Chapter 281

Gathering - 7 The deliverymen do not simply drop off food at the mansion and leave. Despite this being a world blending martial arts and romance, it remains a martial arts setting. Once inside the mansion, even for a delivery, one is treated as a guest. They might request a short break, receive a drink of water, or wait to collect the containers. Every circumstance is optimized for learning the mansion’s internal arrangements. “This part of the outer garden is where the guards take their breaks. They frequently order late-night snacks, so I am well-informed.” Thanks to their additions, the mansion's layout was quickly completed. One by one, the deliverymen began pointing and explaining what each area was used for. “This section of the outer garden stores frequently used medicinal herbs like licorice.” “Near the entrance, this building stores herbs meant to be sent to the pharmacy the next day.” “The outer garden is quickly organized, but has no one been inside the inner garden?” Several raised their hands. “The building at the very back of the inner garden houses the pharmacy owner and his family.” “The adjacent two buildings are where the owner’s second and third wives reside.” “The pharmacy owner must be quite capable.” He has three wives. “It’s a big pharmacy. The profits allow him to sustain three wives.” “When you enter the inner garden, the building to the right is a storage for the most precious medicinal herbs. Entry is strictly prohibited, so none of us have been inside.” So, if they stole the precious herbs, they would be in the inner garden’s storage. “Does anyone know what the remaining buildings are used for?” With the information compiled, it seemed almost possible to fully reveal the entire layout, save for a few buildings whose uses remained unclear. “This building houses some of the pharmacy owner's young concubines. Unlike the wives who have separate buildings, they share rooms within one building.” “He has three wives and still keeps concubines?” “Yes. Upon entering, the room on the right houses a gray-haired concubine. She is the owner’s favored concubine. She used to be a courtesan and she’s incredibly alluring. She even sways her hips deliberately to entice.” One deliveryman murmured as if he could still picture her in his mind. He knew too much detail. “Did you even get into the concubines’ quarters?” Usually, even guards would be reluctant to allow access to concubines' quarters. “Oh, haha… well…” The deliveryman scratched his head with an embarrassed laugh. “Well?” “I am not as soft as the pharmacy owner…” Oh my god. “This fool is embarrassing us Koreans!” “Have some dignity!” Other deliverymen, with voices filled with anger, chastised him for having a heated moment with the concubine. “No, no, it wasn’t me! She handed me some kind of red candy as a reward, saying it was good for me, and then I felt invigorated. How was I supposed to resist when she swayed her hips seductively?” Candy that makes your body feel invigorated? I was about to ask for more details when the angry outbursts of the others interrupted me. “What? Using drugs? disgraceful!” “You can’t even handle a woman from the Central Plains without drugs?” “True strength should be natural with our black hair! Relying on drugs is cowardly!” Why are they more upset about him using a drug than about the incident with the concubine? “Hey…” “If you don’t want to be a corpse by the roadside, be cautious.” I sternly scolded, my expression stern. Otherwise, children who grow up with prejudice might end up damaging the wrists of innocent bookstore owners. “Yes, I’m sorry, Chief. It won’t happen again.” The deliveryman, now branded a coward, bowed his head in fear. --- "Good job, all of you." Knowing who resides where, what is stored, and the number of guards: the infiltration map of the mansion was quickly completed. “It’s nothing!” “Later, tell the head chef to prepare a feast in my name once your work is done today.” “Thank you!” “Can we have beer and sweet-and-sour pork?” “Do as you wish.” “Indeed, Chief!” As I sent the deliverymen out of my office, Im Ha-yeon approached me with a small sigh. “Someone has to go through all that trouble. How did you even come up with this idea?” I opened my mouth with a triumphant smile. “This is why one must rise to a position of authority, to utilize people.” “It seems likely the herbs are in the concubine’s quarters.” “They probably stole it to use it as an aphrodisiac.” The physician had mentioned creating a medicine that could potentially be sold to middle-aged men and low-tier warriors. It made sense. Joseon Ginseng is renowned for its benefits, including aiding blood circulation and being a well-known aphrodisiac. It can enhance internal energy, heal wounds, serve as a tonic, and act as an aphrodisiac. In this world, it seems to be a universal remedy. “We’ll start by searching the concubine’s quarters and then the storage in the inner garden that houses valuable medicinal herbs.” “I’m counting on you. Also, there’s something I need to tell you before you go.” After relaying a few additional instructions to Im Ha-yeon, I sent her to the pharmacy owner’s mansion. --- “There was only a small amount in the concubine’s quarters. Most are stored in the inner garden’s warehouse.” Im Ha-yeon placed a paper-wrapped medicine on the desk. Red Ginseng Candy. It was indeed written on the paper. “There was more than I expected. Why did you tell me not to bring it out?” I had instructed her not to take the herbs even if she found them. “If the missing herbs are found selling at the clinic, it would cause problems for us.” Returning them would settle things for me. However, if the pharmacy realised their stolen herbs were being sold, it could lead to conflict between the pharmacy and the clinic. Given that I'm supposed to continue receiving payments, it’s best to handle the aftermath neatly. “What should we do then?” “We need to devise a plan to confiscate the Red Ginseng Candy properly, to truly teach them a lesson.” Though I have been promised half of the herbs as compensation, it’s not enough. Did not a great mage with the same crimes and sins once declare that villains have no human rights? Surely, if a thief is caught stealing, they should be made to compensate double. “Your words make me feel slightly sorry for the pharmacy owner.” Im Ha-yeon spoke with a slightly exasperated expression, as if curious about what kind of scheme I was concocting this time. “I’ve summoned the Sam Brothers for tomorrow while you are away.” “You want to go and demand the return directly?” “You should stay at the inn tomorrow. I’ll handle the rest.” Both Im Ha-yeon and I were busy. We must handle this situation with minimal effort and maximum happiness. -------------- “What brings you here? Hey! You shouldn’t touch the medicinal herbs so carelessly!” The next day at the pharmacy. I headed up to the third floor of the pharmacy, known for handling precious herbs, and grabbed a ginseng labeled as Joseon Sam. “This isn’t Joseon Sam. Why is it labeled as such?” “What are you talking about, sir? That is indeed Joseon Sam.” His expression gave it away. “This isn’t Joseon Sam, but a lower-quality Central Plains ginseng! Selling such inferior goods at high prices! This pharmacy is a fraud!” Mixing flour with other grains to increase volume and cheating customers for profit is a common con, but seriously. There are few in all of Joseon who know ginseng better than I do. Trying to pass this off to me as Joseon ginseng? “You uncivilized barbarian! Where do you get off causing trouble?” “What? What did you just say to the Chief?” “Huh? Where did—ugh!” The eldest of the Sam Brothers and the walking tank, Choi Ilgu, grabbed the employee by the scruff of his neck with one hand and hoisted him up. “You little—!” “Ahh!” The employee was immediately slammed into a pillar. “What is the meaning of this?!” As the commotion grew, a middle-aged man with a frown came out. “Are you the owner of this pharmacy?” “A Joseon native? Yes, I am.” The moment he saw my black hair, he dropped all formalities. Typical Central Plains person. “You should train your staff better. They are very rude to a customer coming to buy medicine.” The pharmacy owner, trying to grasp the situation, looked from me, accompanied by three burly men, to his collapsed employee, and spoke again. “What kind of medicine are you here to purchase? If you stop causing a scene, I might offer you some of my finest.” “One you are very familiar with.” I smirked. “One I am familiar with?” The pharmacy owner tilted his head in confusion. “Red Ginseng Candy.” “...Did that Joseon acupuncturist send you?” The pharmacy owner finally seemed to grasp the reason for my visit and frowned deeply. “I am Kang Yoonho, the head of the Joseon expatriate association.” With deliberate insolence, I spread my arms and tilted my head back slightly, looking down at the pharmacy owner. The intimidating aura was supported by the Sam Brothers standing behind me. “There’s nothing more to discuss. Be it as an association head or a fish bait, it is none of your concern.” Whatever the pharmacy owner spouted, I ignored him, fiddling with the fake ginseng labeled as Joseon Sam and utilizing my keen perception. “Joseon ginseng seems to be rare indeed. This one’s fake! This one’s fake as well! Where on earth is the real Joseon ginseng?” My thunderous voice echoed throughout the pharmacy building. “What is he saying?” “He claims the Joseon ginseng sold here is fake.” Usually, native Central Plains citizens might ignore whatever an uncivilized barbarian says, but allegations of selling fake ginseng would not be so easily dismissed. “It’s not my fault! The stableman ran off with it. I’m the one who’s wronged!” The pharmacy owner, wanting either to cover up the situation or quickly drive us out, lied poorly. “You mean you have nothing to compensate for the stolen goods?” “That’s right.” “How peculiar.” “What’s so peculiar about it?” “The thief seems to be much closer than you claim.” With a derisive smile, I looked at the pharmacy owner, implying that he was the actual thief. “You bastard!” “Bastard?!” “Enough.” When the pharmacy guards and the Sam Brothers drew their swords, I raised my hand to stop them immediately. “Lower your weapons, everyone. We are not here to fight. If you return the stolen medicine my associate made or compensate us, we will drop the matter.” I proposed the final terms. “A Joseon native walking around with a gang thinks he can spout demands?” Of course, I didn’t expect him to comply so easily. “I’ll give you until tomorrow. Bring the medicine or the compensation. Your choice.” Looking unperturbed, I patted the fuming pharmacy owner on the shoulder and walked out. ------------- “He didn’t show up after all.” The next day, the pharmacy owner did not appear. “Brother, Chief. Just give the word, and we’ll tear that pharmacy apart.” “This is an affront to Chief!” “Indeed. Thanks to you, we are doing well at the docks lately. We have people under us who can handle internal energy, so just give the order, and we’ll move out!” The Sam Brothers, like they had personally been insulted, were chomping at the bit, ready to dash out. “Let it be.” “Chief!” Even in Korea, gangsters might be tolerated for maintaining order as long as they cause no trouble, but a foreign gang running rampant would surely attract police attention. If you draw the knife easily, you’ll perish by the knife just as easily. “But Brother!” “Instead, let’s use some of the laborers.” It was always within the scope of my plan. Now to move on to the next stage of the scheme. “Get all the dock workers together.” “Not those guys. I mean the Joseon laborers.” “Huh? Those aren’t fighters. What can you use them for?” “I have my plans.” And they’re very good ones. ********* “You know that four-story pharmacy on the main street?” In one of the inns of Wuhuan, a Joseon laborer, sipping cheap Hwangju, spoke to some Central Plains people. “Huh? That big pharmacy on the main street?” “Yeah, that one. They say they mix bogus herbs in the medicine they prepare there.” “What?!” “Is that true?” "Ah! I heard that too. But it’s not just fake herbs. They say they mix in moldy, rotting herbs." Another Joseon native took a sip of Hwangju and added to the previously shared story. "Come to think of it, I once had diarrhea after taking medicine from that pharmacy!" One Central Plains native exclaimed, suddenly feeling enlightened, although the real cause was his illness, he couldn’t know that. "I used to bring prescriptions there occasionally, but I’ll never go again." Malicious rumors about the pharmacy. If it was just a couple of people talking, it would probably die down quickly. But this time was different. It was as if someone had planned it. Malicious rumors began to spread simultaneously around the pharmacy. "They mix that stuff in the medicine." "That stuff?" "Dung. Manure." "They once gave me more expensive medicine, saying they were out of the usual herbs. They must do it on purpose." "I’ve been a loyal customer there for years. Would they really do such a thing?" "Haven’t you heard the rumor? The black-haired innkeeper mentioned it. He caught them selling fake Joseon ginseng, and the pharmacy owner couldn’t say a word." "What?! They were scamming us with that expensive Joseon ginseng?!" "If they sell such expensive stuff like that, would they really sell proper medicine?" "That pharmacy owner, keeping three concubines in his old age, has finally gone mad for money." "Liqorice and danggui prices there are twice as high as any other pharmacy." Though Joseon natives lived in Wuhuan, they didn't only talk among themselves. From Joseon natives to Central Plains natives, and then from one Central Plains native to another within Wuhuan. This wasn’t an ethical pharmacy—it was a place using deceitful tactics to make a profit. Malicious rumors spread swiftly. "Yiiiikes! You bastard!" "I gave you just one day, and you're late." It didn’t take long for the furious pharmacy owner to find Kang Yoonho.

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