Chapter 195 - The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

Chapter 195 - The Hub - Part 4 "I don't need it." Cheon Sohee promptly responded to the offer of being taught the art of seduction. "How disappointing, Yukiko! To decline my offer born out of goodwill so instantly. Why would you do that?" Yukiko placed her hand on her chest, bending at the waist like a drawn bow in deliberate exaggeration, feigning a hurt expression. "Yoon Ho oppa wouldn't like it." Unfazed by 6th's dramatization of being wounded, Cheon Sohee shook her head horizontally and answered. Though she did not know exactly the ins and outs of the Dongyoung ninjas' seduction techniques, she was at least familiar with the assassination methods of female assassins. Schemes that involved luring men into the bedroom with lecherous advances only to sever their life thread. While there were no rules in assassination, such methods were not to Cheon Sal Sung's taste. There was another reason why Cheon Sohee was averse to the art of seduction. 'I don't want to appear vulgar to oppa. Rather than that.' Cheon Sohee's mind wandered to the vague memory of a mature woman. Her loving and always kind mother who was the epitome of virtue. Those precious remnants of memories from her younger days were barely lingering in her mind. If she had to become something, she wanted to be a woman like her mother. Cheon Sohee didn't want to become the crude kind of woman, but rather a graceful and composed wife, adorned in a beautiful hanbok, who waited for her husband while managing outdoor affairs from the inner house. "Hehehe. Yukiko! I knew 5th would say something like that. But there is a reason why 5th should learn the seduction techniques of the Dongyoung kunoichi!" A refusal from Cheon Sal Sung was within expectations. 6th laughed towards Cheon Sal Sung with an elevated tone. "A reason?" "Even when bound with black ropes! Even sharing the same bed! That man you call oppa has never laid a finger on you! Isn’t that right?" "Yes. That's what happened." Cheon Sohee nodded agreeably. "That's really really odd! Any man in that situation would normally have dark intentions! Not even knowing that you were Cheon Sal Sung, he didn’t touch a hair on you! Could it be he doesn’t feel anything for you as a woman?" 6th plunged her metaphorical dagger into Cheon Sal Sung with a calm expression. "Does oppa not think of me as a woman?" It struck home. Yukiko thought to herself as she saw the expression on Cheon Sal Sung's face as if struck by lightning. "Heheheh. The expression on 5th's face is priceless." It was truly a rare sight. As a comrade of Cheon Sal Sung for over ten years, 6th could assert that she had seen more expressions from her recently than in all the years past. A man of destiny had made Cheon Sal Sung's expressions so vibrant. The more 6th saw, the more fascinating it was. "Oppa... doesn't see me as a woman?" To Cheon Sohee, 6th's teasing laughter was of no consequence to her ears. Does oppa not see me as a woman? No. That couldn't be. How tenderly had he looked at her? How affectionately had he gazed upon her? Cheon Sohee had never felt a hint of disappointment or complaint towards Kang Yoon Ho, not when she was tied up during the Seven Nights Victory, nor when they slept in the same bed. On the contrary, she had felt a warm heart being closely supported, and that powerless self of hers being protected and embraced. But dark intentions? Would a normal man have felt dark intentions in that situation? Why didn’t such feelings ever arise in oppa toward her? Could it be because they were childhood friends? Or because she was like a younger sister to him? As Cheon Sal Sung began to entertain doubts, a single worry pierced through her thoughts. 'What about that woman?' Cheon Sohee imagined the bookstore woman currently living and eating with Kang Yoon Ho. If he never felt any dark intentions because she was seen as just a childhood friend or sister, could it be that in a normal man-woman relationship, such feelings might arise? No. That's impossible. Oppa couldn’t possibly harbor dark intentions towards another woman while she existed in his life. Cheon Sohee immediately denied the idea, but the seed of anxiety that had taken root in a corner of her heart began to draw out a murky emotion that lay hidden deep within her. "The 'Cheon' (heavenly) character in Cheon Sal Sung's name starts to become visible again! Calm down and listen to my story! I've heard that it's possible for a man who values women dearly!" "Values them dearly?" A green sprout of hope poked through the dark emotions within Cheon Sal Sung. "I’ve heard that even if dark desires well up, there are rare men who love their women too much to ever treat them like treasures!" 6th did not miss the opportunity to nurture this sprout with a fence, sunlight, and water. "Yes. That must be it. He said he thought of me for 10 years." Cheon Sohee nodded. Oppa, who had kept her in his heart for 10 years, had immediately remembered her name even after just a fleeting encounter, and even remembered the food she liked from their childhood. Didn't he say so himself? He became a conversational partner because of his memories of her. They were the only two people who knew for certain that the other was alive. Just as Yoon Ho oppa was an incredibly precious person to her, she must also be an incredibly precious person to him. The murky emotions within Cheon Sohee began to fade away. "Remarkable! Truly, the supreme man! A match ordained by the heavens. A man befitting Cheon Sal Sung." 6th heaped praise like a shop clerk desperately flattering a woman customer undecided about making a purchase. "Yes." "But even such a man's love might contain more affection for you as a childhood friend or sister than as a woman." It was not desired for the 'Cheon' (heavenly) character to emerge, but Cheon Sal Sung needed to grip that anxiety. "What?" "Of course, since there has been a kiss, he must think of you as a woman. But it's serious if a woman doesn't know even a thing about seduction! If he continues to see you as just a younger sister or childhood friend, his gaze may drift to another woman!" "Oppa is not that kind of man." "But isn't that what you are, Cheon Sal Sung?" Your oppa might be an upright man. However, without displaying even a hint of feminine charm, even the most upright man could waver. 6th exploited her weakness, and Cheon Sal Sung too understood 6th's underlying intent. "......" Cheon Sohee could not retort. Rather, she had much to consider. Yoon Ho oppa's days. It wasn't that there were no women throwing themselves at him cheaply. Even though I was by his side. Although back then, we weren't in such a relationship. Oppa's face looked different when he looked at other women. Cheon Sohee unintentionally scrunched her face and pursed her lips as she recalled Kang Yoon Ho's smile when he was around other women. If I don't learn seduction, might oppa end up being swayed by another woman? Cheon Sohee, for a brief moment, closed her eyes and imagined a future where oppa smiled at another woman even though she was by his side. I hate it. I hate it so much. Cheon Sohee shut her eyes tightly. "Yukiko! My intention isn't to teach you how to entice men with seduction. It's about protecting your loved one from other women!" If I don't learn it, will I have to witness such scenes frequently, despite being by his side? If I learn seduction... Can I keep oppa from being swayed? Cheon Sohee imagined a scenario where oppa smiled at her because of her seduction skills. Not bad. No, it seems okay. Maybe it's alright to learn it if it means being able to see a different side of oppa with my own effort. "... Just a little." "Hm?" "I'll try to learn just a bit." Eventually, Cheon Sohee decided to accept Yukiko's insistence. "Hehehe. That’s the right attitude. First, I'll show you the kunoichi's deadly seductive stance that I've learned from Dongyoung." "Okay." "It's a stance of seduction that bewitches men while keeping an indifferent expression. Try to follow along! The Yukiko-style 'Art of Enthrallment' stance! Nin-nin!" 6th began to demonstrate poses that were not too overt but could capture a man's gaze instantly if he merely paid attention. The problem was that rather than radiating the aura of a mature woman, it somehow resembled an eager puppy eagerly participating in its master's training, which was more so considering Yukiko's naturally smiley and somewhat canine features. "Like this?" Cheon Sohee observed Yukiko embodying the affection-craving puppy and then awkwardly mimicked her stance. However, the effect was vastly different. The femininity overflowing from her overwhelming physical abilities was powerful enough to give any man a tingling brain. "Damn... An assassin built unnecessarily large." "What?" "Oh! Not at all! I mean to say you have a talent worth teaching! Try following along once more." Yukiko corrected her expression and resumed her energetic instruction. However, as she realized that the same pose held different levels of power, envy began to color her face. ------- "Should I continue?" Cheon Sohee, oblivious to how potent her figure was, questioned with a doubtful tone as she continued to assume bizarre stances. "Argh! Do you have any idea how tough it is for a childhood friend to become an official wife? Sudden appearance of a rich family's daughter, a pretty face hiding a sinister agenda, a man crossdressing who turns astounding when undressed! Skilled ones who naïvely break through the protagonist's defenses. A childhood friend must constantly fend off thieving cats to win their love! Nin-nin!" Where had 6th heard so many tales of childhood friends' failures? She spoke so fervently, Cheon Sohee became curious about the dangerous position of a childhood friend. "The first art of seduction. Beginning with 'Bump with Bread in Mouth'! Nin-nin!" "I will ensure the childhood friend wins their love." 6th continued with burning determination. "Bread in mouth?" "A strong impression is necessary upon first meeting! Simple physical contact can be powerful, but with 5th's built-in seductive aura... it will be even easier! Let's start with 'Being Late with Bread in Mouth'!" "First meeting? But I already met oppa?" "Ack! To have my art countered unknowingly!" "... I think I want to stop." "It's not over yet! The next technique is 'Art of Lucky Pervert'! It allows a man to naturally succumb to Cheon Sal Sung's charms!" "How do you do that?" "I will teach you how to naturally bump into someone and fall over!" "Bump into and fall?" Shouldn't I dodge or cut down someone who comes at me? Why should I bump into them? If I do bump into them, shouldn’t I resist falling, not fall over? As Cheon Sohee looked puzzled, Yukiko crossed her arms, declaring confidently. "Passionate Teacher Yukiko! I will not tolerate doubts! The true 'Art of Lucky Pervert' creates a perfect ambush that the man won't see coming! I'll demonstrate! Follow my lead!" 6th brought out a wooden mannequin. She naturally stumbled and fell, mastering the art of the fall. It was amazing that even though it was she who pushed, she naturally ended up on the ground. And even as she fell, her legs naturally entwined with the opponent's, ensuring they fell together. It was an art of ascent. Cheon Sohee admired Yukiko's technique. "It's key that we become the ones being overwhelmed! We must evoke a feeling of guilt in the man while simultaneously branding our softness in their minds! Nin-nin!" "Do I really have to do this?" "Don't you want to be loved by oppa? Do you want him to look at another woman?" "No." "Then follow along!" Reluctantly, Cheon Sohee stood before the mannequin. "Again!" "You don’t do the bashful expression?" "Again!" "Rather, being expressionless might be better! Look into the wooden dummy's eyes and release it without a care. Say just one word!" Yukiko's seduction training was as merciless as her assassination training. --------- Meanwhile, at the same moment that the two first-class assassins of Sal Mak exchanged their knowledge of the art of seduction. “He was captured by the Sachun Dangga?” News of Kang Yoon Ho reached the hands of Cheon Sal Sung's master, Dan Se Wol.