Chapter 81 - I Don’t Want to Be Turned Into the Female Protagonist by the System

Chapter 81: Crawl for Me!!!! Unbeknownst to Su Qi, the evening had already settled in. The clock on the wall pointed to 8 PM. It was the first time in Su Qi's life that she had spent more than four hours in the company of three beautiful women. They had just finished watching a horror movie together. Isn't it said that girls don't like horror movies and prefer romantic ones? Unfortunately, even after the movie ended, none of the women bravely sought refuge in his arms with a soft sob. It seemed that what he read on the internet was all lies. What Su Qi didn't know was that the three women were also wondering why this little girl hadn't clung to them, seeking comfort. As the time approached the five-hour mark, Su Qi knew the horrifying potential of the allure buff turning into a beguile buff. Recalling that night with Wang Yun, Su Qi dared not let the three stay any longer. Feigning a big, exaggerated yawn, she turned to An Ning and Wang Zijin and said: "An Ning, Zijin, how about celebrating your birthday at my place tomorrow? I'll have time then, so we don't need to wait until the day after tomorrow. I think it’s better to celebrate it as soon as possible." The two of them were stunned for a moment, then their eyes filled with passion. Did this mean they didn’t have to wait another day? "If you don't have the time, we can still do it the day after tomorrow." Su Qi asked considerately, seeing the two seemingly deep in thought. "We have time." "We have time." They answered in unison, making Su Qi sigh at how well-matched these best friends were. "Do I need to get anything for tomorrow?" Su Qi asked. It felt a bit awkward providing just the venue. But what she didn’t realize was that while she considered food a big deal, for An Ning and Wang Zijin, the most important thing was her presence. "No need. An Ning will buy the groceries, I'll cook, and you just wait to enjoy the meal." Wang Zijin said. Su Qi felt these two would definitely make great wives for someone someday. Su Qi fantasized about tomorrow, picturing herself in the role of their husband, with the two going grocery shopping and cooking, while she relaxed and watched TV, also getting to admire their graceful figures. It seemed like a blissful life. "Can I join too?" Bai Miao asked from the side. She was met with two scorching glares, before she laughed and shook her head, "Just kidding. We're not that close, and there's a corporate meeting tomorrow, so I might not be in the neighborhood." Bai Miao could see that they liked Su Qi; after all, Su Qi was a girl, and what could happen between girls anyway? Knowing they treated Su Qi well, she felt reassured. Just a bit later, she would consider today’s actions a regrettable mistake. After finally sending the three off within five hours, Su Qi breathed a sigh of relief. The meal was set for noon tomorrow, which was surprising to Su Qi. Isn't dining usually set for the evening? But she reasoned it must be a trend she's not aware of, given her social anxiety. Perhaps it's fashionable to have lunch dates now! What she didn't know was that An Ning and Wang Zijin opted for a noon meal simply because they wanted to ensure there was enough time to engage in their planned games throughout the evening. She took out a bag of bread left by Wang Yun from the fridge and a bottle of milk, pondering how indeed, cakes from bakeries were tastier than those from stores by several levels. Though they were pricey, you get what you pay for. Money really was good. “System, don't you sell snacks in your shop?” Su Qi asked. But the system, which she recently scammed for a piece of lingerie, wasn’t particularly keen on talking to her. “No, host. This system specializes in sewing. Tools and such need to be imported from other systems, which are honestly very expensive.” the system replied. It turned out it really was a sewing-focused system, no wonder its tools were so scarce; she just didn’t want to buy from other systems? Su Qi found it amusing, this system really had a ‘special attachment’ to money. Without further ribbing the system, she opened QQ group chats, curious about what her friends were up to. Upon opening it, she saw numerous group messages all marked 999+. This was normal for Su Qi even before she started sending photos. She clicked on a chat group. 5687423: Group owner, it's time for a dance. Subscriptions have reached over 5000+. We demand it! They even posted a cute photo of Su Qi, taken during class when she signaled for silence, captioned: “Stop talking now, and you'll get whatever you want tonight…” And then there were more of her class photos, turned into various memes. Scrolling through the chat history, Su Qi felt a headache coming on at the sight of what was essentially an onslaught of edited photos and memes. Her prominence in this group was undeniable. Luckily, none of the photos were overly revealing, which brought her some relief. Still, many members expressed a desire to seek her out at her university, which sent chills down her spine. Perhaps it was best to avoid school for a bit. Initially, Su Qi considered explaining the photo situation to her group members. But after perusing a few chats, she noticed a recurring theme. Many members were more interested in whether she was male or female, with some stating that they didn't mind either way, they'd still like her. One particularly amusing member claimed: “Regardless of gender, I want to buy group owner’s panties. Offering 3000.” Others commented on how wealthy they must be. All Su Qi could think was: Ha, 3000? That would only cover a corner of my panties. The price of my panties exceeds your wildest imagination! Beyond discussions of gender, the most pressing call from the group was for her to dance, given the subscription milestone. Although pictures could be doctored, and despite her undeniable beauty, there were still many online trolls claiming her photos were edited—especially considering she was a creator of adult games. It just didn't add up. Arguments raged among her university’s defenders, even leading to screenshot evidence of online forum fights. To make her dance, many group members had taken it upon themselves to spread the word, which moved Su Qi. Though their motives were impure, it felt good to have money in her pocket. Currently, Su Qi was wary of engaging with her group, fearing an explosive reaction. She stayed hidden, dreading awkward questions about her gender. After finishing a large piece of bread and milk, Su Qi felt energized. Yesterday, she might have trained with that flashy manual, but having decided to stop posting photos, she turned away from the manual after a quick glance, not wanting a second look. She felt akin to a student post-exams, where seeing another book might induce vomiting. Speaking of manuals, Su Qi remembered she had more than one. Rummaging through her bag, she found a sleek yet coarse red rope and a high-end looking pink book. Touching the book, Su Qi recalled Bai Miao's actions in the bathroom today. With this, she could exact her revenge, huh. Casually flipping open the book, her right hand holding the rope began to move as well. No way, is this manual also forcibly executable? Seeing the title ‘Self-Binding 12’, Su Qi despaired. How could this be happening? Fifteen minutes later, Su Qi lay wriggling on the floor, entangled in the red rope. Her slender, delicate frame was artfully divided by the ropes, perfectly highlighting her figure. Bound hands behind her back, Su Qi couldn't help but marvel at how she accomplished this. Her legs tied in an orderly fashion, she looked like a ribbonfish. Despairing, Su Qi wondered why the more she resisted, the tighter the ropes got. What a crappy manual! Wanting to vent, she could only produce muffled sounds with the rope in her mouth. Would she be stuck in these ropes all night? Imagining An Ning and Wang Zijin seeing her like this tomorrow, Su Qi felt her world darken. People don’t die from being tied up, but they would certainly die of embarrassment. Just then, the system spoke up: "Host, 'the one who ties the bell must untie it.' Just flip another page." "But how do I get there? I can't move!" Su Qi looked at the manual, just out of reach. "Host, crawl for me!!!!"