed across the Hei Gong sect leader's mind. Then a sound came from above. "Il-goo, close the door!" “Yes!” In an instant, all exits and the stairs leading to the second floor were blocked off. “What the hell?” Was it a trap? Did the rival sect set them up? But they seemed confused as well. So who could it be? Discovering the identity of the trap maker was easy. "It’s tiiiiime!" A young man emerged from the third floor, his voice echoing throughout the guesthouse. "Whoaaaaaa!" At the same time, the Joseon people filled the second and third floors of the guesthouse, whose central layout had an open atrium. In an instant, the Joseon people from the second and third floors were looking down at the black-market gang members harassing them. “W-why are these barbarians here?” “What the hell is going on?” "Everyone, thank you for waiting! Right now! With the enthusiastic cheers and shouts of the Joseon people filling this guesthouse! We will commence the life-and-death battle between the two sects!" The guesthouse, with all exits blocked. A battleground perfect for a brawl. Transformed by one man's strategy, it became their 'Royal Rumble,' where today, only one man would leave alive.