Chapter 60

Chapter 60: The Mischievous Little Demon? The system's silent cry did not resonate with Ifia. Now, she looked at the scanty dress in front of her and couldn't help but worry. Although she knew that nudity was inevitable, seeing the scanty dress in front of her made it impossible for Ifia to bring herself to put it on. This is just too shameful! Wearing this scanty dress that barely covered the essentials, she might as well be naked, which would actually seem more candid. "Amelia, do I really have to wear this dress?" Ifia persisted, hoping for a negative response from Amelia. However, the sudden rise of desire in the demon couldn't be easily extinguished. Greed, plunder, and stubbornness were the nature of a demon. "No changing, okay!" Despite Amelia's usual gentle and caring demeanor towards Ifia, she now gently shook her head, shattering Ifia's last hope. She had to accept the reality. But seeing Ifia's dejected look, Amelia reconsidered. She then opened the closet again and took out a black dress identical to the white one Ifia was about to put on. This made Ifia tilt her head in confusion, wondering why Amelia had brought out another black dress, perhaps to make her switch between the two? One moment a pure little angel, the next a mischievous little demon? "If you feel embarrassed, then let me accompany you." "!!!" Hearing Amelia's words, Ifia was shocked and stared with wide eyes. Surely it couldn't be what she was thinking! Amelia wanted to wear the same dress with her? Compared to her height, Amelia was at least 5'7", fair-skinned, tall, and with ample curves. If she were to wear this scanty dress... Stop, stop, if she continued thinking that way, it would be inappropriate for minors! Ifia quickly stopped her uncontrollable thoughts and then looked at Amelia. Her face unconsciously revealed an expectant yet shy expression, hesitating about whether to refuse. After all, her job in the art society was to be a model, and being too shy would be unprofessional. Although she really wanted to see Amelia wear it, she couldn't! "Amelia, I'd rather not..." "Shh, that's settled. Let's get started right away." Before Ifia could refuse, Amelia raised a finger to her lips. Her purple eyes squinted slightly, and her face expressed unwavering determination. Amelia's sudden assertiveness and the touch of her finger on Ifia's lips made Ifia blush again. Even after changing into the dress in the dressing room, her face still retained its warmth, feeling hot to the touch. [System, I suddenly feel that Amelia's assertiveness is really irresistible!] [It makes your face blush and heart race.] [Compared to that blind Prince Carlo, Amelia is more suitable as the main character!] When Ifia couldn't contain her excitement, she didn't forget to comment to the system. However, as usual, the system remained unresponsive. After noticing that the system always kept quiet whenever Amelia was around, Ifia finally realized something was amiss. Upon discreet observation, she found that the system never made a sound whenever Amelia was present, as if it would be exposed if it did. But how was that possible? The system didn't have a physical form and couldn't be caught by anyone. The strange behavior of the system left Ifia perplexed, and the system was also annoyed that it couldn't stop its foolish host! Fortunately, the villainess didn't act as hastily as it had expected. It seemed she only saw Ifia as a toy or a pet, wanting to play with her... However, the demon nature added a touch of desire, like a kitten unable to resist the temptation of catnip and a ball of yarn. So for now, the foolish host was safe. As for the future, that was uncertain... The system felt somewhat guilty. Since changing the mission, it felt the foolish host was likely to be unlucky. However, the sacrifice the host made to save the world would be appreciated by everyone! Regarding Ifia's statement about the villainess being more suitable as the main character... If it weren't for the prohibition on spoilers, the system really wanted to tell the host... This world's storyline was not just a simple love story between the male and female lead. Instead, it was more about guiding the readers through their perspectives to touch the mysterious iceberg. In a sense, the villainess's presence in the story was more significant! Hence, the end of the story was the destruction of the world and the extinction of humanity! In this world where the system and its host were continuously invested, no one had been able to successfully change the story's ending. Instead, they had died in this world, making it the world with the highest mortality rate! When Ifia finished changing, despite feeling uncomfortable due to too much exposure, she decided not to delay and opened the dressing room door with anticipation. However, what awaited her was an unexpected sight. Although Ifia thought she was quick, Amelia was even faster. She had already changed into the same dress and was waiting outside, her nonchalant stance leaving her long legs fully exposed. Compared to the conservative pure white, the black color looked more sensual on her. With the stark contrast between her fair skin and the black and white colors, it gave a striking beauty. Paired with her height and long legs, it was even more remarkable! This dress on Amelia seemed to turn into an indescribable provocative item. Ifia unconsciously glanced at herself and, though she had a good figure, she felt that it lacked the allure that Amelia's figure had. It wasn't that she was weak, but that Amelia was just too strong! While sneaking glances at Amelia, she dared not look at her abundant chest, instead focusing on her slender waist. Indeed... the villain's waist, a deadly weapon. Meanwhile, Amelia looked at Ifia's outfit and also showed a satisfied expression, believing that Ifia was well-suited for this type of attire. Her innocent and naive expression, paired with this provocative outfit, seemed to precisely hit the demon's preferences! However, it still lacked something and required a little more effort. "Ifia, I've picked a great pose specifically for you. You won't feel tired even after a while... Now, let me demonstrate for you." In order to allow Ifia to make the movement she wanted, Amelia personally demonstrated a relaxed posture, leaning against the table. As Ifia approached, Amelia transitioned from leaning to lying down, raising her hands above her head as if bound and struggling. As her radiant silver hair spread across the table, she looked up at Ifia with a faint smile, seeming to birth a bewitching fairy with that subtle curve of her lips.