## Translated Novel Chapter Passage ### World Forbidden Zone “**Tang Xin**, come give me a massage!” “Yeah, Tang, you’re really good at it!” “Wife, I want one too!” “Why is there always someone slacking off...” Tang Xin leaned on her broom, wiped the blood off the corner of her mouth, and weakly retorted. Beside her, **Yu Lingzi**, **Ling Hua**, and **Fei Yao** were all injured, with shocking wounds marring their beautiful bodies. The sight was chilling. The other surviving members of the alliance were faring no better; severed limbs were a common sight. The three days of brutal fighting had been extraordinarily intense, with casualties exceeding the total losses since the all-out war began. Both sides knew the significance of this battle, committing all their manpower and resources, turning the forbidden zone into a veritable meat grinder. Those who entered alive emerged dead, wave after wave, without end. “Seriously,” said the weakened Ling Hua, “what’s the situation in the core area? Have Su Ling and the others managed to repair the grand formation?” The alliance army had exhausted themselves to buy three days for the Seven Star Girls. Now, with the Blood Sovereign Hall about to break through, there was no way to delay them any further. The day before, Tang Xin had ventured through a special passage and found the girls racing against time to build. But on the third day, the passage inexplicably sealed itself. She had no idea what the situation inside was now. “Always prepare for the worst,” Fei Yao said solemnly. “If the Blood Sovereign Hall truly obtains the ‘Sword,’ does it mean we’re doomed?” Most present had never seen the power of the “Sword” firsthand, only knowing it was incredibly strong and dangerous. “During the Great War between good and evil a thousand years ago,” Tang Xin said, “even mid-tribulation cultivators could use their powers normally. But against the power of the ‘Sword,’ they couldn’t put up any resistance at all. Against a ‘person,’ it’s probably invincible. If we must speak of any countermeasure...” **The Magic Blade.** Only a power of equivalent level could counteract it. Tang Xin hesitated, pondering whether to reveal information about the “Magic Blade” to those around her. After all, if she were to meet an untimely end, she couldn’t take this crucial information to the grave, right? That would be too cruel... **[Do not reveal the “information”]** Out of nowhere, a prompt from the system flashed in her mind. Tang Xin immediately dismissed the thought. So even this can’t be exposed... Seems like if the situation gets dire, she would have to stay alive and find the “Magic Blade” herself. “Tang Xin,” Yu Lingzi said earnestly, “no matter what happens next, you must stay alive.” “Boss, this is no time for raising death flags...” “No matter what happens, you must stay alive,” Yu Lingzi repeated. “Even if the Blood Sovereign Hall destroys this world, you must survive. With you, there is hope.” Before the senior sister could respond, a loud explosion erupted in the distance. **Boom—!!!** “The Blood Sovereign Hall has broken through the passage!” There was no more time for rest; everyone charged towards the breach. At the breach, the formation barrier of the forbidden magic formation was like a solid substance. A punch on it would rebound all the force back. “The day has finally arrived.” The fourth hall master, **Dream Dao**, looked at the black stone monuments behind the formation barrier. His aged face seemed to lighten instantly. “We’re just one step away from our grand objective!” **Mo Yin** also clenched her fists and exclaimed. **Whiz! Whiz! Whiz!** Three outstanding members of the Xuanling Sect landed behind the two hall masters, ready for battle. “Stop dreaming,” Yu Lingzi shouted. “The Blood Sovereign Hall will never dominate the Nine Provinces. Even if we fall today, there will be thousands upon thousands of successors!” “Thousands upon thousands!” “Successors!” “Who said we want to rule the Nine Provinces?” Mo Yin retorted nonchalantly, reaching her arm into the formation barrier. “This kind of place, we wouldn’t want it even if it were given to us.” The two hall masters jumped inside, disappearing into the formation. Everyone else hesitated no longer, following in pursuit. Ancient power descended again, thoroughly sealing the abilities of everyone, whether they had transcended the three-nine tribulations or were ordinary cultivators. Unlike the smaller forbidden zones outside, the seal here was absolute. Hence, numerical superiority regained its significance. “Attack!” The group from the Xuanling Sect surrounded the two vice hall masters, punching and kicking them. “Take that for being arrogant!” “For talking too much!” “For not showing respect!” **“Blood Sovereign... Demon Mark!”** **Boom!** Scarlet energy erupted from the two vice hall masters, blowing Yu Lingzi and the others away. “What?” Tang Xin got up from the ground in astonishment. “How can you use powers here too?” Wasn’t it said that only the Seven Stars had this ability? Had Su Ling been spreading false information to harm others? After standing up, the two vice hall masters did not linger; they dashed towards a specific location. The group from the Xuanling Sect chased after them, realizing that although the adversaries had some extra powers, they weren’t strong enough to take them down. A chase ensued, and they found themselves near the forbidden magic monument number 8888. In three days, a new forbidden magic monument had indeed been built by the seven girls. Although it looked crooked and irregular, and was much shorter, it had the basic shape. From afar, Su Ling and the others seemed aware of the situation as Hua Ya broke off from the group, heading straight towards them. “What’s the point of coming here?” Yu Lingzi sneered. “Your power is nothing in front of the Seven Stars!” “Ha, ha ha ha!” Mo Yin suddenly burst into laughter. “It’s done! Everything’s done! We’ve made it here! The gateway to the new world is open to us!” She cut her palm and swung it forward, letting her blood drip to the ground, forming a pattern. Dream Dao did the same, though his expression was more solemn. **“With blood as the guide,”** Mo Yin chanted, “**we summon our lord to descend!**” **Boom!** Thunder roared in the once peaceful sky of the forbidden magic formation. A blood-colored rift tore open, and three figures emerged from it. “First Hall Master, Second Hall Master, Third Hall Master!” Mo Yin and Dream Dao knelt on one knee, saluting the three figures enveloped in light. “Hmm,” the First Hall Master said lightly. “You’ve done well. This time, I won’t hold your past failures against you.” “Yes.” The two didn’t dare to retort. Next, everyone's eyes turned to the abyssal, blood-red vortex. Within, a barely visible figure lingered. That was the leader of the Blood Sovereign Hall, the originator of all sins, and the most feared person by the alliance of the Nine Provinces—the Blood Lord! “Very good.” He stood in the middle of the vortex, neither stepping out nor retreating, as if straddling the edge between two worlds. “Everyone is here... Then, let us begin.” --- Warm Reminder: If you can't find the book by its name, try searching the author—it might just have a name change! וועאהtee | Contents | Next Chapter Contact Us Contents Settings Favorites Top of Page Share Report Error Previous Page Next Page