Chapter 62

Chapter 62: Playing with Fire Perhaps those who gossip always like to pause and wait for enough impetus to continue. Compared to Ifia and Lucy's impatience and restlessness, the noble girl, Jessina, remained calm. As a gossip expert, Jessina was used to it. Back then, for the latest news, her patience was extraordinary! Now, these were just minor issues, not worth worrying about! Jessina even graciously exclaimed, hoping to encourage the storyteller to continue. "The missing individuals are all young women of remarkable beauty. Some were nobles' mistresses, some deceived men, and others had illicit affairs, all of them were not virtuous. Meanwhile, a strange rumor has surfaced in the city of Dalwar." "Is that all the important information? How do the strange rumors relate to the police investigation into the cases?" However, before the storyteller could worsen everyone's anticipation, someone immediately raised a question. This made the storyteller give the questioner a disdainful look. The atmosphere he had worked so hard to create had been disrupted, so he retorted irritably, "Just wait, I haven't finished yet!" "It is said that if you write the names of the immoral on a piece of paper and go to the slums at midnight, place the paper on the nameless stele in the woods, and await the scrutiny of the agents of justice, the trial will commence." "And after the police compared this rumor with the missing individuals, it was found that several of those people's names had been written on the paper!" As the story progressed, it took a strange turn, sending shivers down everyone's spine. However, some serious listeners raised questions, seeking logic, "Wait, if the names of the missing individuals were written on the paper, how did the police know? Were those pieces of paper left behind?" "..." Well, with just that one question, the terrifying atmosphere dissipated immediately. Ifia looked at Lucy, who raised the question, with a wry smile. Sometimes she felt Lucy was too serious; rumors spread by word of mouth were inherently unreliable. The rumor was most likely fake. Perhaps it had been spawned by the escalating disappearances. However, it was unexpected to stumble upon her birthplace - the slums - while eating melon. Considering the filthy conditions and the intricate layout of the slums, it was indeed an ideal place for observation and escape. Moreover, the residents there were indifferent, which meant that people could come and go without worrying about being seen. This urban legend was quite well thought out in the context of the story. "Those pieces of paper neither remained for the police to investigate nor were the names of the missing individuals known because of them. Thanks to the reports and eyewitness accounts from concerned citizens, the police got hold of that information. However, it's said that many false allegations were made out of spite, which complicated the investigation." "Although it's uncertain whether this rumor is true or not, it has at least provided a lead for the investigation." "Although it's rumored that the missing individuals were of questionable character, who knows if it's true. After leaving the Pris Academy, we should be more cautious in the outside world and avoid drawing attention to ourselves." The discussion about the Dalwar disappearances didn't continue for long. Despite the abductor's motives for kidnapping those women, they were still committing a crime. This was a criminal act. The people in Dalwar were anxious, fearing they could be the next victims. However, for the common students at the Pris Academy, they just needed to be cautious outside the school since the campus was relatively safe. Therefore, instead of worrying about the disappearances, the students had begun complaining about various subject teachers. For example, the theology teacher, Jhunla, who merely glossed over the history of the Sysis Empire but was engrossed in the myths of Solyasd, much like Professor Sibygg of the 3rd grade, who had an obsession with demon culture. Even these demon-obsessed theology teachers had formed a history group dedicated to studying various demons in the mythology. "Jhunla's extensive knowledge is impressive, but it would be better if she focused on something other than Solyasd myths." "I also wonder why the theology teachers are so fond of Solyasd's demons. Instead of studying demons, why don't they go to the church and pray for God's blessing?" "Maybe demon culture is more intriguing. Divine stories all sound the same, but demons always manage to surprise people." "But, compared to mythical legends, I'd rather know about the empire's history." While they chattered away, Ifia found it all gibberish. As an outsider, she could only feign interest, pretending to understand. Passing off as plausible.jpg Instead of getting involved in these dull academy topics, she preferred to hear bizarre urban legends. [Host, what is your opinion on Ahriman, the great demon lord from the Solyasd mythology?] Just when Ifia was feeling bored, the system unexpectedly initiated a conversation. But unfortunately, the topic it chose was of no interest to Ifia. [Oh, I'm just sitting here. If there's a bed, I can even lie down and relax.] [...] It seemed that Ifia's lackluster response had irritated the system, and it skillfully went offline, choosing not to speak. Ifia clicked her tongue, thinking that the system really couldn't take a joke. She didn't have the extensive knowledge of the theology teachers. Her speech was just a mediocre piece of writing, completely fitting the saying "ignorant person can be awe-inspiring with one word". So, what did she think about demon culture? If there were indeed demons, encountering them would be life-threatening. If one managed to escape, it would be nothing short of a miracle. If she were to encounter the evil god Ahriman, she had already decided on the type of flowers she'd want on her grave. So, with such a slim chance of survival, why bother thinking about it? It's better to just lay down and await death! Romantic fantasies like "Tyrannical Demon Fell in Love with Me" had a smaller probability of happening in reality than winning the lottery several billion times over. Surely, it wouldn't happen to her. Instead of caring about Solyasd mythology, Ifia thought it would be better to check her wallet first! After a few days of splurging, Ifia was starting to feel financially strained. She had to consider how to earn money quickly... Thinking back to a few days ago, she had rejected Amelia's offer of help at the canteen, and now she was beginning to worry. But if given the choice again, she would still refuse. It wasn't like she had started off nearly starving; she had hands and feet, and could even support herself with odd jobs... Well, hopefully! Ifia felt a bit guilty about her recent extravagance and started contemplating how she could earn big money with her current capabilities. In that moment, she suddenly remembered the rewards from completing the system's tasks, which should come in handy!