Chapter 170 - The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

Chapter 170 - An Unexpected Meeting - 7 "They're pickpockets." I snatched Cheongwoon Sohyeop's purse from the boy's hand and tossed it back to him as I spoke. Pickpocketing, while largely eradicated as a crime in Korea, is still a fairly common occupation in this world. The frightening aspect of martial world pickpockets is that, even if their martial arts are mediocre, they train specifically in martial techniques designed for theft. These rascals work in gangs to distribute bystanders' attention with decoys, and in the blink of an eye, they swipe your belongings with sleight of hand faster than the eye can follow. Of course, if one is vigilant, they would not fall victim to such schemes, but newcomers to the martial world like Cheongwoon Sohyeop can easily be caught off-guard. "Pickpockets, you say..." Cheongwoon Sohyeop looked at the boys with a grip still on his scabbard, displaying a hint of disappointment, causing the boys to flinch. "Mister warrior! It wasn't our brother's fault; he just can't break the habit—it's really him who got dragged away!” Such a nonsensical excuse. "If you head down the alley, you'll find the local toughs waiting. If they can't manage to pickpocket anyone, they lure victims into the alley to rob them, that's their tactic." One of the methods these pickpockets use is to openly steal something trivial to entice their target into the alley. "No, it's true! Brother really is being beaten up!" Whether the pickpocket genuinely feared he might get cut by a blade or his voice quivered with feigned concern, he spoke in a tone verging on tearful desperation. Cheongwoon Sohyeop pondered the situation briefly, before finally opening his mouth to speak. "Let's go together then.” "Cheongwoon Sohyeop. It's a trap. The ones waiting might be called toughs, but they could well be armed men.” They can't fool my eyes, I thought to myself. His fear wasn't of his brother's beating but of getting slashed himself. "How can I refuse a plea for help? Let’s go." He knows it's a trap but still insists on going? Cheongwoon Sohyeop nodded at me, signifying his agreement, yet followed the boy into the alley regardless. ------------- "Heh heh heh. You did well, kid." Just as I had anticipated. Upon entering the alley, we were surrounded by a gang of about ten brutes. They didn’t look impressive, but a few wielded knives. “Where is your brother?” Cheongwoon Sohyeop asked the boy with the relaxed demeanor of a tiger encircled by mere puppies. The boy, whether out of guilt or realization that something could go awry given Cheongwoon's composure, hesitated and remained speechlessly static. "This kid's brother? I’m this 'kid's brother.' Want to leave in one piece? Hand over everything and scram!" It seems his little brother has grasped the situation, but the one who looks like the gang's boss hasn't. Does he really think Cheongwoon Sohyeop is just some novice noble who's strapped on a sword for a stroll? "Haah... There's no one to save, only trash to clean up." "Cheongwoon Sohyeop?" Is he upset? Cheongwoon Sohyeop sighed deeply as if in lament, murmuring softly. "What did that bastard just say?!" "No need to unsheathe the sword for common thugs." Cheongwoon Sohyeop declared, gripping the scabbard like a club. "Attack!" As expected, the gang rushed us in unison. If this were the old days, I’d be running for my life, but I am not the Kang Yoon Ho of the past. “Kek!” I have a secret technique called 'Knight's Arrival'. Cheongwoon Sohyeop quickly subdued the assailants advancing towards him before heading straight into the heart of the enemy formation. I can’t be outdone. I scanned the area, identifying the easiest targets. “What, what's this!” “What do you think? Korean martial arts. The Death Envoy's White Tiger Combo!” “You mean, a warrior from beyond the borders?” Nope. I'm just hitting them hard. “Ugh!” The subjugation was over in an instant. While I casually pummeled a thug to the ground, Cheongwoon Sohyeop had already swiftly taken down the rest. Seeing the brutes crawl around like worms, each nursing a broken limb, I couldn't help but think I had worried over nothing. After all, this is someone who climbed a mountain alone knowing full well bandits lay in wait; he wouldn’t be fazed by a mere gang of thugs. They say that when a person lacks strength, they must suffer in wit. Indeed, having the strength enables one to walk into places that seem perilous. "Master Kang. Let's move on.” Cheongwoon Sohyeop turned away with an impassive face, speaking to me. ‘Is he that angry?’ Though Cheongwoon Sohyeop didn't look furious, all traces of a smile had vanished from his face. His goodwill in offering help had been exploited; of course he’d be angry. He was ready to walk away as if sweeping away a disagreeable sight. But I had no intention of leaving. "Cheongwoon Sohyeop. I understand your feelings, but please wait." Unlike Cheongwoon Sohyeop, I walked deeper into the alley as I spoke. "Master Kang?" Cheongwoon Sohyeop called out to me, puzzled. To him, this might just be an unpleasant memory, but such experiences can accumulate and become emotional scars. What if, the next time someone truly needs help, he hesitates because of this incident? Since what has happened cannot be undone, I should try to turn an unpleasant experience into something a bit more pleasant. Not by the ways of a knight, but an approach that suits Kang Yoon Ho. "Hey. Snap out of it!" I grabbed the loud-mouthed boss's hair and shouted at him. “Huh? What, what do you want? We were in the wrong. Please, just spare our lives.” The pickpocket leader's face, now a mess, bore no traces of his earlier confidence as he pleaded with me. The sight alone was sufficiently exemplary, but something more was needed for Cheongwoon Sohyeop and me, a small gesture of consolation. “You see, we tried to help and ended up deeply wounded in spirit.” “I'm sorry. So sorry.” "Sorry and it's over? We need to claim just recompense for our wounded spirits." “What?” “How much do you have on you?” After all, the price of trampled dignity is often told in coin. I smiled malevolently, much like a sorcerer who relishes in legally extorting the accumulated wealth of bandits he's vanquished. “We have no money." No money? I briefly searched the rascal’s person. True, I didn’t see a purse, but surely such a fellow wouldn’t carry not a single coin. In this situation, it seemed he was suggesting that if there is something to be found, he’d let us search. If he didn’t want to pay willingly, there is always another way. “Really? Then there’s no helping it. Hey, what color does my hair look to you?” “Huh? It's, black.” “Right. I come from beyond the Central Plains. Where I'm from, if you get caught pickpocketing, you either compensate the victim or get your arm cut off. You said you don’t have any money? Cheongwoon Sohyeop, hold his arm for me while I make a clean cut.” I said this to the pickpocket, recalling the barbaric rhetoric used by extremist guards. It was an obviously outrageous threat, but considering the bizarre rumors about foreign lands, it would surely be intimidating. “Eeeeeek!” The gang leader thrashed about, yet he couldn’t overcome the strength of my grip on him. “Master Kang.” Cheongwoon Sohyeop approached me with a face stricken by shock. I shifted my facial angle out of the pickpocket leader's view and gave Cheongwoon Sohyeop a reassuring smile. It's a joke. Surely he realized I wouldn't really cut it off. “I’ll give it to you. Everything! Please, just spare my life!” Perhaps it was profoundly threatening that Cheongwoon Sohyeop had moved just one step. The pickpocket leader was freaking out as he said this. “Hey, hey, don't be scared. Who said anything about killing? I’m only going to cut off an arm.” “Heheheh... Please, I beg you. I’ll give it.” The pickpocket sobbed as if mustering the strength he had cried with as a baby. “Listen up. Get up right now and collect all the money from your buddies here. If I find any concealed cash afterwards, to avoid the hassle, I’ll just cut everything off. Got it?” That should suffice. Having sufficiently scared the guy, I released him from his binds and instructed him. “Yes. Please, just let me live.” The pickpocket leader shook down his own and his companions’ hidden money and presented it all before us. Cheongwoon Sohyeop, though bewildered by the scene of reverse extortion, cracked a wry smile at the sight of the pickpockets blubbering and flustering with snot and tears. I wonder if that made for some consolation. After securing ample compensation, we purchased more appetizing provisions and returned to the inn. ----------------- Our journey was nearing its end. We stayed at the inn and set off again at dawn. “Today we’ll lodge in an abandoned temple. By tomorrow or the day after, we should reach Sichuan Province. Once we arrive at Dajukhyeon at the entrance, we will find a branch of the Sichuan Tang Clan, so we just have to endure one or two more days. As for Cheongwoon Sohyeop…” “I will take my leave as soon as we reach the Sichuan Tang Clan branch.” So our time together with Cheongwoon Sohyeop was also coming to an end. A pity. Still, it's reassuring to know that our ordeal is almost over. My own hardships wouldn’t end even with the absence of attack threats, yet the prospect of one less worry buoyed my spirits. “First guard duty of the night, huh? Lucky me.” I mentioned to Cheongwoon Sohyeop, who was solemnly gazing at the campfire. “That’s right.” Cheongwoon Sohyeop answered in a subdued tone. Perhaps he hadn't quite gotten over yesterday's events. It was as if he had donated generously to a charity for poor children, only to later find out that the charity was arrested for throwing extravagant parties on yachts. Perhaps I hadn’t taught them a harsh enough lesson. “These marshmallows are perfectly roasted. Have one.” I offered a skewered marshmallow to Cheongwoon Sohyeop. Since it was bought with the compensation, I hoped eating it would help lift his spirits. “Oh? This is quite…” Without much thought, Cheongwoon Sohyeop took a bite and his eyes widened. “Delicious, isn’t it?” Grilled marshmallows are a pinnacle of camping snacks. But it seemed he had never tried one before. “During my time at the Wudang Clan... I spent all my money on books…” Noting my curious gaze, Cheongwoon Sohyeop confessed as though admitting a secret. “Haha. I too often neglected food in favor of spending on my hobbies.” After all, the rules of expenditure are three for gacha, three for savings, and three for living expenses. “Is that so?” Cheongwoon Sohyeop seemed to brighten up a bit at finding common ground. Maybe this cheered him up some. “It’s a joy to encounter such delicious things while on a knight-errant’s journey. Don’t be disheartened too much and cheer up.” All's well if it ends well. I started eating as I watched Cheongwoon Sohyeop nodding slightly. To think martial world grocery stores sell marshmallows. I might have wanted to object, but it brought comfort to Cheongwoon Sohyeop, so I was content. After swiftly devouring three marshmallows, Cheongwoon Sohyeop appeared a little relaxed and spoke in a serious tone while looking into the bonfire. “Master Kang.” “Yes?” “Sorry to ask, but could you lend an ear to my concerns for a moment?” It's been a while since a counselling session. This is right up my alley.