Chapter 65

Chapter 65 Crying and Earning "Ifia, this is so delicious! I want another cup!!!" Jessina's eyes lit up, and in a split second, she transformed into a bubble tea maniac. She strongly demanded a refill! Her authentic enthusiasm naturally aroused the interest of her noble classmates, even though a peculiar cup of bubble tea cost a gold coin. Nonetheless, people are naturally curious, and for the nobles, producing a gold coin is not difficult. Consequently, after Jessina, other noble students began to join in. Isabella, a noble student in the same class, had dazzling golden hair and emerald green eyes. Her exquisite beauty exuded a classical and elegant aura, with every movement epitomizing noble etiquette. Her most admired idol was the Duke's daughter, Baron Amelia. It could be said that she emulated Miss Baron's grace and etiquette. Even though she only imitated a small portion, her noble manners were admired by everyone, which further enhanced Isabella's admiration for Baron Amelia. Thus, in addition to her studies at Pris Academy, Isabella silently observed Baron Amelia. When she heard Baron Amelia approve of a commoner student, Isabella's initial reaction was disbelief. After all, this was the proud and aloof Baron Amelia – how could she approve of a commoner? Although she didn't admit it to herself, Isabella had excellent noble upbringing and would not do anything to Ifia. However, in her heart, she silently dissented... until she learned that Ifia had joined the art club, knowing that Baron Amelia must have helped. The fact that she could help Ifia join the art club proved Baron Amelia's fondness for her. Isabella could no longer deceive herself, but she still felt a sense of dissatisfaction. She believed that Baron Amelia was the finest person in the Sis Empire, and those standing by her side should also be elites. Even though Ifia had achieved a perfect score in the exam and was crowned first in the grade, she did not seem particularly intelligent in her daily behavior. Therefore, with a critical mindset, Isabella did something unusual. She bought a cup of Ifia's homemade bubble tea... Clearly, apart from the food made by the household chefs, she never casually consumed other foods outside. Now, holding the cup, Isabella felt some regret, but she was already in too deep. Discarding the cup in public would embarrass Ifia, and that was not something a proper young lady should do. Therefore, even though she regretted it, she had to drink the bubble tea. She speculated that Ifia, being a commoner, wouldn't have access to good ingredients. Perhaps even this bubble tea might not have sugar, tasting bland or peculiar. Contemplating this, Isabella pursed her lips, looked at the brown liquid in the cup, and hesitantly lifted it. She took a sip, only for the sake of politeness. There was no need to drink it extravagantly like Jessina. However, after tasting the bubble tea, Isabella's eyes widened in disbelief. She stared at the cup with her emerald eyes, wondering why this sweet taste was so delicious! Sweeter than juice, with a hint of milk, and Eastern tea? And what were those white round balls? Soft and chewy, it was so interesting to chew on them. Unknowingly, Isabella finished the entire cup of bubble tea, unable to resist savoring it. Despite wanting another cup like Jessina, her smaller appetite left her feeling full after just one. She could always buy more next time. Having drunk the bubble tea, Isabella finally realized that her previous doubts about Ifia were shallow. One should not make arbitrary judgments based solely on subjective views. Although Ifia didn't seem particularly intelligent, the food she made was incredibly delicious. Maybe that's why she had won Baron Amelia's favor... Even though Ifia's appearance was lovely, Isabella believed that Baron Amelia must have seen Ifia's inner beauty. "Ifia, the bubble tea you made is really delicious!" With these thoughts in mind, Isabella did not forget to praise, and a cup of bubble tea changed her prejudice. After Isabella, the most critical noble student in the class, praised it, the other noble students no longer hesitated. They all pulled out a gold coin to buy bubble tea, and the commotion even attracted students from other classes. So, undoubtedly, before the class bell rang, all the bubble tea made by Ifia had sold out. Excluding the cost of materials, Ifia earned fifty-two gold coins with tears in her eyes! During class, Ifia occasionally touched her bulging money pouch, feeling satisfied with its heavy weight. She thought that the hard-earned money from her labor was just great! [System, I think I should open a bubble tea shop in the Sis Empire, no! I want to open a chain of bubble tea shops, and the tea sold will be enough to encircle the entire empire ten times!] As soon as she had money, Ifia drifted off, envisioning her future bubble tea empire with the system. The system was speechless, manually closing the chat box and refusing to communicate with the host. The idiot host could only chat away. Compared to making money by selling bubble tea, as long as she dealt with the villainess, the entire Sis Empire would be Ifia's! Although the process might be a bit dangerous, the rewards would be substantial! Ifia had grown accustomed to the system's silence. After entertaining herself for a while, she touched the heavy money pouch and began thinking about what delicious food to bring to Amelia. While others turned bad as soon as they had money, Ifia wanted to treat others as soon as she had money. Last time, she made a sweet and sour dish for Amelia, so this time she would try a different flavor. Thinking about it, she went to cook, spending the whole afternoon in the classroom, and as soon as the school bell rang, Ifia immediately bid farewell to Lucy and Jessina and ran off to Körfen Street to select ingredients. After Ifia quickly returned to the house with the ingredients, she immediately started preparing the food. She skillfully beheaded the duck, cleaned and gutted it, then stuffed various seasonings into its belly to better its flavor. She then hung the duck in the oven and prepared the thin pancakes and sweet soybean paste on the side. After everything was ready, Ifia packed the roast duck set into a food container and went on her way to find Amelia, determined and joyful. However, it was rather unfortunate as Amelia was out. The butler, Heber, didn't let Ifia leave and respectfully invited her into the living room to wait for Amelia to return. Ifia didn't refuse; she didn't have anything else to do anyway. However, she declined the company of the bitler, assuring that she could manage by herself. As soon as the butler left, and seeing that there was no one around, a tired Ifia collapsed onto the couch, almost becoming one with it. "Hurry up, make sure to clean up before Miss Baron returns." "Chief Saina, we're already working fast!" "Yeah, don't worry, we'll get the job done." Just as Ifia was lazing around, the household maids suddenly appeared. The maids had not immediately noticed Ifia, which made her immensely relieved. She wanted to get up from the sofa as quickly as possible before she was seen and embarrassed. "You always act cute with me. Hurry up a little bit because Miss Baron isn't feeling too well lately." ... The release schedule is out, get ready to cast your votes! And don't hide those monthly tickets!