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### Chapter 1064: You Are Fake Tang Xin's other identity was exposed. She had truly become another person, someone completely different from Tang Xin. Feeling the immense power surging within her, Xue's consciousness momentarily wavered. She felt that she could easily destroy all the beings in front of her, including enemies and teammates, leave this place effortlessly, and destroy one world after another... However, she quickly regained her composure. Although this power was incredibly strong, it did not belong to her. "Is there something you haven't told me?" she asked in her mind. "For example, your origins, or the identity of the Supreme Lord." 【You will soon find out.】 Xue did not press further. She stepped forward and said to the sword, "Give me your power." "...No," the sword responded after a moment of silence. "You are merely a false chaos, not the one I truly await." "I said," the white-haired witch commanded sharply, "give me your power!" With that order, the sword's body began to tremble, as if controlled by some force, about to "break through the ground." Although the sword had consciousness, it had to act according to rigid rules, like the Way of Heaven. Although Xue was not the one it awaited, she temporarily met its requirements. Seeing this, the Blood Lord extended her arm towards the sword and shouted, "The causes and effects to awaken the Supreme Lord have been gathered. We need your power now! Don’t you want to destroy the world? We will satisfy you!" The two forces clashed, and the sword's body trembled more and more, emitting mournful cries. "How dare you!" Xue's voice reached the Blood Lord's mind, and in an instant, this leader of the Blood Sovereign Hall, who had left almost all of Jiuzhou helpless, felt an emotion called "fear." Why was she afraid? She was merely the key to awakening the Supreme Lord, just a tool... In that brief moment of distraction, the struggle for the world-destroying power ended. The sword fell into the hands of the white-haired witch, and blood-red patterns spread along her arm, releasing an aura of despair and chaos that spread into the void. At the moment of holding it, Xue felt as if she had left this place. She traveled through time, returning to the primordial world before it shattered. Back then, the world was peaceful, the sky was so calm, the earth so beautiful, and everyone living there had happy smiles on their faces. But this long-lasting tranquility was suddenly broken by a beam of light. People no longer followed the rules and became chaotic, waging wars and fighting each other. Eventually, the primordial world shattered, and the void realms fell into an era of perpetual unrest. The white-haired witch's mental world expanded infinitely, encompassing countless spaces, and all kinds of beings entered her vision. If she wished, erasing these "existences" would be an easy task. The desire to destroy everything gradually swelled, but just as it was about to touch her rationality, Xue came to her senses. She was not born to destroy! Chaos and disorder receded like a tide from her mind. When she returned to her senses, the sword was already fully in her grasp. "You are fake," the Blood Lord stared at her intently. "You lack the ultimate madness and chaos. The sword will not truly acknowledge you!" "So what?" Xue said indifferently. "I don’t need anyone’s approval... I am me!" Swoosh! With a light swing, nearly half of the Blood Sovereign Hall's powerful beings vanished into thin air, leaving nothing behind. Everyone present was stunned. These were dozens of high-level powerhouses, gone in an instant without a trace... If she wished, she could destroy everyone in the grand array with just a thought, right? Pfft! After eliminating over half of her enemies with one move, the white-haired witch spat out a mouthful of blood. "Backlash..." Xiaozhou sighed in her mind. "The Blood Lord was right. You haven’t gained the sword’s true acknowledgment. Every time you use its power, it backlashes against you." Although the white-haired witch met the "requirements" in some way, the sword's wisdom could discern true from false. Wielding the world-destroying sword to protect others could hardly be called "world-destroying." Boom——! In the distant sky, blood-red light appeared, seemingly another presence rapidly approaching. 【Time is running out.】 【Before 'it' arrives, save everyone.】 【Then, we will seek the 'Demonic Sword.' By then, all secrets will be revealed.】 Holding the world-destroying sword, Xue turned to look at the people on the ground, her white hair fluttering like lonely snowflakes in winter. She didn’t know what awaited her ahead, nor what her fate would be when the secrets were unveiled. Perhaps, this glance would be a final farewell. "No…" Seemingly sensing the sorrow in the white-haired witch's eyes, Su Ling, under the suppression of the world-destroying power, struggled to lift her arm towards her and shouted word by word, "Don’t! You promised... you..." "No!" "Senior sister!" "Wait..." The words of friends and loved ones made the corners of the white-haired witch's mouth curl up bit by bit. Who made her the great villain... She could only make everyone sad once more. She slashed her palm with the world-destroying sword, and the flowing blood dyed the simple-looking weapon with a layer of hazy blood light. Under the backlash of the world-destroying power, the white-haired witch could only swing one more full-strength blow. But one strike was enough. "Cut." She swung her arm down. In an instant, the world fell into a state of temporal suspension once more . Su Ling and others’ anxious expressions, the horror of Demon Sound Dream, the falling debris from the Forbidden Magic Monument, the floating corners of clothes... everything seemed to be imprisoned by some force. Then, as if a painting was torn apart, the world seemed to split into two halves along the cracks. "Ah——!!!" Screams restored the flow of time. Boom——!!! People, the ground, and space—all were split in half by one strike! The Forbidden Magic Monuments began a chain explosion, one after another collapsing, turning the world’s forbidden zone into a land of death. Most cultivators of the Blood Sovereign Hall perished in the explosion, and although the situation was slightly better for the Jiuzhou Alliance cultivators, staying any longer would also put them in similar danger. "The battle here is over," Grandmaster Xuan Ling opened a space passage, urging everyone to retreat quickly, "Hurry up and leave!" "No, what about Tang Xin... that woman?" Looking up, the white-haired witch, the sword, and the Blood Lord were all gone. In their place was a massive temporal storm, deep and endless, like an eternal dark zone, making people despair. "I don’t know, but I believe she should still be alive..." "After all, the real battle is not over yet."