Chapter 185 - The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

Chapter 185 - Poison Pill - 6 “What has happened to Hwarin?” The fact that Dang Gaju had to visit her was concerning. What could have possibly happened to Hwarin? Seeing my startled face, the steward seemed to regret revealing too much. He quickly straightened his expression and calmly said to me, “Ah... After confirming Miss Hwarin’s condition, we will proceed with the Young Master’s treatment immediately. There’s no need for Yoonho to worry excessively.” It seemed the issue was not with Hwarin but the Young Master. While that made sense, I couldn’t shake off the steward's initial reaction upon seeing me. “Do we need to go immediately?” Dang Gaju asked the steward. “The Young Master’s treatment is of urgent nature, so if Miss Hwarin’s condition allows it, we will begin the treatment right away. It would be best if you could attend and oversee the treatment soon,” the steward explained. Perhaps my worries were unfounded. It seemed like they were bringing in a guardian for a child’s major surgery. Can I consider this to obtain permission from Dang Pungwoon later? As I inwardly felt the disappointment, Dang Gaju did not follow the steward but instead looked me in the eye. “There’s something you haven’t told me yet.” Aren’t you going to your son? Perhaps realizing that the situation wasn’t urgent, Dang Gaju seemed to be waiting for my response to his wanting to formally accept me as his son. My response to that has already been decided, so there's no hesitation. “My father has raised me with love and discipline. Until the day he passed away, I never once thought of myself as an adopted child. My only proud father is one man.” After all, I wasn't adopted. I firmly declined Dang Gaju’s offer. “However…” That man, I’d been firm, yet he showed no signs of backing down. Then there must be another way. “If you want to atone, do it not to me, but to my mother. If possible, it'd be good to construct a small shrine in her honor.” I understood Dang Gaju's feelings of guilt and his desire to make amends. However, I shouldn’t be the one to receive his penance. I wasn’t the one he needed to atone to; not Miss Hyang-A or the black-haired barbarian. “Would that be acceptable?” Having heard my proposal, wide-eyed Dang Gaju looked astounded. No wonder he was surprised. The ancestral rights are my duty and privilege as the son of Hyang-A. The man who abandoned his beloved woman does not get to insolently intervene. For the son he discarded to grant the rite of ancestral offerings – this concession is itself a tremendous act of forgiveness. “There is no problem in adding one more offering to the ancestral table. My mother would be pleased.” “Then, I shall honor her memory each year.” Dang Gaju nodded, as if to solidify his intention. ‘Now’s the time.’ Given the circumstances, Dang Gaju will likely feel lighter in spirit by observing the rites for Hyang-A’s memorial each year. As a forsaken child, I granted Dang Gaju the concession of Hyang-A’s rites. A concession eventually drives a bargain. I’ve receded this much for what he desires; it’s time for him to give in to my wants. There's only one thing that Kang Yoonho desires. “I, too, wish to honor my mother’s will with my novel. I'd like to continue writing the story of the swordsmen she told me about.” The story of Dang Pungwoon is a fiction, but within it lies the swordsman envisioned by Hyang-A. I have alluded to this repeatedly, and Dang Gaju must understand the significance. Now I add more meaning to it. Kang Yoonho writing Dang Pungwoon is an act of commemorating my mother, a different form of homage than his. Having observed me for a while in silence, as if deep in contemplation, Dang Gaju eventually spoke. “If that is your wish, then proceed. But do understand that people believe these are the secrets of Dang family.” “Simply make the lewd character non-Dang and associate him more with the demonic sect. And once you speak on behalf of Dang Pungwoon, who would dare to question it?” I’m done once I convince you. Next, ‘The Baekho of Sacheon Dang Family’ will command respect from all; what's there to worry about? Dang Gaju nodded, showing understanding, then posed an unexpected question. “...So in the end, is it Hyang-A?” Gal!!! Are you asking a harem novel writer like me about a pure-love ending!? After mentally scoffing, I casually replied. “Didn’t I tell you? Du Eunhyang is Du Eunhyang, not my mother. And why must one choose just one?” “What do you mean?” Dang Gaju looked at me wonderingly, to which I responded with a smile. Twenty years ago, Baekho Dang made a choice that cost him the woman he loved the most, leaving his child's whereabouts forever unknown, scarring him for life. I am Kang Yoonho, the illegitimate child of Sacheon Dang Family's Baekho Dang. The character DangJeong in Dang Pungwoon is different from Baekho Dang; moreover, Kang Yoonho as a swordsman won't let DangJeong stray on the wrong path. What choice should I, the illegitimate child Kang Yoonho, tell Dang Gaju I’d make? “I intend to achieve a happy ending for everyone. For the protagonist, his fiancée, the courtesan, and for every woman who has shared love. If it’s the swordsman DangJeong, not as a Young Master, no one would blame him for having multiple wives, right?” DangJeong will make a different decision from Baekho Dang and bring happiness to all. This is why Dang Pungwoon, unlike the true tale, is a fictional novel, and the best decision the illegitimate child Kang Yoonho can make. “...Indeed. DangJeong is a better man than me, not me. As you wish,” Dang Gaju concluded with a candid smile as if admitting his defeat. “Good. Now that Hwarin has awakened and the Young Master is about to, let's end our meeting here today. I too shall depart soon.” Great. I've obtained what I wanted. Now it's time for everyone to part ways. Let’s not meet again. It’s time to leave amidst the clamor that being together was dirty and we shall never meet again. “You, who have extracted the rotten part of Dang family, created the perfect Poison Pill, and contributed most to the healing of the Young Master, where do you think you're going? Don’t speak of leaving,” Dang Gaju urged, perhaps surprised by my declaration. I thought you’d insist I stay. But guess what? I've already thought through that strategy as well. “The Dang family should not have a presence like me within it. You had a moment of hesitation just from our little chat. How could I possibly stay here? My presence will only keep unsettling the Young Master’s mind.” “I will prevent that from happening.” Dang Gaju, do you believe making such a declaration would prevent me from leaving? I can shake up your resolve in an instant. “What if I desired the Young Master’s title?” “Do you… want it?” Dang Gaju hesitated in his reply, clearly flustered. The steward standing nearby looked at me with a surprised expression as well. “See? I don't need such a thing, and yet you’re immediately unsettled.” I smirked to show I was joking. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t give you, so long as it isn’t the position of Young Master.” “It won’t do. Exactly that kind of attention from you could put us both in a difficult situation.” The favoritism of a parent towards an additional child, regardless of being from the East or West, has always been a source of insecurity for the true heirs. Having a life hang in the balance because of succession issues within the family once is enough. Like scoring highest with a kiss in Wulin's First Beauty, now is the time to cut ties at my peak. “You make me feel so very small…” Dang Gaju muttered as if in pain. I'm about to cut my losses, so no need for such agony. Since I’m feeling quite good about it, let me say something to boost your spirit. “After all, a father becomes small when his son grows up.” “What are you saying?” As I subtly referred to him as ‘father,’ color returned to Dang Gaju's face. Ignoring Dang Gaju’s expression, I headed towards the door and continued. “Hwarin has awakened. The Dang family's rotten part has been removed. The Young Master will regain his health. It's all not solely my doing, but I feel as if I’ve become the noble swordsman my mother told me about and that I dreamed of becoming. So, now it's time for me to leave.” “You have indeed played a significant role.” Perhaps realizing he could not stop me from leaving, Dang Gaju gave me a final boost as we parted ways. “That’s enough. Swordsmen sometimes leave without a word, but I get to say goodbye, so how fortunate.” I smiled, as if feeling utterly content. “...Is this truly goodbye?” Dang Gaju's voice trailed off, marked with reluctance completely unlike mine. Are you experiencing a midlife crisis? Our Lord Dang Gaju, why so sentimental? It’s not good to be too resolute, so let’s indulge his sentimentality with words that will satisfy him. Looking out towards the sky visible from the window, I recited loud enough for Dang Gaju to hear. “A discarded seed has grown and can now stand on its own. Still… when I sometimes feel like I am alone in this world, I shall look towards the west from the Yichang in Hubei Province. Isn’t that sufficient for our relationship?” I delivered the best thing an unready illegitimate child could say to accept a father. “I, too, might look towards the east occasionally.” Surprised by my words, Baekho Dang's chin quivered for a moment, and then he smiled contentedly. --------------- “Thank you, Yoonho-sshi.” The steward came out to see me off, expressing his gratitude. “Addressing me as ‘Kang ssi’ is quite enough.” I have no intention of becoming a Dang family Young Master. The steward chuckled softly at my response, then looked towards where Dang Gaju was and continued. “The Dang family head is truly a very strong person. He showed you a weak side, thinking himself a sinner not worthy of saying a word in your presence. Actually, if it weren't for the issue of succession entangled in your first meeting, he would’ve resolved the situation with a single decree.” “I've heard the stories as well.” Even the greatest generals in history of the world or on the Korean peninsula were weak fathers when it came to the problem of succession. Baekho Dang only showed weakness when it concerned himself and matters of the heart. I’d heard that once Dang Gaju returned, all of the Dang family's decays were neatly cleared away. Even the Council of Elders trembled, not daring to go against Dang Gaju's will. “The master has suffered all his life from the scars of a young love. The forgiveness you've given him today will greatly aid in leading the Dang family forward.” The steward bowed deeply at a 90-degree angle, thanking me. There was no need for this. “My mother has passed away, and I've grown up. It's not good for just one person to remain stuck in the past.” Responding awkwardly to the old steward’s courtesy didn’t fit the image of Dang Gaju’s illegitimate child, so I gave a nonchalant reply. “Thank you. The Sacheon Dang Family will never forget Kang ssi.” No, please do forget. ----------------------------- “Why can't I see Hwarin?” Having not met Hwarin even after three days, I confrontationally asked the warrior guarding her living quarters. “Ah, she still needs to rest more.” “Then let me visit her at least. Seeing me will help Hwarin stabilize.” “She has exhausted too much vitality forming the antidote. She needs more rest.” The warrior repeated the same response like an unbreakable wall, regardless of what I said. “Eui-Gak-Ju?” Just as I was about to say more, Eui-Gak-Ju burst out from inside. The Eui-Gak-Ju saw me, looked startled, and hurriedly tried to rush past me. “Eui-Gak-Juuuu! Why are you running away!” Dang her, you're not supposed to flee after treating someone. Stand your ground. You're not some dark knight. “I have nothing to tell! I have nothing to say!” Doctor D! If you have nothing to say, to whom should I turn? If the successor to D’s will is silent, I must find other ways to speak. “It’s alright if you don’t want to talk. Just let me see Hwarin’s face, please.” I blocked Eui-Gak-Ju’s path and pleaded with an earnest face. Eui-Gak-Ju stared at me intently and then, sending me a look of pity as he had once before, eventually nodded. “Wait a bit. I’ll find a way to help.” ---------------- This is why you can't trust verbal agreements. Days passed, yet there was no word. Next time Eui-Gak-Ju makes a promise, I’ll have to tell him to bring his seal as well. I couldn’t fathom the reason. Why this unease? The pitying look on Eui-Gak-Ju’s face came to mind. His attitude had been subtly off even before Hwarin consumed the Poison Pill of Human-Faced Spiders. What could it be? Was there a reason to deliberately keep me away? In the end, without finding an answer or hearing any news about Hwarin, I fell into bed exhausted from martial arts training. ----------------------- “Wake up. It’s morning.” Click. The sound of the blackout curtains being drawn and a voice alongside it. “Ugh.” Sunlight hits my eyes. Who is it? Who dares awaken a child of darkness? “Yoonho. It’s morning.” “Just a little longer.” Just five more minutes. The subway schedule changed with the new year; I could squeeze in an extra five minutes of sleep. “Yoon. Ho. Our dear author.” Who is that? Why so affectionate? It’s like the level of a bro-con little sister in a volume of a love comedy speaking tenderly. A love comedy, which has no business with me. Am I still dreaming? My mind feels hazy. Anyway, hold out. I don’t know what’s happening, but I have to defend my sleeping hours. “Hey! Yoonho! It’s broad daylight! Get up!” Eventually, the voice ended up flinging the blanket away. “What, what?” “I swear this is the only way you’ll get up!” “Hwarin?” The identity of the voice turned out to be Hwarin, whom I had been waiting for news from. “We don’t have time. Hurry and get up.” “Is it really you, Hwarin?” What’s this? A dream? But Hwarin’s movements are too vivid for a dream. The cold breeze entering through the window she opened cleared my mind. “Yoonho. Let’s go out and have fun today.” Reality and dream. Between dawn and morning. Amidst the strengthening sunlight, Hwarin proposed with a smile that seemed as fleeting and precarious as the morning dew soon to disappear with the daybreak.