Chapter 61 - I Don’t Want to Be Turned Into the Female Protagonist by the System

### Chapter 61: An Upset Wang Yun "Security uncle, I really am a resident here, not some suspicious person!" Su Qi patiently tried to explain to the security guard, growing anxious as she watched the dwindling countdown in the upper right corner of her vision. Their conversation had attracted a crowd of curious onlookers, all drawn to Su Qi's slender waist and tantalizing hips, enhanced by her cute, shy demeanor born of nervousness. Her presence invoked an involuntary reflex in many—a swallowing gulp, a desire to possess her, and daydreams of her delightful, playful protests in more private settings. Both men and women were equally mesmerized; a few young women even snapped photos of Su Qi blushing as she tried to reason with the security guard. What made Su Qi so strikingly attractive to all these people was primarily due to the bunny ears accessory on her head. While appearing cute and fluffy, these ears had a hidden feature: they aggressively captured attention and piqued intense curiosity. The system had observed Su Qi over the past few days and concluded that she was a person without grand ambitions or dreams—essentially a ‘slacker’, matching a popular contemporary term, 'lying flat'. It firmly believed that if it hadn't intervened, Su Qi would be in her dorm room right now, embodying the image of a complete ne'er-do-well. But now that it was here, it wouldn't let Su Qi remain so unmotivated. A life without goals is unfulfilling, not to mention for the system: Su Qi not working hard equals no money, and no money for the host equals no money for the system. So, it was a mutual affair—they needed success for both their sakes. The system had even started to map out a plan for Su Qi—boost her popularity using this small accessory. Popularity translates to traffic, which equates to opportunities and eventually, money. More money for the host means more for the system. It had rented the bunny ears for a day at a high cost to achieve this. Given that Su Qi had only contributed 50,000 yuan to the system, and the hourly rent of the bunny ears was 70,000 yuan, it was quite an investment. Although theoretically, all expenses come from the host, investing in someone yet to make profits is something else entirely. For a stingy system to voluntarily spend money on Su Qi was no small feat. If she knew, she would undoubtedly be moved. As people gathered around her thanks to the headpiece, the system comforted itself by considering it a sustainable development strategy implemented on the host. Unbeknownst to Su Qi, who was explaining herself in such an embarrassing situation, the system had thought through so much and had even secretly sacrificed a lot for her. In truth, the security guard had already recognized Su Qi despite her wig. No one else in the community had such clear eyes. However, he noticed several men trailing her, and worried that such a frail girl might be in danger once outside the community. He liked this girl, who was about the same age as his daughter, and didn't want any harm to come to her. Su Qi was on the verge of tears, watching the countdown reach 45 minutes. If she couldn't earn 50,000 yuan, it would all be for nothing. Just then, a red Mercedes sports car drove up to the gate. Su Qi's sharp eyes immediately recognized Wang Yun inside the car. Wang Yun saw the girl wearing the cute bunny ears in the center of the crowd, gradually walking towards her. Strangely, she felt irresistibly drawn to the bunny-eared girl. Underneath her black tights, her already enticing figure appeared even more provocative. Despite being a woman herself, Wang Yun felt an overwhelming urge to tear those clothes off this girl. Soon, her gaze shifted from the outfit to the bunny girl's face—a palm-sized, exquisitely beautiful face. Although she had the mischievous charm of a fox, her eyes were as pure as a deer's. Typically, seductive and innocent are opposing traits, yet they combined perfectly on this girl. Moreover, there was something familiar about the bunny girl that Wang Yun couldn't quite place. At this point, Su Qi had already reached Wang Yun's car. Knocking on the window, Wang Yun was surprised that the bunny girl had sought her out. She rolled down the window, hearing Su Qi's soft, southern-Jiangnan accent. "Sister Wang Yun, can you please vouch for me to the security uncle that I'm a resident here? He doesn't believe me!" The pitiful look made Wang Yun's heart melt. Only then did she realize, in shock, "You're Su Qi???" "Yes, Sister Wang Yun!" Wang Yun looked at Su Qi, now even cuter with the bunny ears. She suddenly felt a pang of anger—why was she wearing such a heavy school uniform instead of a cute dress? When she held Su Qi in her arms that night, she was wearing that heavy school uniform. Hugging her felt like holding a bunch of clothes with no real body underneath! Plus, her chest was utterly flat, almost like a man's. How could it now even be a size B, or very likely a C? This girl had deceived her way too thoroughly! Seeing her anxious expression, Wang Yun decided to sort this out later. Given the crowd staring at Su Qi, the girl looked incredibly flustered by the attention. Why did she wear such a cute accessory if she was so shy? Wang Yun got out of the car, and placed Su Qi in the passenger seat. She then went to discuss matters with the security guard. Hearing that several dubious men had been following Su Qi, Wang Yun glanced back at Su Qi, who was still in the car covering her face. How could this girl have no sense of danger? Did she really think of herself as a boy? Learning that Su Qi needed to go to the library for a photoshoot, Wang Yun assured the security guard that she would protect her and bring her right back. Only then did the security guard relent. He was really worried that this blooming young girl might be hurt by some malicious people. Returning to the car with pent-up anger, Wang Yun initially planned to give Su Qi a good piece of her mind. But as she opened the car door and got in, the unique fragrance from Su Qi's body dissipated most of her anger, making her feel much better. As the car slowly moved along, Wang Yun asked while driving, "So, why the need to buy books? And what's with the cute headpiece?" Glancing over occasionally at Su Qi with the bunny ears, she couldn't help feeling this girl was explosively cute in her girly attire and wig. Su Qi felt conflicted. How could she explain she had to shoot at the library because of a task from the system? After some thought, she replied, "I'm the admin of a group chat. To thank my group members for their support, I agreed to wear a costume and buy books at the library. It's a cosplay of a bunny girl librarian, which is why I have this accessory for a photoshoot." She said this with her head bowed, resembling a student caught misbehaving in front of a teacher. Seeing Su Qi's apologetic demeanor made Wang Yun stifle a laugh. What an adorable girl! How could she be stern with her? "But you don't even have a camera. And in that outfit, are you sure you can safely get to the library?" Wang Yun glanced at Su Qi's innocent look, feeling a minor headache. Recalling the security guard's warning made her shiver slightly. If she were a man and saw a pure-hearted bunny-eared girl like Su Qi walking alone on the street, Wang Yun was certain she could justify a felony as worthwhile. "Oh, it's five years now!" Hearing Wang Yun’s words, Su Qi lowered her head even further. She finally realized the implication of Wang Yun's words. Always assuming the male role, she hadn't considered this aspect at all. "System, are you trying to get me killed???" Su Qi mentally communicated with the system. "Why do you think I posted the task at this specific time? Because I knew Wang Yun would be returning today! Even if you could safely reach the library, it would take an hour to get there and back, not to mention finding the book," the system responded, heartbroken over its recent expenditure. "And those group members of yours, how could they make such an unreasonable request? You, too, should develop an adult sense of judgment. Don't think your poorly disguised outfit can fool everyone!" Wang Yun continued as they parked in front of the library. Su Qi could only nod silently, feeling Wang Yun's authoritative social aura quelling any urge to argue. While speaking, Wang Yun suddenly reached out, grabbing Su Qi's firm chest. Feeling the warmth and softness, she uncovered a startling secret! This softness and elasticity were definitely real! The thought of how thoroughly she had been deceived made Wang Yun resolve to give Su Qi a serious lesson that night. --- (Readers who enjoy this book can join the group chat, group number: 866857960. Waiting for your participation, five chapters updated today.)