Chapter 50

Chapter 50: She Wants to Run Away Too Watching Irene reach out for help, Ifia felt like a wild boar caught in the act in a field. The key was that she hadn't even stolen the melons! Holding a plate of exotic Eastern cuisine, she suddenly became the center of attention. Ifia stood there, feeling helpless and vulnerable. She cursed herself for not having more legs. If she did, she could have escaped faster! Regretting the moment she stared at the crowd, Ifia felt Irene's desperation. It seemed like Irene was desperately trying to save herself like a drowning person grabbing onto a piece of driftwood. In the previous exam, Irene had spent all her remaining money. Now, she didn't even have a silver coin. If the other party demanded compensation, she couldn't afford it. Especially since the nobles' demands were higher. Even if she paid, it wouldn't appease their anger. In such a case, her life at the academy would be terrible. She would constantly be targeted. Most of the nobles at the Pryce Academy were arrogant and even formed groups to specifically deal with troublesome commoners. Usually, those targeted commoner students ended up dropping out. Ifia was close with wealthy nobles and had a generous amount of money. They were also roommates. It wouldn't be excessive to borrow some money to help Irene in this emergency. "Ifia, I'm okay. Let's go and try the new dish!" Irene said, paying no attention to Ifia's distress, clinging to her like a drowning person desperate to survive. Just as Lucy, who had finished her dinner, managed to push through the crowd and find Ifia, she noticed something was amiss. She immediately looked around and spotted Irene in trouble. Despite Lucy being timid, she didn't run away; instead, she stood firmly by Ifia's side. Ifia didn't want to drag Lucy into the vortex of trouble. With everyone's eyes on her, she couldn't bring herself to speak. All she could do was wink at Lucy repeatedly, urging her to run. She, too, wanted to run away. But after spending so much time together in the dormitory, Ifia knew Irene was not someone who easily gave up. If she dared to run, Irene might become even more unreasonable. Maybe she would even bring people to the dormitory... But Ifia didn't understand. As a commoner with a cleaner face than a pocket, what use was Irene seeking her help? To bear the brunt of the punishment? Ifia had gotten used to her life as a poor girl and realized she didn't have the ability to help others. So it was better not to stick out, or she would only harm herself. Unaware of the small details that may have exposed her wealth in the dormitory, Ifia hadn't become arrogant just because she was friends with Amelia. Even when she was part of a wealthy family in the past, she didn't use her position to mistreat others. She always lived modestly. Was it not enough to enjoy manga and games? Due to her family's excessive protection, Ifia's life was peaceful, even during her rebellious phase. Although she might be silly, she didn't cause trouble. Therefore, she had become a legend of someone else's child, compared with rebellious troublemakers. As a result, she was always favored by her elders and was always greeted with a smile. Her life was smooth, her friends kind, no financial pressure, and no worries about work. All she had to do was enjoy life! But perhaps this was why she had developed a passive attitude. "Hey, it was you who spilled the food and dirtied my dress. What are you doing, asking for help?" The noblewoman, whose dress had been dirtied and not driven Lucy away, spoke. She didn't redirect her anger due to Irene's words but instead aimed her words at Irene, launching a verbal assault. "You made a mistake and didn't apologize. Are you waiting for me to apologize to you? Or is it that commoners have such low quality? It's really speechless." "Speak up, are you mute? How should this matter be resolved?" While the noblewoman held on to Irene, continuing to be unreasonable, Ifia, who had been standing quietly, surprisingly felt that she was right! It was Irene who dirtied the other person's clothes. Shouldn't the normal process be to apologize first? As a result, Irene wore a fearful expression and then shifted the focus when she saw the other person. My goodness, thinking about it, the female lead in this novel is a bit extreme. The problem was Ifia hadn't noticed such behavior from Irene before. She seemed normal! Is this really the female lead? What are the author's values? As Ifia pondered on this, she felt suffocated. It was mainly because Irene had an ordinary appearance, and despite presenting a pitiful image, it didn't garner any sympathy. Instead, she seemed insincere. What had Prince Carloi seen in the female lead? Ifia, being appearance-oriented, didn't understand and was also shocked. She felt the plot might not be as simple as she had thought. Unless Prince Carloi had a problem and exclusively favored such a bland Irene. [System, why did you bring me to such an extreme world? Do readers really like a female lead like this?] [Host, no need to doubt. There will always be people who like this.] The system also puzzled through the script and realized the original plot had changed. Maybe after seeing Ifia with the glass bowl in the dormitory, Irene suspected Ifia's relationship with Prince Carloi. Therefore, she had been paying extra attention to Ifia lately. When she saw Ifia and Lucy quickly leaving, she also followed. As a result, she realized that Ifia had only come to the cafeteria for a meal, and after feeling depressed, Irene bought her own meal. But because she was preoccupied with Ifia's relationship with Prince Carloi, her mind wasn't in the present, leading her to accidentally spill her meal ten minutes earlier. In the original plot, someone else had their clothes dirtied by Irene. In the original plot, the female lead apologized immediately, unlike now! After the system finished flipping through the script and confirmed the change in the plot, not only had the female lead's attitude changed, but also the person whose clothes were dirtied by the female lead! It should be Sallin instead of the current Daphne! Compared to the arrogant and unreasonable Sallin, Daphne seemed much calmer and rational. Therefore, noticing the female lead's failure to apologize immediately, and after seeing the clueless host, the system realized that Irene tried to use the host to escape trouble. The system was also astonished. Why would new changes occur every time the clueless host was present? Now that the plot had changed, no one knew what would happen next... But as long as it wasn't Sallin, who despised commoners and beauties, there shouldn't be any major problems! "Classmate, I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention and spilled food on you. I'm sincerely sorry," Irene finally broke her silence, bowing with red eyes, hoping to quickly calm the storm. When she accidentally bumped into this noble, her attention didn't immediately turn back, so she didn't apologize in time. Only when she realized her mistake, it was too late. Just as she was getting anxious, she saw Ifia and quickly sought her help. She had hoped Ifia would act, but Ifia stood still, pretending to be foolish. Certainly, Ifia felt that being favored by the prince made her look down on her! Thinking about this, Irene felt extremely uncomfortable and just wanted to leave quickly and find a place with no one to calm her emotions and get herself together. "Oh, my dear Daphne, what's wrong?" At that moment, someone spoke at the cafeteria's entrance, and the exaggerated tone drew everyone's attention. When the person, holding the essential noblewoman's fan, walked over, the dirtied Daphne helplessly replied, "Sallin, I was splashed with food by a commoner. It's really unlucky."