Chapter 193 - The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

Chapter 193 - The Sect's Mountain - 2 Jeok Nachal Dansuhwol. When she first heard the news that her disciple was living with a man, Dansuhwol thought there had been some mistake in the report. It was Cheon Sal Sung. The very Cheon Sal Sung she had raised herself. Was this not the child who had never made even a friend, let alone lived with a man? Only a mantis that was confident in its ability to survive an encounter with a black widow might dare approach her with a word. What kind of man could have possibly stolen her disciple's heart? It surely couldn't be that the child herself had suggested they live together. So it must have been the man who had seduced her disciple. However, Dansuhwol found it hard to imagine such a scenario. Swamped in doubt over a situation she found completely incomprehensible, Dansuhwol could not deny the continued reports from the branch manager of Chilgok County. Her disciple was in a relationship. She had quietly cheered in the headquarters of the assassins' organization upon hearing the news of her disciple's romance. As time passed, she was now regretting not having placed more emphasis on teaching her disciple about relationships between men and women. "Ha! Unbelievable! Wow...! It's the first time I've seen such a greenhorn! With such a delectable thing right there, why...... Ha! It's so ridiculous that it nearly shattered my Crystal Reflection Technique! Truly, a talent of Cheon Sal Sung that could even break through anything!” The 6th Assassin gave a look of incredulity upon hearing Cheon So Hee’s remark, then realizing her slip, quickly managed her expression. "What are you talking about?" Dansuhwol sighed deeply inside at the baffling demeanor of her disciple. Her disciple could not possibly think that storks bring babies when men and women kiss and hold hands. She was not ignorant about sex. She was taught and would have seen enough during missions. The problem was dating. Although she knew what men and women did to get married and bear children, dating was another matter. It was the child who had shown absolutely no interest in matters of the heart. Did a child—whose daily life was already filled with the worry of losing their mind today or tomorrow—have any interest in dating and love? Understanding the situation Cheon Sal Sung was in, Dansuhwol had not particularly thought to teach her details beyond martial arts training. It was the secluded life within the assassins' sect, filled with assassination missions, training, meditation, and then more assassination missions, that had driven her into this regrettable situation. Dansuhwol chose her words as she looked at her disciple. "If the man before you is a soulmate one should never let go, giving him something only a woman can give once in her life, that is one method." Dansuhwol spoke calmly to her disciple as a master. "I gave him my first kiss." Cheon So Hee proudly disclosed her action in response to her teacher's words. Dansuhwol found it inexplicably cute, like a fledgling boasting about its first flap of wings. Who knew such a girl, difficult to find any adorable side of, would do such a thing? "A kiss can indeed be valuable. However, if it is a promise of an uncertain reunion, it might not be sufficient." A kiss would have required considerable courage already. Because to kiss is not as a mere lover, but to regard one as a soulmate, as a fiancé. But the man is someone who made the Cheon Sal Sung fall for him. To Dansuhwol, the last move of her disciple seemed lacking in finishing touches. "Is it not enough?" "The first experience of a woman is a priceless treasure that can only be given once. It's true that some libertines consider precious things worthless, but if he's the man you've mentioned, he must have felt a heavy sense of responsibility." The first experience of an ordinary woman is beyond price, let alone for a child whose beauty could not even be compared with anyone else, and who is the one and only Cheon Sal Sung at that. Since childhood friends, a chance meeting in the vast Middle Kingdom, to the extent that they are fated by heaven as a rogue and Cheon Sal Sung. Even though it’s her disciple, if he's such a man, it would have been better to emotionally bind him by any means. Dansuhwol felt regretful. "Oppa promised me... Is that not enough?" Cheon So Hee spoke with utmost trust when she mentioned Oppa, then her eyes flickered with uncertainty, wondering if perhaps she was inadequate. "Hmph! Even if he promised, men are inclined to pluck the flowers before their eyes, as I've learned! If he's someone even the 5th Assassin fell for, he might already be fondling the full body of another woman!" The 6th Assassin playfully pouted and made smacking sounds. I want to smack those lips. Cheon So Hee grimaced, suppressing her anger, and assured the 6th Assassin with conviction. "Oppa is definitely not like that." To think that Oppa would date another woman right after breaking up with her. Impossible for him. He would be writing diligently, thinking about her and waiting for the day they would reunite. "Ah! The bond between you two appears very strong! Yukiko is envious! Nin-nin!" The 6th Assassin was a ninja who knew when to tease and when to acknowledge. "Heh heh. To see you so angry over a lover's quarrel, makes me doubt if you're truly my disciple. Right. Even I think it's a heaven-ordained bond. If he's a man of such conviction, surely he will wait." "Yeah. He definitely will." The matter was already resolved. Stirring up further unease would not aid her disciple's training. Dansuhwol quietly smiled as she observed Cheon So Hee who was somewhat reassured. ——————— Assassins must not lose their composure under any circumstances. Gugungmihonjin (Nine Palace Maze Formation). A trap formation that is the pride of the assassins' sect. While typical trap formations are designed to make intruders lose their way or launch traps to fend them off, the Gugungmihonjin existed to train assassins. The Gugungmihonjin was designed to uncover the most vulnerable parts in the assassins' hearts through illusions and to make them forget their cold rationality. Even a highly skilled assassin could be severely hurt if not careful. It was a formation that even Cheon Sal Sung would find challenging to break through. Cheon So Hee was engulfed by delusions within the Gugungmihonjin. "Even if a promise was made, men are wont to pluck a flower before their eyes, as I have learned! If he captured the heart of even the 5th Assassin, by now he might already be fondling the body of another woman, sucking and slurping!" That's impossible for Oppa. Cheon So Hee was certain of this, but even her firm belief was shaken within the Gugungmihonjin, which attacks the spirit. "Wouldn't the other women around him not leave him be?" Yes. Oppa would not waver, but what about the other women? Cheon So Hee's mind was plagued with thoughts of the women who had pestered Yoon Ho after performances at the Madangje. They were irksome women. Even though her murderous intent wouldn't arise beside Yoon Ho, these women somehow managed to stir up her annoyance. "Will Yoon Ho Oppa be yours forever?" Fears stoked by the Gugungmihonjin crept in. She should be there to protect him. What should she do? She could no longer simply knock out any women who seemed dangerous to Yoon Ho Oppa without him knowing. "What if you killed what you can't have?" "Kill?" "Yes. Just kill them. You won't be bothered if they're dead, will you?" The desire to kill. You want to kill. You'll feel the urge to kill. A sticky murderous intent, even when brushed away, clings back stubbornly. Hatred and malice hone in on Cheon So Hee from all directions. Yes. Let's kill. Just kill them. If it were the old Cheon So Hee, she might have been overtaken by a sticky murderous intent. "No. I don't want to." Today's Cheon So Hee was different. Any murderous intent that began to boil up within her heart was easily quelled. "How?" An astonished voice from within the illusion questioned her. "Because I'm with Yoon Ho Oppa." Cheon So Hee easily regained her composure, her soul boiling with murderous intent only a moment ago. She could feel Oppa in her heart. My Oppa. Kang Yoon Ho exists within me. As if telling the world, "dare not touch my little sister," he suppresses the murderous intent for her. She fondled her soft lips. The energy Oppa had passed to her was still lingering within her. Apart, yet together. Cheon So Hee felt a sense of relief just as she had been following Oppa's back, and she passed through the illusions with a serene face. ------------------- As Cheon So Hee emerged from the Gugungmihonjin, she saw her master and the 6th Assassin who had entered with her. "Number 5! You’re slower than Yukiko! At this rate, Yukiko, the day she surpasses Cheon Sal Sung, is not far off!” The 6th Assassin laughed triumphantly, but she couldn't hide the sweat pouring down her face, betraying the difficulty of the Gugungmihonjin challenge she had just faced. "Let's go back to my room and have a meal. I'll have the attendants bring out food. What would you like?" "Yukiko wants kimchi donburi!” Jeok Nachal nodded to the 6th Assassin and turned her gaze to her disciple. The child had little interest in food, but it was a thoughtful gesture nonetheless. "I'll have rose tteokbokki." Jeok Nachal's eyes widened in surprise when the unforeseen name of a dish spilled from her disciple's mouth. "You’re ordering food? Is it something you ate with that man?" The child who used to eat whatever was given to her was now making her own food choices. It had to be the influence of one person surely. Dansuhwol asked her disciple with a light tone. "Yes. He remembered it as food I used to enjoy as a child." Cheon So Hee said, her lips curling up as if she wanted to boast. "Yukiko is tickled pink! I did not get to hear that story yesterday!" "So it seems there are many stories I haven't heard yet. Let's hear them while we eat." She wasn’t a child of many words. Surely if probed, there would be many unheard sweet stories. Dansuhwol hid her anticipation quietly and spoke with a relaxed expression. ------ “Is there something unsatisfactory?” “It's delicious but it lacks taste.” Cheon So Hee replied to her worried master. The quality of the food was fine. But somehow, it was lacking in flavor. Despite being food that should be delicious, it weirdly did not go down well. A strange sadness darkened Cheon So Hee's expression. “It's bound to be that way when you try to eat alone the food you used to enjoy with your lover.” “Ah……” Cheon So Hee softly marveled at her master's comment that seemed to understand everything. Right. There was Oppa. He was always the childhood friend Oppa who looked at her tenderly when they ate. Her childhood friend Oppa who, even if she generously offered her egg, would split it in half and give back a portion is not here with her now. Without Oppa, even delicious food has no taste. “Heheh! Just! Maybe you're sick because you tried to eat three portions alone! Yukiko. I didn't know number 5 enjoyed eating like this! It's like you’ve learned a gluttony technique!” “Sure enough... but you finished it all anyway.” Dansuhwol also spoke with a slightly surprised voice. They each had ordered food, but the rose tteokbokki was requested in portions for three to share. However, while eating from the selection before them, most of the rose tteokbokki, except for the soup, had already disappeared. "'re not supposed to leave tteokbokki uneaten." Cheon So Hee silently ate the remaining tteokbokki. The taste was perfectly balanced with the right spice, richness, and a buttery flavor. Despite having a good amount of cream, the spiciness was not lost and played a pleasing havoc in her mouth. It's a flavor she'd like to try eating together with Oppa. Intentionally, Cheon So Hee cut an egg in half and left it uneaten. "Ah! If you aren’t going to eat that, then Yukiko will gladly have it!" "Hey." ———— "Your husband. There's a message for you." Dansuhwol looked on, smiling at the bickering pair, then showed the paper carrying news that her disciple had been awaiting. “Is it news about Yoon Ho Oppa?” Startled, Cheon So Hee quickly approached her master. “You don’t deny him being your husband.” “……” Cheon So Hee lowered her head a little, her expression one of bashful embarrassment, not thinking to contradict her master's words. "Seeing you blush, it’s hard to tell if you're my disciple, Cheon Sal Sung or just a village maiden. All the toil of raising a female disciple comes to this, it seems." Dansuhwol said with a tone of mock lament and a wry smile. "Just tell me the news." "Good news, I have two pieces and bad news, just one. Which would you prefer to hear first?" Dansuhwol showed her disciple three pieces of paper, each carrying news. "Bad news." "Then read this first." Bad news about Oppa? Could it be he was hurt? Countless ominous thoughts raced through her head in a flash. Cheon So Hee unfolded the paper, feeling a tension she hadn't even felt inside the Gugungmihonjin. However, it turned out the bad news was not about Kang Yoonho but about Cheon So Hee herself. 'Kang Yoonho. Bookstore manager. Currently running the bookstore named Dasuhgak with a woman named Dang Hwarin.' “Oppa is... living with another woman?”