Chapter 201 - The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

Chapter 201 - The Battle of Changbong - 5 “What news do you bring?” Upon hearing that it was important news from Joseon, Mo Yong Sang Ah’s eyes trembled slightly, betraying her unease. It was natural for her eyes to flicker so. To Mo Yong Sang Ah, news from Joseon would mean the treason of the Kang family, the annihilation of her husband’s entire clan, and the fact that her father-in-law had to suffer an ignoble death by execution a year later. However, contrary to her anxious premonition, the words that came from the lips of the Changbong Clan Leader were of joyful tidings. “All the women of the Kang family who had been enslaved have been successfully rescued.” The many women of the Kang family had faced torment or chosen death following the Kang family’s conspiracy. However, amongst them, a few had survived, only to be made slaves. Mo Yong Sang Ah had devoted her energy to rescue those women, and now, at last, the news of their successful salvation had arrived. “Is that true?” Mo Yong Sang Ah’s eyes widened at the unexpected news of a full rescue. “Yes. As you had ordered, my lady, we recruited those who were indebted to the Kang family. Through them, we were able to rescue all the enslaved women who had survived.” There had been an unfortunate incident last year, due to a blunder by the operatives sent to Joseon by Mo Yong Sang Ah, which resulted in the Kang family women refusing rescue. Following that, Mo Yong Sang Ah had organized another rescue team and sent them to Joseon. “That is a relief. Truly, a relief.” A smile of relief appeared on Mo Yong Sang Ah’s face after a long time. “However, I must report that the effort required more resources than expected, for which I am sorry.” “It doesn’t matter if it took twice or three times the resources. The important thing was to rescue the people enduring hardship from the Kang family clan. Where have they been settled now?” Mo Yong Sang Ah’s face bloomed with color as she asked the Clan Leader of Changbong. “They were initially to be taken to Liaodong City, but they vehemently refused to leave the Korean Peninsula where their families were buried, so we placed them in a safe area. It is remote, blessed with beautiful scenery and clear water, an ideal place for their physical and mental recuperation.” “It is unfortunate that they could not be brought to Liaodong. The closer they are, the easier it would be to attend to them regularly.” There was a touch of disappointment in Mo Yong Sang Ah’s voice, understanding the benefit of proximity. "Nevertheless, it’s never easy for anyone to leave their homeland, even when life becomes hellish." The people of the Kang family, like those of Mo Yong Clan, felt the same. The Changbong Clan Leader muttered bittersweetly as he gazed out the window at the sprawling view of the Mo Yong Clan. “These are people who have suffered because of me. No expense should be spared to ensure they lack nothing in life.” Although Mo Yong Sang Ah understood the Clan Leader's words, she deliberately set aside matters that could focus on her own family's business to pay closer attention to the Kang family. “Would there be any objection to that?” “And perhaps…” Mo Yong Sang Ah’s words hesitated as her previously radiant expression changed to one of contemplation. She looked at the Changbong Clan Leader, her eyes filled with concern. What hesitations, what concerns might she have? The Changbong Clan Leader quickly discerned what preoccupied his lord. “Do not even think of going to apologize.” The Clan Leader’s voice was firm. “These are people who have suffered due to me.” “The mental and physical trauma they endured was extreme; they hold deep resentment for Mo Yong Clan.” “That is precisely why I must go myself.” When the Changbong Clan Leader tried to dissuade her, Mo Yong Sang Ah’s resolve only deepened. He must not send her. Should the Lady meet with the people of the Kang family, one side or the other might face disaster. The Changbong Clan Leader thought this as he watched Mo Yong Sang Ah determined to personally deliver an apology. The lady was overwhelmed by guilt so much that she was not willing to bend her will. It has been almost two years since the Mo Yong Clan split in two. Back then, it would have been impossible even to attempt to dissuade his lord from her intentions. However, even during those difficult times when it was hard to stop her, the Clan Leader now knew how to make her reconsider on her own. “If you show up before them now, it would be like throwing a torch into the peaceful lives of the Kang family women who have barely found tranquility. Kang Yoonho would not wish for his family and his wife to encounter each other in such circumstances.” The only way to momentarily pause Mo Yong Sang Ah was to invoke her unforgettable love. “…Their suffering is my fault.” The Clan Leader’s words were effective. At the mention of Kang Yoonho, Mo Yong Sang Ah faltered. Would he truly have spoken thus? Would he have said that now is not the time for their families and his sake? Amidst her turmoil, she mulled over these thoughts repeatedly and, unable to sustain her determination, made only a weak counter-argument. “My lady. There is no need to rush. I too had mortal enemies in my youth over minor misunderstandings, whom I hated enough to wish death upon. But as time went by, and our faces bore more wrinkles than scars, we could finally share a drink together.” “This is not a minor misunderstanding.” Mo Yong Sang Ah frowned, tormented by the weight of her own mistakes. “That's precisely why more time is needed. When years have passed and their faces are blooming with smiles again, when the deep, bleeding wounds in their hearts have turned into scars of the past, that is when you should stand before them and seek forgiveness.” “How could I possibly hope for their forgiveness…” All she wished for was to absorb some of their pain and resentment, to bear the full brunt of their anger, nothing more. Mo Yong Sang Ah was unable to lift her head, overwhelmed by her anguish. “The Mo Yong Clan depends on you, my lady. This place, Changbong Hall, is where people act solely for you. For now, give time to one another.” Unable to easily counter the Clan Leader’s advice, Mo Yong Sang Ah was silent. “Please ensure they are treated with the utmost care.” Before she went to Kang Yoonho’s side, the day would come when she would stand before them. She would not seek forgiveness. She would face them, not evading, enduring their rage. Mo Yong Sang Ah steeled herself before shifting to the next topic of discussion. “What of the Master’s news?” Mo Yong Sang Ah asked about the news she had been eagerly awaiting with a heavy heart. “The body of Kang Yoonho, you mean?” “Yes. Have you had any success in locating his whereabouts? If a kind soul has taken care of his remains, or if you have any idea where he might be buried, please tell me.” Urgency underscored Mo Yong Sang Ah’s voice, one that could hardly sit still. It was inevitable. The body of Kang Yoonho had been desecrated, his grave dug up, his body dismembered. Considered a traitor's corpse, nobody dared claim it. It was left abandoned in the streets until some said it had been taken away. As his widow, the misery of not being able to find her husband’s grave had always tormented her. “We still remain completely in the dark, I’m afraid.” The Clan Leader of Changbong replied with a grave expression as if feeling sorry even to speak those words. “Despite orders, not to spare any expense in rescuing the Kang family members or in the search for the Master’s remains?” “Given it’s a foreign land, even with unlimited funds, there are limits to our investigation.” “You have not found a single clue?” “There’s plenty of rumors.” “Rumors?” “Reports say that a bearer has disappeared with the body. There’s talk that it might have been someone indebted to the Kang family who risked their life to take it away.” “That possibility does sound plausible.” “If someone picking up Kang Yoonho’s body was caught, they too would be executed for treason. Hence, even if someone has taken him, there’s no way for us to find out.” “So, we may never find the Master’s remains?” Despair threatened to fill Mo Yong Sang Ah’s voice. The Clan Leader of Changbong, understanding his lord’s heart, hurriedly brought up another hopeful piece of information. “There is also talk that someone who had a close relationship with Kang Yoonho has taken his body.” “Someone close to the Master? Yes, he would have had friends. Could it not have been one of his friends who recovered him?” The Master would have had friends, she thought. If she implored those friends still in Joseon, might someone come forward with his whereabouts? A glimmer of hope flickered for Mo Yong Sang Ah. “Not a friend, but, er... ahem.” The Clan Leader hesitated, uncertain whether to convey the next piece of information to her. “Speak.” “There had been talk that gisaengs secretly took the body away.” “….Gisaengs, you say?” A certain iciness seeped into Mo Yong Sang Ah’s voice. “It’s all conjecture. Among the gisaengs, there are orphans without parents, and among those children, some may have had, um, a closeness with Kang Yoonho. The whispers suggest that one such person may have taken the body.” “The gisaeng who harbored feelings for the Master has his body. A gisaeng, enamored with the Master…” The Clan Leader tried to clarify his words, but Mo Yong Sang Ah was not so easily fooled. As Mo Yong Sang Ah repeated his words, a peculiar heaviness settled in the air. The Clan Leader hurriedly mentioned the next possibility. “The most likely scenario is that those who initially moved Master Kang’s body have taken it back. We have been unable to find traces of the escort that carried the body back to Joseon or the servants. It's likely that they have remained loyal until the end.” “Then it might be best to start the search from there.” Mo Yong Sang Ah put aside the surging emotions and spoke with a composed voice. “Yes. It is not without clues. Please wait a little longer, and perhaps good news will come.” “Find them. Whoever it is that has taken care of the Master’s body, whether a gisaeng or a servant, they have my gratitude. If it takes a fortune, spend what is necessary. And if they demand a fortune to return the Master’s body, please pay it.” Her determination was firm, unwavering. “My lady.” “I cannot know where the Master may be laying in the cold. Find him quickly.” The impassioned plea of a widow seeking her husband's grave was more earnest than anything else. ———————— With her heart troubled by the news from Joseon, Mo Yong Sang Ah went to see Mo Yong Cheon, who lay in the Master’s Hall. “What brings you here?” As Mo Yong Sang Ah entered the Master’s Hall, she found the physician she had personally invited examining Mo Yong Cheon. “I came to see my father’s face. How is his condition?” “There’s little more I can do except to make him more comfortable in his sleep and reduce his cold sweats." “Certainly, his complexion seems better than before.” Mo Yong Sang Ah looked upon her father. Although he had yet to awaken, his skin seemed to have regained some of its color. What would father think of her now? The Kang family affair, the founding of Changbong Hall, and the reopening of Seongmuseogo. What would he say if he woke up? Mo Yong Sang Ah, though relieved at her father’s improvement, felt sinking deeper into an enigma the more she tried to move forward, much like her still bedridden father. “I shall soon depart.” It was the physician's words that broke Mo Yong Sang Ah’s troubled reverie. “Your skills brought us a clue to a solution. I was hoping you might stay a while longer.” “I have done all that can be done as a physician. I’ve documented the symptoms in detail to the Sach’eondangga recovery troops and the physicians here in Changbong Hall are skilled enough. They understood the symptoms and treatments I prescribed, they can proceed just as I would.” “And yet...” “My staying here won’t make the Master rise. But by leaving, I can save many others.” The physician, who had resigned from treating nobles to heal the ordinary masses, was resolute in his purpose. Reading the determination in his gaze, Mo Yong Sang Ah abandoned any thought of persuasion, offering her polite gratitude instead. “I am thankful for all you have done. You have provided the starting point for my father’s recovery.” “Goodness. Both are beauties without equal, one a mischievous character, and another so solemn.” Surprised by Mo Yong Sang Ah’s neat conceding and her farewell, the physician muttered to himself, reminded of someone. “What are you talking about?” “Nothing at all. It’s just that a certain mischievous girl crossed my mind, making me wonder if she'll ever be ready for marriage.” The physician, still murmuring to himself about whether a woman truly becomes an adult only upon marriage, bid farewell to Mo Yong Sang Ah and left the room. ---------- As Mo Yong Sang Ah stepped out of the Master's Hall, making her way toward Changbong Hall. “Ahem. A word with you, if I may.” One of the elders from the Council of Elders, who had been waiting quietly, called out to her discreetly.