# Web Novel - Chapter 1057: The Refined Version of Senior Sister Bang! The divine broom ruthlessly struck Number One's body, but her mechanical arm firmly grasped the broom handle, remaining unmoved. "Be careful, there's something strange about her body," Tang Xin warned, retrieving the broom with a kick and maintaining her distance, caution etched on her face. The broom's hardness had been validated by the Devouring Insects, yet this slender mechanical frame could withstand the power of a divine artifact—truly peculiar. "Power of the Fiery Lightning Tribulation!" Senior Sister wasn't stingy, unleashing the remaining two tribulation forces within the broom. After numerous battles, especially the one with Demon Lord Xing, the power of the tribulation had been nearly depleted. Now, she was entirely out of cards. Flames and thunder engulfed Number One, burning and exploding, yet no scream came from within. Boom! Number One emerged from the flames, unharmed. "What..." This was the power of the tribulation, and it couldn't even break through her defense? No, wait, it wasn't that her defense was too strong, but... "The power of the tribulation has been weakened," Number One explained, "Firstly, the power of the tribulation from the Nine Provinces is affected in the time-space turbulence zone. Secondly, we are too close to the Great Yin-Yang Anti-Magic Formation. Even if not in the center, it's still affected." "Damn, what a waste of my trump card..." Senior Sister cursed, brandishing the broom for long-range attacks. Golden blades of light shot out like a storm towards her opponent. Number One wasn't to be outdone. With a body comparable to a divine artifact, she caught and crushed the light blades with her bare hands. After several exchanges, Tang Xin hadn't gained any advantage. In terms of individual strength, Senior Sister was already at a disadvantage. Tang Xin glanced at Fei Yao, who was fighting the Blood Sovereign Hall's strong warrior in the distance. If she wasn't here, I could transform and eliminate Number One... "Tang Xin," Little Broom reminded her, "We can try to reclaim some control over the restricted zone. Since Number One has detached from her main body, the position of manager should be vacant." If Number One could command spirit servants to attack, why couldn't she, holding the highest permissions? With this thought, Tang Xin evaded Number One and sprinted towards the maintenance area. Though Number One, with her immense strength, closely pursued and attacked her, having the broom as a shield, she managed to block all the assaults. Before long, following Little Broom's guidance, Tang Xin reached a control panel meant for managing the restricted zone's operations. "No need," Number One said, "All complete spirit servants and avatars are under my control. You won't find any assistance." "Who said I needed help?" Tang Xin scoffed, pressing random buttons on the control panel, "I just need to eliminate your helpers." Sparks flew from the console. The pursuing spirit servants began to attack each other, while the avatars fell one by one, leaving only the unique half-mechanical bodies independent of the chaos. Now, she just had to control the rebellious Number One and close the restricted zone's door. Tang Xin tried commanding the door to close, but the authority seemed to have been hijacked by Number One. She had to defeat her first. To thoroughly subdue Number One, Senior Sister had already exhausted her strength. Tang Xin touched her storage bracelet, her gaze turning icy. "No," Little Broom cautioned, "If you transform in front of her, she will definitely expose you!" Outside were the top-tier warriors of the Blood Sovereign Hall and Nine Provinces Alliance. Number One wouldn't take such crucial information to her grave. What should she do now? Wait until Elder Fei Yao could lend a hand? Wait, maybe there's another way! Tang Xin took out the "Refined Version of Senior Sister" and placed it before her. Previously, Number One had explained the method of "possession and control," indicating it might not work on Tang Xin. But in their current dire situation, it was worth a try! "Transfer!" The excruciating pain of having her soul torn apart filled her mind. Tang Xin felt as if a hand was forcefully extracting her soul from her body, the process slow and agonizing, yet her consciousness remained painfully clear. For beings as unique as Number One, transferring consciousness might be easy, but for ordinary people, this carried immense risk. Everything happened in a flash. In a few blinks, Tang Xin's consciousness was restored, and clear images appeared in her vision. [Warning, severe rejection reaction detected!] [Warning, soul data severely mismatched!] [Warning, physical compatibility below 5%, abilities severely limited!] Rows of red text boxes appeared, impossible to ignore. Tang Xin looked down, confirming she had transferred to the new body. An almost infinite power surged within, constantly challenging her mental world. "What’s going on?" she questioned, "Wasn't this body created based on my template? How could it be incompatible?" "To be precise, it was created using your body's template," Little Broom tilted its head, dragging the unconscious original Senior Sister to a safe place. "The Blood Sovereign Hall must have made some modifications to soul compatibility." "Then why can Number One use it?" "Maybe it's due to her unique form of existence?" [Warning, rejection reaction reaching critical point, please disengage immediately!] "No matter, even with only 5% power, it's stronger than my original body!" The refined Senior Sister grabbed the broom and launched an attack on Number One. Same moves, same angles. Boom—!!! But a different force. Number One's half-mechanical body flew out like an arrow, crashing into the wall, sparking electrical currents. This was an overwhelming power difference. One strike rendered the upgraded restricted zone manager completely defenseless. The refined Senior Sister stepped before her, frowning. "I don't know what you understand or what you've been through," Tang Xin placed her hand on Number One's chest, "but I believe you shouldn't lose hope..." With that, she placed her hand on the green gemstone. A powerful repulsion surged out, but before the transcendent physical power of a tribulation body, it was feeble. "I see..." Unable to move, Number One seemed to understand something, her expression contemplative. "You are the 'mission-bearer.' You were born with a mission, which is why you're fearless." "When you learn the truth, will you make the same choice as I did...?" The gemstone on Number One's chest shone brighter, while the restricted zone began to tremble violently. Tang Xin didn't hesitate, pulling the gemstone out with one swift motion. "No matter what... this time... let's end this..."