Chapter 61

Ding. The silver elevator door opened, revealing the customers of the shopping mall inside. In a corner, a young and beautiful girl stepped forward and took out her phone in the corridor, quietly moving forward. She wore a pitch-black Lolita dress, with her long twin tails hanging behind her head. "There's no new message." Xiao Luo thought of the extraordinary boy and girl, feeling a little disappointed. "Their relationship is even better than I thought." Xiao Luo's eyes were slightly bewildered as she sighed softly. She put away her phone, raised her head, but couldn't help but pause. In the flowing crowd of the corridor, ahead of her path stood an exceptionally beautiful girl, staring at her with indifference. With shoulder-length twin tails and a deep blue dress adorned with exquisite bubble patterns, the girl's large eyes were lined with crimson eyeliner, and her pitch-black pupils seemed like an endless night. Why is she staring at me? Xiao Luo walked closer, politely asked, "Little sister, are you lost?" "I don't like looking up at others." Lu Chu Ning smiled faintly, "So, please kneel down." "What?" In an instant, Xiao Luo felt as if time had suddenly stopped, and the chaotic footsteps around her became incredibly quiet! All the customers in the corridor stopped in a strange manner, their faces expressionless. "Thump." Terrified, Xiao Luo kneeled down, her eyes suddenly contracting, feeling as if a mountain had pressed down on her, her bones creaking! She clenched her teeth, burning with anger, but could only be like a girl selling cute in a duck-like position, like a cosplayer in a convention waiting for others to take pictures. Xiao Luo's face turned pale, and she soon realized that she had encountered a top-notch cultivator. "Who are you..." "Hush, it's not yet your turn to speak." Lu Chu Ning turned and walked forward, "Follow me." Even though she felt that something terrible was about to happen and resisted with all her might, the Gothic Lolita girl humiliatingly followed like a little puppy. Xiao Luo got down on all fours, her waist sinking, her buttocks raised back, and her knees struggled to move forward. There were no chains, no collars, but Xiao Luo couldn't control her body, spasming as she crawled past the motionless pedestrians. Drops of sweat slid down, Xiao Luo's face devoid of color. Xiao Luo's knees, palms, felt the coldness of the floor, while fear and coldness filled her heart like snow. Who is she? Xiao Luo heard a subtle sound... The bean sprout girl in front of her, wearing dainty high heels, seemed to be humming a song? Xiao Luo trembled all over but obediently followed the footsteps of the strange girl, crawling into an empty fire escape. "Good, sit down." Lu Chu Ning smiled and said, "Let me take a good look at you." Thump. Xiao Luo once again knelt down, her voluminous Lolita skirt draped over the clean floor. Panicking, Xiao Luo looked up, gazing at the eerie bean sprout girl, tears trembling in her terrified eyes. "Don't..." she hoarsely whimpered. "Twin tails, so cute, just like me," Lu Chu Ning's lips curved upward as she lightly lifted her glossy black hair, overlooking Xiao Luo, "But today my hairstyle is shoulder-length twin tails, so we're different." What is she talking about? Xiao Luo widened her eyes. "You're so obedient, I really like it." Lu Chu Ning conjured a long sword from thin air. The bright blade reflected Xiao Luo's terrified fair face. "So, I've decided to reward my good baby. Here, hold it." Xiao Luo desperately wanted to shake her head, but she could only tremble like a pitiful little beast, her body controlled, posing like a cute girl in a cosplay waiting for others to take photos. Xiao Luo's face turned ashen. She soon realized that she had encountered a top-notch cultivator. "Who are you..." "Hush, it's not yet your turn to speak." Lu Chu Ning leaned forward, "Give him your phone number. Why did you approach him?" ?! Xiao Luo's pupils suddenly widened, then became hollow. Thump, the long sword swiftly passed by her neck, leaving no trace. Blood gushed out. On the silent stairs, an eerie crimson night shrouded everyone, casting a strange red shadow. The headless body remained obediently knelt on the ground. The pool of blood appeared tenderly red. Lu Chu Ning grabbed Xiao Luo's hair, pulling off the beautiful white head, leaving behind eyes devoid of any vitality. Lu Chu Ning's lips curled into a subtle arc as she hummed an unknown melody softly. "Even." "The movie is starting." ...... ...... ...... A cup containing a thick, blood-colored liquid faintly reflected a beautiful and delicate little face. Chen Yan Yu sat in the waiting area of the cinema, her bright eyes shining as she looked at Luo Qing Chuan. "The watermelon juice is so sweet! Ah! The taste is a bit bitter! I like it!" The girl licked the corner of her mouth, smiling happily. Luo Qing Chuan, a little curious, said, "Don't you drink cola?" "This color looks better." Luo Qing Chuan looked at the almost-empty cup of watermelon juice in Chen Yan Yu's hand, "Should I buy you another cup? The movie will last over an hour." "No need, no need!" Chen Yan Yu shyly shook her head, quickly stealing a glance at Luo Qing Chuan's perfectly fine drink. Chen Yan Yu remembered the half cup of cocktail in the bar and the indirect kiss... "After I finish mine, I can ask Luo Qing Chuan for his drink, hehe!" Chen Yan Yu bit her lip, her silver hair framing her increasingly cute face. She felt that she wasn't so foolish, at least she knew how to learn from past experiences! "I'm not foolish, I'm smart!" Suddenly, the voice announcement for the upcoming screening of "Understanding Through Words" sounded. Starting in five minutes. The customers in the waiting area stood up in pairs. Luo Qing Chuan remembered that he had bought the last two seats, which meant... it would be packed. "Let's go, can you hold my drinks?" Luo Qing Chuan picked up two buckets of popcorn, "It's going to be crowded, so stick close to me and be careful not to spill the drinks." And also to prevent any unwanted advances towards the beautiful girl! With so many people, Chen Yan Yu must be protected! "Yes, yes!" Chen Yan Yu happily picked up two cups of juice, following closely behind Luo Qing Chuan in the crowd, afraid of losing him. The customers lined up to enter the theater in an orderly manner. But suddenly, Luo Qing Chuan saw a somewhat familiar figure standing in front of him. With black twin tails and Xiao Luo's recognizable Lolita dress. How coincidental, she's watching the same movie as us? Luo Qing Chuan felt a bit speechless. It wasn't until they were seated that Luo Qing Chuan noticed that Xiao Luo was sitting behind him. And Xiao Luo also noticed Luo Qing Chuan, holding two buckets of popcorn. The twin-tailed girl pressed against Luo Qing Chuan's seat and leaned over. Xiao Luo gave a gentle smile, revealing her white teeth. "See, I told you we would meet again, hehe."