Chapter 172 - The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

Chapter 172 - The Sacheondang Family - Part 1 "So, you're the kid from the rumors." The head of the external branch scanned me from top to bottom as he spoke. Had he heard about me beforehand? If so, things would be easier. "If you know already, call out the family head." I glared at the external branch head with determination in my eyes and spoke commandingly. "Impudent. The family head is not present at the moment. Wait outside, and we will call you later." The branch head appeared displeased by my lack of honorifics toward the family head and glanced at me disapprovingly before starting to turn away with a tilt of his head. Telling me to wait because the family head wasn't here? It's like being told the office manager isn't in and to call back later. His attitude was like a negligent bureaucrat trying to pass off responsibility and redirect my call. Well, there's a way around that. "Are you saying you'll ignore an issue that arose because of your family? To reach this place, many lives have been sacrificed!!! Among my group, there are those on their last breath!!!" Here, citizens, we have a public servant neglecting their duty! I shouted loudly enough for all the people around us, inconvenienced by not being able to enter the family compound, to hear. "Keep your voice down! There are many ears around." Surprised by my loud voice, the external branch head turned back to me and whispered, as if it was an affair not to be overheard. "Which one should we keep quiet about? The family's bastard children, the poison incident, Tanggeoho, the traitors, the demonic sect? Tell me, and I will avoid mentioning just that one." I sneered coldly, fixing my gaze on him as I spoke in an undertone. The poison incident was a stain on the Sacheondang family's reputation. They didn't want it made public, did they? Then let me in. "You insolent!" "You can glare all you like, but I’m not turning my head. There's someone dying; how could I simply look away?" I've trained to withstand the killing intent of even the ruthless Heavens' Killer Star. Your glare won't make me flinch. After a brief standoff, seeing that I was not backing down, the external branch head sighed and finally spoke. "Let him in." Still not completely masking his grin, he instructed the soldiers behind him. "External branch chief! The Council of Elders clearly stated—" "My allegiance is to the head of the family alone. I've played along enough with the Council of Elders' charade. Open the gate." So, it wasn't just neglect of duty; there was confusion within the chain of command. "Proceed!" "Enter." Following the external branch chief’s guidance, we entered the Sacheondang family grounds. ---------------------- Just because we were inside didn't mean things would go our way. "Don't even think of stepping one foot outside from here." The external branch chief shoved our party into the guest hall, meant for hosting visitors, and proceeded to surround us with military forces. Locked up for a week. Several people came and went, but we hadn't even seen an official higher up, let alone the family head. Hwarin was maintaining her current condition only with the help of medicines provided by the family, as she had not received the antidote from the Inmyeonji. "There's a major purge arising, I hear." What was happening? Just as I'd grown curious, a member of the Association's fighting squad brought news of the situation within the Sacheondang family. "A purge?" I asked the squad member, bewildered. "They've been arresting everyone in the Sacheondang family connected with Tanggeoho, one by one, probing for involvement in the poison incidents and checking for traitors of the demonic sect." "A bloodbath within the Sacheondang family, then." "Yes. Since it's a matter concerning Tanggeoho, a direct descendant, it seems they've been catching the rats hiding within since the day we sent the message and blocked all exits to the family grounds." The fighting squad member revealed that the atmosphere inside the family was as tense as a battlefield. It's certainly shocking news. The secret continuation of poison experiments, taboo in the Sacheondang family, was already huge news, and to think it was orchestrated directly by Tanggeoho, a lineage member. "As it is, the Sacheondang family would be in chaos with this information alone, and that’s not all." "Demonic sect involvement as well. It's too large-scale to dismiss as a mere deviation by a few." Dozens of illegitimate children of the family died, and our Association's squad members fell in an attack led by Tanggeoho and the demonic disciples. "Yes. Furthermore, the family chief believes that the possession of the lesser family head is tied to the deeds of Tanggeoho's faction, and secretly, the family chief is pursuing the fugitives." "That's why the family head has been absent. But why wouldn’t they let in those directly involved in the issue?" At our arrival, it wasn’t just us who couldn't gain entry to the Sacheondang family; others were prevented as well. But why didn't they let in the very people involved in the matter? "I am unsure of the specifics. It’s difficult to understand the whole story on the basis of rumors alone." The member of the fighting squad apologized with a slight bow. "You've done remarkably well, given our situation of being trapped together." Getting extensive intelligence would be hard, being confined in the same boat. "Let me explain further." Is there no way to uncover more information? Just as I pondered, I heard a voice from behind and turned to see an unexpected figure standing there. "Dangpa? How did you get here?" Dangpa, the vice chief of the fighting squad. He stood looking at us with a smile indicating he was glad to see us. ---------------------- "It’s a relief you all arrived safely." Dangpa stated he arrived at the Sacheondang family late after tending to the wounded members of the Association. The vice chief greeted the fighting squad with simple pleasantries before continuing with his explanation about the situation he’d uncovered. "The situation with Miss Hwarin is regrettable as it is due to the family's fault, but also because it is tied into the affairs of the demonic sect. The decision was to not admit fault by letting the antidote inside. They said to refrain from admitting us for the time being." "What garbage." Before I knew it, a curse slipped from my lips. "I heard about Young Master Kang causing a commotion at the gate. Thanks to you, the news almost spread outside, and those who played petty tricks faced serious reprimand. Well done." For a moment, the sigh of the external branch head came to mind. Perhaps it was indeed a sigh laden with the grievances of a middle manager. "Now that we're inside, that's good enough. But why are they not providing the antidote from Inmyeonji?" "The antidote of Inmyeonji, a treasure of the family, isn't something to be given lightly. It requires the approval of either the family head or the Council of Elders. The family head is absent, and the Elders are raising their voices in debate over this matter." "Is there a strong opinion within the Council of Elders not to give it to Hwarin?" "The Council of Elders considers Miss Hwarin as just another failed experiment with poison." "If they had seen Hwarin in battle even once, they would never say such things." Had they ever witnessed Hwarin fight, they would all acknowledge that she was on the brink of becoming a perfect poison master. Dangpa nodded at my words and continued. "Regrettably, what they've seen is Miss Hwarin unconscious, and they believe it's a waste to use the antidote of Inmyeonji on an incomplete poison master." "Didn't the report I sent ahead clearly state this? Hwarin is a victim of the family. Besides, she would become a perfected poison master for the family if only she was treated. How can they hesitate?" It's as if the whole family has come down with the chronic ailment of RPG characters—a pathetic miserliness. Whether it's an elixir or the only antidote available, isn't it meant to be used, especially in a final boss fight? "Yes. In fact, there were many who argued that it should be used. However, the situation has become gridlocked with opinions clashing upon hearing news about Young Master Kang Yoon-ho." "What does my news have to do with the antidote of Inmyeonji?" Curious about the connection, I asked Dangpa with a puzzled look on my face. "It seems the news about Young Master Kang Yoon-ho has reached the family head and some of the Council of Elders. The family head, while organizing a pursuit team, mentioned that they would discuss the matter with that child upon their return, sparking an uproar." So, my news reached the family head after all. I felt faint, like when you hear your shoddily prepared report made it all the way to the boss. "The news of a new son appearing must have been quite the surprise for the family head." Regardless of how I felt, it would indeed have startled the family head. He must have been aware of having a child among the perfumed courtesan, so he likely did not deny it. "In normal circumstances, he would have been just a bastard child. However, the situation now is quite opportune. The minor family head is in trouble, and along comes a child who could become a perfect poison master and happens to be with Young Master Kang." Dangpa looked at me meaningfully, as if to ask if I understood what he was implying. A minor family head and a perfect poison master. I quickly pieced together the puzzle in my head with the clues at hand. I see where this is going. "If there is a healthy son showing up while the minor family head is on their deathbed, and if this bastard could gain the support of a perfected poison master, it could become a major event that completely overturns the family's succession." A perfected poison master is not a mere warrior. If Hwarin became a perfected poison master, she could achieve a status where, as Tanggeoho said, Her identity would be synonymous with the Sacheondang family, and vice versa. What if Hwarin becomes a perfected poison master and endorses her only friend, the black-haired bastard child, as the successor of the family? In a martial world where martial prowess is as revered as orthodoxy, this could not be easily dismissed. And certainly, there would be those who do not wish for this outcome. "That’s precisely it. A few from the minor family head's faction who got wind of the news are trying to prevent the use of Inmyeonji's antidote." Dangpa nodded, affirming my conclusion. "Do you think the family head will give the antidote to Hwarin upon return?" "From what I've heard, the pursuit has proven to be quite challenging due to the cunning flight of the culprits." "It seems it will take some time." "Some are saying that, before the family head returns, moves should be made to prevent the bastard from becoming the minor family head. It would be best to keep waiting here until then." "Haha. Are they planning an assassination or something?" I asked Dangpa with a light tone, making it sound like a joke. "…The external branch head is one of the family head's closest advisors." Dangpa did not quite affirm but looked at the soldiers guarding the guest hall as he spoke. I couldn’t continue after realizing my attempt at humor wasn’t just a joke. ----------------------- "It wasn't imprisonment, but rather protection?" I mulled over the entire situation, muttering to myself while looking at the branch's military force. Here I thought we were being kept from escaping, but it turns out the troops were meant to protect us from suspicious forces. 'Should we wait for the family head?' It’s a complicated situation. Acting carelessly here could lead to accusations of spreading the family's secrets or worse—an assassination attempt, or perhaps even false charges of collusion with the demonic sect or Tanggeoho. Waiting for the family head to return could resolve everything. ‘Hwarin might die while we’re waiting for a family head whose arrival time is unknown.’ The problem is that we don’t know how much time Hwarin has left. "If we wait like this, we'll just be sitting ducks on the board, awaiting a slow demise. The sacrificed squad members would never want Hwarin to die." I addressed Dangpa and the surrounding Association squad members, who were waiting for my words. I can't just lose my friend. I can't lose a potential heroine. Besides, Hwarin needs to be alive for us to escape this tiger's den. Many squad members sacrificed themselves for Hwarin. If Hwarin dies, all their sacrifices will be in vain. Hwarin’s survival will prove that their sacrifices were not meaningless. Everyone nodded in agreement with my words. "So, what do you plan to do?" Dangpa asked me. I looked at the Association squad members for a moment. I was already prepared for the tigers in this den to bare their fangs. For Hwarin's sake, and to ensure that I'm not torn apart by the tigers in this tiger's den, I have to act now. "Let's overturn the board." I began to lay out my plan to the Association squad members. **************************** "What are you looking at, Vice Chief Dangpa?" A member of the Sacheondang family asked Dangpa, who seemed deeply absorbed in something. With a motion that almost seemed prepared beforehand, Dangpa showed the book's title to the family member and started speaking with the earnest expression of someone spreading the gospel. "You there, are you familiar with the novel called 'Tales of the Sacheondang Family'?"