Chapter 99

### Chapter 99: Liu Li's Call Su Qi, reminiscing about the past, had no idea. While she was eating, a teacher was standing up for her. With a loud "bang," Liu Li, the university English teacher, pounded her fist on the sofa. Her face was frosty as she hung up the phone. Unbelievable! She never expected that there could be such a father. What did he mean by "let her die out there"? That she wasn't his child? Clearly, Su Qi had sacrificed so much for their family, even disguising herself as a man to enroll in school and becoming Han Yixing's plaything. And yet, this so-called father claimed she wasn't his child. What a godly father indeed. In her mind, she completely cursed the father she had just spoken to. Su Luojun, who had just hung up the phone, was similarly affected. What did she mean by asking, "Do you know what your daughter is doing at school"? Where did this scam call come from? I don’t have a daughter. Are scam calls this bold nowadays? Don't they usually sugarcoat things first before revealing their true intentions? This one got to the point in just two or three sentences, thinking I'm an easy target? Just then, Lu Ran walked over, seeing Su Luojun fuming, she asked, "What's gotten you so upset?" Seeing his wife, Su Luojun tried to temper his bad mood, "It was a scam call claiming I have a daughter! When have I ever had a daughter?" Lu Ran smiled and said, "Maybe it’s a child you had with a mistress." "Impossible, you've been the only woman I've ever been with. There's absolutely no one else." As he spoke, he raised his right hand as if taking an oath. "Alright, alright, put your hand down. I was just joking. You take things too seriously," Lu Ran said, pushing his hand down, exasperated but amused. She decided she would make his favorite twice-cooked pork later to cheer him up. After Lu Ran left, Su Luojun recalled the voice on the phone mentioning 'Su Qi,' that kid. Thinking about his youngest son, Su Luojun felt a mix of emotions. His own strict upbringing had made him successful, so he adopted the same severe parenting style with his son. He rarely showed Su Qi a kind face, which over time created a rift between them, turning into an unbridgeable gap. Although he was deeply frustrated, Su Luojun still cared. Last year, without telling Lu Ran, he had secretly gone to Su University to take a distant look at Su Qi, feeling relieved to see him doing well. But his stubborn nature prevented him from reconciling with Su Qi. Fine, fine. If the boy turns out to be incompetent, I'll set him up with some small business to ensure he can make a living. After all, he's my own flesh and blood. --- At the Fortlett Mall, Han Yixing was in the back office looking over the monthly accounts for the cosmetics store when his phone rang. "Hello, is this Han Yixing? I'm your English teacher, Liu Li," came Liu Li's voice from the other end. Han Yixing was puzzled. This teacher wasn't his advisor, so why was she calling him? Still, as a respectful student, he put his work aside and answered her, "Yes, Liu Li, it's Han Yixing. What can I do for you?" "You're in the same dorm as Su Qi, right?" Liu Li continued. "Yes, Liu Li. What's the matter? She hasn't returned to the dorm for several days!" Han Yixing thought Liu Li might be checking on dorm residency issues, so he responded accordingly. However, with her mind clouded by the argument with Su Luojun, Liu Li interpreted it as, "Teacher, Su Qi and I are living together outside the school, we’re not affecting campus morals, so don't meddle." Thinking of the innocent Su Qi being bullied by this rich kid, Han Yixing, Liu Li felt her head was about to explode. How could Han Yixing dare to be so brazen? Just because he had some money? She was determined to teach this rich second-generation kid a lesson. Once preconceived notions took root, it was impossible for her to hear anything else. After hanging up, Han Yixing was very confused. Wasn't Liu Li investigating Su Qi’s dorm situation? Why was she so angry, even warning him not to think money could excuse any behavior towards Su Qi? Han Yixing felt a headache coming. What had he supposedly done to Su Qi? They were both guys; what could he have possibly done? He concluded Liu Li must be having her period. And then he recalled that after next Tuesday's class, he would have to go to her office with Su Qi. Just thinking about it made his headache worse. After being inexplicably chastised, they still had to go see her. What puzzled Han Yixing most was Liu Li’s conviction that he and Su Qi were together. Together doing what? Practicing homosexual acts? And she insisted he tell Su Qi to attend class next Tuesday. What a mess! Han Yixing rubbed his temples. He looked back at the computer to remember where he had left off with the accounts. --- Su Qi was still unaware of the chaos. She happily popped the last spicy shrimp into her mouth, savoring the convenience of not having to peel it herself. However, it was really spicy. Opening her mouth slightly to inhale cool air, she realized that ever since becoming female, she couldn't handle spice as well. Eating even one shrimp required washing it down with a sweet, cooling drink. If it were before, she believed she could have eaten all the spicy shrimp in one sitting without breaking a sweat. Now, her stomach even felt like it was burning. "Host, if it’s so uncomfortable, why did you keep eating?" the system inquired. Su Qi instinctively wanted to say she was tempted, but changed it to, "Obviously, it's to not waste food! 'Who knows the food on your plate, every grain comes with toil.' Not wasting is a traditional virtue upheld in China." The system glanced at the empty plates and then at Su Qi touching her slightly bloated stomach while lounging on the sofa, "Host, I understand you value frugality, but I really advise against overeating. Snack lightly and more frequently, and eat on a schedule. Avoid spicy and yin-natured foods." The system once again advised, something Su Qi had heard many times. She was about to retort that she no longer had bowel movements and thus wouldn't get hemorrhoids. Su Qi hadn't realized that being female came with certain drawbacks. As the system was about to explain, she received a call from Han Yixing. Su Qi was surprised. Why was he calling her? And since when did she have his number saved? And did he also have her number? Truth be told, they barely spoke to each other in college, only exchanging a few words occasionally in the dorm. Han Yixing had indeed obtained Su Qi’s number through their mutual friend Wu Wei, who also informed Wu Wei that Liu Li would be taking them to her office next Tuesday after class. Receiving Han Yixing’s call left Su Qi as puzzled as Han Yixing was earlier with Liu Li's. In summary: Liu Li seems to have misunderstood something, thinking she and Han Yixing were living together. Anyway, they had to attend English class next Tuesday and then visit Liu Li’s office afterward. After hanging up, Su Qi felt a headache coming on. Just thinking about the 300+ thread on the forum gave her anxiety. She decided to ask Zijin later if the matter had been resolved; if not, it was too terrifying. Little did Su Qi know that Wu Wei had been having dinner with some other dorm residents who overheard Han Yixing’s call. One of them discreetly sent a message in a private group chat: Fang Zigao: Brothers, our target will appear in next Tuesday afternoon’s English class. Dong Zixing: Hah, chasing after two campus beauties at once? Let's show him the power of our FFF group! Yang Shuo: My 40-meter-long broadsword is eager for action... --- Su Qi sneezed. Who is cursing me now? Maybe she's catching a cold? Feeling sticky all over, Su Qi decided she really needed a hot shower. Wrapped in a new, snow-white towel that enveloped her delicate figure, revealing only her slender legs and white feet nestled in pink duck slippers, Su Qi had to admit the new towel was indeed soft and comfortable. She silently thanked An Ning. Entering the bathroom, she saw a bathtub filled with steaming water, with two cute rubber duckies floating on the surface. Approaching the tub, she checked the water temperature and discovered a note: "Master, I guessed you’d wake up around this time, so I heated the water for you. If it’s cooled, feel free to punish me—Wang Zijin." Well, she thought, better thank Wang Zijin regardless. --- **Bonus Chapter: The System’s Misfortunes** One year later~ September 1, 2022, a dreaded date for most students. Compared to the first-year undergraduates just entering university, the happiness level of third-year students was on another level. ### The Reason? Obviously, it's because third-year students don't have to endure the excruciating 15-day military training. Of course, military training is now a thing of the past for Su Qi, a current junior. At this moment, Su Qi was relaxing in her air-conditioned rental room, leisurely reading a novel. The system initially wanted Su Qi to continue making money, but gradually got engrossed in the plot as well. From time to time, the system would even ask Su Qi a couple of questions. Su Qi enjoyed the tranquil moments. Nothing beats discussing books with a like-minded friend. Counting the hours, Su Qi realized the author might actually be at a loss, having the system enjoy the book as much as she did. After four hours, she finished reading "My System is a Lovely Maiden." "Wow, Master, that system is so cute. It even transformed into a human at the end and got married to its user," the system said, praising another system. Su Qi couldn't help but find it a little odd. Over the past year, Su Qi had gradually come to understand this system better. Aside from its love for money, it was like an adorable little girl. As Su Qi got closer to her goals, the system's voice became increasingly soft and sweet. Su Qi had imagined its appearance dozens of times in her mind. With twinkling eyes, Su Qi asked, "So, can you, as my system, transform into a human like in the novel? I’m willing to pay extra." The system, which was about to refuse, hesitated upon hearing 'extra pay.' "Master, um, how much are you willing to pay? Transforming is very costly, you know," the system stammered. Oh wow, Su Qi never expected to uncover this hidden capability in her system. She had always wanted to meet this soft-voiced companion. "How about 10,000 yuan?" Su Qi, unaware of the market price, tentatively asked. She was quite different from a year ago, now having a considerable amount of money. "Umm, Master, breaking the boundaries of science is tough, even for a system like me. So..." The system's hesitant tone made it clear: more money was needed. "How about 100,000 yuan?" Su Qi proposed. The system fell silent, seemingly weighing the pros and cons. Su Qi heard a cute 'emmmmmm' pondering sound in her mind, finding the system adorably naïve. "300,000 yuan!" Su Qi offered a staggering amount. "What?! Master, are you serious?" the system exclaimed, clearly flustered and needed confirmation. "Yes, I am. Just take the money," Su Qi assured. "Umm, Master, I can only stay for two hours, otherwise the main system will notice," the system cautioned. Su Qi nodded eagerly, even more impatient to finally meet the little guy. As her phone vibrated with the transaction confirmation, Su Qi, now accustomed to these notifications, felt a sense of anticipation. A burst of dazzling light filled the room, and the next moment, the lights vanished, revealing a delicate, innocent young girl in green. Barely over five feet tall, she looked adorably petite, clad in a purple embroidered high-collared Hanfu, complete with a horse-face skirt and cloud shoulder shawl. The purple and white elements made her stand out. The beautiful hem moved with the wind, capturing Su Qi's heart with every flutter. Su Qi couldn’t help but recall the verse: "Flowing sleeves, fluttering garments, we chase butterflies in the flower field." "System, is that you?" Su Qi asked hesitantly. Although she had always imagined it as a girl, she never expected it to be so cute. Moving closer, Su Qi examined the system’s face. Its long hair was neatly tied into twin ponytails, each adorned with a red bow. Her snow-white skin was soft and cool to the touch, her big eyes gazing up at Su Qi. "Master, please don’t poke me!" the system pouted and puffed its cheeks. Seeing her childlike, textbook-adorable angry expression, Su Qi found it irresistibly cute, especially with her sweet voice. "Alright, alright, I won’t tease you anymore," Su Qi laughed, hugging the shorter system, who felt soft and warm with a pleasant, wildflower-like fragrance. Su Qi found herself instinctively inhaling deeply into her hair. The system sat quietly on Su Qi's lap, equally fascinated by its tangible presence in this world. Without minding Su Qi's actions, the money-loving system had spent a long time debating its Hanfu choice, hoping to persuade its master to buy the slightly more expensive outfit. It truly believed itself to be a little genius. "Master, do you think my outfit is pretty? It took me 13 days to make," it said, standing up from Su Qi’s embrace and twirling around, the purple and white Hanfu floating into a circle. Su Qi couldn’t help but notice her slender ankles and the fleeting glimpse of her calves. With a beaming face, dazzling like the midday sun, the system asked, "Isn't it lovely? How much do you think it’s worth?" "It’s beautiful. How much?" Su Qi, already viewing the system as her little sister from their year together, lifted the diminutive figure back into her arms. "130,000 yuan. Don’t think it’s expensive, Master. I put a lot of work into ensuring it’s breathable and comfortable..." The sewing expert system went on about the technical aspects of the Hanfu, her pink lips moving non-stop. After five minutes, she finally finished her detailed explanation. Su Qi found it amusing that the system was almost out of breath from her passionate pitch. "So, Master, will you buy it? It’s really quite exquisite!" The system, elbows bent together and watery eyes looking up at Su Qi, seemed too endearing to resist. Swallowing hard, Su Qi felt a sudden rush of heat. This little system, did she have any idea how tempting she looked? "Alright, 130,000 yuan it is. But I want the one you’re wearing now, okay?" Su Qi patted the system’s head, its warmth and smoothness so pleasant to touch. "R-really?" Hearing the high amount confirmed, the system trembled with excitement. "Yes, really. But I’ve never worn Hanfu before; could you help me take off your outfit and show me how?" Su Qi coaxed gently. Still elated by the sale, the system hadn’t realized she was about to fall into Su Qi's little trap. First, she slowly removed the cloud shoulder shawl, revealing her pristine, snow-white shoulders. Her arms were as smooth as jade, and Su Qi felt an impulse to strip them bare. Then the system said, "Master, the next step is to remove the shoes." She took off the matching purple Hanfu shoes, revealing delicate little feet. Despite being shorter, her feet were even tinier than Su Qi's. Removing the white scholar socks, they looked even more exquisite. Su Qi finally understood why Bai Miao was so fascinated with feet. Seeing the system’s feet gave her the urge to let them step on her face. "Next is the horse-face skirt, Master." The system’s light, jade-like fingers slowly pulled up the hem from between her legs, eventually removing the skirt that had tightly wrapped around her shapely legs. The action of the young girl removing her skirt was incredibly seductive, especially as her bent posture highlighted her round, full hips. Not even the embroidered high-collared jacket could hide her curves. With the skirt off, the system’s tender legs were exposed, appearing even more luminous and flawless against the elaborate purple Hanfu. There wasn’t a hint of excess flesh. Su Qi was surprised to see that even the system’s tiny knees were adorably pink. "Master, the grand finale is next. The high-collared embroidered jacket doesn’t have buttons; in fact, original Hanfu designs never included buttons, only ties, giving a sense of freedom and elegance." As she explained, the system slowly untied the small strap around her waist, letting the Hanfu slide off effortlessly. Seeing the large patches of bare, pink flesh revealed, Su Qi felt her throat going dry. "Have you understood, Master? If not, I can demonstrate again." The system bent to pick up the clothes she had just removed. "But you haven't explained the inner layers yet!" Su Qi pointed out, noticing there were still a couple of layers of fabric on her. "This, this is very simple, Master. You just put it on like a set! It's even easier than a bra." The sewing expert system looked a bit puzzled by Su Qi's apparent cluelessness as she unknowingly walked into the big bad wolf's den. As the innocent system approached, Su Qi leisurely pulled her into an embrace. The girl's skin was as white as snow, now only wearing an embroidered red dudou with mandarin duck patterns and a small pair of panties. Su Qi first caressed the system's snow-white smooth back, then slowly slid her hand under the edge of the dudou. "Mas-Mas-Mas-Mas-Master, what are you doing?" the system gasped in alarm. But Su Qi did not answer, continuing with the next action. An hour later... Gazing at the blushing, breathless system, Su Qi's face was lit up with a bright smile. Noticing Su Qi’s gaze, the system covered her cheeks with both hands and turned her head away. After a while, she timidly murmured, "Master, you're naughty. I'm mad at you, hmph." --- Considering everyone always says the system loves money, today the author decided to ‘teach it a lesson.’