Chapter 212 - The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

Chapter 212 - Reopening - Part 4 Even in the vast Central Plains, connections are important. Let’s assume I had a large sum of money before I met Hwa Rin. Could I have established Damask Corner and run it successfully with that money? Of course, I would have mounted Damask Corner firmly on its tracks with tenacious effort, but as a black-haired barbarian, I would have had to work amidst countless envy and checks. The reason I was able to secure a place in Uichang successfully was not only due to my ability but also greatly due to the legacy of Baekgajang received by Hwa Rin. Hwa Rin’s inheritance wasn’t just the building known as Damask Corner. Baekgajang was a household of wealth well-known in Uichang, and its late master had performed countless acts of charity. The support that Hwa Rin received stemmed from being the granddaughter of such a master. An easy example is the case of illegal reproduction of the Tang Family's Wind and Cloud tales. While Tang Family's Wind and Cloud should be released by Damask Corner, which the Tang Family supported in good faith, when does the world ever roll on justice and reason alone? Had I been merely a black-haired barbarian who abruptly appeared in Uichang, even if the bookshops that illegally reproduced the tales claimed that Tang Family's Wind and Cloud was a public good, my means to react would have been limited. However, Damask Corner wasn’t the property of a black-haired barbarian, but rather, it belonged to the granddaughter of Baekgajang. Eventually, the people of Uichang came to defend Damask Corner. I did much work behind the scenes, but the finishing stroke was possible because Hwa Rin was the granddaughter of Baekgajang. And now Hwa Rin is not here. Of course, there isn’t anyone who doesn’t know about my relationship with Hwa Rin, so they wouldn’t suddenly turn their backs on me. But like this time, when staff must be found promptly, would they step in as if it were their own matter? Certainly, the enthusiasm and meticulousness are bound to differ when it’s Baekgajang’s granddaughter, Dang Hwa Rin herself asking for employees compared to a man who has some affiliations with her. While I could ask the intimate members of Damask Society for help in finding staff, there was a need to engage new personal networks. I looked at the black coin in my palm, inscribed with the character for 'defiled' (汚). Black Money. A coin received from the fabric shop owner Wang in Chilgok County. When Wang had given me the Black Money, he mentioned that the Haomen would fulfill almost any request, which made me think it was akin to a Haomen VIP membership card. I wasn’t about to use it for something ludicrous like asking Haomen to find out the color of a sassy young lady’s underwear in the imperial palace, so I simply kept it stored away quietly in a corner for when a necessity would arise, if ever. Who would have thought that it would find use in recruiting staff? I wonder what Uncle Wang is doing now. When I was in Chilgok County, besides Sohee, if I had to name my closest person, it would have undoubtedly been Mr. Wang. He provided a place for performances, shared meals together, became a conversation partner during leisure times, and occasionally, we drank together while dining in the evenings. When the chance arises, I should send him a letter. ----------- "Please, allow me to escort you to the branch manager. This way, please." Led by a Haomen disciple who hurried back just in time, I moved to a room that was luxuriously decorated. “You’ve arrived. Have a seat. Are you the one with Black Money?” A middle-aged man, who appeared to be the Uichang branch manager, offered me a chair. “Ha, not the black coin but I do have black hair. My name is Kang Yoonho.” I replied to his question with a light joke and took a seat. “I am the Uichang Haomen branch manager. So, manager of the most renowned bookstore in Uichang, to what do we owe the pleasure?” As expected of the head of an information organization, it seems he recognized me just by looking at my face. The conversation is getting to the point quickly, which is good. “I came to ask for help in introducing capable employees to work at Damask Corner.” I explained my request while showing the Black Money. “You hold the Black Money and all you’re asking for is an introduction to some bookstore staff?” The branch manager looked over the coin intently and asked me as if he doubted his ears. “I showed the Black Money as proof of my identity. I’ll pay separately for the services.” Black Money is not a Haomen free pass but more of a super one-time use card. According to the usage method that Uncle Wang had explained, there’s also a way to verify your identity and pay a fee. Right now, just showing it is enough to get VIP treatment. I’m prepared to pay with cash. “If you’ve come with Black Money, I can introduce you to servants for free.” It seems bringing the Black Money was the right move. This is why nurturing connections is crucial. “Truly?” “If the Black Money is genuine, that is.” The branch manager spoke with a grounded voice. “Are you implying the Black Money may be a counterfeit?” It felt like I was caught using a friend’s membership card at their superstore—I replied as if I were caught red-handed. “From whom did you obtain the Black Money?” “I received it from an acquaintance I am close with, who told me to use it should I have matters to deal with Haomen.” The source must remain a secret. I explained rather vaguely. “An acquaintance?” His reaction wasn’t good. As if he heard something bizarre, the branch manager repeated my words. “Is there a problem?” “Black Money is an item given only to those who owe a great life debt, family, or those close to that status.” Does it carry the same significance as Dang’s Forgotten Ring? “I can’t disclose the details, but I received it because I deserved it.” As I answered with confidence, the branch manager looked at me with an eye that seemed to penetrate my inner thoughts. What the devil. What can you do about it? If my face was that easily readable, I'd be thoroughly ragged by now. Moreover, it’s no lie. Uncle Wang and I were in a mutually supportive relationship. I enjoyed the benefit of using a vacant lot for conducting business, and Mr. Wang enjoyed customers visiting to watch the performances—a relationship good for both parties. On top of that, business was good, and we happily shared meals and drinks; such favors were surely worthy of being deemed a life-saving grace. "......First, we need to verify whether this Black Money is authentic. Among Black Money, this particular coin has never been seen in public. I have been trained on it but have never actually seen it." As I stood my ground, the branch manager stepped back in his approach and spoke to me. I thought it was a VIP card, but are you saying it's actually quite a rare VVVIP card because it's hard to distinguish? "So does that mean I can't use it?" "The person who can most surely ascertain the authenticity of this Black Money is actually on their way here." "All I need to do is wait to find out whether this Black Money is real or not." "Before that arrives, we can figure out if you're the real deal. ...Kang Yoonho. The bookstore owner of Damask Corner. The one who unearthed the hidden brush master and shook Uichang to its core with the Tang Family's Wind and Cloud tales, the merchant mad about money, the man who left countless tongues wagging with his ingenious business strategies. Is that right?" Why does everyone I meet lately seem to know all the bad things about me? "Add to that a man of loyalty, who would readily throw his life away for a friend. A merchant who knows the path of integrity because he stands by the author until the end." I spoke like a celebrity who, devoid of anyone's interest, has to personally correct misunderstandings and errors on their wiki page. "Ha ha ha. Right. You did indeed risk your life going to the Tang family and managed to come back, so I'll add that to the description. Wait, a life-saving favor...? The brush master? Could it be?! Is the identity of the brush master the owner of the Black Money?" The branch manager seemed to have realized something and spoke to me, his shock evident. "I can't disclose that." "Hmm, you're not denying it." He's barking up the wrong tree. "..." I can't figure out what's going on. Leaving things vague and allowing room for imagination can be more beneficial in solving the situation than explaining everything in detail. I shrugged my shoulders and neither confirmed nor denied. "Can't you explain exactly where you got this coin?" "That would be difficult." I firmly shook my head, indicating a clear refusal. I can't discern the branch manager's intentions. If it were a trivial matter, at least he could've started by explaining the reason, but instead, he's outright demanding an explanation from me. It's usually one of two things in such cases. Either I'm in trouble if I say the wrong thing, or he himself is not being forthright. If I innocently reveal everything I know, I could be pushing myself into jeopardy. "If that’s how you’re going to play, come in!" "Everyone, enter!" What's this? All of a sudden, about a dozen martial artists burst into the room. "What is the meaning of this!" I have to act before I think. I swiftly stood up, pressing my back against a wall to avoid being surrounded, and yelled at the branch manager. "Just tell us who you got it from accurately. If you're indeed the owner of the Black Money I'm thinking of, I will apologize and compensate." It sounds like if it's not the person he's thinking of, I won't be leaving alive. It was indeed a dangerous situation if I said the wrong thing. Uncle Wang, what on earth have you given me? "..." Let's assess the situation first. There are nine men who entered the room, making it ten including the branch manager. They're armed but haven't drawn their swords. Escaping through the door is impossible. To reach the window, I'd have to get past the branch manager. This is absurd. This is why you can't trust those from the pugilistic world. I thought I had come to a simple employment agency, but it suddenly turned into a thug's office. "This guy is disrespecting the branch manager. Pay attention!" One of the Haomen disciples glared, reaching for his sword hilt as if to draw it. You’re the one in a pickle now. The hand is quicker than the eye. I flung my hand with the mentality of a gambler. "Ack!" "Throwing weapons?!" Yes, throwing weapons. Just one move. One was enough to puncture the hand of a Haomen disciple. The Tang family's warriors, reeking of fresh amateur spirit, would tease 24/7 as they imparted their special throwing weapon technique over several months. That very technique just unfolded from my hand. "Does the Haomen draw their swords before asking their guests politely?" You lose if you get scared. Clutching another throwing weapon at my waist, I spoke to the branch manager with confidence. "You fools! I said to threaten, not draw! You all! Remember what I said about being careful with Kang Yoonho, the bookstore manager who’s with the Tang family warriors in Uichang? Did I or did I not?" "We did!" "Want to close down the Uichang branch today after the one in Wusan?" "Yes, yeah! No!" "You're saying no? Want to shut it down?" "Not at all!" At the branch manager’s roar, the Haomen disciples hastily put away their drawn weapons. "Manager Kang Yoonho. You're a warrior of the martial world?" Once the disciples retracted their weapons, the branch manager spoke with a seemingly apologetic expression. "One must keep a trick hidden for survival in the unpredictable Jianghu." That was, in truth, all the preparation I had. With feigned nonchalance, I put away my throwing weapon. After all, even holding a throwing weapon against real warriors is nothing more than a kitten's hiss. "It was not intentional." The branch manager slightly bowed his head in apology. "What in the world is this about..." What's so special about the Black Money I brought that's causing all of this? Explain. As I directed a demanding gaze towards the branch manager, a woman's voice came from the doorway. "Who is it? Someone here has the Black Money of Mo Yeongshintu?" "Uh?" The person who appeared at the door was a familiar face. "Eek! Kang Yoonho? Why are you here?" That's my line. Mo Yeongshintu. ——— "Indeed, it is Mo Yeongshintu's Black Money." After examining the black coin from various angles, she affirmed its authenticity. The Black Money I brought is that of Mo Yeongshintu. There's Mo Yeongshintu in front of me, so what does it mean that it's Mo Yeongshintu's Black Money? "The Black Money that Manager Kang has brought once belonged to Mo Yeongshintu, who vanished from sight about a decade ago." "Vanished a decade ago?" I glanced at Mo Yeongshintu with her distinctive pink twin ponytails. Unless she's been a magical girl swinging her wand and popping balloons since childhood, this suggests that someone else is Mo Yeongshintu. "You must know, as it’s quite a well-known story in the Jianghu, but about a decade ago, a rebellion occurred within the Haomen. Many of Haomen's experts either died or went missing. Mo Yeongshintu was no exception." Although he explained it succinctly, I grasped the meaning straight away. "So what you’re saying is, I might have obtained the Black Money not from Mo Yeongshintu, but from the rebel forces. Is that it?" "It could very well be from the rebel faction itself." "Ha..." "Stop laughing and answer me. Who did you receive it from? What is your relationship with Mo Yeongshintu? If you can't explain properly, even if Tang Family might be clueless, you should be prepared for the consequences." The branch manager took an intimidating step towards me. This man is a martial arts expert. His manner is not ordinary. The other Haomen disciples began to glare at me threateningly as the branch manager made threats. It’s a crisis. Mo Yeongshintu. This lady isn't fully Mo Yeongshintu yet, it seems. Kang Yoonho. Think. Find a way to survive. Mo Yeongshintu. What do I know about her? Reflect on her character settings. Who is Uncle Wang? Why did he give me Mo Yeongshintu's Black Money? Was there malice? No, it is more likely he gave it out of kindness. Search for Mo Yeongshintu's background. Inherited martial arts from her father, the previous Mo Yeongshintu. Father? What was Uncle Wang's hair color? White with hints of pink. Ah! So that’s what happened. I’ve found the solution. "If you won’t reveal your identity..." "We’ve shared meals and even went to the sauna together. We’ve got quite the connection." We did eat together coming out of the restaurant, so shared meals it is. I came to a conclusion and opened my mouth. "What?" "I’ve shared a money purse with the owner of the Black Money, offered and received favors from each other." It’s true, as there wasn’t anyone else to handle my money, I had entrusted Uncle Wang who also assisted me in currency exchange. I looked around carefully. "You. What exactly is your relationship with the owner of the Black Money?" Simply saying we’re close friends wouldn’t improve the situation. One wouldn’t give out Black Money to just an acquaintance. Hiding my identity would only arouse more suspicion. So what kind of relationship should I claim to have in order to dispel their doubts? “Mo Yeongshintu is my sworn brother.”