Chapter 63

Chapter 063: Movie - Fireworks - Confession The theater was pitch black. Each audience member sat motionless in their seats, their faces empty, immersed in the film. The silence was broken only by the sound of the movie playing. And of course, there was another sound. Footsteps. Tap, tap, tap. Lu Chuning ascended the steps in the theater, making her way to Luo Qingchuan and Chen Yanyu. The young couple sat with closed eyes, their faces peaceful, as if in a dream. Lu Chuning's eyes glowed crimson. As a Yuan Ying stage cultivator, she created various illusions for the audience in the theater. Illusions that confused the senses and scrambled the mind. Lu Chuning was skilled in this art, and she effortlessly created numerous "illusory realms" for the students of the Dragon Summer Academy to examine their state of mind. Lu Chuning glanced at the empty seat behind Luo Qingchuan, where Yin Luo used to sit. It was vacant… Yin Luo's corpse had been stored in Lu Chuning's storage ring. Then, Lu Chuning raised her hand and produced a shining silver dragon scale. The dragon scale floated above her slender fingers and after a gentle spin, it pointed directly at the slumbering Chen Yanyu. "So Yin Luo's target is not Luo Qingchuan, but Chen Yanyu?" A faint smile played on Lu Chuning's lips. "I didn't expect my words to come true." When Lu Chuning was at the Quexie Office Building, she released her divine sense to try and monitor Luo Qingchuan, but unexpectedly sensed the presence of an evil cultivator. Yin Luo had caused numerous harm, and her body was overflowing with intense resentment. Even though she tried to conceal it carefully, Lu Chuning was still able to detect her. Lu Chuning had been secretly observing Yin Luo until she discovered Yin Luo's interest in Luo Qingchuan and Chen Yanyu. To protect her students, Lu Chuning acted swiftly and decisively. She used the soul-searching technique on Yin Luo's severed head and retrieved the shattered memories. With that, Lu Chuning understood everything. Yin Luo came for Chen Yanyu, and the Thunder Method used during the bar foundation battle confirmed the presence of a dragon in this city. Originally, finding a dragon in this vast city was like searching for a needle in the ocean. However, Yin Luo possessed a dragon scale which, when activated, served as a guide to find her blood relatives. The dragon scale came from Yin Luo's elder sister, the Grand Princess of the Xianyu Divine Dynasty. It also came from Chen Yanyu's elder brother. Lu Chuning remembered an ancient legend, where a dragon was deceived and had its heart and liver extracted hundreds of years ago... Yin Luo, the princess, wanted to devour the second dragon, so she brought along several subordinates from the Holy Ruins of the Divine Dynasty. All of her subordinates were now lying motionless inside Lu Chuning's spatial ring. Lu Chuning couldn't help but sigh as she looked at the sorrowful expression on Chen Yanyu's face. She chuckled. "I wonder if Chen Yanyu has mistaken her lover's heart?" Let me take a look for you. Lu Chuning focused her gaze on Luo Qingchuan as her crimson pupils closed. She recalled her confrontation with Director Zhang Cheng back at the Quexie Office Building. You don't need anyone else's evaluation, I am enough. "This is the final 'illusory realm' and the final 'heart-wrenching'," Lu Chuning said to Luo Qingchuan. "Luo Qingchuan, if you can pass this..." "Even if you are a demonic cultivator, whether it is the stubborn old geezers from the righteous path or the hardliners within the organization, no matter who tries to harm you, I will stand by your side and support you." "As long as you can give an answer that satisfies your conscience." ...... ...... ...... The movie reached its halfway point, and the main characters separated. Their relationship seemed to come to an abrupt end. Chen Yanyu's face was filled with nervousness. Luo Qingchuan received another note. "Do you think I'm ugly? Do you really like her next to you?" Luo Qingchuan was speechless, being targeted by the bad woman once again. Worried that Yin Luo might use force against him, and with many ordinary people present, he knew that a fight would harm innocent bystanders. He considered the information he knew about Yin Luo. Yin Luo came from the Xianyu Divine Dynasty, one of the ancient cultivation dynasties. In this era of decline, the royal family of the Divine Dynasty used millions of lives as sacrifices to create a secluded realm known as the "Holy Ruins of the Divine Dynasty". The Divine Dynasty's royal family and some of the noble cultivators practiced demonic techniques and consumed living beings to extend their lifespan. They had been maintaining their bloodline and the so-called "Divine Dynasty Rule" within the Holy Ruins. To avoid consanguinity, people frequently went out to abduct and feast on blood and food from handsome men and beautiful women. Yin Luo made her debut at the Golden Core stage. Now she was probably at the Foundation Establishment stage? Luo Qingchuan decided to finish watching the movie with Chen Yanyu and then find an opportunity to deal with Yin Luo. Yin Luo preferred to seduce and entice men to leave with her, rather than engage in direct combat. Wanting to ensure safety, Luo Qingchuan secretly took out his cellphone and sent a message to Lu Chuning. [Luo Qingchuan: Teacher Chuning, help! Help! There's a wicked woman! There's a demonic cultivator beside me!] After a while. [Lu Chuning: ?] [Lu Chuning: Hold on until I arrive.] Luo Qingchuan put away his phone, feeling slightly relieved. With Lu Chuning's arrival, Yin Luo wouldn't be able to cause any trouble, right? At this moment, the movie's plot approached its climax, rapidly progressing. The leading lady ran through the night, heading to the fireworks festival to confess her love to the male lead. Chen Yanyu clenched her little fists tightly. "We must be together!" Suddenly, she remembered something and nervously turned to Luo Qingchuan. "Luo... Luo Qingchuan..." "Yes?" Blushing, Chen Yanyu whispered, "I finished my watermelon juice... Can I have yours?" Luo Qingchuan handed her his cup, but hesitated and said with a bitter smile, "Won't this be considered an indirect kiss?" Pouting, Chen Yanyu muttered, "I'm thirsty!" "Alright, alright, here you go." Luo Qingchuan smiled as he handed her the cup of watermelon juice. "Thank you!" Chen Yanyu revealed an innocent and radiant smile, a hint of shyness hidden in her beautiful appearance. She reached out her small hand and grasped the cup. Tap. The watermelon juice spilled onto the ground, and along with it, droplets of blood created a vivid contrast. Luo Qingchuan was startled, his pupils shrinking. A sword pierced through Chen Yanyu's chest, emerging from behind the seat. Luo Qingchuan saw Chen Yanyu's bright eyes freeze with a radiant smile, and her golden pupils quickly dulled. Yin Luo stood behind Chen Yanyu, her presence unnoticed until now. The young woman drew her sword, and Chen Yanyu collapsed weakly. "The Calamity Sword!" A pitch-black flying sword, swift like lightning, raced towards Yin Luo. The young woman leaped into the air, using her own sword to block it. "My target is the dragon! Little brother, you're handsome, so I've always wanted to spare your life. You can leave if you want, but don't blame me for not giving you a chance." Luo Qingchuan ignored her and immediately embraced the limp Chen Yanyu, only to discover that her life force was rapidly fading. Drops of blood stained her white blouse, resembling plum blossoms blooming in the snow. We must leave quickly... Is Chen Yanyu in danger because I changed the future? Luo Qingchuan's face turned cold, and he quickly took out a spiritual pill and placed it into Chen Yanyu's mouth. He lifted her up and was about to fly away, but suddenly, all the surrounding audience members stood up. Each one of them grabbed Luo Qingchuan's ankle, preventing him from taking off into the sky. "Yin Luo still has the power to control others?" "How did she find Chen Yanyu?" There was no time to think at this moment. The Calamity Sword couldn't hold off Yin Luo for long... Luo Qingchuan had to make a choice. He had to face... reality. He was being pulled down as if by evil spirits, descending into the abyss of despair. Luo Qingchuan's thoughts sank to the bottom. He couldn't use the Chaotic Shadow Step to escape with Chen Yanyu. The Chaotic Shadow Step couldn't even take an umbrella with them! "Give me the dragon! You can't take her away! My people will surround you soon!" Yin Luo floated in mid-air, her beautiful face contorting into a cold smile. "Otherwise, I will kill you too, little brother." Her people? Yin Luo brought fellow cultivators with her? Luo Qingchuan felt his body being torn apart by the hands gripping him, and suddenly remembered his confrontation with the "Breaking Illusions Mirror" at school. The young man's eyes became unfathomable. On the movie screen, images of pyramid-like silhouettes were reflected. The fireworks festival was about to begin. The leading lady, running unsteadily in the crowd, finally caught sight of the male lead. With the vast night sky as the backdrop, a cluster of shooting stars soared into the sky. The fireworks were about to bloom. "The Calamity Sword: Overhead." Small swords symbolizing calamity separated into multiple sword shadows, hovering over the heads of each controlled audience member. Their expressions were vacant, as if devoid of self. Sword after sword fell. Luo Qingchuan's entire body trembled, clenching his teeth. "Explode." She just wanted to watch a movie... Bang, bang, bang - His mind exploded. Blood splattered everywhere, vividly staining the beautiful big screen. Flowing, spreading, it turned a demonically red hue. On the wide screen, clusters of colorful fireworks bloomed against the crimson night sky. On the blood-drenched screen, the leading lady revealed an unprecedented smile. Under the fireworks, she shouted with all her might, "I love you!" Luo Qingchuan tightly held the unconscious Chen Yanyu in his arms, falling into a sea of blood and corpses. As he rose from the carnage, his eyes were as dark as the night, and his face was pallid. He carried her to safety. "Teacher Chuning, please hurry." "I am a demonic cultivator. I won't hide anymore." "I only hope that you can take her away."