Chapter 267

The Imposter- 2 A world without copyright. Even the author of the classic masterpiece "Don Quixote" suffered from illegal copying and secondary creations, showing that copyright issues have long been a headache for authors and publishers. “Where did you get this?” I asked Kim Ha-yeon as I leafed through a copy of "Tangga Fire Wind." It wasn't just another novel with the same name, nor was it a secondary creation. The book being sold at another bookstore was identical to the "Tangga Fire Wind" we sold at Daseogak. “I found one of our young clerks engrossed in it. And I heard the news about Author Hopil.” “Let’s go downstairs.” When we went down to the first floor, we saw the young clerk looking quite nervous. “Patron! I was just taking a small break to read; I never intended to slack off…” The boy tried to give a futile excuse, much like a child caught with a secret toy by their mother. “I am not here to scold you. Where did you get 'Tangga Fire Wind'?” “A bookstore was making a huge fuss about showcasing an author named Hopil. Seeing the crowd, I thought it must be an interesting novel, so I bought one.” “Could Author Hopil have really moved to another bookstore?” Kim Ha-yeon asked me in a worried voice. “Which bookstore was selling it?” In a world where publishers support authors and claim publication rights in return, the only place I can assert my rights over "Tangga Fire Wind" is at Uichang Bookstore. Even at this moment, "Tangga Fire Wind" might be getting printed in some city. There's no way I can take retaliatory action against that. But here, in the heart of Mangeum Publisher’s territory, Muhan... Who is brazen enough to sell "Tangga Fire Wind" without permission? And even impersonate Hopil! “It clearly said Mangeum on the sign.” The clerk recalled the details, finally revealing the source of the "Tangga Fire Wind." Mangeum? Mangeum Bookstore? “Jeon Gilsan, that scoundrel has finally crossed the line!!” ----------------- “How can a person do such a thing?!” “Exactly. I only took membership fees, rent for the pigeons, introduction fees for manpower, material costs, advertising costs, and other small expenses!” I ensured that becoming a Mangeum Publisher would guarantee profits. And yet, they break the code of conduct? Why bother with business at all if they're going to act like this? Kim Ha-yeon and I could not contain our fury as we headed to Jeon Gilsan’s establishment. “Jeon Gil-saaaan!” I threw open the door to Jeon Gilsan's office, ready to confront him. “I was just about to come to see you; you saved me the trip.” This guy still acts nonchalant. Jeon Gilsan stood up calmly, as if he had expected me. “I showed you kindness by helping you, but you crossed the line!” From today, this place is closed. We’re confiscating everything, effective immediately. “You must be here about 'Tangga Fire Wind'? That wasn’t me.” “Huh?” Jeon Gilsan held up a copy of "Tangga Fire Wind" published by another bookstore. “Even if I'm a loafer, I remain a bookstore's loafer. I’m not so corrupt as to disrespect our code.” “Then why are there so many suspicious events linked to you?” There are countless stories I’ve heard and experienced, and yet he continues to lie. “It’s, it’s not like that! I would never do anything to get on my grandfather’s bad side!” When he saw my distrustful look, Jeon Gilsan awkwardly protested, realizing he had something to hide. Fine. You care more about your grandfather's opinion than any code of conduct. “The rumor says a bookstore selling 'Tangga Fire Wind' had the Mangeum sign. If not you, then who?” If it’s not Jeon Gilsan, then who could it be? “My cousin, Heo Song, did it.” The name of the culprit spilled from Jeon Gilsan's mouth. “Your cousin, Mangeum Publisher’s grandson?” “Yeah. He recently started a bookstore using the Mangeum name. He claims it’s okay because he didn’t call it Mangeum Bookstore exactly.” Jeon Gilsan ground his teeth, saying he would’ve disciplined Heo Song much more harshly if he weren’t family. “So, Heo Song started selling 'Tangga Fire Wind' as his way of proving himself. And with a fake Hopil?” It’s like setting up a chicken restaurant with a fake luxury brand name. No, it’s even worse since it’s a similar industry using false labels. Impersonating an author and using a counterfeit label. It’s a complete fraud. “So, it’s really a fake Hopil. Follow me. I'll take you to that scoundrel.” ---------------- "One copy of 'Tangga Fire Wind' per person!" "Move! I’m buying first!" "I heard this book is really good!" "My friend from Uichang couldn’t stop praising it!" Seeing my book being sold under someone else’s name outside of Uichang irked me deeply. It was infuriating to watch someone else profit from what I wrote and should have been distributing. “Well, well, isn’t it the famous Jeon Gilsan.” As we watched the mayhem caused by my book being falsely sold, a young man with a strikingly similar but nastier appearance to Jeon Gilsan approached us. “Heo Song!” “Are you here to see how well my business is doing? No matter how well your delivery does, it won’t sell better than my Mangeum Bookstore’s 'Tangga Fire Wind.'” “Using Mangeum Bookstore’s name without permission, how brazen!” These cousins seem to have a wonderfully warm relationship. Watching their spat, we seemed more suited to a back alley fight than a bookstore setting. “Ha! It’s Mangeum Bookstore, not Mangeum Bookstore. Trivial complaints after fraternizing with those black-haired barbarians?” The counterfeit bookstore owner, Heo Song, sneered at Jeon Gilsan and me. “Black-haired barbarians? Hahaha!” “Why laugh?” “Hello. I’m Kang Yoonho from Daseogak.” I introduced myself politely to the bewildered counterfeit. “Kang Yoonho of the Daseogak in Uichang?!” A look of dismay crossed Heo Song’s face. “You're selling Daseogak’s 'Tangga Fire Wind' well in Muhan.” Selling 'Tangga Fire Wind' without permission? I emphasized “Daseogak” as I spoke. Heo Song glanced at me, adjusted his expression, and returned to his earlier sneering demeanor. “It’s not Daseogak’s ‘Tangga Fire Wind,’ but Mangeum Bookstore’s. Do you really intend to claim publication rights outside of Uichang, you impudent barbarian?” This guy, talking down to me so naturally. As irksome as it was, he was right. My claim to publication rights extended only within Uichang. Outside of that, I couldn’t assert any authority if "Tangga Fire Wind" was printed in another city. “I may not claim those rights outside Uichang, but I can certainly assert them here in Muhan.” Does he really think his grandfather would let this slide? But despite my words, his expression remained unchanged. What is he thinking? “Isn’t Daseogak now effectively my grandfather’s?” He was hitting on a sore spot with his words. “It hasn’t officially transferred to Mangeum Publisher yet. I’m still running it.” “It doesn’t matter who’s at the helm but who owns the ship. You’re currently holding Daseogak’s reins due to my grandfather’s benevolence.” Who owns Daseogak now? I am in the process of passing the Mangeum Publisher’s test, making the publisher technically the lienholder of Daseogak rather than me. “Do you think your grandfather will agree?” “If the rights are unclear, we just need a just cause. We took in Author Hopil when he had nowhere to go, so my grandfather would surely agree.” So, who is this Hopil you’ve brought in? I haven’t even been given the time of day by you lot. I see the situation now. "Tangga Fire Wind" has proven successful in Uichang. Using it as an excuse to pass the successor test, they’ve brought in Hopil. If that’s the case, all we need to do is dismantle their justification. “Let’s see Author Hopil’s face. I was in good contact with him until recently; I find it hard to believe he moved to Mangeum Bookstore without a word.” I’m going to expose them for the frauds they are on the spot. “Ahem, Author Hopil dislikes meeting people.” A look of unease passed over Heo Song’s face. “I am one of Hopil’s closest friends.” Seems like he’s cribbing lines I use with customers, but that’s not something you say to a truly close friend. “He says your behavior wounded him deeply and along with travel fatigue, he’s bedridden.” Lies. Heo Song's voice rose, failing to mask his lies or his discomfort with the situation. He’s avoiding letting me meet Hopil. “What nonsense are you spouting? It sounds like you have a reason to hide Hopil from me.” I cast a glance at Jeon Gilsan, signaling for his support. “What’s making you afraid of showing us Author Hopil?” “Hah! I anticipated your accusations. Wait! I’ll show you conclusive proof.” Does he have some kind of proof that Hopil is with them? That proof doesn’t exist. Heo Song went into the store, grabbed something, and approached us. “Look!” “Huh?!” “Ugh!” “What?!” What Heo Song produced was something of Author Hopil’s. Proof that Hopil was working with Mangeum Bookstore. The truth was. [A statement from Hopil….] ------------------ “I’ve been bested by a statement from Hopil.” We had no choice but to return to my office. It contained something even I had to acknowledge for the time being. I buried my face in my hands at my desk. “Could Author Hopil have really left us?” Jeon Gilsan gave me a look of suspicion, as if it were all my fault. “I understand Author Hopil. Every time there’s an issue with Daseogak, he had to give a statement. No wonder he’s sick of it.” Kim Ha-yeon sighed softly and mentioned the content of the statement from Hopil we had just seen. “No….” I wrote that statement myself. “I’ve heard about the notorious 'Hopil statement.' Don’t you think you’ve been abusing it?” “Yes. Every time something happens, you lock up and protest, which might be fine for you as the bookstore owner, but it’s a big loss for Author Hopil who needs to sell books.” “Not to mention, he wrote about holding a grudge due to the ruthless marketing strategy you’ve applied to 'Tangga Fire Wind.' It’s understandable why he might jump ship.” “That ruthless marketing has spread to other cities. If it weren’t for your close friendship, he’d have severed ties long ago. Or perhaps he’s really cutting ties now.” “That’s not possible. It’s definitely a fake.” How close do you think we are? He knows even about my dark past. “If you say so…” Why are even you looking at me with such skepticism, Kim Ha-yeon? “If you confirm he’s a fake, let me know. Heo Song has been causing trouble that’s reached Mangeum Bookstore’s ears. If he’s really brought in a fake author, I will crush him as a Mangeum Bookstore son.” Jeon Gilsan spoke to me like a hyena eyeing difficult prey. “More like as Mangeum Publisher’s grandson.” It’s obvious you’re trying to knock out a competitor for the heir position. “Both. I’ll be going.” Jeon Gilsan smirked and left the office. ----------------- A fake Hopil? As an author, my reputation is my life. Whoever dared to steal it, I will not let it slide. What should I do? Ideally, Mangeum Publisher would take action and discipline his grandson. “He either expects you to handle it personally or wants you to dress up and come over to the estate,” said the message Kim Ha-yeon relayed from Mangeum Publisher. “Damn old man.” I could already imagine Mangeum Publisher’s amused face. Did he find a suitable match for the lady from Jegal Family? That would likely solve the issue. “I’ll handle this.” Kim Ha-yeon, leaning against the wall and observing me for a while, finally spoke up with determination. “Where are you going?” “I’ll find out if the author is real or not. If it’s a fake, Jeon Gilsan said he’d squash Heo Song. I’ll confirm whether it’s really Author Hopil.” “Can you manage?” “Who do you think I am? Open the window. I’ll be back.” “Please do.” “But… if it really is the real Author Hopil… no, never mind. I’ll be back.” Thank you. I’ll owe you big time for this. I refrained from saying more and let Kim Ha-yeon go. Hopefully, she can find out the truth. But if she fails, what should I do? I cannot reveal my true identity. In a city where my publication rights aren’t guaranteed, outside of Uichang, even if I disclose my identity, who would believe me? It would only serve to ruin the business of a single delinquent without benefiting me in any way. Moreover, the damage inflicted upon my reputation if discovered to be a foreign author would be far greater. I don't intend to sit idly by, but if they're really hiding the author, there’s not much I can do. After all, I myself have hidden my true identity as an author. “Whoa, when did you get back?” Lost in thought, I looked up to see Kim Ha-yeon standing there. Quick, but why does she look so grim? “…Just now. I think Author Hopil might have been kidnapped.” Kim Ha-yeon reported to me with a troubled expression. “What do you mean?” “The security was tight. But it seemed like the security was more about keeping someone inside from escaping than keeping outsiders away.” “Author Hopil kidnapped?” So it's not a fake author? This makes things even more puzzling. While I am here, who exactly are you? “Kang Yoonho, Manager.” Clink. The sound of the door locking echoed, and Kim Ha-yeon called my name with a weighty tone. “Huh? Why lock the door?” Calling me ‘Manager Kang Yoonho’—it’s what she calls me when she’s upset. Is it because I made her work late at night? “I... have something to ask you.” Kim Ha-yeon’s face grew even darker. Did something serious happen? “Go ahead.” “... Is Author Hopil, by any chance, a woman?”