Ep 20

EP.20 Disqualified GM I am a disqualified GM. As a GM who has been disqualified, the privilege to bipedal walk has been 『Revoked』from me. Even the luxury of quadrupedal walking seemed too extravagant for me. Using the muscles on my back and abdomen, I earnestly crawled across the floor. No, because of my crawling, the dust-lord was polished away⋯⋯. It was better for me to become a rock and live out eternity like this. The violators of the taboo deserve no less a punishment! The master of the magic tower passed by and asked with concern upon seeing me turned to stone. "Why are you like this⋯⋯? Didn’t it end well? Are you upset because the fireworks event we prepared all night got skipped?" I admit, that was unfortunate. According to the plan, as the "Beer and Song" operation kicked off, the fireworks hidden throughout the city would begin to explode. The festive atmosphere would reach its peak, and joyous songs incited by undercover agents we’d planted would begin to spread subtly. But alas, there was a problem with the fireworks set up on the church spire—they wouldn't ignite! So Elrid and Centra had to use their grappling gun once more to head towards the spire against the backdrop of an explosive moonlit night. The two sat cozily in the spire’s watchtower, setting off their final farewell fireworks. The dazzling display of multi-colored fireworks burst forth, and their conversation was drowned out by the booming noise. Centra said something to Elrid. Elrid, unable to hear over the fireworks, was puzzled. What on earth was Centra saying? Since Elrid couldn't understand, Centra decided to show him with action — with a passionate kiss amidst the fireworks’ finale! That was Ending Plan A. "Or... is it because you couldn't deliver Ronya's last line?" That too, was a real pity. According to the script, after taking a couple more attacks, the backlash of the doping agent was supposed to hit the second prince. Spitting blood, Ronya would collapse on the spot, desperately screaming in a voice filled with rage. "Don't the dogs of the Allied Kingdoms infuriate you, Elrid!! You too were tormented because of your blonde hair, because you carry the blood of the empire! You want revenge, don’t you, to kill them all-!!" "Are you saying I had to give up my revenge because of that woman Centra?! I staked my life on vengeance, and to think I had to follow those idiotic orders for peace and songs, just because my father was the former leader-!!" After cleverly setting up such a scene, the second prince would spout a cool line, whatever it might be! And just in case he was at a loss for words due to mental freeze, I was all set to slow down time beforehand. He would have enough time to think, to formulate a line that encapsulated both his goal and identity. Anything would have been fine. A clichéd line like "Because I love Centra," or something like "You've angered me!"... If he had said that, I might have even played an electric guitar track for the BGM. This is not to say that it would've only been revealed had the second prince successfully parried twice! Even a feint by the second prince would have blocked Ronya's attack. After all, the player should reach a happy ending. It would be cruel to slam them with a bad ending just because of lousy dice, or because they failed to deduce! The player must always look cool! What's there to hide, at that time, the one controlling Ronya and screaming in metallic agony was none other than me. I had even prepared for the sudden loss of strength due to the doping agent's side effects, muttering "Argh, my head⋯⋯!" and I was all set to give myself a break. All were ready for the reception – but then, that madman... no, the second prince. Who could have predicted that he would execute such an embrace? Not one of the seventeen simulations I ran had considered this possibility. Perhaps I underestimated the craziness of the second prince. No matter how safe I claimed it to be, who does it think it is to just give up and die? ...Of course. The sight of Elrid dying and Centra weeping was quite the treat. I secretly applauded and enjoyed the scene with glee. I never expected Centra to deliver her lines so deliciously. I was ready to manually input if necessary, but indeed, an AI should be programmed to learn. Anyway, this was the final battle, Plan B. "Or... because you didn't get to use the panty modeling that has preoccupied you for three days?" "That is truly unfortunate." "I—I was joking, why are you sincerely upset by it⋯⋯?!" The panties, to exaggerate a little with three spoons of hyperbole, are the soul of a character. Even if it's the same noblewoman character, what she wears underneath can completely change her character's identity. They are the very embodiment of romance. I can talk on this very topic for five and a half pages of A4. Even if it’s applied to the purple magic tower master under the skirt... No, that’s not it. Upon reflection, the source of all my agony and torment was this magic tower master before me. When I glared with resentment, the magic tower master showed a bewildered expression, unable to catch up to the situation. Question mark-shaped illusions twirled around her. The reason I'm a disqualified GM, the reason I'm in pain, it’s because... At the very end, I was the one who blocked Centra’s kiss⋯⋯. It was, after all, the finale. It was the least we could do for the rolling-around-like-an-idiot second prince Elrid, a tribute. I would have blocked it if it involved using tongues—there was no data on that. Perhaps if the tongues had been involved, it might've tasted like the dummy data of Curry Udon. But at least the kiss... The soft sensation of lips should have been left intact. Instead, I ruined it all. If only there had been some rational, or no need for rational, some sort of aesthetic reason behind that decision, I wouldn't be in such anguish. Perhaps if it had been out of love for Rue, allowing the second prince to be screwed over until the end... It wasn't because of any such reason. The data for the sensation of lips in virtual reality, it was derived from the 'Tower Master Kiss-athon Incident' following the 30x support grant. At that time, the strict control by the purple tower’s military discipline superintendent (female / 4th in the tower's hierarchy / cherished by the Tower Master), all the men in the tower were confined to their labs. Immediately after the incident, I, who was nearby, couldn’t avoid the shower of kisses. How dare a man receive kisses from the Tower Master! I spent days being chased around for that. Back then, I was happy, thinking it was a benefit to collect kissing data, receiving something I had never gotten from an ex-girlfriend, only after coming to another world. But the moment Centra aimed for Elrid's lips, something clicked. Wouldn't that mean the Tower Master indirectly kissed the second prince? At that thought, I found myself reflexively hitting the shutdown. ...Even now, I’m not sure why. Was it because Elrid's actions were so abhorrent that I wanted to spite him, even if it meant shattering my own beliefs? Or was it because something was off with the stew that the Tower Master had made that day? Maybe I was wrong from the start. Perhaps, I’m just a selfish GM who prioritized my own happiness over the player's... "Aaaargh, no!!" I screamed, clutching my head. It felt as though my soul was splitting in two! "Uhm, if there's something troubling you, just talk to me. We agreed to help each other, remember?" Tap, tap. The purple Tower Master gently tugged the end of my robe. A half-hidden eye peeking out from under the brim of her hat, a perky nose, and those small, rosy lips— I slapped my forehead. And then I laughed. "Heh, heh heh heh..." "??!" I was certain now. I must be possessed by obsession. To solve this possession, I needed to eliminate the cause of the problem, which right now was 'lack of data.' If there were about thirty types of lip-touch data in the database, would things have been different? I wouldn’t have hesitated then. Elrid could have shared a deep kiss. If I had... stored tongue sensation data as well! Elrid could have even had a full deep kiss! It was my shortfall. The regret is overwhelming. But one cannot be paralyzed by despair forever. People must move toward a bright and brilliant future. Only those who take action live without regrets. I declared it. "Tower Master. I will be taking a week off." "So suddenly? Well, sure... If you're planning a trip to get a change of scenery, maybe I could join—" "I’m planning to canvas the entire red-light district of the capital." "??" "I will gather all the knowledge there is to know about the female form. Do not look for me. Adiós." "What, wait, wait just a—Hang on! Don't run, talk to me! Hey!!" Clatter and bang. My attempt to flee the tower in pursuit of the great Database Sutra was suppressed by the Tower Master after about 30 minutes of commotion. --------------------------------------------------------------- "…What are you doing?" Ever since my attempted tower escape, the Tower Master's gaze has been weird. It was like, that, 'Ah, my son is old enough to be curious about this kind of thing,' kind of gaze. And here I was, it was a decision for the greater good of TRPG and a national cause! ...Of course, I can't say I'm not curious about the unknown world. I manipulated the simulation magic circle here and there while responding. "I'm wrapping up the session, pulling logs." "Logs?" "It's about the 'The heart-thumping and thrilling imperial exploration of Elrid 100 years later.' I'm keeping the records of the entire journey so you can look back on it later." "…Your naming sense is terrible." "What's terrible is the Tower Master's fan⋯⋯" "Every! Single! Morning! And! Night! I use Cleaning! Magic!" With each emphasis from the Tower Master, I felt a sharp pain as if stepping on Lego bricks. That inhuman "Pain Infliction" forced me to roll around on the floor. Leaving me writhing in pain, the Tower Master glossed over the simulation magic circle and said. "It’s a bit large for a 'Video Record' spell...?" "I'm trying to store the whole world. The size doesn’t matter, perhaps sweet-talking the second prince would get us a dragon heart? After all, he did gift us high-grade magic stones last time." "Dragon hearts are national treasures. You’d likely need a petition from the Princess Imperial herself to even consider it." "If you entice the Princess Imperial it’ll work out." "Yeah, well... It won't be easy. The Princess Imperial is rather unique. She doesn't share the same sentiments as most people...?" "All logs have been pulled. We can watch it together when you’re bored." "When we watch it together, that, popcorn? It tasted good… with caramel on it." "Sounds good. Just a moment, only the title’s left and we’re done, right? 'The heart-thumping and thrilling⋯⋯'." "I told you that name sucks!" "Then, what. Should the Tower Master come up with something?" "The Prince, the Flower, and the Resistance!" "That's boring⋯⋯." "Still a hundred times better than your thumpy-thrilling whatever! Get out, get out⋯⋯!" "Ah, ouch. Ow." In the end, by force and tyranny, the logs were named 'The Prince, the Flower, and the Resistance.' With the saving done, I turned off the lights in the simulation room and left with the Tower Master. I had to reach out to the Imperial Princess, and repay my debt to the second prince. Since he seemed to be busy touring the Crown Hall of the capital, it looked like it would be easy to meet him. The journey for the completion of the world is long. Stay strong. --------------------------------------------------------------- In the deserted room. The simulation room's magic circle faintly began to glow.