Chapter 52

Chapter 52 Are you not angry? Even though he was wearing the same school uniform as everyone else, Prince Carlo appeared even more handsome and gallant than anyone else. With his dazzling golden hair and deep blue eyes, he wore a handsome face with a gentle smile. As soon as he appeared in the cafeteria, he became the center of attention. His tall figure attracted the gazes of noble girls, but due to the propriety expected of them, they suppressed their excitement and tried to maintain composure. However, the commoner girls couldn't be restrained by such rules and they couldn't help but blush and swoon over Prince Carlo, thinking that he was the prince charming in every girl's heart. Tall, handsome, and prestigious - marrying Prince Carlo would surely make them the happiest girls in the world! In contrast to the amiable Prince Carlo, the Duchess’s daughter standing by his side had a calm expression. Her dazzling silver hair seemed to shine, and her tall and slender figure exuded an aloofness. Her eyes, violet like amethysts, seemed to be the rarest treasures in the world. But her indifferent gaze made others hesitant to approach her. The Duchess’s daughter's manners and demeanor were textbook perfect, but her beauty was like a thorny rose - with her top-tier background and formidable abilities, she was revered by the noble students, overshadowing even Prince Carlo in the eyes of everyone. It was this very reason that made people feel awe and unable to offend her. Even subconsciously silenced themselves. When Prince Carlo and Miss Barren appeared together, it was as though a bomb had exploded, and all eyes were glued to them, not wanting to miss a single moment. Of course, this didn't include the furious Salin, who seemed completely unconcerned with her surroundings, focusing all her attention on Ifia. She detested beauties, especially outstanding ones like Ifia. Merely a glance at her made her feel uncomfortable, wishing to disfigure that face. "Don't think you can hide just by not speaking. I've seen plenty of dirty commoners like you! It's disgusting to even attend the same academy as you. Get out of Pris Academy!" Salin turned her attack on Ifia, leaving Ifia at a loss for words. What did this have to do with her??? She was just an average bystander! Even if Eileen wanted to drag her into something, did she even ask for her opinion? "Miss Salin, firstly, this has nothing to do with me. Secondly, did I claim to be wealthy? Lastly, your sarcastic remarks really do disgrace the nobles. I apologize to your etiquette teacher... Also, is Pris Academy your family's property? Who are you to tell someone to leave? I'm not leaving. What can you do about it!" Ifia also noticed Amelia's arrival and suppressed her urge to use unsavory language, choosing a more refined approach. Calm down, she had to maintain her image in front of Amelia!!! While Ifia kept her composure, Salin looked at her in disbelief. She pointed a trembling finger at Ifia, seemingly infuriated by her words. Her face reddened, and she panted heavily, seemingly on the verge of collapsing. "A mere commoner dares to speak to me like this, it's truly unreasonable!" As Salin spoke, she felt Daphne tugging on her arm, trying to stop her from continuing. But in her rage, Salin paid no heed and only wanted to harshly reprimand this audacious commoner. Commoners were nothing but insects, unworthy of being in the company of humans. And this commoner looked good, definitely trying to entice nobles with her looks, attempting to change her social status... Those nobles who only care about appearances must be blind, disregarding noble daughters like her, and wanting to associate with lowly commoners. The more she thought, the angrier Salin became. She was unrestrained in her speech: "Pris Academy allows you commoners to enroll out of pity, but don't even think for a second that you have the same rights as us nobles, whether here at the academy or outside, you are destined to be servile under our nobility." There was an extreme faction of nobles within the Pris Academy who detested commoners, and Salin happened to be a member of this faction, so her disdain towards them was overt. Even when speaking in front of these commoners, Salin had no reservations, not caring about their angry but powerless expressions. Their angry but restrained faces would satisfy Salin's vanity. "Shut up!" Just as Salin was about to continue humiliating Ifia, a furious voice boomed, and when Salin looked up, she immediately saw Prince Carlo standing not far from her, his face filled with anger. Pr... Prince Carlo! When did the prince arrive? Why didn't anyone remind her? Like many noble girls, even Salin admired the prince. Now showing her worst side in front of Prince Carlo made her feel like running away to hide her embarrassment. "Your words are wrong. Whether noble or commoner, all are subjects of the Siss Empire. How can you use such demeaning words? This young lady, I must ask you to reconsider your unjust behavior and apologize to the common students present." Prince Carlo spoke with authority, leaving the common students present feeling too moved for words. Looking at Prince Carlo's imposing figure, they felt an exceptionally reassuring sense of security. He was the heir to the Siss Empire, and it was foreseeable that once Prince Carlo ascended the throne, he would surely ensure the empire's people lived happy lives. Reprimanded by the prince she admired, Salin felt deeply wronged. So, she hurriedly justified herself. "Your Highness, I was merely educating this commoner who doesn't understand respect. She was questioning my noble upbringing!" "Even so, you cannot openly condemn all commoners, as it goes against noble etiquette. Nobles are expected to have a magnanimous and tolerant bearing, rather than being petty and calculating." However, Prince Carlo did not accept her justification. His words resonated, and many of the noble students present nodded... They, too, felt Salin was too extreme, not behaving like a noble, but rather like a market shrew. Ifia watched as Prince Carlo's righteous stance shifted to a more accommodating one, appearing fair and just, but actually leaning towards the side of the nobles. Salin still owed an apology to all the common students present! Why wasn't that mentioned? And Salin was on the verge of scolding her to her face, did she not even have the right to question her? The commoners in this world had it really hard! Ifia wanted to roll her eyes at Prince Carlo, but inhibited herself as Amelia had already walked up to her. Maintain composure!!! "Ifia, are you not angry?" As Ifia was chanting her mantra of restraint, Amelia suddenly spoke, her purple eyes shimmering with a compelling light, making it impossible for anyone to lie. Feeling Amelia's concern, Ifia didn't hide her thoughts and nodded vigorously: "I am very angry, but as a commoner, I can't do anything to the nobles." "Then leave it to me!" After saying this, before Ifia could react, Amelia directly took Ifia's meal tray from her hands, then gracefully and slowly approached Salin. In a dramatic fashion, the oriental dish on the tray was poured directly over Salin's face. ... Hey, darlings, the new update time is 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. Additional updates due to monthly votes or fire vouchers will appear irregularly. Remember to get a good night's sleep~