Chapter 207 - The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

Chapter 207 - Return - 5 Shin Ttou (神偸). This is a nickname given to legendary thieves in the martial arts world. One could imagine the cunning thieves from various media such as Lupin, Phantom Thieves, Shinpung Thief, Iron Mask, etc., and it would not be inappropriate. Names like Shin Ttou Ji Jon, Gongryeong Shin Ttou, Baekmyeon Shin Ttou, Muyeong Shin Ttou, among others, may slightly differ attached to these legendary thieves in different martial arts stories, but it hardly matters. They mostly share similar clichés. Being a thief, when caught by a homeowner, one must flee, so they possess rare, hero-class legendary skills, or the highest level of light-body techniques in their world, they’re also adept in stealth and disguise. A legendary thief also holds the image of being as elusive as a golden goblin or a walking fateful encounter shuttle. Muyeong Shin Ttou (無影神偸). In a typical martial arts tale, this would be a master of unprecedented light-body techniques. An enigmatic being whose identity is known to none—an enigmatic thief. That is, if this were a typical martial arts story. 'The problem with this world is that it's not martial arts, but a martial arts dating sim.' The typical image of a Shin Ttou, starting from their teens and managing to pull off legendary thefts without seeing even prison bars, reaching middle age with renowned fame across the jianghu as an expert. Why on earth is the Shin Ttou a young woman with pink pigtails? In the story, Muyeong Shin Ttou is indeed skilled, but there were doubts whether she deserved the title of Shin Ttou within the narrative. 'I've met her now, so I might as well plant a good image.' How much better it would have been if Muyeong Shin Ttou were a comfortable middle-aged expert character. There would have been nothing to help her with. The women that appear in the original work all have the potential to become true heroines, so I must help them. ---------- "Grab that stowaway wench!" "She's heading up! Box her in!" As I opened the cabin door, the deck was in chaos. "Eek! Don't cut me!" She dodged that. A woman with pigtails flying about dodged the incoming blade in terror. It may seem like a narrow escape, but an expert from a martial arts dating sim like me can tell right away. She dodged with minimal movement in the confined space of the boat. Indeed, is her footwork and light-body skill that exceptional? But the opposition is no less formidable, and the space is not her home turf. As about a dozen ticket men gradually closed in, Muyeong Shin Ttou was driven into the corner of the deck. It should be time to declare checkmate. But suddenly, behind Muyeong Shin Ttou, I can see the rapid currents of the Yangtze River. If she was an expert that could walk on water or had diving skills like the Yangtze River dolphins, she might escape, but it seems that's not the case. "Who are you to dare stow away on the boat of Seocheon Ticket House!" The ticket leader asked her, brandishing his sword. "……" "Answer quickly! Judging by my search, you seem to be the one sought by the Saba Sect!" "I'm someone running away from the evil Saba Sect!" "Don't lie! My nose cannot be fooled. There's a scent and fragrance wafting through the deck. How could such a smell come even without face powder? Did you use to be a courtesan?" An astute observation by the ticket leader. Ordinary people may not notice, but focusing on the sense of smell, the fragrance from the courtesan house was indeed detectable. "I'm not formally trained, but an apprentice courtesan. I escaped from the teaching mansion amidst last night's commotion." Gyobang (敎坊). Put simply, a courtesan academy. If you don't hide your talent in the Gyobang and attain an SSS grade courtesan, you graduate and become a Blue Flag who mainly sells singing and dancing, while low achievements result in becoming a Red Flag specialized in prostitution. Even a thief needs a laundered fake identity to launder money. So Muyeong Shin Ttou is still an apprentice courtesan in this world. "Indeed, a runaway courtesan." "I wondered why they were looking for somebody in the entertainment district." "To think Seocheon Ticket House would be compromised by a stowaway! Who managed the cargo?" "I'll leave quietly. If you wish, I can even pay for passage... Huh? Eh, what?" Muyeong Shin Ttou, amidst the chaos, feeling significantly into her ample bosom, appears astonished as if a great misfortune had befallen her. Did the thief lose her money? She frantically patted herself down, but ultimately, with disappointment, cricked her neck. "I will not accept your passage fare." The ticket leader said indifferently to her. "Really?" Muyeong Shin Ttou was flustered like a student who tapped a card on the bus terminal only to find it declined, but upon hearing the ticket leader's words, a flush of relief colored her face. "Bind this courtesan and deliver her to the Saba Sect." "Why, why?!" "A runaway courtesan and a stowaway. Do you need more reason?" It's a fair point. Even though a courtesan is somewhat idolized in this world, a lowly status remains a lowly status. It is only right to return her to where her courtesan registry is kept. "Ugh!" "Bind her!" At the ticket leader's command, the ticket men cautiously approached Muyeong Shin Ttou. In front are ticket men with swords. This place, in the middle of the Yangtze. Unless it's Yichang with enough water volume, jumping into the surging waters of Wu Shan meant preparing for death. The situation is ripe enough. Trembling, Muyeong Shin Ttou looked towards the rapid currents behind her. Would she be caught? Would she fall? She must be considering her options. Either choice led to a desperate situation. Finally, it's my turn to step in! "We can help only if you tell things as they are." I employed Soyunshim Sangkyeol, a technique to draw attention to myself from behind the ticket men, and spoke up. "Master!" "Maiden. Continuing to lie will only worsen the situation." I urged her with a leisurely expression. "What falsehoods do you suggest I'm speaking of?" "You claim no use of face powder, but the scent lingers, and I see calluses that suggest hands that have held brushes and instruments; clearly, you are a Gyobang courtesan. However." "However?" "On your hands, there are calluses that could only be from wielding weapons. Furthermore, running on the boat moving through rapids, you moved swifter and more agilely than the sailors, which shows you have mastered the ascending light-body technique as well." As if all the evidence was visible before my eyes, I furrowed my brow and looked at Muyeong Shin Ttou's hands. Startled, she hurriedly hid her hands behind her back. "I've picked up a bit of martial arts here and there as a hobby." It's as if she's saying she learned lethal magic in bridal training. "It would be better if you just told the truth. Furthermore, the Saba Sect has provided ample evidence." "Evidence?" "If they merely aimed to catch a runaway courtesan, they would have asked for cooperation in doing so. However, they never mentioned a runaway courtesan. It implies that the Saba Sect didn’t want to attract outside attention... The red-light district, the evil Saba Sect, a courtesan trained in martial arts. There’s only one conclusion." The criminal is among us! I felt like a detective who stumbles upon a murder case wherever I go, and I carefully made my way toward Muyeong Shin Ttou through the crowd of ticket men. "What conclusion do you have?" The ticket leader, standing nearby, looked at me curiously. Bypassing the ticket leader, I faced her and revealed my deduced truth to Muyeong Shin Ttou. "Haomun (下汚門)." "Eh?" "Maiden, how are you related to Haomun?" ------------- Haomun (下汚門). If the righteous factions have the Beggars' Sect as their intelligence organization comprising beggars, then amongst the forces of the dark faction, there's Haomun—an intelligence group formed of thieves, gamblers, courtesans, and fortune-tellers from the lower strata of society. A courtesan trained in martial arts, and a thief. Muyeong Shin Ttou's affiliation with Haomun is part of the original work's setting, so her affiliation likely hasn't changed. "I don't have much to do with Haomun..." "Think carefully. You're a runaway courtesan now. As things stand, you'll be handed over to the Saba Sect. However, if it turns into an affair between factions, both sides must ponder whose side to take. So, if you speak honestly, I might be able to offer assistance." I spoke to her with a gaze that suggested I knew everything. Her complexion hardened, and she nodded slightly. Don't hesitate. Accept my help when I offer it. If you deny even that, you'll be dragged away. "Last night... the Haomun Wu Shan division was attacked." She had made up her mind and answered about the incident that occurred last night. "The Haomun Wu Shan division was?" "Several factions, including the Saba Sect, launched a surprise attack. The division head who ran the Wu Shan Gyobang has also been killed. I was the only apprentice courtesan who managed to escape." "Were you on your way to Yichang to relay the information?" "Yes. I was being cautious because getting dragged away noisily could lead to a leak of information." So, that's what happened. Haomun is a national-level dark faction. The Saba Sect is a dark faction based in Wu Shan. At first glance, it may seem that the Saba Sect has done something senseless, but the reality is different. Haomun is an organization formed by the lower social strata. It's closer to an organization that deals in information rather than a martial arts sect brandishing swords. While Haomun might have an arm responsible for force, if the information doesn't leak to that extent, they might think it manageable to face them. "I appreciate your honesty. Ticket leader. If she's a runaway courtesan, sending her off may be appropriate. However, if it's a dispute between factions, it might be better not to get involved." It's not a matter of a runaway courtesan, but a fight between dark factions. It might be better for the ticket house to turn a blind eye rather than to meddle. With caution, I suggested the ticket leader should ignore the matter. "Master Kang. The runaway courtesan trained in martial arts could be lying." Let's keep this civil, I thought. The ticket leader wields the real power on this boat. Seems he isn't one to be swayed by a few words. Time to deploy plan B. "Where was this woman hiding?" "She was inside a liquor jar." "I bought that liquor jar. Thus, the responsibility lies with me." "..." "Let her off at Yichang." I stated firmly. "Master!" "The woman was inside when I made the purchase; therefore, I have effectively paid her fare." "The Saba Sect could hear the news and cause trouble." "If they were so inclined, they would have done so at the dock." I had assured myself of the Saba Sect's mentality; they would unsheathe their swords if I even spoke ill of them. They're intimidated on their own turf, so would they really dare to come to the distant Yichang to do harm? Should any harm come to me, both the people of Dang and those from Seocheon Ticket House would know, and the Saba Sect wouldn't get off unscathed. "If Master insists..." "Maiden." "Yes? Yes, yes!" "I will ensure your safety. Though weighed by misfortune, rest your body at ease on your journey." With a solemn expression, as though I myself had become a wandering knight, I spoke to her and then, without looking back, headed into the cabin. --------------- "Perfect." The fracas settled and alone on the deck bathed in moonlight, I allowed myself a smile of victory. What is the best way to forge a connection with a woman? - Drive a woman hiding in a liquor jar out onto the deck? - Carefully intimidate her without causing harm? - Just frighten her by tying her up and calling her a runaway courtesan? - If you go that far, I'll take care of the rest. A strategy akin to a knight in shining armor. By showing intelligence through deductive reasoning and definitely rescuing her from a crisis, I've etched a sense of lifesaving gratitude. Whether Muyeong Shin Ttou is the true heroine or not, if we meet again, I'm sure she'll retain a favorable impression of me. Even if not, I've at least reduced the chance of a potential embezzlement at the bookstore. 'Now to wrap things up.' I've saved Muyeong Shin Ttou's life twice. Now all I have to do is wait... "Master." Yes, it's time to emerge.