Chapter 279

**Gathering - 5** “W-why are you meeting her?”   Lim Ha-yeon asked me, seemingly flustered by the sudden encounter amidst his busy schedule.   “Didn't I tell you yesterday? What’s going on with the Daseogak branch? There’s been no contact for ten days, so I have to go myself.”   “Wouldn't it be better to wait?”   “Even if I'm okay with waiting, Ha Yeon Sojeo* certainly isn't.” (*T/N: Sojeo is an honorific used for young unmarried women in Korean.)   The Do-mun guys are desperately searching for Lim Ha-yeon. With the unpredictability of what's to come, the business must continue to expand.   “...I'm fine with it.”   “Don't worry too much. If I speak directly, who knows what schemes Mangeumjeonju might devise. Thus, I'm going to ask Jegalyang Sojeo instead.”   I understand Lim Ha-yeon's concern. Whenever we visit Mangeumjeonju's place, we always return burdened with worries.   “Sigh. Look at me.”   Despite already standing close to the door, Lim Ha-yeon took a step closer and looked intently at my face.   “Sojeo?”   Aren't we getting too close too often these days? Even if I don’t wish to, I can’t help but misunderstand.   “Aren't you dressed too formally?”   Lim Ha-yeon laughed as if satisfied with my expression. He awkwardly retied my slightly askew clothes and spoke somewhat regretfully.   “Haha. Better than appearing too casual, right? I'll be back soon.” --- **Mangeumjeonju's Residence.** “Why haven't you contacted me, Kang Gong Ja-nim*?” (*T/N: Gong Ja-nim is an honorific for a young nobleman.) The silver-haired, blue-eyed beauty. Jegalyang was writhing in distress as if absorbing all the dust on the floor with her clothes. Ten days. Jegalyang hadn't seen Kang Yoon-ho for ten days since their matchmaking meeting. “This wasn’t written in any of the books.” Stories of men and women living happily ever after. Tales of romance blossoming from feuds. Narratives of heroes embarking on adventures to save heroines. Among the countless novels Jegalyang read, not one detailed what to do when a man who promised love goes silent for ten days. What on earth am I supposed to do? For someone who learned about romance through books, she knew not the way. “I mustered the courage to even attend a funeral.” Kang Gong Ja-nim. Meeting you here—what a coincidence. Could this be fate? Heehee. Jegalyang imagined a fateful encounter like in novels, but reality was different. -“Is that you, Hyangie? It's been a while. So, what have you been up to recently?” -“Jegal family, you say? My relative works for a company run by the Jegal family.” -“Jegalyang. Are you dating anyone these days? What? That guy?” “Ugh!” The memory of being surrounded by people, recalling that burdening experience, made Jegalyang feel nauseous. How foolish. Knowing there was enmity between Ho-sung and Kang Gong Ja-nim, he wouldn't have attended the funeral. Jegalyang regretted, soon giving up on that encounter. “What should I do…?” I know. The best way is to contact him first. But, but what if I send a letter and there's no reply? “That would just break my heart to pieces.” Once more, Jegalyang rolled on the floor like a wailing donkey. “You know, the guy I was dating didn't contact me for a week recently.” While Jegalyang was barely holding her torn heart together with imaginary threads, the servants’ chattering echoed from outside. “You mean the guy who showed interest last time? So, what happened?” “Gasp!” Fast and quiet, just like sneaking into the kitchen for midnight snacks without getting caught by mother—Jegalyang approached the source and strained to listen. “As if he's all that. I got mad and didn't contact him, either.” “You said he’s good-looking and popular with women. Isn't that over then?” Exactly. If a guy who’s obviously popular with women doesn't contact you, it probably means he's lost interest. Jegalyang nodded fiercely, agreeing with the servants beyond the wall. “Huhuhu. On the tenth day, he came crawling back, begging. He thought he could have the upper hand.” “My goodness. You’re a complete dating master.” “Knew it? We ended up dining at this fancy restaurant as an apology.” “No way! That place is super expensive!” The servants continued their lively dating gossip, laughing. “Ugh. That’s why popular women are…” The walls couldn’t contain her displeasure at their delightful banter. In the end, it wasn't helpful. Jegalyang slouched back to her spot, shoulders sagging. “Sigh… I already knew.” Jegalyang recalled the matchmaking day with a rueful laugh. -“Even the shyest people become proactive in the face of what they love. It’s a misconception. If someone can openly discuss what they love with a stranger, they were never truly shy in the first place.” “Ugh. He must think I'm a weirdo.” This is akin to starting a duel with a kill shot from the beginning. Why did she act that way? Remembering Kang Yoon-ho’s flustered smile, Jegalyang hung her head. “But… it was fun.” Despite her distressed expression, a tender smile appeared. There really was someone she could communicate with. Despite struggling with conversations with others, she had no trouble talking with Kang Gong Ja-nim. Kang Gong Ja-nim engaged with whatever she said, and time flew by without notice. Thinking of Kang Yoon-ho's attentive face during their conversations, Jegalyang covered her face with both hands. Then, as if worried someone might overhear, she mumbled softly. “I-I also want to go to a restaurant with Kang Gong Ja-nim.” Should she muster the courage to send a letter? Dating couples should at least be able to dine together, right? Should I write that? What if he refuses? In these situations, it’s best to prepare for the worst. Jegalyang internally envisioned the worst response to her letter. -“We are in a contractual relationship. Contacting me first, as a woman, is just disgraceful.” “Gasp! Nooo!” “No! That’s too terrible.” As Jegalyang imagined Kang Yoon-ho’s cold, indifferent expression, she collapsed onto the floor as if struck by a sword.   “I need to center myself by drawing or something.” I need an escape from reality. Until Kang Gong Ja-nim contacts me, I'll start working on a grand piece of art on a large sheet of paper. Jegalyang grabbed her ink hastily and pondered. But what if I finish it, and he still doesn't contact me? “Then... I just won’t finish it until he does.” This might end up being her final piece, yet Jegalyang’s worries didn’t end there. “Young Miss, Kang Gong Ja-nim is here!” “Whaaaat? R-re-really?” --- Was it because she was my matchmaking partner? The moment I arrived at Mangeumjeonju’s residence, Jegalyang dashed out at full speed. I heard she hadn’t eaten, so to chat and have a meal, we took the carriage Mangeumjeonju provided to a high-end restaurant with private rooms. “Heeheehee.” Jegalyang was looking around, unable to hide her giddy laughter. Was she feeling stifled at Mangeumjeonju’s place? Similar to how kids feel when they visit their grandfather’s house for holidays and sneak off to a PC room with cousins? Since we’re in a contractual relationship, Jegalyang donned extremely comfortable casual attire and constantly glanced around. “Are you really offering a better spot for our bookstore?” I asked Jegalyang again to confirm the information I gathered from the carriage ride. “Ah, yes.” Jegalyang nodded hesitantly after hearing my question. “Indeed, taking over the place where the deceased last lived would be improper.” Given Ho-sung’s gruesome death, seizing the deceased grandson’s property would certainly invite criticism. “Yes. They said it’ll take a bit more time.” “I hope it can be resolved as soon as possible.” “Ah, s-sorry.” Jegalyang bowed her head as if she had committed a grave sin. “Haha, you have nothing to apologize for, Sojeo. Don’t feel burdened.” The old man deliberately didn’t inform us evenly. He probably wanted me to find out through conversation with his granddaughter. “B-b-between us. What does th-that mean…?” “What will you order, sir?” Jeom So Yi entered, interrupting Jegalyang’s attempt to ask me something, and handed over the menu. “W-what? M-me? I-I...” Caught off guard, Jegalyang fumbled, her hand shaking as she clutched the menu. “How about my recommendation? It’s a bit pricey, but the taste is guaranteed.” Jeom So Yi subtly pointed to an expensive item. “Well, I… then the recommend…” “I’ll call you after we decided on the order.” Knowing the price, I couldn’t just go along with it since I was paying. I declined firmly. “Yes, sir. Understood.” Jeom So Yi, unable to hide her disappointment, closed the door. Was she upset about missing out on additional tips? “Phew…” Jegalyang sighed in relief once Jeom So Yi left. “Choosing what to eat at an inn isn’t easy, right?” “Ah, I-it’s j-just that I-I’m usually good at it.” What a blatant lie. Jegalyang blushed and cutely defended herself. I know. For those with inherently shy personalities, staff members are their worst enemies. A pretty saleswoman forcefully recommending an item, or a stylist smiling while making an awful hairstyle—it’s hard to express one’s true feelings. I commented knowingly, putting her at ease in what could’ve been an embarrassing situation. “Yeah, terrible staff who gets visibly annoyed when you ask for more time. Trying to make the right decision, especially with expensive food and feeling sorry for the impatient staff—it's not easy.” I voiced her thoughts, showing complete empathy. “Yes! That’s exactly it!” Good reaction. Jegalyang nodded fervently at my words. “And some servants can be even ruder to me just because I have black hair.” Now it’s time to share a trivial flaw. This builds trust by showcasing vulnerability. “Really?” “Didn’t Jeom So Yi just address you instead of me? It’s because she dislikes dealing with someone like me.” “Oh my.” Jegalyang clasped her hands and looked at me in astonishment. “That’s why the delivered food I make is popular; it avoids such worries.” Casually redirecting the conversation to something I can steer easily. “Yes, yes! It was so convenient!” Jegalyang excitedly praised the delivered food service, her voice a bit high-pitched. It’s a contractual relationship after all. There’s no need for either of us to feel burdened. Feeling like making a new friend, I continued conversing with Jegalyang. --- In my heart, I wanted to laze around all day. But with Lim Ha-yeon mentioning numerous tasks to be done since morning, I couldn’t. After finishing lunch and a light tea while chatting, we left the restaurant. “I’ll escort you back to your residence.” “T-then what about you, Kang Gong Ja-nim? You’d have to walk back.” Jegalyang, with a flushed face and gripping my sleeve, shook her head. “Parking the carriage in front of the inn isn’t an option. Stable master!?” In the end, the first destination of Mangeumjeonju's luxurious carriage wasn’t the residence but my inn. “I’ll just send a quick goodbye. Please get home safely, Jegalyang Sojeo.” I gestured to Jeom So Yi and bowed to Jegalyang inside the carriage. Jegalyang, clenching her fists as if making a decision, spoke up. “Ah, um, t-t-t-next time…” “Yes?” “Next time, l-l-let’s arrange through letters…” “Ah, so instead of an unexpected visit like today, I’ll contact you separately.” Seeing her come out in casual attire with ink stains on her sleeve, I thought she’d be casual about today, but it seemed she was more flustered than I had imagined. "Yes. I-I-I’ll keep my schedule open. Not that I’m usually busy, b-but I normally don’t have plans anyway…” “Haha. I’ll think of it as you've always kept your schedule open for me. If you have anything to convey, Jegalyang Sojeo, feel free to send a letter.” “Yes!! Oh, wait!” “Jegalyang Sojeo?” What’s going on? As soon as Jegalyang peeked out of the carriage, she looked around suspiciously. “I can feel a murderous aura…” A murderous aura? As a practitioner of martial arts, did she sense danger? “Murderous aura?” “Well, technically, it’s like the feeling when your mom catches you sneaking food at night after she told you not to…” That’s oddly specific. “With the unrest lately, it’s best you hurry back inside.” I said, worried this might be just the beginning, not the end, of trouble after Ho-sung’s death. “Oh? Yes! I’ll go in then.” Still bewildered, Jegalyang scanned her surroundings, bid farewell, and returned to the manor. “She’s an interesting young lady.” Watching Jegalyang, I recalled a friend who struggled with strangers but had no trouble once acquainted. We had fun gaming together. I wonder how he’s doing these days. “...What’s so amusing?” A chilling voice came from behind. “Whoa! You startled me! Was your day uneventful?” It was Lim Ha-yeon. Why did he suddenly appear? “Why…” With a shocked expression, Lim Ha-yeon stared in the direction where the carriage disappeared, then looked back at me. “Hmm?” “Why is she so pretty?” What on earth is he talking about?

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