### Transfiguration: Entangled by Beautiful Girls - Chapter 1062: Enemy of the World The sword hovered above everyone's heads, frozen in place. It did not move, but anyone who did vanished from this world. The cultivators, who initially intended to charge together, were now terrified. If not for their slower reactions and movements, they might have been the ones killed… Moreover, who was this guy causing such harm? "Tang Xin," Linghua's mouth twitched as he couldn't help but give a thumbs-up to the senior sister. "When it comes to causing trouble, you're still the best..." "Hehe, thanks for the compliment..." At this point, no one dared to even take deep breaths, let alone fight. A blood-red beam shot out from the vortex, aiming with apocalyptic force. But before it could strike the sword, it reflected back, delivering a heavy blow to those within the vortex. "Hmph!" Everyone in the formation heard a muffled groan, as if struck, from the Blood Lord. "Oh my," Tang Xin wiped the cold sweat from her forehead. "Isn't this situation a bit out of hand?" The "sword" that the Blood Sovereign Hall was desperately vying for was right before their eyes. Yet, it seemed unwilling to be easily controlled. However, it didn’t leave—it merely floated quietly above the formation, overlooking the crowd. "Do you have intelligence?" The Blood Lord seemed to be inquiring of the "sword." There was no response from the sword. "You have intelligence," the Blood Lord confirmed. "You resemble the Heavenly Dao, possessing some form of wisdom based on countless rules. Given this, you should sense my determination; cooperate with me." Still, the sword did not answer. Seeing this, a streak of blood light detached from the vortex, gradually forming the image of a middle-aged man. The Blood Lord's true form. With the anti-magic formation losing its effect, the Blood Lord descended in his true form. Following closely, masters from the mid-tier of the Tribulation Crossing stage from the Nine Provinces cultivation world also began to arrive. One of the women landed directly beside the members of the Xuanling Sect. "This…" Yulingzi rubbed her eyes to confirm she wasn't mistaken. "Ancestor of the Xuanling Sect?! Wait, are you still alive?" "As the current head, your words aren't very pleasant," the woman smiled. "I don’t even know if I’m still alive... My true form departed long ago to the Eternal Dark Zone; this form is merely a parting avatar I left behind." The ancestor looked at the three heroes of the Xuanling Sect and smiled approvingly. "Not bad, just as I predicted, Xuanling Sect has an extraordinary fate! You all are exceptional!" "Ancestor…" With such high seniority, even Linghua became cautious. "We received the blessing of the source world’s power to appear before you," the ancestor explained. "This is closely tied to the Blood Lord; the power he can wield determines how much we can use." "Can't we eliminate him?" Tang Xin inquired. "We can't destroy him," the ancestor replied, facing the senior sister. "The Blood Lord harbors a seed of the source world. Even the source world’s power cannot kill him. We can only delay..." "A seed of the source world?" "Yes, it's a force directly separated from the 'source,'" the ancestor's expression grew solemn. "Yet, throughout history, nobody has ever been able to contact the 'source,' let alone separate power from it." "Huh?" Shuiqiu scratched her head. "Doesn’t that make him invincible?" "No," the ancestor pointed upward. "There’s still one power capable of killing him." The sword held the power to shatter the source world; wouldn’t taking down a world seed be relatively straightforward? "What’s the situation now?" Yulingzi asked. "Should we beg the sword to act with chivalry?" "I don't know at this point," the ancestor sighed. "Even in my memories as a Supreme, I’ve never experienced dealing with apocalyptic power." The Blood Lord in the sky seemed still to be communicating with the sword about something, hidden from the others’ ears. The sword did not respond, nor did it attack him. The situation seemed to stagnate into a peculiar standoff. "The sword is a great-world consciousness similar to the 'Heavenly Dao,'" Suling pondered. "It follows rules, or 'heavenly commandments.' It can be controlled, at least temporarily." "What we’re lacking now is the key 'rule' to trigger it." On the Nine Provinces continent, committing deeds hateful to the heavens would invite lightning strikes—this was a heavenly commandment. As a power of destruction, what heavenly commandments did the sword follow? "I'll give it a try," Suling said. "After all, we seven stars were the ones who freed it. It should listen to us somewhat." Without further ado, the sword cultivator girl ascended into the sky, maintaining a hazardous distance from the Blood Lord. To be honest, with the Blood Lord's power, nowhere within the formation was truly safe if he decided to act. Everyone tensely watched Suling as she seemed to say something to the sword. Shortly after, the immobile sword actually shifted. "It worked!" The crowd was pleasantly surprised. A moment later, Suling plummeted from the sky... Tang Xin hurriedly spread her arms and adjusted her position. Boom~ As expected, the senior sister again became a soft human cushion, dazed and battered from the impact... "Did the sword respond?" Yulingzi asked urgently. "It did," Suling replied, exasperated. "It said, 'I didn't ask you to release me; stop being sentimental…'" "…That’s too human-like, isn’t it?" "As long as it responds," Yulingzi said. "I'll give it a go! Maybe it judges people on an individual basis?" The current head of Xuanling Sect stretched her body and flew into the sky. Moments later, she too fell, just like Suling. "It said, 'Loli might be great, but I can’t change my principles…'" “This thing is too human…” Linghua, Feiyao, and others also tried one by one, but none succeeded in establishing true communication with the sword. These attempts led to one conclusion: "The sword can certainly be communicated with." “Let me try.” Tang Xin declared. The senior sister entered the sky, locking eyes with the Blood Lord from a distance. “Earlier, I thought you were a strong warrior,” she said. “Now I see, you're just a pitiful person without self-identity. In the eyes of that Lord, someone like you can be discarded at any time.” “Someone like you,” the Blood Lord replied coolly, “is also disposable at any time, isn't it?” Tang Xin sneered, not looking at him anymore, and turned her attention to the “sword.” Little Broom also appeared, looking over with her, slightly nervous. “What do you really want?” The senior sister communicated with it via her thoughts, questioning it. The sword turned; though it had no distinct sides, Tang Xin felt as if a pair of eyes was staring at her. “I exist to destroy,” a voice echoed in her mind. “I crave ultimate destruction and madness! I want to be the enemy of the entire world!”